
Chapter 937 Plan

Chapter 937 Plan
In the living room on the second floor of Xiaohonglou, the chubby girl Chen Xue stood in the corner with tears in her eyes. Zhao Qiaoyun put her arms around her and asked a few questions, but she just turned her shoulders and refused to answer.

"Sister, what's wrong with Axue?" Zhao Qiaoyun asked with a smile.

Lu Xiu was also angry. She glared at her daughter and said, "I ran to my study and took Zhongyi Qianqiu out to play, but I lost it. How many times have I told her that she can play if she wants to, but if she wants to tell me, she won't." Listen, and ignore what I say."

"It's the red-skinned suet jade that looks like a general on horseback, the one worth three thousand guan?"

"It's that one. I kept it on the table, but now this little girl has taken it away, and she forgot where she left it."

Chen Xue sobbed and began to cry, "I think that piece of red skin looks like Daddy holding a weapon, I want to show it to my brother, I didn't throw it away on purpose, woo-woo-"

"Mother was angry not because you took the jade away, but because I told you that no matter who's things you take, you must get the owner's consent, especially your father's study, and you are not allowed to take anything out. Mother will ask you again." , you remember not!"

Chen Xue nodded while wiping away tears.

Zhao Qiaoyun smiled and said, "Hurry up and tell Steward Wen, and ask her to mobilize the maids of the inner palace to look for it. I think we should be able to find it."

Lu Xiu sighed, "I told Steward Wen, hey! My two children have completely opposite personalities. Ji'er never let me worry about it, but this little girl makes troubles and troubles all day long, which makes me feel broken." Heart."

"Xue'er is just a little naughty, it's not too much, Xue'er, let's go and play with my sister, she is picking out last year's lantern!"

Hearing about choosing lanterns, Chen Xue's eyes lit up, and she glanced timidly at her mother, Lu Xiu nodded, "Go! Don't bully my sister, or I'll see how I deal with you."

Chen Xue turned around and ran away. When her daughter ran away, Lu Xiu said angrily, "It's because her father spoiled her. Last time she took the wooden city in the sand table on Hebei Road back to her room to play, her father didn't scold her." She, playing with her, has no principles at all!"

"It's fine to be under the control of the eldest sister, and her father, let it be whatever you want!"

At this time, Chen Xue ran in timidly again, and handed a piece of jade the size of a goose egg to her mother, which was the sheep fat jade she had lost.

Lu Xiu took the jade and asked, "Where did you find it?"

"In my room, I went to look for last year's lantern and found it on the bed."

"Did you drop it on the bed when you were looking for a gift for your brother?"


"Let me tell you again, no matter whose room it is, you must get the consent of the owner to take things, remember?"

Xue'er lowered her head, "Remember!"


Xueer turned around and ran away.

Lu Xiu looked at her back and shook her head, "Forget about everything, why is it the same as when I was a child?"

Zhao Qiaoyun talked with Lu Xiu for a while, mainly talking about the youngest child, Chen Yang. Under Dr. Liu's careful treatment, Chen Yang has gotten rid of the threat of death, but he is relatively thin, which may affect his life.

At this time, a maid said at the door: "Second Madam, my lord invites you to come over."

Zhao Qiaoyun explained to Lu Xiu with a smile: "I sorted out the staff's suggestions and was about to tell the officials. Counselor Zhou came, so I went back and continued to tell the officials."

Lu Xiu nodded, "You go! I'm going to see the two little guys, I'm really worried!"

On the plate in the study room are the annual strategic plans written by several staff members for Chen Qing. Among the five staff members, the oldest one is called Lu Cunyi. He used to be a doctor of Taixue from Bianliang. The newly established Taixue Teacher, also a doctor, was hired as Chen Qing's staff the year before last, and the other four were also hired as staff last year or the year before, basically teaching in Taixue and Fuxue.

Although the five are Chen Qing's staff, most of the time they don't serve Chen Qing. They mainly advise Princess Lu Xiu when Chen Qing leaves Jingzhao. Although Zhao Qiaoyun has a clear mind and can grasp the essence of the problem, she still She lacks knowledge, has not experienced many things, has not been to many places, and she does not know many things that happened in history.

At this time, professional people are needed to help them make suggestions, and when Zhao Qiaoyun is still undecided, Lu Xiu will send someone to send the question to the five staff, and then she and Zhao Qiaoyun will make a decision based on the opinions of the five people.

Last year, when Chen Qing wrote the annual plan, he also asked everyone to write a copy for himself. This year is the same, everyone has written tens of thousands of words eloquently.

Chen Qing was overwhelmed, so he simply handed it over to Zhao Qiaoyun, asking her to sort it out for him.

Zhao Qiaoyun lived up to his expectations. In two days, he sorted out the reports of the five staff members and refined them into a short report of less than a thousand words.

"All five people have the same suggestion, that is to attack the Central Plains, but the five people have differences in details. Lu Cunyi and Zhao Shicheng suggested to take two steps. They suggested to take the west of Kaifeng Mansion first this year, and consider the east of Kaifeng Mansion next year. , the other three all advocated that as long as conditions permit, they should go to Dengzhou in one go, and of course, each of them wrote a few thousand words of reasons."

Chen Qing's idea is to go in two steps, or even three steps, first capture the Henan Mansion and then look at the situation. The opponent in the Central Plains is Wanyan Wushu's [-] troops. The Central Plains is not Sichuan and Shaanxi, it is Wanyan Wushu's home field , I must not underestimate the enemy.

But one thing is certain, attacking the Central Plains is the primary strategic task of this year, the people of the Central Plains want it, and the time is ripe.

"and then?"

Chen Qing asked again with a smile: "Any other suggestions?"

"There are still more than a dozen suggestions. Zhang Mao reminds the officials to be careful that the imperial court takes the opportunity to attack the Jingnan Road. After all, Yue Fei's [-] troops are hoarding in Xiangyang and Jiangxia. Zhang Mao believes that the imperial court is likely to use us to start a war with Jin soldiers. If there is an opportunity, order Yue Fei to lead the army to take the Jingnan Road, and may even attack the Sichuan Road, the Western Army must be prepared."

Chen Qing was also worried that the imperial court would order Yue Fei to take back Jingnan Road, which was actually controlled by him. The Song Dynasty and the Kingdom of Jin signed a five-year armistice agreement, and Yue Fei's army happened to be fine.

"It makes sense, I will consider it, what else?"

"There is also internal affairs. Four people mentioned it. They all think that our bureaucracy is too loose, and we have sacrificed too much for stability. We must increase supervision.

Liu Yandong and Li Zheng specially went to Hedong Road and Sichuan Road for three months to investigate. They thought the problem was serious. The problem with Hedong Road was that Prince Yong’s Mansion granted tax exemption for one year, but many counties still levied taxes in different ways to fill their own pockets. .

The problem with Sichuan Road is that it is tossing. If it cannot be separated from the court, it will cause chaos. If there is chaos, some people will take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. Liu Yandong and Li Zheng suggest that the officials should break up with the court as soon as possible, drive the court out of Sichuan Road, and restore normalcy. "

Chen Qing frowned, "What do they mean by taking advantage of troubled waters?"

"They said that because the state has no control over the counties, and the Sichuan Road Shangshuxingtai has just been established and there is insufficient supervision, some counties have seized the opportunity to increase temporary taxes for farmers, impose heavy taxes on businessmen, and so on."

Chen Qing hurriedly ordered, "You write a note and send someone to give it to the two of them, saying that I asked them to write a detailed investigation report. "

"Officials, they should be writing a report, and I will send someone to urge them."

Chen Qing looked at the [-] plans for this year that Zhao Qiaoyun sorted out, and it was indeed thoughtful, including everything he thought.

He pointed to the last plan and said with a smile: "What do you mean food, intelligence and public opinion go first before the soldiers and horses are moved?"

Zhao Qiaoyun smiled and said: "That's my suggestion. Officials must prepare for war, but the Central Plains is different from other places. We can't only consider the needs of soldiers' supplies, but also the needs of millions of people. Only the hungry people There will be hundreds of thousands of people coming, so it is necessary to prepare all kinds of food reserves and relief personnel, the more sufficient the better.

Needless to say intelligence, the officials must have been deployed, but what about public opinion?Let the people of the Central Plains know that we are coming to rescue them. Wherever the Sichuan-Shanxi Army arrives, the people of the Central Plains will definitely greet them with food and milk. Spread the news and let the people wait and see. "

"Doesn't this tell Wanyan Wushu that I want to attack the Central Plains?"

Zhao Qiaoyun smiled slightly and said: "The western army is preparing for battle, do you think they can hide Wanyan Wushu?"

(End of this chapter)

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