
Chapter 938

Chapter 938
Early the next morning, as soon as Chen Qing arrived at the official room, Chao Qing stepped forward and said, "His Royal Highness, the Third Xianyang Weaving Workshop sent two bolts of cloth yesterday and put them next to His Highness's table."

"I see, what else?"

"And Xie Ying, the manager of the Firearms Bureau, came before dawn and has been waiting for His Highness to arrive."

"I see, you invite him over!"

When Chen Qing came to his official room, there were two pieces of paper-wrapped cloth beside the table. They were wooden cotton cloth. They sent one piece more than ten days ago, but Chen Qing was not satisfied. Not enough, let them go back and improve, and it was delivered after only half a month.

At this time, Chao Qing brought Xie Ying in, Xie Ying put a wooden box at the door, Chen Qing walked over and asked with a smile, "Did you make it?"

Xie Ying quickly opened the lid of the box and said with a smile: "According to His Highness's request, we made a hedgehog without a fuse."

Chao Qing retreated and closed the door softly. Chen Qing called him back, "Someone go and find Lu Wei, the military commander, and Wang Hao, the inner guard!"

"Let's go right away!" Chao Qing promised, and left in a hurry.

Chen Qing squatted down to study Tiehuolei for a while, and it was exactly the same on the outside. He asked with some concern: "Can the other party imitate Tiehuolei through researching it?"

Xie Ying smiled slightly and said, "Your Highness, we are afraid that they won't study it."


"We kept failing at the beginning, mainly because we recognized that the finer the gunpowder particles, the better. In the end, they were all ground into powder, but it was still wrong. We turned to think that it was a problem with the formula and the iron shell, and later changed the pig iron into mature iron and copper. Hundreds of plans have been proposed and repeated for many years.

Later we discovered that the gunpowder was first ground into powder, and then condensed into particles from the powder, the burning speed was faster. The more carbon it contains, the easier it is to break. If you combine these experiences and try thousands of times, you will succeed. "

"So what about this iron fire mine?"

"So this iron fire mine is our wrong path. The finer the powder particles, the better, the more uniform the iron shell, and the purer the pig iron. If they get this iron fire mine, they will definitely embark on wrong research, etc. It has been three or four years since they found out that this road is not feasible, but I can guarantee that if no one leaks it, Jin Bing will not be able to develop the Iron Fire Thunder.”

"But Tokyo Bianliang was also successfully developed in the past."

Xie Ying smiled wryly and said: "Your Highness, we have also discussed this issue. At that time, the idea was that the finer the gunpowder, the better. It has not yet reached the turning point from thin to thick, let alone making the iron shell brittle. It is absolutely impossible to create iron fire mines with firearms technology, and we have never seen the real thing, the craftsmen who made it have all died, and the drawings have not remained, so we suspect that there is a big misunderstanding.”

"What misunderstanding?"

"We all believed that the Zhentianlei at that time was actually a box-type wooden shell fire mine, just like our [-]-jin box-type fire mine. It was called Zhentianlei with sufficient quantity in exchange for power, but no one ever I said it was an iron shell fire mine, but we took it for granted that it was an iron shell fire mine."

Chen Qing nodded, "If Zhentianlei is understood as a box-type fire mine of five hundred catties, then all doubts will be solved."

"Yes! With the technology at that time, wooden box fire mines were easy to make, and we also easily made box-type fire mines. This is the real reason why the second siege didn't continue to use thunderbolts, probably because The gunpowder has been used up during the first siege, so how much can we have in stock for an explosion of five hundred catties?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I understand, this Iron Fire Thunder is made according to the original idea, so it will never succeed."

"That's right, and we have also slightly modified the gunpowder formula. A small change has a huge impact."

Xie Ying said goodbye and left, not long after, Lu Wei and Wang Hao rushed over.

The two bowed together and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

Chen Qing glanced at Chao Qing, who immediately went out and closed the door behind him.

"Something is here!"

Chen Qing pointed to the box on the ground, the two were overjoyed, and they squatted down to check Tie Huolei.

Chen Qing asked Lu Wei again, "Are they still looking for you?"

"We had two meals together, and Lu Tang came to ask me about the situation yesterday afternoon, and I said I would let him know if there was any news."

"How is Lu Xian doing in the granary?"

Lu Wei smiled wryly and shook his head, "If it wasn't for His Highness's instructions, I would have fired him. The Military Food Administration ordered me to report that he has been the head of the grain depot for almost half a month, but the time spent in the grain depot adds up. In less than three hours, he almost disappeared after showing up in the morning, and then showed up in the afternoon when things were about to end, and he was arranged to be on duty during the Chinese New Year, but he was not dared to arrange for him, so everyone was very dissatisfied with him."

"His situation is quite special, so let's persevere!"

Chen Qing asked Wang Hao again, "Has Chong Huan reported to you? The situation of those two people."

"It was also reported to the humble job yesterday. These two people are very active in Jingzhao. They don't stop all day. They go out every day, either to ask the market price, or to check the situation of the city and the moat, or to go to the surrounding areas, Guangba to the military camp. I went there three times nearby."

"Have you not been in contact with anyone?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Zong Huan said that he didn't find it!"

Chen Qing nodded, "There is another thing, about the protection of firearms craftsmen, once Jin Guo can't research it, they will definitely attack them. The inner guards must strengthen the protection of their families to prevent Jin Guo people from jumping over the wall in a hurry. Insufficient manpower, we can expand the number of recruits.”

Wang Hao bowed and said: "The number of internal guards in the third district of Xianyang has reached [-], and the number of low-ranking members has increased to [-]. Everyone must have an ID card when entering and leaving the third district. The identity of each family is confidential. There is no problem with the living security in the three districts."

Wang Hao said that the third district of Luoyang is the residential area of ​​the craftsmen of the Ordnance Department. It is located in the northwest of Xianyang County. It consists of more than [-] households and occupies [-]% of Xianyang County. It is surrounded by walls and is a city within the city. It is safe and heavily guarded, and the people living inside are all protected secret craftsmen. One hundred and thirty-two craftsmen from the Firearms Department live in the third district, including the manager Xie Ying just now.

"Let's all go back! I will send someone to send the Iron Fire Thunder to the Department of the Military Department. It will show up to Lu Jianglu in two days. The inner guards will also take action to monitor how they transport the Iron Fire Thunder. "

"Follow the order!" The two saluted and left.

Chen Qing arranged for his own soldiers to send Tie Huolei to Lu Wei, and he put the matter aside for a while after being busy.

At this time, he saw the two pieces of cloth next to him, and immediately became interested. He wondered how the weaver girl Yang Xiaomei had improved the cotton cloth?
Chen Qing tore off the upper layer of oil paper, but inside was the second layer of packaging, which was wrapped with a layer of linen. Chen Qing immediately understood what the other party meant, to compare himself with the linen!
He untied the fine linen cloth, and finally revealed a white and fine cotton cloth, also called white folded cloth, which made Chen Qing couldn't help but exclaim, it was as white as snow, delicate and dense, and had a silk-like smoothness to the touch. Gives a very upscale feel.

Chen Qing was satisfied. He mainly wanted to know how far the cotton cloth could be woven, and he did not disappoint himself.

Of course, Chen Qing also knew that ordinary people could not weave this kind of high-end cotton cloth. The output must be small and the price was high. In fact, he was more concerned about the mid-end cotton cloth, which had the value of promotion.

In addition, the raw materials of cotton cloth must also be guaranteed. The first is cotton, and the second is cotton. The cotton is mainly produced in Ryukyu Island, and there will also be some in Fujian Road. The problem with cotton is not a big problem. The key is cotton. At present, it is only in the Gaochang area. For planting, it is best to find a state dedicated to planting on Shaanxi Road.

Thinking of planting, Chen Qing suddenly remembered something. The year before last, he asked all states to promote the planting of alfalfa on the banks of streams and fields. I wonder how the progress has been?
Chen Qing immediately ordered Chao Qing: "This afternoon, I will call the counselors of the Internal Affairs Hall to discuss important matters. You should inform them first, and I will tell you the specific time later."

(End of this chapter)

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