
Chapter 943

Chapter 943
"Good stuff!"

Wan Yanchang caresses the smooth and delicate iron shell lightly, just like touching the skin of a young woman. The luster and texture beauty brought by high-purity pig iron, as well as the exquisite casting technology, make those who love Song Dynasty artworks Wan Yanchang was fascinated by it.

He immediately decided that this was the real Iron Fire Thunder, not the crude Fire Thunder fragment from before.

Wan Yanchang has always suspected that the guard of Datong City is fooling himself. He knows that the smelting technology and casting technology of the Song Dynasty will never have such a crude iron quality, as if it has been buried in the soil for thousands of years, and it will be broken with a hammer. It was broken, it was obviously a piece of tin can made by nomadic craftsmen in the grassland, it is normal to appear in Datong City.

It's just that he didn't have evidence, so he suppressed his doubts in his heart. Now that he saw the real Tiehuolei, he immediately preconceived and confirmed his guess that the fragment was fake.

How could that shoddy thing be the work of top craftsmen in the Song Dynasty.

Even Wanyan and Lisa were also shaken. He defended the Datong soldiers: "The situation was chaotic at that time. Many people died. The city walls collapsed. The soldiers didn't understand. They ran away after picking up a piece of iron. They didn't know. "

Wan Yanchang waved his hand and interrupted him, "I don't mean to blame them. They can be forgiven if they don't understand, but we must know in our hearts and don't believe in things with unclear origins, such vague words as possible, probably, maybe Nothing is allowed, there must be a definite source, not only Tie Huolei, any object, any news, anyone in the future, the source must be clear, general drink Lisa, do you understand what I mean?"

Wanyan Helisa nodded, "I understand!"

Wan Yanchang felt touched, and said slowly: "What I said is actually intelligence. Sun Ziyun, knowing yourself and the enemy, can win every battle. This is what Chen Qing did better than us. He knows us very well, but we know nothing about him. I know, he was finally kicked out of Shanxi Road and Hedong Road. I have been thinking about this problem for a while. We are too arrogant. We have never looked down on Chen Qing and refused to learn from his merits. If we don’t reflect on it and change it , he will be kicked out of Hebei Road sooner or later."

"What does Marshal Du mean by the change?"

"The first is to strengthen intelligence gathering; the second is to stop infighting."

"Stop internal strife means Wushu?"

Wan Yanchang nodded, "The lessons we have learned from our internal strife are too heavy. We are obviously a very powerful force when we are together, but we fight on our own and refuse to cooperate with each other. In the end, we were defeated by Chen Qing."

Wanyan and Lisa were also deeply touched, he nodded and said: "Marshal Du is too right, political opinions can be different, but we must be united in dealing with foreign enemies, I was originally an envoy, I went to discuss with Wushu, eliminate differences, strengthen cooperation."

"I'll write a letter later, and you take it to Bianliang!"

After finishing speaking, Wan Yanchang waved to Han Feng who was in the hall, and Han Feng immediately walked up the hall, bowed and said: "Marshal please give me instructions!"

"I read Wang Shuang's letter carefully. Lu Wei is worth wooing. He has a high status. Small money is meaningless to him, so I spent [-] yuan to buy him. Although that Lu Hang is a villain, there are villains The role of people is also bought together. This time I will let you bring a batch of gold to the past. You have established an information network in Jingzhao. I need information. There is a lot of information about Jingzhao. You must make full use of Lu Wei .”

"Humble job must tell the two Duke Yuhou!"

Wan Yanchang nodded, "I will write a letter for you to take over. From now on, if each of you is promoted to a higher level, I will reward you a lot!"

Han Feng saluted and left. Wan Yanchang looked at Tie Huolei carefully for a while. He really wanted to keep this high-quality and exquisitely crafted Tie Huolei as his collection, but he finally restrained his desire and kissed Tie Huolei beside him. Bing said: "Find a few more people and immediately escort it to the Firearms Institute."

In mid-February, the Weihe River was completely thawed. A fleet of thousands of flat-bottomed cargo ships sailed on the river. Hundreds of trackers pulled ropes on the south bank. There are more beautiful scenery on both sides of the boring Weihe River.

These thousand flat-bottomed cargo ships were loaded with [-] shi of grain. These grains were produced in the Hehuang Valley. The army first used camels to meet Longxi County several times, and then transported them by water. Their destination was not Jingzhao, but Tongguan. Then use camels to transport to the direction of Hedong Road or Henan Province.

Chen Qing's annual plan was submitted to the Internal Affairs Hall for discussion and approval in mid-January, and the next step is to implement it. The most important annual plan here is to attack the Central Plains, that is, west of Bianliang, food, materials, and intelligence and public opinion.

Outside Chen Qing's official room in Xuanwu Hall, more than a dozen generals wore armor and sat neatly waiting in the corridor outside. The civil servants in the lobby outside were talking a lot. It's been a long time since I saw this scene. Are they going to go out again?
At this time, Chao Qing came out of the room and saluted all the generals, "All generals, please follow me!"

All the generals stood up together, with an astonishing momentum, and followed Chao Qing to the other end of the corridor.

At the other end of the corridor is the meeting hall and the staff room, which occupy a large area. The walls of the staff room are surrounded by maps, and there is a huge sand table in the middle, which is two feet long and one foot wide. The sand table is replaced regularly. , the last time it was in the north of Hedong Road, but this time it became the Central Plains.

The generals had been informed beforehand, and at this time, the sand table in the room confirmed the rumors that King Yong really wanted to attack the Central Plains.

Every general was very excited. They used to attack the periphery, but now they are finally going to touch the real area.

At this time, footsteps came from outside, Chen Qing, Guan Shigu, and Zhao Kai walked in, all the generals bowed together, "See Your Highness!"

Chen Qing smiled and waved his hands, "I kept everyone waiting."

Chen Qing walked to the sand table, looked at the sand table and said to everyone: "When you see the sand table, everyone should have thought about what's going on, but today is not a formal military deployment, it's just a briefing to let everyone know what's going to happen, and then What preparations need to be made, this has never happened before, but there will be in the future, that is to say, our future wars will become strategic."

"Will this leak the secret and let the enemy know in advance?" Yang Zaixing asked with some concern.

Chen Qing shook his head with a smile, "Do you think Wanyan Wushu is unprepared? Ever since we captured Shanzhou, he has been preparing all the time. In fact, it's the same thing whether he leaks the secret or not. He knows what will happen. I don’t know what will happen? Hundreds of thousands of troops are fighting, fighting for national strength and logistics.

In fact, the war of the Kingdom of Jin was also a conspiracy. They signed a five-year armistice agreement with the imperial court last year, just to stabilize the south, and then concentrate their power to conquer the Mughal tribe. The defense of Xingkou also increased the number of troops in Luoyang. We all know this, so we don't have to hide it, just create momentum and give the people of the Central Plains an expectation. "

Speaking of this, Chen Qing pointed to the sand table and said: "Although the strategy is not concealed, the tactics are highly confidential. How to fight, how many troops to send, marching routes, soldiers' equipment, logistics arrangements, etc. must not be revealed in the slightest, but today This is not the time to talk about this, but I called everyone here to collect troops and combat plans from you. You are all generals above the command and have staff around you. I will give you a month to go back and think about it!"

Everyone was gearing up, eager to go back and prepare immediately. Chen Qing laughed again: "I want to say four more points. First, don't just think about big plans, but also consider small ones. Once a plan is adopted, the general who makes the plan is the one who will implement it." By;
Second, our plan for this expedition to the Central Plains is to capture the west of Bianliang. Don’t think too much about the plan. We won’t go to Jeju and Yunzhou;

Thirdly, I will place this sand table in the side tent of the Chinese army tent in Bashang Barracks, and generals above the command can bring their staff to check the sand table;
Fourth, if you need to transfer large-scale military supplies such as ships, please discuss with Guan Dujian. If you have additional financial expenses, please discuss with Zhao Dujian. How much, everyone must be mentally prepared. "

Everyone laughed and dispersed, but Chen Qing stopped Zhao Xiaoyi.

(End of this chapter)

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