
Chapter 944 Leaks

Chapter 944 Leaks
Zhao Xiaoyi has also been promoted to deputy commander at present, which can be regarded as a commanding level. He is mainly in charge of logistics and transportation, so he has been unknown, but in fact, he has appeared behind every battle.

At present, the long-distance transportation in Sichuan and Shanxi mainly involves two types, one is ships, and the other is camels. Among them, the ships are controlled by the military department department. What needs to be made clear here is that the military department department is a civilian government office, which is equivalent to the merger of the Privy Council and the Ministry of War of the imperial court. , Responsible for recruitment, assessment, rewards, military registration management, martial arts, militia, and the manufacture, storage and distribution of grain and military supplies.

However, the military power of the military department is very limited, and it is impossible to mobilize regular army generals and hundreds of thousands of troops on a large scale. The limited military power of the military department is manifested in two places. One is to mobilize regular troops with less than [-] people within the state.

Secondly, the Ministry of War can mobilize local state soldiers and militias, which add up to [-] people, and the militias in Guangling Prefecture and Xiazhou have [-] people.

The military power of the [-] regular army and the internal guards is in the hands of Chen Qing. Chen Qing is the general of the Sichuan Shaanxi Army. Qing's command arrow, and the marshal's tent in the Bashang barracks is his general's camp, and he basically goes there every few days.

Although the military department does not hold military power, it also serves the army. The grain, grass, military supplies in the warehouse of the military department are all owned by the army, and the ships, land, and buildings are also owned by the military, and the food and grass of the Finance and Tax Transshipment Department , Money, supplies and other civilian warehouses have nothing to do with it.

The camel battalion controlled by Zhao Xiaoyi belongs to the military, with [-] people and [-] camels. There were originally [-] camels, of which [-] camels were allocated to the Finance and Tax Transshipment Department for the exchange of materials between Jingzhao and Sichuan Road. .

In the official room, Chen Qing said with a smile: "I just found out yesterday that everyone calls you the Camel King. This nickname is very domineering! It's very good."

Zhao Xiaoyi is much more mature than before, and has already married. His wife is Xu Ning's youngest daughter, who gave birth to a son for him last year. Xu Ning named him Zhao Ning with a stroke of a pen.

Zhao Xiaoyi smiled wryly and said, "I used to be called Zhao Luotuo, but now I am called the Camel King. Most likely, it was changed by the God of Wealth. I guess he will ask me for the camel again."

Chen Qing chuckled, "He saw your report and knew that the Camel Camp had added [-] small camels last year, so he had an idea."

Zhao Xiaoyi knew that King Yong left him, and it was probably for this reason, he quickly said: "It is not impossible to transfer camels to the transshipment department, but at least he can improve the living conditions for the camels. The five seats I applied for last year The greenhouse has not been approved for a long time, and it is said that it is stuck with him."

"Okay, let me remind him, but I let you stay to tell you that the Battle of the Central Plains requires a large number of camels. Don't borrow them for the time being. Take good care of the camels. Be careful not to be poisoned by enemy spies. Strengthen defense."

"I understand it."

"How many camels are available at present?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Reporting to Your Highness, there are currently [-] camels, of which [-] young camels cannot be used, and [-] female camels need to rest, so the available camels are [-]. If the war does not start until May, Then the available camels will increase to [-]."

"I know, you go!"

"Retire from humble position!"

Zhao Xiaoyi saluted, and slowly retreated.

Everyone in the official room left, and Chen Qing came to the staff room alone, and came to the sand table with his hands behind his back, staring at the sand table for a long time, lost in thought.

In Juxiang Restaurant, Zhao Shuang and Zhou Hua invited Lu Wei to dinner again. According to Lu Xian's reaction, Lu Wei has been quite impatient these two days, always pressing for money, so Zhao Shuang naturally wanted to appease Lu Wei.

"Don't worry Lu Sima. Based on the time, my subordinates should be on their way back. They can bring the money back to Jingzhao in about ten days at most. We will definitely pay the rest of the money."

Zhao Shuang is very confident, he has already received the pigeon letter from Wan Yanchang, Lu Wei is of great use, let him comfort him, and buy him over.

Lu Xian also persuaded: "Elder Brother, don't worry, Brother Zhao and Brother Zhou are both kind people, and they keep their promises. I believe they will never break their promises."

Lu Tang sold a large amount of grain data to Zhou Hua, and Zhao Shuang thought it was very valuable, so he gave him [-] guan.

With the money, Lu Xian spent this period of time living happily and happily.

Lu Wei nodded, "You keep your word and stay in Jingzhao, which reassures me. In fact, I am mainly worried that your subordinates will encounter bandits on the road, and that will be troublesome."

Zhao Shuang waved his hands and said with a smile: "Don't worry! With so much gold, people will definitely be sent to protect it. In fact, it is basically safe to pass through Taihang Mountain and enter the border of Hedong. Generally, you will not encounter bandits."

"I'm relieved when you say that, come! Let's drink."

The four of them toasted and drank it all. Lu Wei glanced sideways at Lu Tong and said with a smile, "I heard from Lu Tang that you gave him five hundred coins?"

Zhao Shuang laughed and said, "Of course it's not for free. Brother Lu also provided us with a lot of valuable data."

Lu Wei said lightly: "I know, he gave you the data of the account book, but I want to remind you that some data may not be accurate."

Both Zhao Shuang and Zhou Hua were taken aback, and quickly asked, "What do you mean?"

Lu Yan jumped up and shouted, "Brother, I didn't deceive them."

Lu Wei waved his hand and calmed Lu Tang down, "I didn't say you lied to them, but you don't understand some things, and they probably don't either."

Zhao Shuang asked anxiously, "Can Lu Sima be more specific?"

Then Lu Wei calmly said: "Lu Tong is in charge of grain, and there are three types of warehouses for the Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu Envoy to store grain, one is the military warehouse of the Department of Military Affairs, and the other is the warehouse of the Finance and Tax Transshipment Department. The Jing warehouse and the transfer warehouse, as well as the Bashang barracks barracks, Lu Jiang’s account book can see the situation of the army warehouse and the Bashang barracks, but you can’t see the grain situation of the Jing warehouse and the transfer warehouse.”

Wang Shuang asked again: "We know that the Jingcang is just outside the West City, but what is the transfer warehouse?"

"There are five transshipment warehouses, Huangshui warehouse, Lingzhou warehouse, Chengdu warehouse, Qinzhou warehouse, and Hedong warehouse. These are five large granaries. They are actually the sub-warehouses of Beijing warehouse in various places. The five major transshipment warehouses are only the first. The second level, and then there are the granaries of each state, basically every state has them, so there are countless, and only the Finance and Tax Transshipment Department knows the grain situation in various places."

Zhou Hua scratched his head and said, "We only care about military warehouses, these civilian warehouses mean little to us."

Lu Wei shook his head, "If you really think this way, you are wrong. Sometimes the military and the civilians are not distinguished. For example, when preparing for the Central Plains this time, they transported hundreds of thousands of shi of grain from the Huangshui warehouse to Tongguan. They did not go to the military warehouse at all. You watched Jingzhao singing and dancing, but you never thought that war would break out, because the army warehouse did not allocate food."

Zhao Shuang and Zhou Hua were taken aback, "Is the Western Army going to attack the Central Plains?"

Lu Wei nodded, "Basically, officials at my level know about it. The specific timing of the attack has not yet been decided, but the military has already started training for combat readiness, and all relevant departments are allocating money, food and materials to prepare for the war. The armory sent nearly [-] sets of armour, armor and crossbows to Tongguan for [-] large ships the night before yesterday, as well as [-] military tents, you don’t know about this, do you?”

Wang Shuang's face was pale, he stood up suddenly and saluted, "Thank you Lu Sima for telling us about the important military situation!"

Lu Wei smiled and did not speak. In fact, he was deliberately leaking secrets under the order of King Yong to make the other party believe in him more.

"This is not a major secret. At least [-] high-ranking officials know it, and the generals above the command also know it."

After a pause, Lu Wei asked again: "Although it is not a major secret, it is also a Class A document that cannot be circulated outside. You just need to know it, and you must not spread it around."

"We will never!"

At this moment, Wang Shuang could not wait to go to Xianyang to write a pigeon letter to report the important military situation to Wan Yanchang.

(End of this chapter)

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