
Chapter 946 Mission

Chapter 946 Mission
Luoyang is the Xijing of the Northern Song Dynasty, and it was also built according to the specifications of the capital city. It has not been down for a hundred years since the founding of the Song Dynasty. It is as prosperous as Bianliang in Tokyo and has a large population. .

The Jin soldiers invaded Luoyang and Henan Province like locusts, burned, killed and raped, robbed wealth, and plundered people. Hundreds of thousands of people died, society and productivity were greatly damaged, and prosperity seemed to disappear overnight.

Thirteen years have passed, and although there have been no drastic social changes in Luoyang, it is like a seriously ill person who cannot get treatment and can only get worse slowly, and finally sinks completely.

In fact, Luoyang has also undergone some major changes in the past two years. For example, last year the puppet Qi was abolished. Rushing to stop them, I am afraid that the whole Luoyang will be empty.

But with the removal of more than [-] people, the city of Luoyang suddenly became deserted. All the shops were half-dead, and the housing prices continued to plummet. If it falls below one thousand guan, even six or seven hundred guan can be bought.

This is still the best location. As for the poor locations, a house of two or three acres can be bought for a few hundred yuan, and even a yard in a poor area can be bought for a few tens of yuan.

The Xiangguo Temple in Luoyang is as famous as the Daxiangguo Temple in Bianliang, Tokyo.

The Xiangguo Temple in Luoyang was built in the Tang Dynasty. It was burned down twice by wars and rebuilt in the Song Dynasty. It has been more than a hundred years. Although the temple is a bit old, it is basically still intact. It is well-developed, and there are quiet and quiet streets and alleys. Basically, the famous and powerful families in Luoyang live nearby, so the area around Xiangguo Temple has become the most golden location in Luoyang. The land price reached [-] guan per mu a few years ago.

There is a Fortune Restaurant in the northeast corner of Xiangguo Temple. It has been handed down from two generations. It has been running the restaurant for almost [-] years. Even the shopkeeper has been passed down from two generations. In the official title deed and shop deed register, the proprietor's surname is Zhang, and the shop passed to Xiao Zhang after Lao Zhang died of illness.

But what outsiders don't know is that the owner of this shop has changed, but they didn't go to the government to change it. In fact, apart from the shopkeeper, the five employees have also changed. They have become spies from the Sichuan-Shaanxi Intelligence Department. Most people only know the shopkeeper. , who cares about changes in dude.

The shopkeeper's surname is He, he is rich and kind, and he always smiles no matter who he talks to. Even when beggars come to beg, he is soft-spoken, and he will never drive the guys away with bad words when they go to the kitchen to get leftovers. His personality, coupled with the delicious and cheap dishes, makes the restaurant have a large number of regular customers, and even when the business is worst, there are [-]% of the occupancy rate.

But Shopkeeper He's son joined the Western Army and became a captain of the Western Army, so Shopkeeper He also became a member of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Intelligence Department.

This morning, a man walked in from the outside. He was about [-] or [-] years old and had dark skin. He was Yu Shouzhong, who was sent to Luoyang from Datong Mansion. The next few yards have been lurking, and it has been less than three months since I lived there.

"Is shopkeeper He here?" Yu Shouzhong asked as he entered the door.

"In the!"

Shopkeeper He came out with a smile, "Brother Yu is rarely here, and the proprietor is also here, please sit back!"

When the two came to the backyard, they saw a tall, thin middle-aged man standing in front of a door. He was the proprietor Zhang of the restaurant. Of course, he was the new proprietor Zhang, not the previous proprietor Zhang. His name was Zhang Lu, from the Luoyang Intelligence Station. Director, this position is equivalent to a commander, and Yu Shouzhong is the deputy director, which is equivalent to a deputy commander.

The two greeted each other and walked into the room. Shopkeeper He also walked in and sat down together.

Zhang Lu said solemnly: "Yesterday afternoon, I received a letter from Jingzhao Feige, His Highness asked us to distribute leaflets in various counties of Henan Province that the Western Army is coming to rescue the people of the Central Plains, so I asked Director Yu to discuss it, what should we do? "

Yu Shouzhong asked: "Is it going to be distributed on a large scale?"

Zhang Lu: "Yes! Each county must distribute at least a thousand copies."

Yu Shouzhong nodded, "I'll be in charge of distribution! There are [-] counties in Henan Prefecture, and I will assign two people to each county to be responsible for distribution."

Shopkeeper He smiled and said: "Then I will be in charge of printing, including the leaflets in Luoyang, and I will print [-] copies. I will find a reliable printing house."

Zhang Lu smiled and waved her hand, "The leaflets have been printed, and they are at the Yuelai Inn in Xin'an County. I will pick them up. There are about [-] sheets. I'm afraid they won't be able to enter Luoyang City directly. I mean, [-] sheets will go to Luoyang." city, the rest will be distributed outside the city and go directly to the counties.”

Shopkeeper He immediately said: "I will get the [-] pieces into the city. I have to go outside the city to buy vegetables. I have a goods pass from the county government, and I will give the gatekeepers some benefits. I will never check it. I will buy a slaughtered pig." , Stuff the leaflets into the belly of the pig."

Zhang Lu nodded and said: "It's a good way to send wine and meat. Go to Guirenfang to buy a batch of wine, rent more than a dozen bullock carts, and send dozens of jars to each county. The leaflets will be placed in the sealed wine jars, and then the county will distribute them. Some, in addition, each village also distributes some, and the county magistrates below will turn a blind eye, but I want to be sure, how many people under Manager Yu know about our restaurant?"

Yu Shouzhong shook his head, "I don't know. I bought a total of seven yards. They don't know anything except the yard they live in. So don't worry about the manager. Even if they are caught, they will never betray anyone."

Zhang Lu walked a few steps with her hands behind her back and said, "It's not a question of betraying anyone. We have to do things, but we must also protect our subordinates. We have to think of a safe strategy, even if we are caught by the other party, we will not be afraid."

Shopkeeper He said from the side: "Then you don't need to use wine as a cover. To deliver wine, you have to go through the official road. There are military checkpoints on the official road. The risk is very high, so I simply walked the mountain trail with the leaflet on my back. I can ask someone to draw a map. If you are caught distributing leaflets, it is also the link of the local magistrate, then there is a way to save people."

Zhang Lu nodded, "This is a good idea, then I will trouble Shopkeeper He to draw a map."

"I'm going now. I know two merchants who sell private salt, and they specialize in evading checkpoints. They know all the official roads and trails in Henan Province, and the situation in each county is also very familiar."

"Wait a minute!"

Zhang Lu stopped shopkeeper He and said, "Don't come out in person. If things get serious, I'm worried that these two people will betray us. If you can't find someone reliable, forget it."

"Director Zhang, don't worry. These two are locals. They have a family and a small family in Luoyang. They don't dare to betray us."

"It's better to be careful, let's do this! The restaurant will be closed for a few days, just in case."

Shopkeeper He agreed and left in a hurry. Zhang Lu and Yu Shouzhong discussed the details again. Zhang Lu then left Luoyang City and took two of his men to Xin'an County to pick up leaflets.

Xin'an County is only a few tens of miles away from Mianchi County, which is controlled by the Western Army. According to the agreement between Chen Qing and the general of Luoyang, the Western Army will not garrison in Mianchi, and the Jin Bing will not garrison in Xin'an County. The two places will become a buffer zone. Reported to Wanyan Wushu, Wanyan Wushu agreed to the buffer zone plan.

It is also for this reason that a large number of businessmen gathered in Mianchi County and Xin'an County, and a large number of spies from both sides were also mixed in.

Zhang Lu received the goods smoothly in Xin'an County. To his surprise, it turned out to be a specially-made ox cart. The bottom of the ox cart was double-layered. Outside is an extremely ordinary bullock cart.

Since it was an ox cart for transporting passengers, Zhang Lu simply pretended to be a patient and asked Luoyang City for medical treatment. Two of his men, one as an accompanying servant and the other as a driver, drove the ox cart back to Luoyang City.

There are four checkpoints along the way. Soldiers are only interested in businessmen, not in patients who seek medical treatment. Each checkpoint is filled with two pennies. The soldiers check it roughly and let it go. The ox cart arrived outside the west city of Luoyang.

At this time, shopkeeper He also came out with more than a dozen maps, and even went to the counties to find someone to distribute the leaflets, which were clearly written. Still worrying about how to distribute leaflets.

At the same time, Yu Shouzhong and his twenty-five subordinates were also waiting outside the city for a long time. According to the prior agreement, the three met in an inn outside the west city.

(End of this chapter)

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