
Chapter 947 Distress

Chapter 947 Distress

Yu Shouzhong led two subordinates to take charge of Yanshi County, which is the second largest county in Henan Province after Luoyang. It is densely populated and the county is also very large, so the amount of leaflets is relatively large, with [-] copies, second only to Luoyang City. .

When they arrived in Yanshi County, Yu Shouzhong divided his troops into two groups. One of his subordinates took [-] leaflets to various villages in the countryside to distribute.

Yu Shouzhong brought one of his men into Yanshi County, and lived in an inn close to the city gate. Just after they stayed, the clerk brought them hot water. Yu Shouzhong asked with a smile: "There is a man named Yan Xiaowei near the west gate Do you know how to find him?"

This is the news that shopkeeper He spent money to buy them. Find an inn near the west city gate, and ask the innkeeper, and you will find this Xiaowei Yan, "This man is the leader of a beggar. It is most convenient for the county to find him to do things."

The clerk gave him a strange look and asked, "Is the officer in trouble and needs someone to help?"

"It's not troublesome, but I really want to ask Xiaowei Yan to do a more troublesome thing."

After finishing speaking, Yu Shouzhong handed a small piece of silver weighing about one tael to the clerk, "It's your hard-earned money, help me find this Xiaowei Yan!"

One tael of silver can be exchanged for five pennies, which is equivalent to the assistant's income for nearly three months. The assistant immediately smiled and said quickly: "You wait, I will bring her right away. She is the head of a beggar in Yanshi County, an old lady." .”

The man left, and not long after, the man brought a woman who surprised Yu Shouzhong, about fifty years old, with short eyebrows, small eyes, a fleshy face, quite fierce appearance, tall, extremely round and fat, weighing at least two hundred and fifty Ten catties.

She came in aggressively, and sat down on the chair with her elephant-like buttocks, and the chair creaked in pain.

"I am Captain Yan, what's the matter with you?"

"I would like to ask you to distribute [-] leaflets for us in Yanshi County, and try to distribute them door-to-door."

Yan Xiaowei nodded, "I'll take over this job. There are more than [-] restaurants in Yanshi County. If each restaurant throws out ten sheets, then a leaflet costs ten yuan. If it is to be delivered door-to-door, each Only one leaflet will be given away, so each leaflet will cost [-] Wen. The price I offer is very fair. If you ask me to send a beggar to scatter [-] leaflets directly into the sky in the downtown area, then each leaflet will only cost you One penny, you choose yourself!"

Yu Shouzhong said: "I'll go door-to-door. I'll give you thirty taels of silver. I'll give you ten taels first, and then I'll give you twenty taels. If you're afraid that I'll run away, you can send someone to keep an eye on me."

Xiaowei Yan stretched out his fat hand like a cattail fan, "Give me the flyer and ten taels of silver!"

Yu Shouzhong winked at his subordinates, who immediately handed her a thick pack of leaflets, and gave her another ten taels of silver.

Yan Xiaowei weighed the money, stuffed it into his bosom, took out another flyer and glanced at it, his expression changed slightly, and she stared at Yu Shouzhong for a while, "Are you the Sichuan-Shaanxi Army?"


Xiaowei Yan suddenly grinned, "Ma'am, I like your Highness King Yong the most, but unfortunately I don't have the chance to marry him. For the sake of King Yong, I will take this job, and another [-] points will be deducted. It's just one hundred taels of money, and you will pay me another ten taels of silver later."

After speaking, she stood up without looking back, and walked away twisting her hips.

Xiaowei Yan left, and the assistant came in, and said with a smile, "Ms. Yan is very trustworthy in her work. If she doesn't accept what she can't do, she will definitely do it well. You don't have to worry about it."

"Why is she called Yan Xiaowei, such a weird name?"

"When she was young, she was a brothel girl. Her stage name was Yan Xiaowei. Later, she married the head beggar in the county. Ten years ago, the head beggar died, and she inherited her husband's position. The longer she grew, the fatter she became. Captain Yan means that she has an army of thousands of beggars in her hands."

At night, Yu Shouzhong's subordinates came back to report, "General, that Xiaowei Yan is really good, and he kept his word. I saw hundreds of little beggars handing out leaflets from door to door. The whole city delivered leaflets, and they even sang flower music!"

"What Sanhua music?"

"King Yong didn't pay taxes when he came, and got drunk every New Year's Eve. He expelled the Tartars and Kuang Han, and the soldiers washed Jingkang with blood."

"What's more! The emperor regards the people as grass ears, and despises the northern people as a burden. For fifteen years of blood and tears, I hope that King Yong will return soon."

"It's quite interesting. It shows that the eyes of the people are discerning. They know that the court doesn't care about their life or death. Only King Yong can save them."

"That's right! These beggars know everyone's thoughts, so the song they composed hits people's hearts directly."

Speaking of this, the subordinates worried again: "But in this way, won't the Jin soldiers know that we are going to send troops?"

Yu Shouzhong laughed, "There are too many things that are true and false. Maybe Jin Bing will think that we are attacking east and west, but we are actually going to attack Hebei!"

At dawn the next day, Xiaowei Yan rushed over like a gust of wind. She almost knocked open the door of Yu Shouzhong's room with her fist, and stared at Yu Shouzhong with small she-wolf eyes and asked, "Do you have another subordinate?" Distributing leaflets in the countryside?"

"Yes! What happened to him?"

"He was caught by the county captain last night."

Yu Shouzhong's heart sank, and he asked anxiously, "Why did the county captain arrest him at night?"

"Lieutenant Yang is a local. He went back to his ancestral house last night and brought a dozen archers. I heard that your men were handing out leaflets and they found out. They set up an ambush and caught your men in the wheat field. "

"Then where are my men now?"

"In the prison of the county government, you may be sent to Luoyang at noon. Do you want me to arrange for the men to snatch your subordinates out?"

Yu Shouzhong walked a few steps and asked, "Which family is the most famous person in Yanshi County?"

Xiaowei Yan shook his head, "I know what you mean. It's useless to find someone to be a lobbyist. Wuzhi County is a trustworthy confidant. It's useless for you to ask the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu."

Yu Shouzhong said: "Are all the archers commanded by county lieutenants?"


"Then please ask Aunt Yan to steal someone for me, and I will definitely report to King Yong and Aunt Yan's achievements."

"Don't! I just hope that the leaflets you distributed are true. If the army doesn't come, I won't be ashamed to see Master Yan."

Speaking of this, Yan Xiaowei smiled slyly and said: "Does the general have something to tell Yang Xiaowei?"

Yu Shouzhong said coldly: "You find someone to tell him for me that if my subordinates are taken to Luoyang, the scouts of the Western Army will kill his whole family and leave no one behind. Then warn his subordinates for me. If they don't make amends, He will definitely be held accountable!"

"I see, I will find someone to tell you, but the general had better leave the city."

Yu Shouzhong nodded, "Ma'am, please find some more weapons for me."

"What kind of weapon do you want?"

"I want two sets of bows and arrows, two swords and two spears, and preferably three horses. I'm just borrowing them, and I will return them later."

"Wait, someone will deliver it soon!"

A quarter of an hour later, Xiaowei Yan sent someone to deliver bows and arrows, sabers, spears, and three horses. What Yu Shouzhong didn't expect was that she also sent two pairs of golden soldier armor and two golden soldier centurion soldiers. I don't know where she got it from?

Yu Shouzhong and his men changed their armor and rode to the vicinity of the county government office. The beggars were going to the jail to rob people, so they couldn't stand by and watch.

Both of them are very skilled in martial arts, especially Yu Shouzhong, who is extremely good at archery. The so-called skilled man is bold. If his subordinates hadn't been arrested, Yu Shouzhong would definitely not be troublesome, but now he has to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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