
Chapter 948 Distress

Chapter 948 Distress

The magistrate of Yanshi County is called Wu Guangzhi, but the people in the county can't see his lofty ambitions. They only see his claws to grab money, so they understand that his surname and first name are one and cannot be separated. Get rich, so they call him Wu Baocai.

This county magistrate of Wu does not have a bright resume, he is not from a major, he has never been to an imperial school, he has not even studied in a state school, but he has a solid background, and he is one of the three confidantes who can be expected , followed Zhe Keqiu for more than [-] years, from a young clerk to an old aide, and finally two years ago, he became the county magistrate of Yanshi as he wished, became a county parent official, and finally had the opportunity to display his wealth-making skills.

So Aunt Yan said that it is useless to seek the prestige of the county to persuade the county magistrate Wu. In fact, there is another sentence behind it. But begging, no matter how much money is given to the scout of the Western Army, he must give it to Zhe Keqiu. The money can fill his job, but Zhe Keqiu can destroy his job. Which is more important, he knew very well in his heart.

The reason why they didn't leave until noon was because there was no prison cart in the county, and they couldn't borrow it. They could only find a carpenter to use a horse-drawn carriage to transform it into a prison cart, so they could only leave at noon.

In the lobby, Wu Zhixian paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and one of his confidantes kept reporting to him the progress of the prison van.

"Come on! Come on! The carpenter says just put in two more fences."

Wu Zhixian breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly ordered his subordinates: "Go to County Lieutenant Yang and ask him to bring all the archers and prepare to follow me to Luoyang."

The subordinates rushed away, and Wu Zhixian looked at dozens of leaflets. They were found from the scouts of the Western Army. There were more than [-] leaflets. It was strange that they actually distributed leaflets in the countryside. Why didn't they distribute them in the city?
Wuzhi County doesn't know yet, last night [-] leaflets have been distributed in the city, but no one has told him that's all.

After a while, his subordinates ran back and said: "Wang Yasi said that the Yang county government took the archers to the countryside to arrest the scouts of the Western Army. They said that a villager came to report that three scouts from the Western Army were found in Songzhuang."

"What? Three more people were found."

Wu Zhixian's eyes widened, "Then how many archers are there in the county government now?"

"Qi County Lord, all the archers were taken away by County Lieutenant Yang, and none were left behind."


Wu Zhixian stomped his feet angrily and cursed, "How can I explain to him, I want to escort the criminals to Luoyang, and he took all the archers away, how can I escort them?"

"Your Majesty, maybe you can really catch a few more people. Wouldn't it be better if there were more people?"

"What a fart, he thinks other people are fools, waiting for him to be arrested in Songzhuang? They have already run away, and they have delayed me to escort the criminals."

At this time, there was a sudden commotion outside, and then someone came to report, "Your Majesty, a group of beggars are rioting in the prison city, saying that we have arrested their brothers and demanded to release them immediately. I can't stop, I implore the archers to help!"

"Even beggars are here to make trouble, damn Yang Xiuyu!"

Yang Xiuyu is Yang Xianwei, he took all the archers to the countryside to arrest people, and now there is no one to suppress the beggars making troubles, so how can the county magistrate not be annoyed.

"Come with me!"

The magistrate of Wu took seven or eight yamen servants to the outside of the county yamen.

Archers are fast catchers, with martial arts and weapons, and they are the backbone of the county yamen, while the yamen servants are just doing odd jobs, eating and waiting to die all day long.

Yu Shouzhong has been waiting outside the county government office for a long time, and a spiked arrow has been set on the bow. They are scouts, and scouts must not take action easily, but once they do, they will be fast, accurate, and ruthless, never procrastinating, and never subordinate show mercy.

A group of people came out of the county government office, at this moment, a little beggar ran over and said, "Master Jun, Madam let me tell you that the magistrate is the one wearing a hat and a green robe, and county captain Yang has gone to the countryside with all the archers. "

Yu Shouzhong yanked his bow like a full moon, loosened the string, and shot a spiked arrow towards Wuzhi County like lightning. A poor civil official in Wuzhi County, who had never practiced listening to the wind, raised his head, and a spiked arrow appeared to him In front of him, before he could react, "Pfft!" An arrow shot through Wu Zhixian's throat, and Wu Zhixian fell on his back without even screaming.

Yu Shouzhong swung his spear and led his men to kill. Several yamen servants were frightened. Suddenly they saw two golden soldiers on horseback rushing towards them. They thought it was the golden soldiers. Arrow! County Lord."

Yu Shouzhong had already reached his sight, pierced with his spear, and instantly pierced the chest of a yamen servant, and then he and his men brandished spears and stabbed left and right, killing five more yamen servants, and the remaining two yamen servants fled into the city. The county government.

Yu Shouzhong didn't intend to kill people, but to rescue the captured subordinates, so he ran towards the prison with another subordinate.

As soon as they arrived at the prison gate, hundreds of beggars had already broken through the prison gate and released more than a hundred prisoners who had been arrested. Two beggars supported one of them. It was Yu Shouzhong's captured subordinate. It seemed that he had been beaten severely. But still go.

"Get on the horse!"

Yu Shouzhong yelled, his subordinates endured the pain, got on their horses, and the three urged the horses to run out of the city.
Yan Xiaowei heard that Wu Zhixian was shot through the neck by an arrow and was already dead. She stuck out her tongue and said, "My dear, a spy is so decisive and ruthless. No wonder Chen Qing can sweep the puppet Qi army and Jin soldiers."

She hurriedly shouted: "Let Erlang go quickly, this place has nothing to do with us!"

A beggar yelled a few times, and hundreds of people fled in all directions. They ran away in an instant, leaving only a mess outside the county government gate and prison gate.

Two days later, Wu Guangzhi, his confidant, was killed. The news that the Western Army leaflets had been found in various counties of Henan Province reached Luoyang City. Numerous leaflets were also found, even in the barracks. His anger turned into panic and nervousness. He just got the news that more than [-] soldiers left the camp without authorization last night and disappeared.

There were deserters in his army. For any general, deserters were an extremely terrible thing, which meant that the morale of the army was on the verge of collapse.

There is no sign at all, and the morale of the army is about to collapse?Zhe Keqiu immediately realized that it should be the effect of those leaflets, [-]% of his soldiers were locals, and the widespread appearance of leaflets in Henan Province was to influence these [-]% soldiers and their families.

Mo Wentai, his aide, persuaded: "The opinion of the humble officer is still the same as yesterday. The commander-in-chief must first appease the soldiers, and he can improve the treatment a little bit. He is strictly controlling, and no outsiders are allowed to contact the army. Their The family will not be able to influence the army."

Zhe Keqiu nodded, and said worriedly: "I have already accepted what you said, and the notice of remuneration will be implemented today. What I am worried about now is not the army, but the source of chaos in the army. These scouts and spies of the Western Army must be caught. If you don’t catch them, you don’t know what demon moth will appear next time, you must catch them, no matter where they hide?”

"Marshal, I believe that the possibility of hiding in the county below is extremely small."


"It's very simple. The only value of the following counties is the soldiers' families. The other party has already distributed leaflets and achieved the purpose of inciting the soldiers' families. They will not stay in the counties for a long time. Luoyang is a strategically important place. They will definitely hide in Luoyang In the city, to find these people, the whole city must be searched, there is no other way!"

"After all, there are more than [-] people in the city, and there are so many empty houses, how do we search?"

Mo Wentai said with a sinister smile: "Commander, we don't know, but it doesn't mean others don't know. Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men!"

(End of this chapter)

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