
Chapter 949 Search City

Chapter 949 Search City
In the morning, the gates of the city that had been opened for two hours were suddenly closed again. Thousands of soldiers began to search and arrest the city. All young and strong men were subject to interrogation, especially those who did not speak a local accent. If there is any suspicion, he must be arrested immediately and taken to the barracks for further interrogation.

All of a sudden, chickens and dogs jumped around in Luoyang city, screaming and cursing, and young men rushed to the street, and then they were chased and knocked down by soldiers, tied up and taken away.

At the same time, dozens of announcements offering rewards for clues were posted all over the city. Anyone who knows the clues of the Western Army's spies will be rewarded with five guan. , As long as you come to inform, you can get five strings of money.

All of a sudden, the rogues in the city flocked to the county government, and there was a long queue in front of the two tents on the left side of the gate of the county government. There were hundreds of people, all of whom came to inform and receive the reward.

A thin and withered man also hesitated to come to the tent. Before he got close to the tent, the people behind shouted, "Line up! No jumping in line!"

A soldier maintaining order pushed him back and nearly fell down. The thin man said urgently, "I really have a clue!"

"Whoever has no clues, these are people who have clues, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and line up!"

The skinny man had no choice but to stand at the end of the line, and his heart was full of expectations, five thousand!As long as someone is willing to give him five thousand guan, he is willing to sell his wife and children.

The Fortune Restaurant has been closed for five days. In the alley behind the Fortune Restaurant, there is a yard covering an area of ​​one mu. This is the home of shopkeeper He. Although the restaurant has been closed, shopkeeper He has not moved. At this time, he Urging his wife to leave quickly.

Shopkeeper He has a son and a daughter, and his son is the head of the Western Army. Back then, Li Cheng and Guan Shigu led an army of [-] to conquer Chengji County, but the entire army was wiped out. Shopkeeper He's son was one of the [-] troops who surrendered. , now the Western Army is doing well, has accumulated [-] ranks, and will be promoted to deputy commander this year.

And the daughter has already been married, and currently in Yanshi County, only shopkeeper He and his old wife live together in this yard.

"I don't want those things, let's go!"

Shopkeeper He's old wife has already packed up her belongings, but she is reluctant to part with the belongings at home and wants to take them away, "Wait a minute, I don't want the cloth, but I want to take away the silk and satin, which cost a lot of money to buy."

At this time, a clerk ran over and said, "Boss shopkeeper, Lao Liu Qiu is not at home. His wife said that he went out early in the morning and is missing."

"It's broken, this bastard must have gone to inform."

Qiu Lao Liu is a private salt dealer who drew a map for shopkeeper He. The military posted a reward notice, and shopkeeper He became worried.

"Old lady, if you don't leave, Jin Bing will come to arrest you."

Shopkeeper He's old wife came out with three parcels, and angrily said to her husband, "If you had told me earlier, you wouldn't be in such a mess. I still have dozens of coins, hundreds of pieces of cloth, and so many good daily necessities." "

"Okay, okay, leave it to Jin Bing! Otherwise, they will search forever."

Shopkeeper He took the package, and the shopkeeper helped to carry one. The shopkeeper's wife carefully locked the door, and the three quickly left the house through the backyard door.

The Three Caves of the Rabbit, since shopkeeper He worked for Xijun, he has been waiting for the opportunity to reduce the price of the house, and he really got it. The year before last, when Luoyang’s house prices plummeted, he bought another one about a mile away from the old house. In a small house of three acres, for a sophisticated person like shopkeeper He, this is the real technique of hiding. He also specially left half a pot of stinky food and a list for renting an ox cart.

After queuing for nearly two hours, it was finally Qiu Lao Liu's turn. The official who was in charge of recording only wrote down a few notes, and felt that something was wrong. This person seemed to be a real clue, not the kind who came to cheat money. The sixth child took him to the Marshal's Mansion opposite the county government office.

Zhe Keqiu looked up and down at this thin middle-aged man with a brown complexion, and asked, "What's your name?"

"The villain's name is Qiu Yin, Yin of Yinshi, and my friends call me Qiu Laoliu."

Zhe Keqiu nodded, "Tell me! What clue?"

"The villain used to do some small business for a living, and he is very familiar with the situation in the twelve counties of Henan Prefecture. Just a few days ago, a person I knew before came to me and asked me to draw a map of the twelve counties, mainly the small roads. How to get around Pass the checkpoint, and then what are the local snakes in each county, etc. After a while, the villain heard about the leaflets in the twelve counties, and the villain guessed that it should have something to do with the map I drew."

Zhe Keqiu regained his energy. He thought the clue was interesting, and exchanged glances with his aide, Mo Wentai. Mo Wentai also nodded, indicating that it was credible.

"Who is the person who asked you to draw?" Zhe Keqiu asked anxiously.

Qiu Laoliu said slowly, "Is what the villain said a clue?"

This is like a paid movie, if you don't pay, you can't even think about watching it.

Zhe Keqiu cursed secretly, and ordered: "Bring two hundred taels of silver!"

The personal soldier brought a plate with twenty ingots of white silver. Qiu Laoliu immediately smiled and put the silver into the cloth bag he brought.

Zhe Ke begged for patience and patience, and finally said viciously: "The money is yours, tell me quickly, who is it?"

Qiu Lao Liu didn't expect to get [-] guan, he would be satisfied if he could get [-] guan, he hurriedly said: "General, this person is Manager He of Fortune Restaurant!"

"Where is the Fortune Restaurant?" Zhe Keqiu got up and asked.

Mo Wentai had been to this restaurant before, and he replied: "It's directly opposite the west gate of Xiangguo Temple, I wonder if it's that one?"

"That's the one!" Qiu Laoliu hurriedly said.

"Order five hundred soldiers and go to the Fortune Restaurant!"

Zhe Keqiu personally led five hundred soldiers to the Fortune Restaurant, and the soldiers in charge of searching the whole city had just found this area.

Zhe Keqiu waved his hand, and five hundred soldiers surrounded the restaurant, but soon found that the restaurant door was locked from the outside and was closed for business. The building, the front yard and the back yard were all searched, but there was no sign of anyone, and there was even dust on the stove, which showed that it had not been fired for at least five days.

The shopkeeper of the grocery store next door was asked for questioning, and he said tremblingly, "It's been almost five or six days since the door was opened, and no one has come."

Zhe Keqiu gritted his teeth and asked, "Where do the shopkeeper and the buddy live? You must know, tell me!"

"I don't know where the guy lives. No one cares. My wife may know about shopkeeper He's house. She has delivered goods."

He found his wife, and his wife pointed to the alleyway behind: "There is only one family in the alley, and it is the shopkeeper He's house."

Zhe Keqiu immediately led the soldiers and ran there. The alley was very short, and indeed there was only one house, which was locked from the inside. The soldiers rushed up and kicked the door open, and dozens of soldiers rushed into the yard.

There are only five houses in the yard, the front and back yards are relatively large, a pear tree is planted in the back yard, and there is a small gate.

After a while, the room was searched, and the lead soldier shook his head, "Report to Commander, there is no one!"

At this time, a soldier came over with a list, "I found it in the drawer, the list from five days ago."

Zhe Keqiu looked at it, and it was a car rental slip from a mule and horse shop. This is the first receipt reserved for car renters. The Dapeng mule and horse shop seems to be near the Xiangguo Temple. He immediately handed the slip to his subordinates and said: " Go check!"

His subordinates rushed away, Zhe Keqiu thought about it, and went to the kitchen again. As soon as he entered the kitchen, he smelled a foul smell. There was half a pot of food on the stove, emitting bursts of unpleasant stench. He pinched his nose, I wiped the stove with my hands again, and there was dust on it.

It seems that they haven't lived here for a long time. The front door is locked inside and the back door is locked outside. They should have left through the back door.

Returning to the courtyard, the soldiers found more than a hundred bolts of fine linen, dozens of pieces of money, and a few bolts of silk and satin from the room, and then some copper basins, high-quality folk kiln porcelain, and more than a dozen pieces of high-quality goods. The satin dress, after conversion, is worth five hundred guan.

At this time, the soldier who went to the mules and horses shop came back and bowed to report: "The shopkeeper of the mules and horses knows this shopkeeper He. He said that five days ago, shopkeeper He rented an ox cart and went back to his hometown in Xingyang."

Zhe Keqiu suddenly understood that after killing Wuzhi County in Yanshi County, this group of people knew that something would happen, they must have moved away from Luoyang and hid in other places, and they even sent the army to search for the fart!

Knowing this, Zhe Keqiu was extremely annoyed, and ordered: "Send down the order, stop searching the city, the soldiers return to the camp, and that Qiu Lao Liu, take back my two hundred taels of silver, he doesn't deserve a penny reward! "

(End of this chapter)

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