
Chapter 951 Gold

Chapter 951 Gold
Jingzhaoyong Palace, Lu Wei handed over [-] taels of gold to Princess Lu Xiu. The [-] taels of gold was close to [-] catties. Lu Wei used three boxes to pack it, and the three boxes were full, which was very heavy.

He was transported here at night, and the inner guards were in charge of escorting him. This time, Chen Qing was also present.

Lu Wei silently handed the gold to the princess, and Lu Xiu wrote a receipt to him, signed and marked it, and Lu Wei carefully kept the receipt.

Lu Xiu then asked the three female guards to pick up the golden box and followed her back to the inner house. Only Chen Qing and Lu Wei were left in the outer hall.

Lu Wei sighed and said, "I never thought they would actually give me two thousand taels of gold."

Chen Qing smiled faintly: "If Tiehuolei is real, it is far more than two thousand taels of gold!"

"What if they soon find out it's a fake?" Lu Wei worried.

Chen Qing smiled and said: "Don't worry! They won't be able to imitate it in less than three years. The purity and fineness of nitrate powder alone will require them to study for a year or two, not to mention the formula of gunpowder. They know it well." , not at all, and the manufacturing process of the iron shell. The thickness of the iron shell is exactly the same in every place. It took multiple iron shells to succeed in this one."

Lu Wei suddenly said, "I understand, if you can't imitate it, then it's not a question of authenticity."

"It's not wrong at all!"

"Then what should I do next?" Lu Wei asked worriedly.

"Continue to flirt with them. You might as well reveal some real secrets to them, but I will tell you what secrets to reveal. My purpose is very simple. There is one lie among the ten truths, and it is the most critical one. If it is true, whether we can win the final victory in the Central Plains War depends on this false statement."

Lu Wei smiled wryly: "My shoulders and skulls are almost broken by this lie."

Chen Qing chuckled, "I believe it won't be too long, I promise to set you free within this year!"

Lu Wei said again: "They are going to invite me to dinner at noon tomorrow. They probably want information. What should I disclose?"

Chen Qing had been prepared for a long time, smiled and said: "Tell them, the Ministry of War is mobilizing warships to the Yellow River, and is still recruiting boatmen who are familiar with the Zhengzhou area."

"Ah! That's true. I'm mobilizing two hundred thousand-stone ships to go to the Yellow River, and I'm indeed recruiting boatmen who are familiar with the Zhengzhou area."

"So let me tell you, one of the ten truths is a lie. Now is the time to tell the truth. As for how much money you want for this information, you decide."

"I can decide what, anyway, the money doesn't belong to me." Lu Wei muttered softly.

"What did you say?" Chen Qing's gaze was suddenly as sharp as a knife, and he fixed on Lu Wei.

Lu Wei's heart trembled, and he was so frightened that he quickly changed his words: "I mean that the other party will probably arrange for people to participate in the recruitment of boatmen."

"You can ask them to arrange one or two, and they just want to test whether your words are true."

Speaking of this, Chen Qing's eyes softened again, and he said to Lu Wei: "I don't let you get the other party's penny, but I am actually protecting you. This is a profound lesson. Back then, one of my civil servants was called Yang Qi. You are in exactly the same situation as you. He also sold true and false information to the Xixia people and got a lot of money. I will leave half of the money for him. The last information is a hundred taels of silver. I gave it all to him. , but I never thought that his heart was corrupted by the money, and later he really became a spy of the Kingdom of Jin, and finally died unexpectedly.

I have learned this lesson and will never let you get the benefit of a penny. I lent you the money you bought the house, so your heart will not be corrupted by this kind of money. In the future, you will have a clear conscience and no fear. People use this to attack you, you understand?Even if you only charge the other party a penny, there will be a stain on your body and it will not be clean. "

Lu Wei was really moved in his heart, he nodded silently and said: "I will never charge the other party a penny!"

Lu Wei bid farewell and left, Chen Qing went back to the inner study, and Lu Xiu brought her husband a cup of tea.

"Still worried about your brother?" Chen Qing smiled slightly.

Lu Xiu nodded, "Two thousand taels of gold, fifty thousand coins, I'm worried that my brother won't be able to bear such a temptation, you know? He used to be a troublemaker, otherwise he wouldn't have such a good relationship with Lu Xian .”

"I know! But I can believe that he will not be tempted by these ill-gotten gains. Sometimes, the debauchery in youth will become tough and rational in adulthood. Although this is a minority, Lu Wei is one of them .”

"My husband thinks so highly of him, hey! It's his luck."

Chen Qing shook his head, "I didn't think highly of him, it was him. How many people can resist the temptation of two thousand taels of gold? But he did."

Lu Xiu was a little ashamed and said: "I understand, I underestimated my brother."

After a pause, Lu Xiu worried: "But... he is very dangerous. Once he shows his feet, his life will be in danger. Husband, let him have a shorter time! He still has two young children."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "He will definitely end within this year. I will let the masters of the inner guards protect his safety. I will try my best to be more thoughtful and not let him show his feet."

The next morning, Hu Yanlei hurried back from Mengzhou and presented a complete report to Chen Qing.

Chen Qing flipped through the report and asked, "I heard that there are a lot of undercurrents on the river surface in the area of ​​Mengjin, haven't you noticed it?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, we asked the old boatman, and he said that undercurrents do not occur every year. It has something to do with the sand content of the Yellow River. If the sand content is high, undercurrents will come out. Usually in July and August in summer, there will be undercurrents on the Loess Plateau. After a few heavy rains, a large amount of sediment will be washed into the Yellow River, and the water in the Yellow River will become very turbid. With a large amount of sediment, undercurrent vortices will come out one by one. Therefore, it usually appears after July, and rarely before. Spring Basically none."

"Did you see Mengjin Pass?" Chen Qing asked again.

"I went to look at it. The pass is very strong, the bricks are tightly connected, and the surface is very smooth. I think that iron fire mines can't exert their power, but fire oil can be used."

"Why is kerosene okay?" Chen Qing asked again.

"There is a large forest over there, stretching for about ten miles. We can cut down hundreds of trees and pile them under the city wall and burn them. The city will not be able to hold people, and even if it is an iron gate, it will be burned by the fire."

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "We can only wait for the specific battle, which will be decided by the commander in the future. Have you gone to Zhengzhou? Can you go ashore there?"

"We went to Zhengzhou and sailed into the Bianhe River from Biankou. The army can land on the Bianhe River on a large scale, but if the other party sends a large army to block the Bianhe River, it will be more troublesome, and the landing is likely to fail."

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "Okay! I'll take a good look at your report. Also, what about the refugees in Mengzhou?"

Hu Yanlei scratched his head and said: "I don't know what other people say about the humble position, but according to what the humble position has seen and heard, they are living a good life. Most of them have income. If they have income, we don't need to help them. We only need to help some lonely old people, or Some widows with children have no labor force to mine coal, and most people can buy food and cloth in Changping. I feel that the refugee camp is like a county town, with many shops, taverns, teahouses, and grocery stores. "

Chen Qing said happily: "It seems that substituting work for relief is a good way to reduce our burden, and the people themselves are satisfied. It can be said that everyone is happy. Now you go to Jiang Counselor's side. He is very concerned about the situation in the refugee camp. You put yourself Tell him what you see."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Huyanlei bowed and bowed before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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