
Chapter 952 Asking Price

Chapter 952 Asking Price
At noon, Lu Wei came to Juxiang Restaurant as usual. He found that the shopkeeper and staff of Juxiang Restaurant had changed. Lu Wei guessed a little bit that Juxiang Restaurant had been bought by Wang Shuang and became the other party's owner. intelligence points.

This year there was an extra Han Feng at the banquet. Lu Wei had seen him last time. Last time this man came in with [-] taels of gold, Lu Wei knew that this man was a general with high martial arts skills, and also knew that he was Wang Shuang. His right-hand man led dozens of warriors hiding in Xianyang County.

Now that he appeared at the banquet again, Lu Wei knew that their main force had moved to Jingzhao, and Jingzhao was no longer Wang Shuang and Zhou Hua. This might be the beginning of their functional transformation.

Lu Wei guessed right, Wang Shuang has now been appointed as the Sichuan-Shaanxi intelligence chief, and has also been promoted to Hebei Shangshu Xingtai magistrate, ranking fourth among civil officials, which makes Wang Shuang work harder and earnestly make contributions .

Several people drank a few glasses of wine, Wang Shuang saw that Lu Wei was frowning, and asked with a smile: "Today Lu Sima didn't talk much, did you encounter any troubles again?"

Lu Wei picked up his wine glass and gave a wry smile, "Which day is there nothing to worry about in a lifetime?"

Lu Tang next to him smiled and said: "The house is bought, but there is no money to expand it, of course it is annoying."

Zhou Hua frowned next to him, "Didn't you get [-] guan? It cost [-] to buy a new house, and you still have [-] guan?"

Lu Wei showed embarrassment on his face, Wang Shuang waved his hands, telling Zhou Hua not to ask more questions, but Lu Tang talked too much: "Two thousand taels of gold has entered the eyes of women, and it is difficult to get it out. It cost one thousand two hundred taels to buy it. House, the remaining [-] taels are squeezed tightly, you can ask the woman to take it out and have a look."

Everyone laughed and understood that Lu Sima's house was run by a lady who was in charge of the money, so it was probably another Hedong lion.

Lu Tang took out the twenty taels of silver and handed it to Lu Wei, "This is the twenty taels of silver I borrowed from you last time, and I have returned it to you, so please don't make faces with me all day long, Madam Ni, as if I didn't pay back the money I borrowed. "

Lu Wei laughed dryly and put away the money.

Seeing the opportunity, Wang Shuang leaned forward and laughed in a low voice, "Does Lu Sima want to earn some private money?"

Lu Wei understood what he meant, and immediately showed a somewhat tempted expression. He hesitated for a moment, drank the wine in the glass, and asked, "How much can you give me?"

"Looking at the value of the information, the minimum is fifty taels of silver, and the maximum is one thousand taels of silver. You decide the importance of the information yourself, and then you quote a price yourself. We think the deal is almost done."

Lu Wei thought for a while and said, "I still have a piece of information in my hand. I think it's worth a lot. I want five hundred taels."

"Which aspect?" Wang Shuang asked.

"A surprise soldier from the Western Army!"

Wang Shuang glanced at Lu Hang from the corner of his eyes, got up and said, "Let's go to the inner room to talk!"

The two went inside, closed the door together, and talked for a while. Wang Shuang opened the door excitedly and said to Han Feng, "Give Lu Sima a hundred taels of gold."

Han Feng quickly handed a small wooden box to Lu Wei. Lu Wei opened it and took a look, then took the box and left.

Not long after, Lu Jiang also left, and Wang Shuang said to Han Feng: "This information is very, very important, and I have to prove it is true. In the afternoon, you can find two brothers who can sail and go to the Ship Department of the Military Department." If you apply, you must say that they are very familiar with the river section of Zhengzhou, and if the other party accepts the two, it means that the information is true and should be sent to Marshal Du immediately."

Han Feng nodded, "Humble job will arrange it immediately!"

Early the next morning, Chen Qing came to the Bashang camp again. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Bashang has been a major military station. Currently, there are nearly [-] troops stationed in Bashang, which are divided into five camps. With a garrison of [-], the garrison in Jingzhao is nearly [-], accounting for more than half of the entire Western Army.

The five battalions are Longxiang, Huben, Leopard Shadow, Lang Xiao, and Fengwu. Among them, the Huben Camp is the camp of the Chinese Army, and it is also the army under Chen Qing's direct control. Three commanders command the most elite army of [-].

According to the regulations of the Western Army, the maximum number of commanders for each commander is no more than [-], the normal number of commanders is [-], and the minimum is [-]. Currently, the highest is Zheng Ping, who commands an army of [-]. Ten thousand.

The other three are all in command, Yang Zaixing, Liu Cui, Gao Ding, Niu Gao, and Liu Qiong are all [-] members, and the other three are in special control, Guan Shigu, Cao De, and Liu Zan. But they are all civilians.

Needless to say Guan Shigu, Counselor, Chief Superintendent of the Military Department, Cao De is the inspector of the Yanwu Hall, that is, the principal of the military academy, Liu Zan has been the prefect of Jingzhao for two years, and this year he has been changed to the Secretary of the Military Department Zuo Sima, in charge of the militia And state soldiers.

Before arriving at the barracks, I heard the sound of fierce drums and shouts. This is the actual combat training of the army. Some actual combat training is very dangerous, such as the actual combat training of fire mines and kerosene. Soldiers must be highly nervous.
Entering the gate of the Huben camp, one can see two armies fighting fiercely on the broad school field, one is cavalry and the other is infantry. Except that the weapons are blunt weapons that are not used for training, they are no different from actual combat. It often happens that soldiers are kicked and injured by horses. The soldiers know that it is training, but the horses don't know it. There are also cases where cavalrymen fall off the horses and are dragged by the horses.

In fact, no matter what kind of training, as long as it is actual combat training, soldiers will be injured or even die, but this is a very normal phenomenon, and it is absolutely impossible to stop actual combat training for fear of soldiers being injured.

The cavalry was interspersed and divided in a formation of hundreds of people, trying to cut the infantry into pieces, while the infantry was formed into a battalion of thousands of people, trying to prevent the opponent from breaking through. They back to back, shoulder to shoulder, and used skillful coordination to fight against the tall cavalry.

This is just infantry fighting against cavalry, but it is much more complicated in actual combat. For example, Jurchen cavalry and shooting. Jurchen soldiers will never stop to fight fiercely with infantry, but keep running, drawing bows and shooting arrows, and each arrow will kill the enemy. , or cut off the enemy's head while running, very fierce.

Although the Western Army defeated the Jurchen cavalry in the Battle of Xixia, it was also a special situation, and it was somewhat related to the Jurchen soldiers underestimating the enemy.

Similarly, the infantry also had many powerful weapons that were not used, such as the two-foot-long hooked spear, the powerful iron fire thunder, bed crossbow, divine arm crossbow, and fine steel throwing spear, etc.

Therefore, Chen Qing also wanted to build a strong western army, not only well-equipped and advanced weapons, but more importantly, a strong will to fight, which was the key to fighting the Jurchens.

The Jurchens are not good at fighting for a long time. If the enemy cannot be crushed in a short period of time, they will take the initiative to retreat and look for opportunities again.

The early Song army couldn't stand the fierce impact of the Jin soldiers. They were defeated in a short period of time and were massacred everywhere. The Song army was completely frightened. A disgraceful situation in which one flees in fright.

But in the later period, because the decadent military system of the Northern Song Dynasty was completely destroyed, Zhao Gou learned a lesson. Except for the Sichuan-Shanxi Army, other armies no longer used civilian officials to command the army, which made the rebuilt Song Army's combat effectiveness look completely new, and gradually adapted to the Jin army. tactics.

In addition, the early Jurchen soldiers retreated and died, and the newly joined Jurchen soldiers lost the wolfishness of their parents, and Jurchen's own population was insufficient. A large number of Donghu soldiers joined the Jinbing, which directly led to a serious decline in the combat effectiveness of the Jinbing. There is no earlier myth of "golden soldiers are less than ten thousand, and ten thousand are invincible".

Therefore, the Song army and the Jin army on the Jianghuai and Central Plains battlefields had mixed victories, especially the troops of Wu Jie, Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, Liu Qi, and Yang Yizhong performed well, defeating the Jin soldiers repeatedly, and the military has begun to reverse.

However, the Song Dynasty was completely defeated politically. The weak and incompetent court finally killed Yue Fei and accepted Shaoxing's peace talks.

This is the root cause of Qin Hui's stigma for thousands of years, not only because he killed Yue Fei, but also because the Song army had begun to gain the upper hand in the military. Yue Fei's army had already reached Luoyang, but the court finally accepted the peace.

As a result, the opportunity to regain Bianliang and wash away the shame of Jingkang was lost. In the end, the emperor of the Song Dynasty had to kneel down to accept the canonization of the Kingdom of Jin.

At this time, Lu Gui, Hu Yanyun, and Yan Jun, three Huben battalion commanders, heard that King Yong was coming, and hurried to see him.

(End of this chapter)

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