
Chapter 953 Scheme

Chapter 953 Scheme
In the big tent of the Chinese army, Chen Qing listened to the training report of the three people. Chen Qing said with a smile: "Training is to find problems, not to show results. Talk about the problems discovered so far."

The three of them looked at each other, and Hu Yanyun bowed and said, "His Royal Highness, now we feel that we are seriously inadequate in defending the powder keg. We have only trained three times so far, which is far from the twenty times of intensive training, and there is still one Thousands of soldiers have no chance to train."

"Why?" Chen Qing frowned.

"Because there are no gunpowder kegs, we can't get them, not only us, but all the troops can't get them, saying that the stock is out."

Of course Chen Qing knew where the problem was?The key is that the production of gunpowder cannot keep up. As a result, the Firearms Bureau can only guarantee the manufacture of iron fire mines, and has to stop the production of gunpowder barrels, and the gunpowder barrels previously stocked by the Ordnance Administration have almost been dismantled to get medicine, so it is impossible to guarantee the powder barrels for training. , Iron Fire Thunder is too lethal to be used for training.

Chen Qing nodded and said: "I see, I will discuss with the Department of Military Affairs how to solve this problem later, what else?"

Lu Gui bowed and said, "Also, we all feel that the current training regulations are a bit unfair."

"Be specific!"

"We still think it's fairer to send off halfway. We can't count the white spots on our bodies to judge the winner after everything is over. We should leave the field when there are white spots on their bodies. Some soldiers are still on the battlefield after being shot seven or eight times. The other side is so unfair."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "This question is not only raised by your family, but also by other battalions, but I will not change it. I have to tell you that you confuse training with martial arts performance. You are currently training, and you must ensure that all soldiers If you have enough time to train, if a soldier is sent off after being poked with a white spot, what is the point of his training? But in the later stage, when there is a martial arts contest between battalions, you can use what you said to be sent off midway ,Understand?"

Chen Qing asked some other questions, and came to the side tent, where the Central Plains sand table was placed, and there were soldiers standing guard at the door, and no one else was allowed to enter at will.

Chen Qing walked into the big tent, but unexpectedly saw Liu Qiong and Tang Qian, he was surprised: "When did you two come here, I don't even know?"

The two hurried forward to salute, Liu Qiong said embarrassedly: "It's our turn to use the sand table today, we came here early in the morning, and we didn't leave the big tent, we didn't know His Highness was coming."

"What's your plan?"

"His Royal Highness, Beizhi and General Tang are considering the Hulao Pass plan."

Chen Qing laughed and said, "If there is only one Hulao Pass plan? It will be laughed at by others!"

Since the advent of Tiehuolei, it has not been difficult to seize the pass, and it can be done by a commander. If a commander like Liu Qiong only comes up with a plan to seize the pass, he will indeed be laughed at.

Liu Qiong blushed, and hurriedly said: "The plan of the humble officer and General Tang is a surprise soldier."

"What strange soldiers?" Chen Qingrao asked with great interest.

Liu Qiong hesitated and said: "You can say that you are humble, but please don't let others know, we have spent a lot of effort, and it is really not easy."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Tell me! I will keep it secret for you."

Liu Qiong picked up the wooden pole and pointed to the south of Henan Prefecture, saying: "The humble soldier is Xiong'er Mountain. He entered Dengzhou and captured Dengzhou, Tangzhou and Ruzhou."

Chen Qing suddenly became interested, and asked, "Isn't Yue Fei's army in Dengzhou?"

"The humble job has confirmed that according to the armistice agreement signed by the imperial court and the Kingdom of Jin, the eastern section is bounded by the Huaihe River, and the western section is bounded by Tongbai Mountain. Yue Fei's army must retreat to the south of Dengzhou and Tangzhou. The scout Feige sent by the humble job When the letter came back, there were [-] enemy troops stationed in Dengzhou, under the command of our defeated general Zhang Zhongxiong, who was in charge of stationing Dengzhou and Tangzhou, while Ruzhou had no troops."

"What about your route?"

"The base is considering entering Ruzhou along the northern foot of Xiong'er Mountain, using Ruzhou as the base, and attacking Dengzhou and Tangzhou in the south."

"Is there a way through the vast mountain?" Chen Qing continued to ask.

Liu Qiong nodded, "There is a Dutou under Beizhi, he is the hunter of Xiong'er Mountain. He told Beizhi that every summer, businessmen would go through Xiong'er Mountain to Dengzhou to buy medicinal materials and furs, and then return the same way in autumn. There is a Very rough trails to walk on."

"Can the baggage cart go?"

Liu Qiong smiled wryly and shook her head, "You can only use mules and donkeys that are good at walking the mountain roads to carry food and grass, so the humble job needs [-] Hedong donkeys in the plan."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said, "It must be donkeys from the east of the river, can't we use camels?"

"Camels are not good at walking mountain roads, I'm afraid they can't."

Chen Qing nodded, "Your plan is not bad, please refine it and make it more solid, especially when fighting Zhang Zhongxiong in the later stage, all possibilities must be considered, such as how to deal with the enemy's reinforcements, and then For example, what should Yue Fei do if he sends troops, how to retreat if he fails, etc. At that time, you will not just report to me, there will be a review group, Guan Shigu, Jiang Yanxian, and Zhang Xiao will participate. They all have rich combat experience, right? It's so easy to get over it."

Liu Qiong asked a little nervously, "When will the review start?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "I request that the deadline be at the end of this month, and then the review will start within ten days. Both you and General Tang will participate, and you will answer many questions on the spot."

Liu Qiong and Tang Qian discussed for a while, and said to Chen Qing: "We have discussed it, and temporarily give up the small task of capturing Hulao Pass, and concentrate on making the Raider Plan detailed and solid."

Chen Qing praised and said: "That's right, you're looking for refinement and not too much, Hulao Pass and your plan for Dengzhou Raiders are completely different from each other!"

When Chen Qing came back from Bashang, it was still dusk, they did not go back directly to the mansion, but went to their own official room, and sent people to take the military department's counselors Guan Shigu, Sima Luwei, and the Firearms Department's order Yang Carrier, the military Zhao Wenxin and four other people were invited by the Deputy Secretary of the Department.

Among the four, Guan Shigu is the top supervisor, Lu Wei is the person in charge, the Firearms Administration ordered Yang Carrier to be in charge of manufacturing, and the Deputy Department of the Military Weapons Administration ordered Zhao Wenxin to be in charge of storage.

The Firearms Department and the Firearms Bureau are not the same thing. The Firearms Bureau is only responsible for firearm design, gunpowder preparation and firearm testing, while the Firearms Bureau has a wide jurisdiction, including firearms and kerosene. Firearms range from mining, purification, grinding, Except for the most confidential part of the cast case, assembled finished products, etc., which are completed in the Firearms Bureau, all other accessories and finished products are assembled by the Firearms Bureau.

Chen Qing was concerned about the production of gunpowder. Insufficient production has always been a serious problem. Otherwise, box-type wooden fire mines with a charge of [-] catties would not be so rare. There are only five in the entire army.

Not long after, the four hurried to Chen Qing's official room.

"Thank you for everyone's hard work. I even brought the four of you over for dinner."

Guan Shigu said with a smile: "Your Highness just came back from Bashang!"

Chen Qing nodded, "I just encountered some difficult problems, so I want to discuss with you how to solve them."

Guan Shigu said solemnly: "Please speak, Your Highness!"

Chen Qing said slowly: "Although the golden soldiers do not have iron fire mines, they are equipped with a large number of powder kegs. They imitated us and filled them with poisonous nails. Therefore, we will inevitably be attacked by poisonous nails and gunpowder kegs in the battle of the Central Plains. Our only The best way to deal with it is to train soldiers to avoid powder kegs, but the problem now is that the powder kegs we train are out of stock, and it is said that the military department has no stock, is that right?"

Chen Qing looked at Lu Wei, who was in charge of the gunpowder barrel inventory.

Lu Wei nodded, "That's true. We dismantled [-] gunpowder barrels before. The double barrels and poisonous nails are all in the warehouse, but the gunpowder is gone."

Guan Shigu was a little ashamed and said: "At that time, I didn't think about the need for wood fire mines in training. I just thought about training firearms soldiers how to use iron fire mines. I completely forgot that we still need to defend against gold soldiers' wood fire mines. In the end, I made a decision. I was ill-considered in taking powder from the powder kegs in storage, and I did have a duty."

Chen Qing waved his hand, "I didn't call the four of you here to hold anyone accountable, I want the four of you to find a way to solve the problem together."

(End of this chapter)

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