
Chapter 955

Chapter 955
In Lin'an, since the "Beijing News" published the news that Huang Yougong, a shameless villain who slandered and attacked King Yong, committed suicide in fear of crime on the front page, the "Express News", which worked for the tiger, became famous and was abandoned by the people of Lin'an, and its circulation dropped sharply. It was reduced to a position alongside other third-rate tabloids.

On the contrary, "Yue Bao", which was backed by the Qian family, and "Su Bao", which was founded by several gentry families in Suzhou, won the support of the locals in Jiangnan because they were close to the local area and cared about people's livelihood. Newspaper, second only to Yiqi Duchen's "Beijing News".

The media dispute in Lin'an has come to an end for the time being. As the main general in this battle to defend King Yong's reputation, Wang Mu has always kept a low profile. Not only Qin Hui or Emperor Zhao Gou, but even the chief writers inside the newspaper think that this "Beijing The author of the article in the Daily News was Hu Yun, the special envoy of King Yong, and no one took this new editor Zhang Jinhuang seriously.

This is also the protection of Wang Mu, low-key, low-key, low-key, until the day before yesterday, when Wang Mu vetoed the article "Yong Wang's Central Plains Ambition" written by Cheng Jinshen, the chief editor of current politics, and everyone realized that Zhang Jinhuang had the right to veto .

Soon, someone discovered that Zhang Jinhuang's salary was actually the same as that of the owner of the newspaper. Only then did everyone in the newspaper pay attention to Wang Mu and search for his background, but everything was in vain. of the Chief of Staff.

At noon, Wang Mu and Hu Yun sat drinking tea together in the six-person teahouse. They often drank tea together. The two had similar temperaments. They knew people only after they were the same, and their personal friendship gradually became deeper.

Hu Yun took a sip of tea and asked with a smile: "Brother Shaofu, why did you reject the article "King Yong's Central Plains Ambition"? Master Yue found me the day before yesterday, and he has some opinions on this!"

Wang Mu said indifferently: "Have Brother Hu read that article?"

Hu Yun shook his head and said: "I haven't read it, I asked Yue Guan for this article, and he hasn't given it to me yet, but I also think the name of this article is inappropriate, what is King Yong's ambition, it makes me uncomfortable to hear it , Master Yue should also know it well!"

Wang Mu said again: "If it's just that the name is inappropriate, it's fine. If you change ambition to ambition, I will pass it. The key is that the content is inappropriate."

"Why is the content inappropriate?" Hu Yun asked with a smile.

"The content said that King Yong plotted the Central Plains and seized the strategic trend. Sichuan and Shaanxi connected the Central Plains, forming a semi-encircled state of Jiangnan."

Hu Yun laughed and said: "This chief writer is still a little level, he sees it very clearly!"

Wang Mu shook his head, "Brother Hu, don't forget, who are our newspapers for? It's for common people and scholar-bureaucrats. First of all, it's just a rumor that King Yong is going to send troops to the Central Plains, and it's not confirmed yet.

Even if there is a need to build momentum, it cannot be said that King Yong sent troops to the Central Plains to encircle Lin'an. What we want is righteousness. King Yong sent troops to the Central Plains to expel the Tartars and rescue the people of the Central Plains.

And that article didn't talk about righteousness at all, it only talked about conspiracy. This is clearly an article in "Express", how could it appear on the front page of "Beijing News"? "

Hu Yun gave a thumbs up, "Uncle Zheng Guo did not misunderstand the person. With Brother Wang sitting in the newspaper office, the direction of the newspaper office will not be wrong!"

Wang Mu said with worry in his eyes: "But this is a bit strange, I have a sense of ominousness."

It was Wang Mu who invited Hu Yun out for tea today, and Hu Yun immediately realized, what should Wang Mu have discovered?
"To be more specific, what's so strange?"

"Ten days ago, Hall Master Yue made internal adjustments. Lao Ding, who wrote the current affairs, was adjusted to be in charge of clothing, and Cheng Jinshen, who was the chief writer of literature, was transferred to write the current affairs. Then, within a few days, this article "Yong Wang's Central Plains Ambition" One article appeared, and the author was Cheng Jinshen, and he was in charge of current affairs for ten days, and there was no article about current affairs in Sichuan and Shaanxi. Reporting is indeed current affairs, and I have not vetoed it, but I think there is a problem with the direction."

Hu Yun's expression also became serious, he felt that Wang Mu still had something to say.

"Brother Shaofu, if you have anything else to say, just say it bluntly. The "Beijing News" is the mouthpiece of King Yong, so there must be no mistakes."

"Now that "Express" has sunk, will Qin Hui admit defeat? If the newspaper cannot win "Beijing News", will he change his strategy and start from the inside of "Beijing News"?"

"You mean that Master Yue was bribed by them?"

Wang Mu shook his head, "I'm not talking about the owner of the newspaper, Yue Chen is a pure newspaperman, not sensitive to politics, he spends his time thinking about how to push the "Beijing News" to the whole of Jiangnan. Two deputy curators are in charge, one is You Zhongwen who is in charge of printing and distribution, and the other is Hou Liang who is in charge of content. The in-depth study was recommended by You Zhongwen to be transferred to the current affairs category."

"Then what is the attitude of Chief Zhuan Hou Liang?" Hu Yun asked again.

"He was firmly against it at the beginning, because it was his authority to transfer the chief writer, and he argued with the master Yue every day, but then he suddenly fell silent and didn't interfere any more. Something must have happened inside."

"So you suspect that the deputy curator You Zhongwen has been bought by Qin Hui?"

Wang Mu nodded, "Not only him, but also Cheng Jinshen, the chief editor of current affairs."

"I see. I will pay special attention to this matter. What else can Brother Shaofu do?"

Wang Mu was silent for a moment and said, "Zhang Jun has been reinstated. He is a senior scholar and a privy secretary."

"He invited you back?" Hu Yun asked nervously.

"Not yet, he just invited me to take my family to his house for a casual meal, I guess he will invite me back."

"Brother Shaofu will go back?" Hu Yun's smile was a little dry.

Wang Mu smiled faintly, "I don't like him."

Hu Yun's heart suddenly relaxed, and he asked with a smile, "Why?"

"If he is smart, he should take this opportunity to get out, at least he can get peace for the rest of his life, but he is still greedy for power, how can Qin Hui tolerate him, if I read correctly, he will be demoted soon. !"

The two chatted a few more words, Hu Yun got up and left, he was thinking about investigating You Zhongwen.

In the evening, Wang Mu and his wife and children were invited to visit Zhang Jun's house. Zhang Jun originally wanted to continue serving as deputy prime minister, but was strongly opposed by Qin Hui, so he had to give up.

After dinner, Wang Mu's wife and daughter went to the back house to chat with Zhang Jun's wife and mother, and Wang Mu was invited to the study.

The maid came in to deliver tea, Zhang Jun took a sip of tea and asked with a smile: "I heard that Lu Yihao recommended my brother to the "Beijing News?"

Wang Mu nodded, "As a review editor, the salary is not bad!"

"If I'm not mistaken, that Spear Whisperer is Brother Xian!"

"Xianggong is talking about those articles that refuted Huang Yougong?"

Zhang Jun nodded, "That's Ni's handwriting, I can see it."

Wang Mu smiled and said, "I am the one who wrote the book, but my husband didn't see it. Is it the result of many people's discussions?"

"Of course I know that this is the content provided by Jingzhao. You may not know the real situation. It's just the first time I have seen this kind of public opinion dispute. In my opinion, the court is still too tolerant. It actually allows the "Beijing News" exist."

A trace of disgust suddenly arose in Wang Mu's heart. The existence of "Beijing News" was not because of the court's tolerance.

He didn't want to refute Zhang Jun, so he was silent for a while.

"Has Shao Fu ever thought about leaving the newspaper?" Zhang Jun asked tentatively.

Wang Mu just smiled, but still didn't answer.

Zhang Jun felt a little disappointed, he knew that Wang Mu could understand his hints, and if he didn't answer the topic, he politely rejected him.

Could it be that he dismissed his staff and made his life very difficult, and he still resents him in his heart?

There is no rush for this matter, take your time, so Zhang Jun changed the subject and asked with a smile, "Where does my virtuous brother live now?"

"Near the third bridge, it was the temporary location of the former newspaper office, a five-acre house. Now that the newspaper office has a new location, that house will be vacant, and my family will move in temporarily."

"It seems that the newspaper is really good to my brother! It actually gave my brother a five-acre house in such a good location as Sanqiao."

Wang Mu smiled lightly and said, "Many people died in that house, and the coagulated blood can still be seen in the gaps in the flower beds. It's very bloody. Others are taboo and don't want to live there, but I don't care."

Zhang Jun's heart moved, "Could it be that Brother Xian lives in the house of Chen Qing?"

(End of this chapter)

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