
Chapter 956

Chapter 956
Wang Mu's family said goodbye and left. Zhang Jun watched the oxcart go away with a smile on his face. The smile on his face gradually disappeared, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Jun's wife didn't notice the change in her husband's expression, and said with a smile, "Have the officials persuaded the Shaofu?"

Zhang Jun said coldly: "He has climbed a tall branch, and this small pond of mine can no longer accommodate him."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left angrily. Zhang Jun finally understood that Wang Muruo was just working in the newspaper office. How could his family live in Chen Qing's house? There was only one explanation. He was actually working for Chen Qing. No one dares to live in the bloody place, it is pure nonsense.

Under the night, a guest came to Qin Hui's residence. This person was You Zhongwen, the deputy curator of "Beijing News". The two had a very good personal relationship. Due to the rapid development of "Beijing News", Yue Chen began to turn his energy to expand overseas, and started to organize the Yuezhou branch and the Pingjiang branch. He was too busy, so he recommended You Zhongwen to Zheng Tongquan. Wen was appointed as the deputy curator, in charge of the printing and distribution of the newspaper, including the procurement of raw materials such as paper and ink.

You Zhongwen is indeed very capable, and he manages the operation of the newspaper in an orderly manner, which is also appreciated by Zheng Tongquan.

However, due to the bad reputation of "Express" and the inability to compete with "Beijing News", Qin Hui had to change his strategy and divide "Beijing News" from within. This kind of thinking is that I can't do better than you, so I will ruin you too .

Because of this, You Zhongwen was attracted by Qin Hui. It is conceivable how flattered You Zhongwen should be when a very ordinary scholar was appreciated by the prime minister, regarded as a guest, and promised to grant him an official position.

You Zhongwen was led to sit in the guest room for a while, there was a heavy cough outside, Qin Hui walked in unhurriedly, You Zhongwen stood up quickly, bowed and saluted: "Greetings to my husband!"

"sit down!"

The two sat down as guest and host, and Qin Hui praised: "I have read all the newspapers these days, yes, there is no shadow of Sichuan and Shaanxi, as it should be, how can the newspapers in Lin'an publish news about Sichuan and Shaanxi all day long. "

"Students are wondering whether it is possible to publish some news that is not good for Sichuan and Shaanxi. Of course it is true and will not be fabricated. This will let everyone see the truth and not be deceived."

Qin Hui immediately admired it greatly, and was actually more vicious than himself, "Your idea is very good, it can be implemented!"

After a pause, Qin Hui asked again: "Besides, why didn't the article about King Yong's ambitions in the Central Plains that I gave you last time appear in the Beijing News?"

You Zhongwen said with some embarrassment: "The students are here for this."

"How to say?"

"That article was originally planned to be published yesterday, but unexpectedly it was temporarily withdrawn."

"Who removed it, Yue Chen?"

"It wasn't him, it was removed by editor Zhang Jinhuang."

"and many more!"

Qin Hui interrupted him, and said in a daze, "I'm a little confused. What is an editorial editor? He has the right to withdraw articles to be reported? And who is this Zhang Jinhuang? Why haven't I heard of it?"

You Zhongwen said with a bitter face: "I am in charge of printing and distribution. I have never cared about the content. It has always been under the supervision of the owner Yue and the editor-in-chief Hou Liang. I only know that Zheng Tongquan arranged for the review and editing. I knew it was Zhang Jinhuang, but I didn't take him seriously. I didn't know that the review editor Zhang Jinhuang actually had the right to veto until I withdrew this manuscript at the last moment. Editing is the last step of review, with veto power."

Qin Hui was furious in his heart, and immediately scolded with a straight face: "You are the dignified deputy curator, and you don't know such an important thing?"

Seeing that Xiangguo was angry, You Zhongwen was so frightened that he fell silent and dared not speak.

Qin Hui walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and asked again, "Who is this Zhang Jinhuang?"

"The students asked a few people, but they didn't know. They only knew that it was Zheng Tongquan who brought it, and that his monthly salary was the same as that of the museum owner."

"Is he here to supervise the newspaper on behalf of Zheng Tongquan?"

"It's very possible that since he came, Zheng Tongquan seldom appeared in the newspaper office, and used to come here every now and then."

Qin Hui narrowed his eyes and looked outside the hall and said, "Who is this Zhang Jinhuang? I don't want to care about it for the time being, but what I care about is that manuscript, which must be published within ten days. You can find a ruffian like last time to take it to you." Zhang Jinhuang's leg was broken, so he couldn't come to the newspaper office, understand what I mean?"

"Students understand!"

You Zhongwen bid farewell and left. He boarded an ox cart and returned to the newspaper office. In the darkness, a black shadow flashed out from the alley opposite Qin Hui's mansion, and followed the ox cart on a donkey.

Qin Hui returned to the inner hall and sat down, his wife Wang asked with a smile: "Another official came to visit?"

"It's not an official today, but the deputy editor of the "Beijing News". Last time I told you, if you allow him a little master, he will be so excited that he will cry bitterly. He wants to be an official even in his dreams."

Mrs. Wang complained a little: "Is it necessary for the officials to come forward in person when dealing with such small fish and shrimps? The officials are too polite and virtuous."

Qin Hui stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate this kind of little lady, he can play a role at critical moments. It is this You Zhongwen. Now the "Beijing News" has gradually been used by me. I wrote a special article. As long as it is published, the influence of Chen Qing's attack on the Central Plains can be reduced by more than half. What is expelling the Tartars and recovering the Central Plains is a nice word. The dark ambition in his heart makes the people of Lin'an see through him."

Wang smiled and said: "This seems to be more vicious than Huang Yougong's article!"

"Of course, Huang Yougong's article is false, but mine is true, and it was published by their own "Beijing News", so everyone will naturally believe in it even more. Once this understanding takes root in their hearts , when Chen Qing publicizes his magnificence again, everyone will think he is hypocritical, and the poison will be produced unconsciously."

Mrs. Wang praised her husband a few words, then took a sip of tea and reminded: "I want to remind my husband, today is the fourth day of March, and tomorrow the court will discuss the Western Army's attack on the Central Plains. Are you ready?"

Qin Hui waved his hand, "Tomorrow's court meeting will be changed to a small court meeting. After all, Chen Qing hasn't sent troops yet, so it's meaningless to discuss it now. The officials mainly ask about Zhang Jun's situation. It can be regarded as Zhang Jun's work report meeting!"

Yujie is a road extending northward from Da Nei. It is about three miles long. There are no houses and shops on both sides of Yujie. Basically, it is the entrance hall of various states stationed in Lin'an. In addition, Jin Guofu is also on the east of Yujie. The largest mansion.

On the west side of Yujie Street, there is the second largest mansion. On the sign is the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi in Lin'an Jinzhao Hall. It still has a second name, and everyone calls it Yongwang Hall.

At this time, in the inner hall of King Yong's Hall, Wei Yanzong clasped his fists in salute and said: "Report to Special Envoy Hu, You Zhongwen did enter Qin Hui's Mansion, stayed for less than half an hour, then came out, and then returned to the newspaper office in a bullock cart."

"Have you found out about You Zhongwen's background?"

"It's almost time to report back to the special envoy. He is from Yingtian Mansion. He fled from Huaibei to the south last summer. He has no family members. He is currently living in a single courtyard of the newspaper office. He and the owner Yue Chen are classmates in the school. It's very profound, he should have come to An'an after receiving Yue Chen's letter."

Hu Yun was very annoyed that Qin Hui actually overthrew the "Beijing News" from within. If Wang Mu hadn't reminded himself at noon that he didn't know anything about it, the good "Beijing News" would have become Qin Hui's tool to smear King Yong. How could he tell Yong? Wang confessed?
"Where's Cheng Jinshen, the political moderator, did you torture him?"

"Cheng Jinshen is a soft-boned person. Once threatened, he recruited everything. He confessed You Zhongwen's old background. He is a local. He was originally the chief writer of the literature edition. He hugged You Zhongwen's thigh, according to his account. , Chief writer Hou Liang’s son was broken by a leg, and then Hou Liang succumbed, and in all likelihood, You Zhongwen paid someone to do it.”

"So he will probably find someone to attack Wang Mu."

"Exactly, as long as Wang Mu is injured and stays at home, You Zhongwen can do whatever he wants."

Hu Yun nodded, "I see, you go! Protect Wang Mu and wait for my news."

Wei Yanzong saluted and left. Hu Yun couldn't attack You Zhongwen right away. He had to discuss it with Zheng Tongquan. After all, Zheng Tongquan was the owner of "Beijing News", so he couldn't bypass him.

(End of this chapter)

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