
Chapter 957: Court Discussion

Chapter 957: Court Discussion
The next morning, in the side hall of the Daqing Hall, the emperor Zhao Gou held a small court meeting, which was attended by Xiangguo and important officials. Compared with the grand court meeting, the small court meeting was more pragmatic and focused on solving problems.

And the Great Court is more of a retreat, a mere formality, nothing can be settled at the Great Court Meeting, and the things announced at the Great Court Meeting have actually been settled long ago, just let the ministers witness.

Zhang Jun just rushed back from Luzhou yesterday. On the one hand, he was doing his annual report, and on the other hand, he came to ask for money, grain and supplies.

As soon as he entered the main hall, Zhang Jun grabbed Liu Qiren, the military supervisor, "Liu Supervisor, this time I came back to ask you for something?"

Liu Qiren was taken aback, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't look for me, I only sent you [-] ships of military supplies last year, the Xuan Fu envoy should ask for money and food! That's your real purpose."

Zhang Jun laughed dryly and said, "I also need money, food, and supplies. The supplies you gave me last year didn't include firearms. I'm not wrong, am I?"

"Didn't you say that the court's firearms are all rubbish and useless?"

"The firearms of the imperial court are indeed rubbish. The iron fire mines of the western army have come out. You wood fire mines are still not sure. It's not rubbish, but I want firearms for training. I got information that Jinbing has equipped a large number of gunpowder barrels. , which are full of poisonous nails, my soldiers don't know how to defend against it, so I need a lot of firearms for training."

"I remember you still have more than [-] firearms in your inventory! Are you running out so soon?" Liu Qiren asked suspiciously.

"What do you think, I have nearly [-] troops, and I'm going to lose my training. I'll run out of [-] firearms after a few rounds of training. Give me another [-] firearms."

Liu Qiren shook his head like a rattle, "No, there are only [-] pieces of firearms in the warehouse, and more than [-] catties of gunpowder."

"Give it all to me, and I will find a craftsman to make the powder keg."

Liu Qiren still shook his head, "I can't give you all of it, I have to leave some for other troops, half of it at most."

"Half is fine. The army training is waiting for urgent use. You will send a boat to the dock in Dangtu County tomorrow, and my men will receive it there."

"Tomorrow? So what are you in a hurry for?"

"How can you not be in a hurry, when the golden soldiers call, you will be in a hurry."

At this time, a guard shouted, "Your Majesty is here!"

Zhang Jun quickly got up and returned to his seat, not forgetting to turn around and add, "It's agreed, the delivery will be made tomorrow!"

Liu Qiren looked at his back and cursed in a low voice, "The one who wants things the hardest, the one who fights and escapes the fastest, I'm pissed off!"

Emperor Zhao Gou sat down on the dragon couch, and everyone stood up and saluted, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou took a look and asked Qin Hui, "Mr. Qin, are you all here yet?"

"Report to Your Majesty, they are all here!"

Zhao Gou waved his hands and said with a smile: "My dear friends, please sit down!"

Everyone sat down one after another, Zhao Gou said slowly: "Today I will mainly discuss with you dear friends about Chen Qing's dispatch of troops to the Central Plains. Another year, but the imperial court always let them down, and I am deeply sorry, but the golden soldiers are like wolves, and it is not easy for us to resist the southern invasion of the golden soldiers, not because we don’t want to go north, but because we are powerless.”

Zhao Gou made an opening remark, and finally gave a statement based on lack of strength. The next step is to use all the ministers to fully explain the emperor's heart and strength.

As the right minister, Qin Hui stood up without hesitation and said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to apologize. In fact, we have already marched to the north several times. Wang Heng even led his army to the outskirts of Bianliang. How can we say that we did not go to the north, regardless of the lives of the people in the Central Plains?
However, Chen Qing had never set foot in the Central Plains, and when he went out for the first time, he publicized them as the savior of the people in the Central Plains. So what are our previous expeditions?This is not fair, Your Majesty, we dispatched troops in a low-key manner to save the common people, and Chen Qing started to publicize before dispatching troops. He is actually trying to gain fame, which is disgusting. "

Immediately afterwards, Prime Minister Zhu Shengfei also got up and said: "Mr. Qin is right. We don't need to pay attention to the other party's propaganda. Whether we can recover the Central Plains depends on the final result. The Central Plains is not an empty house. You can occupy it as you want."

As expected of a prime minister, a lot of reasons have been found out for no reason. Qin Hui doesn't care about the result, but only looks at the process, emphasizing the court's attitude towards regaining the Central Plains. It can be said that he has been defeated repeatedly, and the court's attitude is better than Chen Qing .

Zhu Shengfei, on the other hand, did not talk about the process, but only about the results. You, Chen Qing, have not even written a word about recovering the Central Plains, so what are you bragging about here?

Zhao Gou was quite satisfied with the two explanations. He glanced at Zhang Jun and said, "General Zhang, you have been confronting Jin Bing for a long time, and you know the situation of Jin Bing well. Do you think Chen Qing has the ability to regain the Central Plains? Tell me about your situation." view."

Zhang Jun quickly bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I don't know Chen Qing's strength, but I know the strength of Wanyan Wushu very well. He has a total of [-] troops in the Central Plains, and if the [-] troops in Hebei are counted, the Kingdom of Jin actually has [-] troops on the Central Plains-Hebei line. Chen Qing's total strength may not be comparable to the Jin soldiers.

Second, Wanyan Wushu has [-] special troops, [-] kidnapped horses and [-] iron stupas. This is the most powerful cavalry, which can basically sweep everything. That's because they didn't have the opportunity to take advantage of the cavalry. Now the Central Plains is a plain area, which is where the Jurchen cavalry can give full play to their advantages. To be honest, the humble officials are not optimistic about this Chen Qingdong expedition. "

Zhao Gou nodded, "It seems that we still have to ask the general about military matters. Although I don't want Chen Qing to fail, I don't want to see him be so arrogant and rampant, stepping on the shoulders of the court to show his righteousness, without the court exhausting all supplies. Fighting Jin Bing and constantly weakening Jin Bing's strength, how can he have the opportunity now? We don't need to pay too much attention, it is more important to do our own things well, envoy Zhang Xuanfu, take this opportunity today to briefly report on last year The situation of the Huaixi Army!"

"The lowly position complies with the order. Last year, the Huaixi army fought [-] times with the Jin soldiers and the puppet Qi army on both sides of the Huaihe River. Among them, they won [-] times and lost [-] times. They killed more than [-] enemies, and we suffered [-] casualties. With more than [-] people, it should be said that we have the upper hand and firmly hold the front line of the Huaihe River."

Xu Xiantu secretly scolded Zhang Jun for being shameless. Zhang Jun's own army retreated southward to the Yangtze River. It was Yue Fei's army who crossed the border to attack the Jin soldiers. Was he the one who guarded the front line of the Huaihe River?

But the emperor loved to listen, so Zhao Gou waved his hand excitedly, "Please continue to talk, envoy Xuanfu!"

At night, the romantic You Zhongwen came out of a brothel, and his gait was a little staggered due to his drunkenness. When he saw a bullock cart parked opposite him, he beckoned, and the bullock cart turned around and came slowly, stopping in front of him. Down.

You Zhongwen boarded the car and muttered, "Go to the "Beijing News" office!"

He leaned on the soft cushion, closed his eyes and rested, the bullock cart shook slightly, and he fell asleep unconsciously.

After an unknown amount of time, You Zhongwen woke up suddenly. He was horrified to find that he was held down by two strong men. He was about to ask questions when a ball of rags was stuffed into his mouth, making him 'Woo!Woo! 'Can't make a sound.

Immediately there was darkness in front of his eyes, a cloth bag covered his head, and soon his hands and feet were tied up, and he curled up on the ground, unable to move like a boiled prawn.

You Zhongwen yelled and struggled desperately. Suddenly, someone kicked his waist hard, and the pain was so painful that he dared not move.

"Sleep honestly, we will send you back to your hometown!"

Someone whispered something in his ear, and You Zhongwen suddenly fainted from fright. He understood that going back to his hometown was going to the underworld.

More than ten days later, when You Zhongwen regained his freedom, he found himself outside Yingtian City. He really returned to his hometown, but the thousands of coins he saved through hard work are still in Lin'an!
After waiting for ten days, Qin Hui still couldn't wait for his article, so he sent someone to question You Zhongwen, only to learn that You Zhongwen had gone back to his hometown to visit his relatives. Dare to retaliate, since Chen Qing knew the details of his son Lin Yifei, he didn't dare to use tricks against Chen Qing's people again.

Even if he wants to use it, he must be encouraging others to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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