
Chapter 958 Backstage

Chapter 958 Backstage
The court discussion was just the emperor Zhao Gou spreading a message to the ministers. He was very concerned about Chen Qing's dispatch of troops to the Central Plains, and hoped that someone could give him advice and solve problems.

Trying to figure out the holy will is a must for every courtier. In just half a month, hundreds of courtiers wrote letters to the emperor, explaining their countermeasures. Even Yue Fei, who was far away in Xiangyang, also wrote to the emperor, suggesting that while the Jin soldiers were in Luobian, Taking advantage of the opportunity to fight against the Western Army, he sent troops to the east and occupied most of the eastern state capitals.

Yue Fei's letter was ignored by the emperor Zhao Gou. The armistice agreement is here. He is the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty. How could he go back on his word and tear up the agreement?
However, Zhao Gou was quite tempted by the letter written by the censor Zhong Cheng Wan Qixi, "The elite soldiers of the Western Army are all in the Central Plains, and Chen Qing has no time to look south. ? '

Zhao Gou immediately summoned Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei, the left and right ministers, and Xu Xiantu, the privy envoy, to discuss.

Wan Qixi is Qin Hui's confidant, how could Qin Hui not know this letter?

He knew the emperor Zhao Gou very well, he was strict with the inside but feared the outside, he was servile to the Jin soldiers, but he was cruel and merciless to the Song people, if he didn't move, he wouldn't call the three of them to come to discuss.

"Your Majesty, why bother, just find a suitable excuse to send troops. Even if people in the world understand, they have nothing to say."

Zhao Gou nodded, "I understand what Qin Xianggong means, the key is that this excuse is hard to come by."

Qin Hui smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, you can repay him in his own way. How did they find an excuse to enter Jingnan South Road?"

"Qin Xianggong is talking about suppressing bandits?"

Qin Hui nodded, "Suppressing bandits is indeed a good excuse. It can be used anytime and anywhere. If necessary, you can even send an army to pretend to be bandits and occupy the mountain as king."

Next to him, Zhu Shengfei said, "Your Majesty, I think it's a good excuse to attack private salt dealers."

The suggestions of both of them are good, Zhao Gou nodded, then glanced at Xu Xiantu again, "What does Xu Aiqing mean?"

Xu Xiantu said indifferently: "Jingnan South Road is originally the territory of the imperial court. You don't need to find any excuses, just send troops there. If there is a conflict between the two sides, then simply drive the Sichuan-Shaanxi Army out of Jinghu South Road. You don't need to make any messy excuses. , not airy at all, making people laugh."

Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei's faces froze, and Zhao Gou clapped his hands and laughed, "It's a good one to send troops directly. I wonder who Xu Aiqing recommends to lead the troops to South Jingnan Road?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I have recommended Li Gang as the envoy of the two routes of Jinghu, and Yue Fei as the deputy envoy and commander of the capital. They will send troops from Xiangyang to the south. However, there is no rush to send troops now, depending on the situation in the Central Plains."

Zhao Gou walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, nodded and said, "I'm sure, I'll announce Li Gang and Yue Fei to the pilgrimage immediately!"

Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei resigned, and Xu Xiantu was left behind.

Emperor Zhao Gou stood in front of the window, and after a while, he asked lightly, "I heard that Xu Aiqing and Zheng Tongquan have a close relationship, is that true?"

Xu Xiantu was startled, is the emperor going to attack Zheng Tongquan?
He hurriedly bowed and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, in the third year of Shaoxing, my father was seriously ill. Thanks to Uncle Zheng Guo, who sent a millennium-old ginseng in his collection in time, it saved my father's life. I will repay my kindness." , have always had a good relationship with him."

"It's that simple?"

"There are still some business contacts."

Zhao Gou nodded, and said again: "I just found out that Zheng Tongquan actually has [-]% of the "Beijing News". His relationship with Chen Qing is extraordinary!"

Xu Xiantu bowed and said: "Your Majesty, there are actually quite a few people who have a close relationship with Chen Qing, like Zhang Jun, Li Gang, Zhao Ding, not to mention Lu Yihao, and even Wei Chen has been a marriage seeker for him, Chen Qing and Zheng Ping There is brotherhood, Zheng Tongquan can be said to be Chen Qing's elder, and it is normal to have a good personal relationship, but I believe that Zheng Tongquan is just a businessman, not a court official, as long as he does not harm the interests of the court, there is nothing wrong with his personal relationship with Chen Qing."

Zhao Gou sneered twice and said: "Did he really not harm the interests of the court? He has [-]% of the members of the "Beijing News". Also, don't think that I don't know the source of the hundreds of large ships that Chen Qingdong came to."

"Your Majesty, the "Beijing News" is a newspaper approved by His Majesty. It has been registered in the Ministry of Rites and the Admonition Court. Although it promotes Chen Qing too much, the newspaper has never criticized the imperial court. Just to take care of the life of the newspaper staff, he cannot interfere with the reports of the "Beijing News", and Chen Qing will not allow anyone to interfere with the content of the newspaper. Everyone knows this well. As for the matter of the ship, I specifically asked Zheng Tongquan .”

"How did he say?"

"He said that the ship is not owned by him. It is a business firm jointly established by Chen Qing and Zheng Ping, and it is only listed under the property of the Zheng family."

"But after all, he still covered Chen Qing. I have been humiliated by a hundred sea ships. Shouldn't this debt be settled with him?"

Xu Xiantu sighed and said, "Your Majesty hasn't broken up with Chen Qing yet. Chen Qing is still a minister of the Song Dynasty. It is normal for Chen Qing to have power in Lin'an. Your Majesty can also send people to Jingzhao to run newspapers or do business, and Chen Qing will not interfere. , if His Majesty wants to take action against Zheng Tongquan, it will be tantamount to breaking the skin with Chen Qing, and the consequences that will follow, has Qin Xianggong told His Majesty?"

Zhao Gou sneered and said, "If you kill a mere businessman, your face will be torn apart. Is he really so childish?"

"Your Majesty, I know Chen Qing very well. Your Majesty wants to seize the Jing South Road. I have no objection, because I know that Chen Qing will not fight for the territory and the court. But Zheng Tongquan is different. He is Chen Qing's elder. , Chen Qing has no parents or brothers, killing Zheng Tongquan is like killing his father, he will definitely break with Da Song completely, please think twice, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou said for a long time: "Forget it, the court's finances are difficult, but Zheng Tongquan is as rich as an enemy. If he is asked to donate a little money to the court, I will let him go this time."

Qin Hui persuaded Zhao Gou to kill Zheng Tongquan on the pretext of collaborating with the enemy, and seize all the wealth of the Zheng family in order to enrich the treasury. Zhao Gou was also quite tempted, but Xu Xiantu's words made him hesitate again, especially the consequences of tearing his face with Chen Qing. He really can't bear it.

But let it go, Zhao Gou is not reconciled, so let Zheng Tongquan pay a sum of money to atone for his crime!

Xu Xiantu also knew that reporting to the office was a trivial matter, but the key was that the emperor was worried about those hundreds of large ships. With the emperor's disposition of vengeance, he would never let the Zheng family go. Sooner or later, he would attack the Zheng family. , I am afraid it will be difficult to pass this level.

Xu Xiantu nodded, "Humble job, go and persuade him to do his best for the court!"

Zheng Tongquan has been busy with newspaper matters these days, and the deputy director You Zhongwen was forcibly expelled. This is also Zheng Tongquan's intercession, otherwise You Zhongwen would really return to his hometown.

Under Zheng Tongwen's interference, the position of the newspaper was restored to the position before the adjustment. The duplicitous Cheng Jinshen was fired. Zheng Tongquan simply picked a capable manager from the Zhengjia Commercial Bank as the deputy director. Anyway, it doesn't involve content, just print and distribute. The manager is equally competent and loyal.

Wang Mu continues to serve as editor, but he can no longer keep a low profile. Everyone in the newspaper knows that he is the supervisor of the newspaper. His real power is even higher than that of the editor. This editor can.

After finishing his work on the newspaper, Zheng Tongquan was just about to leave for Mingzhou overnight, when Xu Xiantu's family sent a greeting card. Xu Xiantu would come to visit him tonight, so Zheng Tongquan had to change his plan and set off tomorrow morning.

As soon as night fell, Xu Xiantu's carriage arrived at the Zheng Mansion under the escort of dozens of warriors. Zheng Tongquan personally greeted Xu Xiantu's arrival in front of the mansion.

Zheng Tongquan was still Uncle Zheng Guo last year, but this year there are not many people who call him Uncle Zheng Guo. The reason is that the Empress Dowager Zheng died of illness at the end of last year.

Fortunately, Zheng Tongquan still has some backstage backgrounds in Lin'an, Xu Xiantu is one, and the Qian family is also one, but Zheng Tongquan himself does not realize that his real background is Chen Qing, and even the emperor Zhao Gou dare not touch him.

Xu Xiantu and the Zheng family are bound together by a thousand-year-old ginseng. In the many profitable industries of the Zheng family, Xu Xiantu and the Qian family each have about [-]% of their members. It is this community of interests that maintains the security of the Zheng family. He dared to move them, but if the emperor wanted to move the Zheng family, then Xu Xiantu and the Qian family would not be able to keep them.

The two exchanged greetings in front of the door, and Zheng Tongquan invited Xu Xiantu to the guest hall.

(End of this chapter)

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