
Chapter 959 The Zheng Family

Chapter 959 The Zheng Family
In the guest hall, Xu Xiantu briefly told Zheng Quantong what happened in the Imperial Study Room today, and Zheng Quantong said bitterly: "This must be Qin Hui's accusation against me in front of the emperor, and he even said that I was collaborating with the enemy? This is clearly revenge on me, right?" Frustrating his attempt to buy insiders at the newspaper."

Xu Xiantu waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about the "Beijing News". After all, it is a newspaper approved by the emperor. Always brooding."

Zheng Tongquan was stunned for a while and said: "This matter is very secret, how could the emperor know?"

Xu Xiantu said indifferently: "This matter is so secret, let the officials of Quanzhou and Mingzhou investigate it, not to mention which boatmen, you think it is very secret, in fact, the emperor has known it for a long time, he is very angry about it, but I have been holding back and waiting for an opportunity, this time Qin Hui's request to arrest you Zheng family members for the crime of collaborating with the enemy is the long-awaited opportunity for the emperor to clean up the Zheng family."

"What does the emperor want to do to the Zheng family?"

"Kill you for the crime of collaborating with the enemy, and take away all the wealth of the Zheng family, you understand!"

Zheng Tongquan's face turned pale, his legs trembled slightly, "And then?"

"I persuaded the emperor, and the emperor changed his mind."

Without waiting for Zheng Tongquan to thank him, Xu Xiantu waved his hand again and said, "You don't have to thank me. If the emperor wants to kill you, I can't save you even ten of them. In fact, it's not me who keeps you, but I move Chen Qing out. The emperor is scrupulous." Chen Qing will turn his face, so he can only compromise!"

Zheng Tongquan breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Anyway, I would like to thank my husband for his persuasion. Without his persuasion, our whole family would be ruined."

He didn't say this, without Xu Xiantu's persuasion, it is very likely that the emperor Zhao Gou would realize his mistake after he killed Zheng Tongquan, but the man could no longer be resurrected.

Xu Xiantu said again: "In the final analysis, the imperial court's finances are too difficult to support the army, so you have to show something and respond to the emperor's compromise, so that he will really let you go."

"I see, Mr. Xu, please tell me! How much money do I need to donate?"

Xu Xiantu raised a finger and said slowly: "I've thought about it for you in the afternoon, you have to donate at least one million guan, and you have to split it into two, half donated to the imperial court and half to the internal treasury."

"I see, I will arrange it in these two days!"

The two talked a few more words, and Xu Xiantu got up to say goodbye and left.

After sending Xu Xiantu away, Zheng Tongquan immediately ordered his two sons, brother and nephew to be found.

Zheng Tongquan paced back and forth anxiously in the inner hall. Since Empress Dowager Zheng died of illness last year, he has felt that he is gradually in danger.

First of all, the qualification for supplying medicine to the palace was suspended, followed by the renewal of the brewing brand at the beginning of the year, seven of his brewing brands in ten states were cancelled, leaving only the brewing brands of three states, which meant that he lost seven of his brewing brands state wine market.

Because alcohol involves fiscal and tax revenue in various places, you cannot transport alcohol from one state to another state for sale. Once found, you will be imprisoned or beheaded.

All these signs show that the court or the emperor has regarded him as a fat sheep and is ready to be slaughtered. This time the emperor extorted a million coins from him. Although it is nothing in the wealth accumulation of the Zheng family, it is by no means A good sign, once the news spreads, it will definitely attract wolves to bite the Zheng family. For example, Uncle Wei Guo has taken a fancy to the Zheng Tower by the West Lake.

At this time, Zheng Tongquan's eldest son Zheng Song, second son Zheng Bai, brother Zheng Danian, and nephew Zheng Feng all rushed to the inner hall.

None of Zheng Tongquan's brothers, nephews, or nephews have entered official positions. It's not that there is no opportunity, but that it is meaningless to be a petty official. They control the business and assets of the Zheng family respectively.

The Zheng family is mainly engaged in shipping trade, restaurants, shops, pharmacies and other industries, the largest of which is the shipping trade. The Zheng family is the second largest overseas trader in the Song Dynasty, owns [-] large ships, and is the richest third in Lin'an One of the rich merchants, Lin'an's largest spice merchant, the largest medicine merchant, owns Lin'an's third largest restaurant and more than a dozen other restaurants.

Although the Zheng family did not do real estate in Lin'an because the land in Lin'an was basically controlled by the traditional dignitaries, the Zheng family spent huge sums of money to purchase dozens of restaurants, shops, warehouses, commercial banks, houses, etc. in Lin'an over the years. There are so many places to fix wealth on the land.

Of course, the Zheng family has also invested millions in each of Chengdu and Jingzhao, and purchased countless properties, especially the assets purchased in Jingzhao have surpassed Lin'an.

When Zheng Tongquan told his family about today's situation, the brothers, nephews and nephews were immediately overwhelmed, and they all denounced the emperor for being shameless, and at the same time felt deeply anxious.

Zheng Danian said worriedly: "Brother, we must transfer our wealth and family members as soon as possible. Once the news of our forced donation spreads, all the yamen will come to try our best. Donate a little for this, raise a little for that, and if you don't give money, we will clean it up." kill us."

The second son, Zheng Bai, also said: "Uncle Wei Guo came to Zhenglou for dinner again at noon today, and he gave him ten taels of silver as usual. His meal was only a few hundred taels of cash. It is probably rumored in Lin'an that he ate ten meals somewhere. , the restaurant will belong to him, and if it is not given to the government, it will be closed directly."

Zheng Tongquan sighed, "The monks can't run away from the temple. If we withdraw, not only will all the painstaking efforts of more than ten years go to waste, so many of our shops, restaurants, warehouses, businesses, and houses will be gone, as well as the market. Lin'an is the largest spice market, and it earns us millions of dollars in huge profits every year."

At this time, the eldest son Zheng Song said: "Father, we are now in a puzzle and chaos. There are many things that are unclear and unclear. My son thinks that we can seek advice from wise counselors to find the most effective countermeasures." .”


Zheng Tongquan was stunned for a moment, what kind of counselor did he know?
He suddenly thought of someone, and slapped his head hard, it was really wrong, he actually forgot about him.

Early the next morning, Zheng Tongquan hurried to the newspaper office and went directly to Wang Mu's room. Wang Mu is Zhang Jun's chief aide, isn't he a very powerful adviser?I actually forgot about him.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw that Wang Mu was frying tea. In the Song Dynasty, drinking tea was mainly ordering tea and frying tea, but ordering tea was skillful and took a lot of time. Once he would go to the teahouse, the tea princess would order tea for himself.

And I usually use sencha, so I don’t need to grind the sencha into tea powder, but directly break the lumps of tea with my hands and fry them together in a pot, which is similar to decocting medicine, but I also pay attention to the heat and water quality.

Zheng Tongquan walked in and took a look at Tuancha tea and said with a smile: "It's actually not bad. Next time, I will give you a few catties of Fengcha. My tea house in Quanzhou secretly makes it. It is usually a tribute, but I can also enjoy it."

Wang Mu smiled and said: "I will remember this, it is best to have another set of Jianyao black lamps, I will be grateful."

"I have, I have several sets! I will give one set to my brother Shaofu later."

Wang Mu hurriedly cupped his hands, "Thank you very much!"

Zheng Tongquan smiled and said nothing, he knew that Wang Mu had misunderstood and thought it was a folk kiln, and the Jianzhan he gave him was a high-quality official kiln, so let him surprise him then!

"I have an important matter, and I want to ask my brother from the Shaofu."

"Master Zheng, please sit down and talk!"

Zheng Tongquan went over to close the door, his expression became serious, he told Wang Mu in detail what happened yesterday, and finally sighed: "The Zheng family is at the point of life and death, I am in a state of confusion, I don't know what to do. It’s good to do it, I implore sir to make up my mind for me, should I withdraw or what should I do?”

Wang Mu pondered for a moment and said, "Proprietor Zheng is really at great risk now. If he can save money and avoid disaster, that's fine, but even if he loses money, he will not be able to avoid disaster. The government's financial gap is getting bigger and bigger, so we will continue to play the Zheng family's ideas."

Zheng Tongquan was stunned, "Then there is no other way?"

Wang Mu smiled slightly: "Since the proprietor came to ask me for advice, of course I have to find a way for the proprietor."

"any solution?"

"There are two ways to go. First, transfer the family, gold and silver and other wealth to Quanzhou, and turn Quanzhou into the foundation of the Zheng family. After all, Quanzhou is in the hands of King Yong and can protect the Zheng family. help!"

"Will it be useful to ask King Yong for help? He is so far away!"

Wang Mu said indifferently: "Why did the Son of Heaven compromise in the end? Isn't it because he was worried about tearing up his face with King Yong? Since even the Son of Heaven is afraid of King Yong, don't others? Member, does he still dare to come to eat?"

For a moment, Zheng Tongquan was like a dream, he seemed to wake up, but he was still in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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