
Chapter 960 Explosion-proof

Chapter 960 Explosion-proof
On the special military wharf to the north of Lin'an City, thousands of civilians were loading large boxes onto the boat. The boxes were full of various firearms and barrels of gunpowder.

Although Liu Qiren, the military supervisory officer, was very reluctant, he still did not dare to disobey the holy will. The emperor approved Zhang Jun's request. Liu Qiren had to follow Zhang Jun's request and deliver the amount of firearms and gunpowder applied for to the designated place within the specified time. place.

On the pier, Liu Qiren asked: "Why did Xuanfu envoy send the firearms and gunpowder to Dangtu County? Can't I just send them to Luzhou?"

Zhang Jun laughed dryly. This was Chen Qing's request. Of course he could only send it to Dangtu County. Chen Qing offered to exchange [-] barrels of kerosene for [-] catties of gunpowder. Zhang Jun agreed without hesitation. , but he attaches great importance to kerosene. If he hadn't used kerosene to defend Hefei City last year, he really couldn't report his duties yesterday. '

Zhang Jun had no choice but to say vaguely: "Liu Jianling doesn't know something. My military warehouse is undergoing a large-scale inspection to confirm the real objects and improve the account books. Therefore, this batch of firearms and gunpowder cannot be sent to be mixed together. They can only be temporarily stored." In Dangtu County, if there is an urgent need for the army, they can go through the formalities in Dangtu County to take it away."

"I remember that the original Dangtu County was very dilapidated, but since last year, I heard that there was a lot of construction work there, and it was built into a big river port and a big warehouse. The business has become very prosperous. Zhang Xuanfu made a big deal!"

Zhang Jun said with a dry smile: "The main reason is that the strategic location of Wuhu Port is too important. Every time the enemy troops enter the hinterland of the south of the Yangtze River from Wuhukou, there are a large number of enemy spies there, and they basically use commerce as a cover, so I decided to Turning Wuhu Port into a military port, not allowing civilian ships to dock, and then using Dangtu Port not far away as a docking place for civilian ships, since it does not affect commercial transportation, it also protects the military security of Wuhu Port, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

"This idea is very good. No wonder the emperor also praised the envoy for being flexible."

Zhang Jun squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Thank you! Thank you!"

Liu Qiren knew very well that Dangtu spent so much money dredging the port, building wharves, building warehouses, and laying roads. Where did the money come from? Zhang Jun must have paid for it himself. He built Dangtu County into his own private wharf , and under the pretext of military security, all the merchant ships from Wuhu were driven to Dangtu County, wouldn't the wealth just flow in?
In fact, Liu Qiren really did not wrong Zhang Jun. Although the money invested by Dangtu County came from Chen Qing's pocket, the Dangzhang family also got [-]% of the land and warehouses, and made a lot of money by using the port of Dangtu County.

This does not conflict with the interests of Sichuan and Shaanxi. Sichuan and Shaanxi use Dangtu County as a transit warehouse to continuously purchase materials and send them to Jiangling and Bashu, while the Zhang family opens inns, restaurants, brothels, and shops, and then provides storage and supplies. Resupply, also provide fleet transportation, rely on port services to make a fortune, it can be said that both parties get what they need and develop together.

At this time, the steward stepped forward to salute and said: "Report to the supervisor's order, all firearms and gunpowder have been boarded!"

Liu Qiren nodded and said to Zhang Jun: "Since it is the ship arranged by the Xuan Fu envoy, it has nothing to do with me when I get on the ship, please sign it!"

Zhang Jun took a pen to sign and seal, and Liu Qiren left with a group of officials.

Zhang Jun walked to the pier, handed a list to Dong Qun, and said indifferently: "I will leave the rest to you. I hope you can deliver the kerosene as quickly as I do!"

"Please don't worry, the Xuanfu envoy. My Highness said that we have a long-term cooperation with the Xuanfu envoy. They are mutually beneficial and will definitely deliver the goods in time!"

Zhang Jun nodded, "One more free message to your Highness, the imperial court is very interested in Jingnan South Road, Li Gang and Yue Fei have already entered Beijing by order!"

Zhang Jun and Yue Fei have been feuding for a long time. If the Sichuan-Shanxi Army can be used to attack Yue Fei's army, he must be very happy to see it.

There is a military city in Ba, called Ba City, with a circumference of about ten miles. The city wall is tall and strong, and there is a moat around it. Various defensive weapons are installed on it, which can be described as easy to defend but difficult to attack.

This Bacheng is actually a training city, and soldiers are trained to attack and defend the city in the way of actual combat. This is also a training that the soldiers are very excited about, but a little scared, because this is actual combat training, and it is normal for wounded and dead people to die.

For example, if you fall from the siege ladder and the city wall, you must be flexible. If you fall into the moat, you will be fine, but if you fall on the dirt, it is normal to break your arms and legs.

However, the overall casualty ratio is not high, about [-]/[-]. If [-] people train, there will be [-] casualties, mostly injured.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The drums sounded like thunder, and the Huben Battalion was training to attack and defend the city on the east wall. The top of the city was two miles long, and Lu Gui led [-] men to defend the city.

The attacking party was [-] troops led by Yan Jun, carrying siege ladders and holding shields, rushing in like a tide.

From the beginning of the year, Yan Jun no longer served as the commander of Chen Qing's personal army, and transferred to the commander of the Huben battalion, commanding an army of [-].

The command is also divided into three levels. The deputy commander can lead [-] troops, the commander can lead [-] troops, the superior commander is qualified to lead [-] troops, and the next level is the deputy capital commander, who can lead [-] troops. He can lead an army of [-], and the capital of the Shangjun can only lead [-], and [-] is the upper limit.

But if he is both in command of the upper army and at the same time a Jiedu envoy, he can lead [-] troops.

Zheng Ping was the commander of the capital of the Shangjun and served as the Jiedu Envoy of the Yongxing Army, so he was qualified to command an army of [-].

Yang Zaixing is also in command of the upper army, but he does not have the title of Jiedushi, so he can only command an army of [-].

The subject of today's training is gunpowder keg defense. After the gunpowder was exchanged from Zhang Jun, the Western Army turned all the remaining kerosene into powder kegs to strengthen defense training.

Ten thousand troops charged forward, two hundred steps away from the city wall, Lu Gui shouted: "Launch!"

Forty large trebuchets were launched at the same time, and forty burning powder kegs were thrown at the crowd. "Avoid!" The general shouted, and the soldiers fell down, covering their heads and bodies with their shields.

The gunpowder barrels fell on the ground and exploded one after another. The power of the wooden barrel gunpowder barrel itself is not great, unless it falls on the side of the body and explodes, it will indeed kill people, but if you lie down, the shock wave will hardly hurt you people.

But the real lethality of the gunpowder barrel is the thousands of poisonous nails mixed in it. Once it is shot into the body, it will be poisoned, and the lightest one will lose its combat effectiveness. But if it is serious, if the treatment is not timely, it is almost impossible to escape death.

Of course, it's actual combat training now, although iron nails will be mixed in, but they won't quench the poison, even if they shoot through the leather armor, it's still a flesh wound, and the impact is very small.

The key is to learn how to defend against it. Golden soldiers are not welcome. They will definitely use poisoned iron nails. The gunpowder barrel explodes, and the poisonous nails are shot upwards at an oblique angle. As long as you lie down in time, you can basically avoid the damage of the poisonous nails. .

Chen Qing was watching the battle from the top of the city. He saw gunpowder kegs explode in the crowd, but all the soldiers got down quickly. When the round of explosions ended, the soldiers got up one after another and continued to charge forward with their shields held high.

"Are there any wounded soldiers?" Guan Shigu asked aside.

"There seem to be several!"

Chen Qing saw a soldier lying on the battlefield unable to get up, and waved to the distance. Immediately, a medical soldier came running with a stretcher. It should be that the gunpowder barrel exploded nearby and was injured.

At this time, the second round of gunpowder barrels was fired, and [-] soldiers quickly fell down again. Another forty gunpowder exploded in the crowd. It was a little too early and was trampled by the soldiers behind.

After the second round of explosions, [-] soldiers climbed up again, screaming loudly, and rushed towards the moat. A wooden plank was built on the moat. The soldiers rushed over and put a siege ladder on the city wall.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!" The bell rang, and the first anti-explosion training was over. Today, no siege practice was practiced, but only defense against explosions. The soldiers stepped back another [-] steps, and then restarted the second anti-explosion training.

Not long after, Yan Jun came to report. He knelt down on one knee and cupped his fists and said, "This is a typical report. After the first round of explosion-proof training, our army injured seven people, including one who was seriously injured. He fell down too early, and his left leg bone was heeled behind him." The incoming siege ladder was smashed, and the other six suffered flesh and blood injuries. According to preliminary statistics, [-] people were shot by iron nails."

Chen Qing nodded, "Continue training!"

"Follow the order!"

Yan Jun went back and was about to start the second round of training. Today there will be a total of five rounds of training before the end.

Guan Shigu praised: "Eighty gunpowder barrels exploded in two rounds, and at least [-] iron nails flew out, but only [-] people were hit. The defensive training was very successful!"

Chen Qing shook his head, "This is just the beginning, and I don't have enough experience. I hope that after the final training, no more than five people will be hit by iron nails in each game."

(End of this chapter)

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