
Chapter 961 Reminder

Chapter 961 Reminder
After returning to Jingzhao, Chen Qing went to Prince Yong's Mansion again. He went to Bashang before dawn. After returning, he had to go to the official room to see if there was anything important.

When we arrived at the official room, it was already dusk, and the officials all went back. The official who left late today was Cai Wenhuan, who was also one of the many court officials who came to join him some time ago. He is from Quanzhou. In his early years, because he was unwilling to abandon his wife, he had no background background and strong financial resources, and was unable to be promoted. In addition, he was upright. He wrote to the emperor to criticize Qin Hui for betraying the country, and Qin Hui retaliated. social order.

Cai Wenhuan's calligraphy is excellent, his articles are clear, and he has a thorough understanding of the problem. Jiang Yanxian recommended him to Chen Qing. Chen Qing used him to serve as a recorder for Xiban and joined the army, and he was named Zheng Liupin Chaofenglang.

The eastern class is in charge of documents, and the western class is in charge of intelligence. Currently, Zhang Xuan is the military officer in the eastern class, and Zhang Xuan is also transferred from the western class. Zhang Xuan's successor.

As for Chao Qing, although Chen Qing valued him, he was too young, only twenty-two years old. Although he was talented and learned, his qualifications were not enough to convince the public.

Chen Qing entered the official room and saw that Cai Wenhuan was still sorting out the paperwork, so he asked with a smile, "Is Cai Canjun on duty today?"


Cai Wenhuan took a copy of the pigeon letter in a red envelope, "It was delivered this afternoon, from Lin'an, there are two pigeon letters in total, and I copied it into one copy."

Chen Qing returned to his official room, took out the pigeon letter and read it carefully. It was sent by Hu Yun. There were two main things. One was that Zhang Jun hinted that the imperial court might use Li Gang and Yue Fei to attack South Jing South Road, and the other was that Zheng Tongquan was killed. A pack of wolves is waiting around, asking for help.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment, then asked Cai Wenhuan, "You are from Quanzhou, do you know Uncle Zheng Guo?"

"The humble official knows that he has a large business firm in Quanzhou, a large fleet, and he is willing to do good deeds. He is quite famous in Quanzhou for charity."

"He is in danger in Lin'an, what do you think?"

Cai Wenhuan thought for a moment and said, "This is inevitable!"

Chen Qing smiled faintly: "Why do you say that?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, I have been a supervisory censor for two years, and someone wrote a letter to the censor platform, exposing Uncle Zheng Guo's close contacts with the Jurchens in the early years, but because of the Empress Dowager Zheng, this letter of disclosure was suppressed. I heard that Empress Dowager Zheng died of illness at the beginning of the year, and he had no identity and background. The pack of wolves who had been greedy and looked down on him for a long time would not be able to bear it anymore. As the saying goes, everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty. He is rich and has no background to protect him. Of course it is a big fat sheep, if someone finds out the letter from Yushitai, he will be killed immediately."

Of course, Chen Qing wanted to protect Zheng Tongquan, he was very kind to himself, back then he supported him with [-] guan to give pensions to the soldiers who died in the battle at Jiandao Pass, although it was said that he sold the mansion to him, but he didn't actually ask for it.I shouldn't forget this generosity, not to mention that he is Zheng Ping's father. Zheng Ping has followed me from the beginning, and he is like a brother with me. His father is my father's generation. How could he be trampled on?
Chen Qing immediately wrote a pigeon letter and handed it to Cai Wenhuan: "Send it to Lin'an tomorrow morning!"

Back in the mansion, after dinner with his family, Chen Qing played with his children for a while, then he went back to the study, not long after, his wife Lu Xiu brought Shencha, she saw that her husband seemed to have something on his mind, so she smiled and said : "Husband, would you like to tell me something that bothers you?"

"I received two pigeon letters this afternoon, both of which are a bit troublesome."

Chen Qing told his wife about the pigeon letter in the afternoon. Lu Xiu had a very good impression of Zheng Tongquan. Not only did he send three thousand taels of silver when he got married, which was the most among all the guests, but he often took care of his father and grandfather in Lin'an. Of course, I support my husband and help the Zheng family.

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "It's only natural for my husband to stand up for Uncle Zheng. I remember correctly, but my husband persuaded Zheng Ping to sever the relationship between father and son on the surface. Now that Zheng Ping's father is in trouble, Zheng Ping can't stand up for his father. At this time, of course my husband has to stand up." Only by going out can Zheng Ping be appeased."

Chen Qing nodded, "If you don't tell me, I almost forgot about Zheng Ping's severance with his father. Fortunately, you reminded me."

After a pause, Chen Qing sighed again: "Back then in Jingxiang, Li Gang and I fought against the Jin side by side. He is one of the elders I respect the most. Now the imperial court intends to let Li Gang lead the troops to take back Jingnan South Road. A little annoying."

Lu Xiu comforted her husband and said: "Actually, these matters can be considered by my husband's staff. At critical moments, they should always be used!"

His wife's persuasion was somewhat reasonable. Chen Qing pondered for a moment and smiled: "I have a new staff member in Lin'an, don't I? I'll leave it to him to find a solution for me about Li Gang's matter."

Ever since Uncle Wei failed to assassinate Chen Qing, he was kidnapped by Chen Qing and nearly lost his life. His wealth accumulated over the years was also plundered by Chen Qing. Uncle Wei fell ill and lay in bed for a full month. He didn't go out for several months, and he didn't recover until the New Year.

The gold and silver treasures and silks and satins worth tens of millions in his warehouse were all snatched by Chen Qing, which really hurt Uncle Wei Guo's vitality. How could Uncle Wei be reconciled? After he recovered a little bit, he started his accumulation again The road to wealth.

Uncle Wei Guo first embezzled the one hundred thousand taels of silver that Empress Dowager Wei asked him to transfer to his late husband Wan Yan Zongxian, and then went to the emperor Zhao Gou to cry and complain, and Zhao Gou gave the uncle fifty thousand bolts of high-quality lake silk to appease him. him.

With the support of the emperor, Uncle Wei returned to his greedy and domineering nature. This time, he set his sights on the Zheng family, first of all, Zheng Lou. And Yang Lou, Lin'an is recognized as ranked third.

It is said that the Zheng family hugged Xu Xiantu and the Qian family's thighs, which might be useful to ordinary rogues, but Wei Tong was afraid of nothing, it wasn't Xu Xiantu and the Qian family themselves, they were just fake royal relatives, not to mention the Queen Mother Zheng was dead.

At noon, Uncle Wei Tong once again came to Zhenglou, which is located by the West Lake. Zhenglou is different from Fenglelou. Fenglelou is a combination of eating, drinking, entertainment and gambling, while Zhenglou is a pure restaurant. Occupies one of the best views of the West Lake.

This eight-acre piece of land was bought from the Wang family in the second year of Shaoxing. Zheng Tongquan spent [-] yuan to buy it from the Wang family and built Zhenglou. Generally, eunuchs and wives would choose Zhenglou for meals because it is inconvenient for eunuchs and wives to go to Fenglelou. Gao, the business is very good, and it brings more than [-] yuan of income to the Zheng family every year. Although it is not as good as overseas trade, the reputation it brings to the Zheng family far exceeds that of overseas trade.

Uncle Wei Tong didn't go to the elegant room in the backyard, but went directly to the second floor near the lake. As usual, he ordered two vegetables and one soup, but he didn't eat it. , he has to pay ten taels of silver.

Uncle Wei’s arrival this time is different from usual. He has come to Zhenglou for the tenth time today. According to rumors in Lin’an, as long as Uncle Wei comes to eat ten times, the restaurant will belong to him. .

Uncle Wei Guo neither admitted nor denied this Lin'an rumor, but the facts proved that the rumor was true.

Uncle Wei Guo put ten taels of silver on the table and waved to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper stepped forward very nervously, nodded and smiled, "Please show me, Uncle Guo!"

Uncle Wei Guo said in a shrill voice: "I want this restaurant, please come to my house to have a talk with your proprietor Zheng!"

"Reporting to Uncle Guo, my proprietor is not in Lin'an these days."

Uncle Wei Guo waved his hand, "I'll give your proprietor three days, if he doesn't come within three days, I will regard him as giving up this restaurant."

After finishing speaking, he left the restaurant under the guard of several strong men. Everyone was stunned, and the shopkeeper sighed, "The one who should come can't escape, go and inform the proprietor!"

(End of this chapter)

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