
Chapter 962 The Bottom Line

Chapter 962 The Bottom Line
During this period of time, Zheng Tongquan was dealing with wealth transfer. He didn't have much copper coins, only hundreds of thousands of copper coins, and other mobile wealth existed in the form of various precious treasures.

But even so, Zheng Tongquan was so tired that he couldn't straighten his back. He had just returned from Quanzhou, and his second son, Zheng Bai, told him that Uncle Wei Guo went to Zheng Lou again at noon. It was the tenth time, and he asked the Zheng family to come to his house within three days. Discuss the transfer of Zheng Lou, if you don't go within three days, it will be regarded as abandoning Zheng Lou.

Zheng Tongquan was furious. This is not a negotiation, it is clearly a robbery.

Zheng Tongquan immediately went to find Xu Xiantu. The Qian family followed him mainly in overseas trade, and they invested [-]% of the money in real money, while Xu Xiantu took [-]% from his restaurant, but he didn't pay.

Now that Uncle Wei Guo is aggressive, Zheng Tongquan can only go to Xu Xiantu, but there are Xu Xiantu's [-]% members in the Zheng building.

After sitting in the guest room for a while, Xu Xiantu's third son, Xu Shou, came out, cupped his hands and said, "My father is feeling ill, and it is inconvenient to see guests. Please forgive me, Master Zheng!"

"Ah! Xu Xianggong is sick?"

Zheng Tongquan was extremely disappointed, Xu Xiantu wasn't sick, he was clearly looking for an excuse not to see him.

At this time, Xu Shou handed him another sandalwood box, "This is what my father asked me to give to Lord Zheng. I don't know what it is. Please accept it, Lord Zheng."

Zheng Tongquan stared at the wooden box, unable to say a word for a while, of course he is what it is, it is the gift book he handed to Xu Xiantu four years ago, each of his seventeen restaurants in Lin'an will give Xu Xiantu a gift part of it.

Now that Xu Xiantu actually returned the book of gifts, is this trying to clear up his relationship with him?
A great sense of fear welled up in his heart, and he knew very well that Xu Xiantu was not a flirtatious lover, and if something major hadn't happened, he would not have easily separated himself from the relationship.

"Did your father say what happened?" Zheng Tongquan asked in a trembling voice.

Xu Shou was silent for a moment and said, "Father said, it's best for the proprietor to leave Lin'an for a while."


"Father said that someone seems to be investigating the proprietor's previous affairs in Hejian Mansion."

Zheng Tongquan mind 'hum! With a sound, the thing he was most worried about finally came. He would go to Liaodong every year to purchase medicinal materials. He has been there twice, and it was the second time that he saved Queen Zheng's mother and daughter.

This past can be said to be his black history, once it is exposed, his reputation will be completely ruined, and the court will definitely make a fuss about it, severely punish their whole family, and take away all the wealth of the Zheng family.

Since Xu Xiantu wants to distance himself from him, it means that his black history has been exposed.

Zheng Tongquan walked out of Xu's mansion in a daze, a gust of cool wind blew, and Zheng Tongquan's mind suddenly cleared up a bit, and he suddenly remembered Xu Xiantu's advice to him, just leave Lin'an.

right!Hurry up and leave tonight!

Zheng Tongquan got into the carriage and rushed back to the Zheng Mansion, and immediately asked his family to pack up the most valuable things, and left overnight tonight.

At two o'clock, the twenty-four members of the Zheng family carried soft packages and boarded a large painting boat through the back door, and the painting boat sailed along the Cao River in the city to the West Lake outside the city.

After crossing the West Lake and going ashore, they took four ox carts to the Qiantang River Wharf. There was still a [-] shi cargo ship moored at the wharf. Zheng Tongquan just came from Quanzhou on this boat this afternoon. They boarded the cargo ship, The boat set off and headed for Xiaoshan County.

Of course Zheng Tongquan couldn't leave like this. The Zheng family still has a lot of wealth in Lin'an and the accountants and stewards who have followed them for many years.They have a very secret mansion in Xiaoshan County, where they can hide for a while.

At noon the next day, the "Beijing News" was published as usual, but today's headlines caused a sensation in Lin'an City.

It turned out that Yong Wang Chen Qing himself published a warning statement in the "Beijing News".

"In the name of King Yong, I hereby declare that Lin'an businessman Zheng Tongquan is the father of Zheng Ping, the commander of the Western Army, and also the father of the [-] soldiers of the Western Army, as well as my Chen Qing. Zheng's family property, then he is the enemy of the [-] soldiers of the Western Army, and also the enemy of me, Chen Qing, I will send high-ranking warriors to destroy the whole family, even if they are thousands of miles away, he will be punished, King Yong Chen Qing swears with his sword!"

To put it simply, it is a sentence, 'If you dare to touch Zheng Tongquan, I will kill your whole family. '

This unprecedented warning statement, which has never been seen before, became a hot topic of discussion in the streets and alleys of Lin'an for a while. It turned out that the backstage of the Zheng family was King Yong Chen Qing.

The Empress Dowager Zheng died of illness at the beginning of the year, and some people began to have ideas about the Zheng family. Chen Qing issued a statement, and now no one dared to touch the Zheng family.

After lunch, Uncle Wei Guo came to Zheng Lou, but he didn't enter the building either. He said to the shopkeeper, "There is an eminent monk who calculated my horoscope for me. You guys, Zheng Lou and my horoscope contradict each other. Buying it will kill me. Please tell me." Your proprietor, I don’t want Zheng Lou, so he doesn’t have to look for me.”

The shopkeeper knew it well, and quickly cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Uncle Guo, for your generosity!"

Uncle Wei Guo said again: "Did you overcharge me for the food before?"

The shopkeeper hurriedly asked the clerk to fetch a hundred taels of silver, and handed it over respectfully. Uncle Wei Guo snatched the silver, snorted heavily, got into the carriage and left.

The shopkeeper clenched his fists, cheered from the bottom of his heart, turned his head and said excitedly to the staff, "Whoever said that Uncle Wei Guo is not afraid of the sky and the earth? No, after King Yong said something, he obediently admitted his mistake."

Xu Xiantu took the newspaper and hurried to the imperial study room, he felt a little regretful, if it was a day later, he would not have to be so heartless, his annual income of [-] to [-] guan would be lost, and he would be ridiculed.

When they came to the door of the imperial study, an eunuch went in to report, and after a while he came out and said, "Your Majesty has summoned you, Mr. Xu please!"

Xu Xiantu walked into the imperial study, just in time to see the emperor Zhao Gou stuffing a newspaper under the table.

He pretended he didn't see it, stepped forward and bowed and said: "My minister sees Your Majesty!"

"Is Mr. Xu holding a newspaper?"

"Exactly, it is today's "Beijing News". There is a piece of news on it. His Majesty must be interested."

Zhao Gou knew what Xu Xiantu was talking about, so he pretended to be in a daze and said, "What news, show me!"

Xu Xiantu handed over the newspaper, and Zhao Gou squinted his eyes for a moment, then sneered and said, "What a big tone, are you going to send assassins to kill people?"

"Maybe that's what it means!"

Zhao Gou frowned and said, "But Zheng Tongquan agreed to let him go, why did he make such a statement?"

Xu Xiantu whispered: "Your Majesty, someone wants to attack Zheng Tongquan."

"Qin Hui?"

Xu Xiantu nodded, and Zhao Gou said angrily, "Call Qin Xianggong to see me!"

A eunuch rushed away, Zhao Gou took two steps behind his back and said, "I think it is necessary to sign an agreement with Chen Qing, and assassination is not allowed to deal with ministers!"

"Your Majesty, it's actually not necessary. For so many years, I haven't seen him use assassination methods, but he himself has been assassinated three times. The key is not to touch his bottom line. If he touches the bottom line, he will tear up the agreement even if he signed it."

Zhao Gou nodded, "Aiqing means that Zheng Tongquan is his bottom line?"

"As I said before the humble job, he has no parents, brothers, or family members. His marriage was arranged by Zheng Tongquan for him. He regards Zheng Tongquan as his father in his heart. Zheng Tongquan is indeed his bottom line!"

At this time, the eunuch reported at the door, "Your Majesty, Mr. Qin is here!"

"Announce him in!"

Qin Hui hurried in, bowed and saluted, "Please refer to Your Majesty for the humble position!"

Zhao Gou threw the newspaper in front of him, and said coldly, "Can Mr. Qin read Chen Qing's statement?"

(End of this chapter)

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