
Chapter 964

Chapter 964
Wang Boru found the treasure, turned around and ran away, Jia Yingfang grabbed him and told him: "The county lord, don't forget what I just said."

"I know! I know! Although I was reminded by you, I have been paying attention to the "Beijing News". This is a fact."

"The main reason is that Mr. Qin is suspicious. I'm afraid he will suspect that I have ulterior motives."

Wang Bo smiled and said, "Don't worry! I know it well, and I will say that I arranged it."

Wang Bo got on his horse and ran towards Xiangguo's mansion with two attendants. He knew that his uncle had a bad stomach and would go home for lunch, so he must be in the mansion at this time.

Sure enough, Qin Hui was in the mansion. He heard that his nephew was in a hurry to find him, so he asked the housekeeper to wait outside his study with Wang Bo.

Ever since Wang Bo handled the assassination of Zhou Kuan properly, Qin Hui has taken a new look at Wang Bo. In addition, his wife blows the pillow every day, so that he can support his nephew more. Qin Hui also feels that Wang Bo may start to change his sex, unlike before So ridiculous.

Not long after, Qin Hui came to the study, and Wang Bo quickly stood up and saluted respectfully, "My nephew sees my uncle!"

Qin Hui smiled gently and said, "What's urgent?"

"Today's "Beijing News", my nephew thinks there is something strange in it!"

Qin Hui was slightly taken aback, he also looked through tonight's "Beijing News" and found nothing strange!

"Go into the study and talk!"

Qin Hui walked into the study and sat down, his wife Wang Shi also came in and sat aside, Qin Hui was used to it, his wife likes to do politics, and she would give him advice on many things.

Wang Bo also greeted his aunt, and handed the newspaper to Qin Hui, "Report to Uncle, it's in the literature column!"

Qin Hui was a little surprised, his nephew has always been ignorant, when did he care about literature?After thinking about it, he suddenly thought of novels, and he knew in his heart that this child might like to read serial novels in the literature column.

The first thing most people in Lin'an get when they get the "Beijing News" is to quickly browse the current political news. If there is no content that interests them, they immediately turn to the literature category and read serial novels, even the emperor Zhao Gou is like this .

Qin Hui turned to the literature column of the third edition, browsed through it, and found nothing strange!

"Uncle, take a look at the new works of celebrities. It's Li Gang's new words."

Hearing the name Li Gang, Qin Hui's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately took a closer look.

It's "Shuilong Yin. Guangwu Battles Kunyang". After reading this poem, Qin Hui gasped. What does Li Gang want to do? Do you advocate that Chen Qing is the master of ZTE?

Now that Chen Qing is about to launch the Central Plains War, Li Gang suddenly published new words about Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu's war against the Central Plains. This is a typical insinuation!
Literati in the Tang and Song dynasties would not speak directly when criticizing the government, but used the past to illustrate the present. Therefore, when reading a work, one must always analyze the background of the times to understand the author's intentions. Those in power are not fools, so officials in the Tang and Song dynasties often Because literary works are degraded, in fact, it is not wronged at all.

Qin Hui glanced at his nephew suspiciously. He knew that Wang Bo was a playboy, ignorant of learning and skills. With his level, how could he see the strangeness of this poem.

"Did you really discover this?" Qin Hui asked.

Wang Bo had been prepared for a long time. He knew that he couldn't hide it from his uncle, so he hurriedly said: "Since my uncle told my nephew to keep an eye on the "Beijing News", my nephew has been paying attention to the content of "Beijing News" every day, and my nephew also knows that his talents are limited. , so I specially asked a few subordinates to keep an eye out for me, this time it was discovered by one of my staff."

What his subordinates found for him was pretty much the same. How could Wang Bo have such a level, but Wang Bo could remember his account and keep vigilant all the time, which is very good and made Qin Hui very satisfied.

Be an official!It is not necessary to do everything by yourself, being able to make good use of your subordinates is also a skill.

"I see. You have done a good job this time and have made great progress. I hope to hear good news from you next time."

Wang Bo excitedly said: "Nephew will definitely work hard and won't let uncle down!"

Even Mrs. Wang could tell that her husband was sincerely praising her, so she couldn't help but smile, but when Wang Bo left, Mrs. Wang said, "Master, now Bo'er has a bright future."

"I can't say I'm promising, but I have made progress. I know how to listen to the advice of my subordinates. Unlike before, I don't understand anything, but I am self-righteous. He has matured."

"Master, did Bo'er find something meaningful this time?"


Qin Hui sneered and said: "Let me tell you, this time Li Gang is finished, no matter whether he is unintentional or not, the emperor will not use him again. Originally, the emperor didn't like him, so Xu Xiantu insisted on recommending him. Last time Zheng Tongquan Xu Xiantu beat me until I vomited blood, this time I will pay him back."

"Could this poem be deliberately arranged by the Beijing News?"

Qin Hui thought for a while and said: "This possibility is not ruled out, but it is more likely that Li Gang's disciples learned of his comeback and threw poems to the newspaper to congratulate them. The atmosphere of the words used is fine, but they should use Jingxiang's words instead of You should use Nanyang's words."

Mrs. Wang hesitated, "What if Xu Xiantu explained that Nanyang belonged to Jingzhou in the Han Dynasty? It doesn't make sense either. After Chen Qing's rebellion was eliminated, the Great Song Dynasty was rejuvenated."

Qin Hui walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and he had to admit that his wife had some truths in what he said. This song "Shuilong Yin. Guangwu Fights Kunyang" is a bit ambiguous. It can be said to be Chen Qing's Battle of the Central Plains, or it can be said to be Li Gang's In order to prove Li Gang's crimes, he had to find circumstantial evidence.

Qin Hui said coldly: "I'll arrange someone to look for what he wrote, and I don't believe I can't find a clue!"

Several of Qin Hui's staff were very capable, and within an hour they found key circumstantial evidence for Qin Hui. Li Gang wrote a poem last year, "Water Dragon Chanting Taizong Linwei", this poem was written around October last year , it happened to be the moment when Chen Qing's army attacked Datong Mansion. Even if this poem did not allude to Chen Qing, it was still very suspicious.

This time Qin Hui didn't specifically explain anything to the emperor Zhao Gou, so he put the "Beijing News" and the found poem in a box and presented it to the emperor.

That night, Ouchi sent out a decree, appointing Li Gang as the person who knew Zhangzhou affairs, and ordered him to take up the post immediately.

Xu Xiantu was astonished and didn't know what happened. He asked the emperor the next morning, but Zhao Gou didn't say the reason. He just said that Li Gang was too old to lead the army and needed to consider another suitable candidate.

This result made Xu Xiantu very depressed. Originally, Li Gang had been farming in the Dongting Lake area for five years and had a high popularity. The appointment of him as Xuanfu envoy was the most suitable for competing with Chen Qing for popular support. Unexpectedly, the emperor rejected it.

Xu Xiantu was really not reconciled, and he still wanted to fight for it.

"Your Majesty, if we compete with Chen Qing for South Jingnan Road, unless the two sides are completely hostile, we will not resort to force easily. In the final analysis, it is a battle of people's hearts. If we follow the orthodoxy, Chen Qing will not be able to compete with us. That's why I recommend Li Gang, Li Gang has served as the village ambassador in the Dongting Lake area for five years, and he has won the hearts of the people, so he is the most suitable."

Zhao Gou looked out of the window with his hands behind his back, and said coldly: "At the beginning, you also recommended Orihiko to me. You said that he was loyal to his family and country and would never betray him. What happened?"

"Your Majesty, Li Gang and Orihikozhi"

Zhao Gou waved his hand and interrupted him, "You don't need to persuade me anymore. I have decided to appoint Zuo Xiangguo Zhu Shengfei as the envoy of Jinghu and Jinghu two roads. He will sit in Ezhou and command Jingxiang's army to retake Jingnan South Road for me."

"Zhu Shengfei?"

Xu Xiantu was stunned, before he could speak again, the Emperor Zhao Gou had already turned around and left, "Show me back to the palace!"

The eunuchs and guards surrounded Zhao Gou and sat on the dragon chariot to return to the palace. Xu Xiantu stood at the door of the imperial study and sighed long.

At this time, Tao Lin, a bachelor on duty, came over and said with a smile, "Xu Xianggong, how about going for a drink together?"

Xu Xiantu nodded, and the two of them got into the carriage and went to the Sanyuan Restaurant on East Street, and went directly to the private room, which was a private room, so it was convenient to talk.

Tao Lin filled a glass of wine for Xu Xiantu and said with a smile, "I know you are annoyed about Li Gang, but you don't know why Li Gang was abandoned by the emperor."


Tao Lin took out a newspaper and handed it to him, "Read it yourself! This is yesterday's newspaper."

[Sorry, there are only two updates today, and I was distracted yesterday to focus on the Taiwan Strait. 】

(End of this chapter)

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