
Chapter 965 Scheme

Chapter 965 Scheme
"You mean that this poem made the officials decide to abandon Li Gang?" Xu Xiantu was shocked.

Tao Lin said lightly: "This poem is actually just the cause. Qin Hui told the officials yesterday, and at the same time took another poem, which was also written by Li Gang last year. It seems to be "Water Dragon Chanting Taizong Linwei", which offended me. After becoming the emperor, he was very worried that Li Gang would become Orihiko's second."

Xu Xiantu was speechless. He had read "Shuilong Yin Taizong Linwei", and at that time he felt that this poem was inappropriate. Although he understood Li Gang's original intention, he hoped that the emperor could face the Jurchens like Tang Taizong, but it would indeed make people Misunderstanding, especially when interpreted by someone like Qin Hui, Li Gang couldn't argue with it.

The key is whether the emperor trusts Li Gang. The emperor trusts him. It is useless for anyone to slander him. If the emperor does not trust him, even a small eunuch can overthrow Li Gang. Unfortunately, Li Gang belongs to the latter.

Xu Xiantu also knew that Li Gang was irretrievable, so he had to turn his mind to his successor.

"However, appointing Zhu Shengfei as Xuan Fu envoy is really letting a scholar lead the army. At least Li Gang has rich experience in leading troops. Zhu Shengfei's performance in Sichuan and Shanxi was obvious to all. The emperor actually asked him to be responsible for seizing Jingnan South Road. It is simply nonsense!"

Tao Lin raised his head and laughed, Xu Xiantu said in displeasure: "Brother Tao, just say it straight, why are you laughing?"

Tao Lin shook his head and said, "You really think that the officials want to take over South Jingnan Road. You think too simply. Even Qin Hui can see through it better than you. He only suppresses Li Gang, but have you seen who he recommended? ?”

"Is there any other reason?"

Tao Lin nodded, and said in a low voice, "Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Peigong. The emperor wants to attack Yue Fei and use Jingnan South Road to make a fuss!"

On Bashang, in the big tent of the Chinese Army, the strategic review has already begun. The first group is reported by Yang Zaixing. Yang Zaixing is commanding the Leopard Shadow Army. Part of the army will be given to him, so that the main force will reach [-] men.

Today's deliberation is mainly composed of Chen Qing, Guan Shigu, Jiang Yanxian, and Zhang Xiao. It must be passed by the unanimous consent of the four people, but it is easy to say that it is easy to say, and it is not easy to say that it is not easy to get the approval of the four people. The key It depends on whether the general has understood Chen Qing's true intention and whether he has a specific strategy to realize this intention. In the final analysis, it depends on whether you have prepared seriously. As long as you prepare seriously, the probability of passing is high.

Yang Zaixing pointed at the sand table with a wooden pole in his hand and said: "My plan is the main force of this attack. According to His Highness's strategic intention, we will win a section, consolidate a section, and point to the next section. The first section is Luoyang. According to the latest According to the information, [-] troops have entered Xin'an County, and our [-] troops have also entered Mianchi County. Then Xin'an County will be our first battle. I plan to use [-] cavalry to go around Xin'an County and cut off the reinforcements from Luoyang. But let go of the opening in the south and let the enemy flee south, and I will close the net in Luoshui."

"But you didn't say just now that you had arranged an ambush in Luoshui in advance!" Zhang Xiao answered the topic quickly and raised a question directly.

"It's true that the humble officer didn't ambush in advance, but he will send cavalry to pursue it. It's also two cavalry, one in front and one behind to intercept the opponent."

"But what if the other party is also a cavalryman?" Zhang Xiao continued to ask.

Yang Zaixing smiled wryly, "Return to the military commander, the opponent's [-] troops have no cavalry, and even if they have cavalry, they will not have time to build the pontoon bridge. Our pursuers will arrive, and even if the opponent flees along Luoshui River, they will be intercepted by the cavalry deployed behind us." .”

I thought Zhang Xiao would ask more questions, but Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Continue talking!"

Yang Zaixing continued: "The city of Xin'an County is dilapidated and small, and it doesn't live at all. The humble judge judged that their garrison of [-] troops is just a bluff, or it is for Wanyan Wushu to see. Once we really send troops, I believe the enemy will quickly Retreating will not really leave [-] troops in Xin'an County, the other side will preserve their strength and defend Luoyang."

Chen Qing raised his hand, Yang Zaixing immediately stopped narrating, Chen Qing said with a smile: "Let me tell you a few words, I have read General Yang's plan carefully, but he hasn't made it clear yet, the reason why he didn't set up an ambush in the south is because he It is predicted that the enemy will not actually deploy troops in Xin'an County. Once the war breaks out, the troops in Xin'an County will quickly withdraw eastward, and will not give us a chance to wipe them out unless we send out surprise troops to cut off the enemy's retreat.

But we can't talk about it on paper, so we need to formulate several plans. What General Yang just said is the first plan, which probably won't happen. "

Chen Qing smiled again at Yang Zaixing: "General Yang, please tell me the main plan. Needless to say, this unlikely plan will confuse people."

Yang Zaixing scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "The explanation is too long-winded, and I will only talk about the main plan below!"

"We will secretly increase the number of troops in Mianchi County, but we will not enter the Mianchi barracks. We will increase the number of troops by about [-], so that the strength of Mianchi County will reach [-]. At the same time, we will quickly move south from the north bank of the Yellow River."

At the same time as the review meeting of the troop dispatch plan was held, an army of [-] people had assembled in Mengzhou on the north bank of the Yellow River, and hundreds of large ships were moored on the shore. board the ship.

It is impossible to wait for the war to start after everything is ready, and it will definitely come in advance. These are the two sides of the war, one side is positive, and the other side is strange, and positive and strange complement each other.

These [-] troops are surprise soldiers, led by Li Muqing, commander of the upper army. Li Muqing is Yang Zaixing's deputy general. retreat.

Under the night, ten ships full of soldiers gradually approached Mengjindu, three torches were lit on the shore, and a hundred scouts were already active on the other side, clearing the way for the first vanguard to land.

Three thousand soldiers landed one after another, and after finishing their formation, they rushed to Mengjin Pass, more than ten miles away.

The most important thing for any pass is the water source. Without water, the pass cannot be built. There is also a small river in Mengjin Pass, but the river flows out of the pass, passes through the woods ten miles wide, and directly flows into another river flowing from the east. Yellow River.

In the woods, the soldiers marched quickly along the small river. The general who attacked Mengjin Pass this time was called Yu Hongwu, a commander. He was the first place in the three-army siege competition. He led three thousand soldiers and captured five thousand in half an hour. A training wall guarded by men.

He was responsible for the capture of Mengjin Pass this time. Iron fire and thunder could not be used, which would alarm Luoyang, and fire could not be used. The thick smoke and fire would also alarm the beacon tower on Beiman Mountain.

They can only use the traditional sneak attack strategy to seize the beacon before the enemy ignites the beacon, and then capture Mengjin Pass. Starting to cross the Yellow River can be described as a series of links. As long as one link fails, Luoyang City will get the news and immediately notify the [-] troops in Xin'an County to withdraw to Luoyang, which means that the surprise operation failed.

So the key is whether the [-] troops led by Yu Hongwu can succeed tonight.

Two miles away from Mengjin Pass, the [-] troops stopped moving forward, and the soldiers built a small tent for shading the light. Inside the tent, Hu Yanlei was telling Yu Hongwu about the situation in the pass.

"The Guancheng is less than three feet high, about two feet eight. The beacon tower is on the easternmost side of the Guancheng, close to the cliff. According to our observations, there are about fifty guards on the top of the city at night, but most of them are Sitting against the city wall to rest, only a few soldiers patrolled back and forth.

"How wide is the wall of Guancheng?"

"About a hundred steps!"

Yu Hongwu was taken aback, "So narrow?"

"That's why I said that there are only about [-] defenders at the top of the city. In fact, the valley itself is very narrow, and Mengjin Pass is relatively wide."

"How many defenders are there in Mengjin Pass?"

Hu Yanlei shook his head, "I don't know, but we estimate that the limit is about [-] people."

Yu Hongwu stared at the sketch, pondered for a moment and said: "A frontal attack will definitely be discovered. We must go up the side cliff, take down the beacon first, and cut off the signal."


Hu Yanlei nodded, "Our biggest advantage now is that the other party doesn't know we're coming."

(End of this chapter)

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