
Chapter 966 Combo

Chapter 966 Combo
The key reason why Yu Hongwu's army won the first place in the siege performance is that he has unique skills. He has a pole army of [-] people under him, which is composed of [-] attacking soldiers and [-] pole supporters. Climbing up to the city, he can send fifty soldiers to the top of the city in the shortest time. In many cases, the defenders clearly know that he has such an army, but they are still unable to defend against it.

The key is that it is not enough to send them to the top of the tower, but also to have strong combat power, able to support the enemy's counterattack, and cover the main force to attack the top of the city. Therefore, fifty attacking soldiers were selected from tens of thousands of soldiers, lean and brave. , with high martial arts skills, like fifty leopards, each of which can defeat ten with one.

At this time, two hundred steps away from the pass, three thousand soldiers of the Song Army were watching the dark pass. A lantern, as if hanging in the air, is particularly dazzling in the dark night.

Of course, the lanterns were not half-hanging in the air, but hung on the chimney of the beacon, so that Yu Hongwu could see the outline of the beacon. The dark night made Yu Hongwu change the battle plan. They didn't have to go to the cliff, but went directly to the city , close to the beacon and go to the city at one end, taking advantage of the time difference to seize the beacon and the city wall.

But time has not allowed them to hesitate any longer, Yu Hongwu shouted, "Go!"

One hundred and fifty soldiers got up and rushed to the east of Guancheng, and the [-] soldiers behind them also quickly approached Guancheng.

The night was dark, and one hundred and fifty people were gradually approaching the city wall. At this time, they were still more than [-] steps away from the city wall, and they were ready.

The bamboo poles they use are not ordinary bamboo poles, they are about four feet long, very tough and not easy to break. The attacking soldiers hold the bamboo poles in front, wear swords on their waists, shields and a short steel spear on their backs, and two pole-holding soldiers stand behind , are tall and extremely strong. They don't need to be too tall and strong, but they need to surpass the weight and strength of ordinary people to support soldiers going to the city. In the stage of going to the city, the two pole vaulters are the most important ,
They have trained thousands of times, and they have already cooperated skillfully and tacitly. At this time, a few patrolling soldiers on the top of the city went to the west.

Fifty attackers ran to the bottom of the city, jumped up, and sprinted on the city wall. The hundred pole-vaulters behind them ran forward holding their poles tightly. It took only a moment to go up the city. At the top of the city, with the support of the long poles, they jumped onto the top of the city one after another.

On the top of the city, nearly a hundred soldiers were wrapped in blankets and sleeping against the wall. No one thought that the god of death would fall from the sky, and the killing came suddenly. There was a panic commotion on the top of the city.

Another ten soldiers were responsible for dealing with the beacon. The beacon was built against the mountain. It was two stories high with kerosene and firewood piles on the top floor. Six soldiers set up two human ladders, and the other four climbed the human ladders and jumped onto it. The fire oil and firewood piles were thrown down the city wall, and the other six men rushed into the beacon, and the five sleeping soldiers inside were killed in their dreams before they woke up.

Hundreds of pole-vaulting soldiers had already put down their bamboo poles, and quickly climbed up the city using the ten rope ladders thrown from above. Their task was to seize and open the city gate.

At the same time that one hundred and fifty soldiers went to the city, three thousand soldiers also ran, the top of the city was completely controlled, the city gate was opened creakingly, and three thousand soldiers rushed into the closed city
At this time, fifty attacking soldiers had disappeared. Led by a surrendering soldier, they climbed up a small road to the top of the mountain. There was a beacon on the top of the mountain several miles away. This beacon was too far away from the city of Guan. , I couldn't hear the shouts of killing in the pass city, but I could see the beacon fire on the pass city.

Not only that, the beacon on the top of the mountain can clearly see the situation on the Yellow River. If hundreds of warships cross the river after dawn, the defenders on the beacon can also see it, and they will immediately light the beacon and notify another beacon ten miles to the south. .

Although the beacon tower in the south cannot see the beacon fire of Mengjin Pass or the situation on the Yellow River, it can see Luoyang City, and its task is to inform Luoyang City.

The three beacons formed the alarm system of Beiman Mountain. If the enemy attacked from the Yellow River in the north, Luoyang would get the news immediately.

It was almost five o'clock at this time, and the [-] cavalry on the north bank of the Yellow River began to board the boat first. The cavalry led their horses and boarded the boat one by one. Their tasks were also very intense. They had to cross the river twice in a row. If there are more than [-] cavalry, the [-] cavalry will directly attack Luoyang City. If they can directly enter the city, it is of course the best. retreat.

This is Yang Zaixing's best plan. The biggest feature of this plan is that it is fast, but it also has very high requirements for the attacking soldiers. It must be linked together. If one link fails, the best results will not be obtained.

The main general leading the [-] cavalry is Li Muqing, and the other commanding general is Li Fuxing. He will lead [-] troops to attack Hulao Pass, and finally Hu Yanlei will lead [-] troops to guard Yanshi and Mengjin Pass.

"I don't know how the situation on the other side is. Have you captured Mengjin Pass?" General Li Fuxing asked in a deep voice.

Li Muqing looked at the dark opposite bank, and slowly said: "Yu Hongwu should be able to do it, even His Highness has confidence in him, we should trust him even more."

"Actually, I don't think it's a big problem to win Mengjin Pass. The key is the beacon tower. We should prepare for the worst."

Li Muqing laughed, "It's just a matter of annihilating [-] people less. The key is you. Capture the Hulao Pass and cut off the Jin soldiers' access to the west. This is the focus of this battle."

"I also believe that I can succeed!"

At this time, a soldier came to report: "Qi report to the government, all [-] cavalry have boarded the ship."

Li Muqing nodded and smiled at Li Fuxing: "Then I'll take a step first!"

"I wish the general every success!"

Li Muqing led a dozen of his own soldiers to urge the first big boat on the horse. The boat stowed its boards, and a dozen boatmen swung the big oars, and the boat began to sail slowly towards the opposite bank.

Commander Liu Zhen led fifty soldiers to the top of the mountain. In the ravine several feet deep, there used to be a wide long plank on the ravine, which could be directly used as a small bridge, but the soldiers guarding the beacon took it to the opposite side, and they would push the plank over every three days to deliver supplies. Coming here is the last line of defense.

And there is no tree on the top of the mountain, so you need to carry planks or ladders up from the bottom of the mountain, but it is not easy to climb the cliff halfway.

The soldiers who led the way had told them in advance, but the fifty soldiers of the Western Army did not take this difficulty to heart.

This small difficulty really did not bother the soldiers of the Western Army. The leader commander Liu Zhenling said: "Use the hook and claw!"

A soldier threw the rope over, and the three-claw iron hook on the rope caught a big rock on the opposite side. The soldiers pulled the rope tightly, and a soldier was as nimble as a monkey, and quickly climbed across the gully on the rope. Carried into the beacon by the defenders, he could only continue to rely on the rope.

The soldier tied the two ropes firmly to a big rock, and the soldiers on the opposite side climbed over one by one.

"General, there are two big tents over there, each of which houses twenty people, and there are only about three or five people in the tower, but beware of them lighting the big tents, the effect will be the same."

Since he was a pawn, he was also a member of the Western Army. This pawn changed roles very quickly, and he already regarded himself as a member of the Western Army.

Liu Zhen nodded, and said to a Dutou: "Wang Dutou led ten brothers to deal with Fengsui, and the rest of the brothers followed me to deal with Dazhang.

Fifty soldiers divided into two groups, and touched their respective targets.

[I have been paying attention to the situation in the Taiwan Strait, there are still two chapters today, and three chapters are guaranteed tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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