
Chapter 971

Chapter 971
At the moment when Yang Zaixing's army was besieging Luoyang, Liu Qiong and Tang Qian led an army of [-] and [-] donkeys to march southeast from Shangzhou. They also formulated two plans. The first plan was to cross Xiong'er Mountain and enter Ru State, but this plan was rejected by the review team. Their objection was that the risk was too high and the cost was too high.

But their second plan succeeded, that is to enter Dengzhou along the Danshui ancient road to Shangyu. The risk of this plan is much lower. You can reach Dengzhou along the Danshui River Valley. Although you have to climb a short section of mountains on the way, in general, the cost is much lower.

Crossing the mountains is mainly in the lower reaches. Wuguan is controlled by the Sichuan-Shaanxi Army, but there is also a very important pass thirty miles in front of Wuguan, called Longjuzhai, which is an ancient ferry of Danshui. After Yue Fei withdrew to Xiangyang last year, Longju Village was changed to Jin Bing's control. Jin Bing had a thousand troops stationed in Longju Village, just to defend against the Sichuan-Shanxi Song Army's surprise attack on Dengzhou.

Liu Qiong didn't want to expose his army, so he found a hunter who was familiar with the road to guide them, and climbed over the mountain from the side.

"General Liu, this mountain road is also called the medicine road. Since last year, Jin soldiers have not allowed merchants from Sichuan and Shanxi to go to Longjuzhai. Many medicinal material merchants also go to Dengzhou to buy medicine from here, and then return to Shangzhou."

The hunter's surname is Jin, a man in his thirties, and he also served in the Song Army for several years at the age of eighteen. After the Fuping War, he ran back to the merchant's hometown, married a wife and had children, and made a living by hunting and gathering herbs.

Liu Qiong asked with a smile: "Then can the golden soldiers enter Shangzhou along this road from Dengzhou?"

The hunter said with a smile: "The Jin soldiers don't need to take this dangerous road, they can go directly to Longjuzhai, but there is no mountain road to go on the Wuguan side, so the Jin soldiers can't go to Shangzhou, but we can go to Dengzhou. However, there is a section of the mountain road that is more than ten miles long that is very dangerous, and you can only walk on donkeys, not on horses, and it is just ahead!"

The people came to the dangerous road very quickly, it was really dangerous, it was almost a [-]-degree hillside, twenty miles away was Longju Village, a corner could be seen faintly, everyone held on to the sides, and walked slowly along the path. Going down the mountain, but the donkey is very light and agile, going down the mountain is like walking on flat ground, and it still carries dozens of catties of food supplies on its back.

The [-] army walked for a full day before going down the mountain road for more than ten miles and bypassing Longju Village. At this time, it was getting late and the army was resting at the foot of the mountain. Tang Qian led [-] troops to Longju Village.

Although Longju Village is very important, it is not dangerous. The reason why Liu Qiong didn't attack at the beginning was because he was worried that someone would flee to Rang County to report the news, which would affect their plan to attack Dengzhou.

Now that we are attacking from the south to the north, there is no need to worry about the enemy fleeing, and it is night, let alone the use of pigeon letters.

The Zhaimen is in the north, and a stone road leads into the Zhaizi in the south. There are hundreds of households in the Zhaizi, and there are many shops. In the past, the business was very prosperous. At present, there are only three places where the enemy troops exist. The first is the Zhaimen in the north. Ten people are guarding, the second is the two brothels, there are probably a lot of enemy troops, the restaurants are closed, there will be no enemy troops, and then there is the barracks on the east dam.

Tang Qian's troops were divided into three groups, and he personally led [-] people to the barracks.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the barracks, a sentry on the sentry tower shouted: "Who is it?"

Tang Qian raised his bow and shot an arrow, which hit the sentry's throat. The sentry let out a muffled cry and rolled down from the sentry tower.

"There is an enemy situation!" A patrol in the barracks found out and shouted.

Tang Qian roared, "Kill!"

Five hundred people were left to block the escape route, and the remaining two thousand soldiers followed Tang Qian into the enemy camp.

Rang County is the prefecture of Dengzhou, and Zhang Zhongxiong led [-] troops to garrison, but now there are only [-] garrisons left, and the other [-] troops, led by the commander Wu Shengying, rushed to support Henan Prefecture.

Zhang Zhongxiong is the second son of the famous minister Zhang Shuye. In the second year of Jingkang, Zhang Shuye committed suicide on the way to the Kingdom of Jin by the Jin soldiers. The eldest son Zhang Bofen also followed his father to commit suicide, but the second son Zhang Zhongxiong surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin because of greed for life and fear of death. Later he became a general of the Puppet Qi Army.

In Jingzhao Mansion that year, Zhang Zhongxiong and Chen Qing fought against each other and were defeated. Soon he was transferred back to Bianliang to serve as Bianliang's defense envoy, and later followed Wanyan Wushu to fight with Yue Fei's army. Last year, after Yue Fei's army withdrew south to Xiangyang, Wanyan Wushu ordered Zhang Zhongxiong to lead an army of [-] troops to guard Dengzhou and Tangzhou.

At two o'clock, Liu Qiong and Tang Qian led an army of [-] and appeared three miles away from the county seat of Rang County. silver.

The city is also very clear under the moonlight, but the distance is too far to see the situation at the top of the city clearly.

Not long after, two scouts rushed back to report, "Report to Dutong and General Tang. The enemy's defenses are mainly in the north and south. There are many defenders on the north and south walls. There are sentries on the walls above the gate. There are two teams of patrolling soldiers each, but there are not many defensive soldiers at the head of the west city, we only saw three sentries, and no patrolling soldiers."

It can be seen from the defensive deployment that the defenders in the city were worried that the Song army would come from the north and south. Yang Zaixing's army was in the north and Yue Fei's army was in the south. Instead, they did not consider that the Song army would come from Shangzhou.

The Song army immediately divided into two groups. Tang Qian led an army of [-] troops to capture the west city and clean up the defenders around the city, while Liu Qiong led the main force to directly kill the enemy camp in the city.

The Song army began to move slowly towards the county town. After all, there were sentries on the top of the city. They could not get too close. They stopped advancing about two miles away from the city wall. If they moved forward, there would be no cover and they would be spotted by the sentry at the top of the city.

Tang Qian led five hundred soldiers in a circle and went to the southwest. Using a forest and a dozen dilapidated houses as cover, they quickly approached the city wall. They were about three miles away from the sentinel at the top of the city. The sentinels couldn't see them.

The soldiers brought a long plank and built a plank bridge on the moat. Tang Qian led thirty soldiers and ran over quickly, standing close to the wall.

Tang Qian used to be the chief general of the scout army, and most of his subordinates were from the scout army, and all of them had special skills.

A soldier took a flying tiger claw and threw it upwards. The flying tiger claw accurately grasped the city wall. The soldier carried a soft ladder on his back and pulled the rope to quickly climb up.

Not long after, the soldiers climbed up to the top of the city, and looked at both sides with their heads. They happened to be at the corner at the end of the west city wall, and the other side was the south city wall.

According to the usual practice, this should be the place where the soldiers would sleep lazily, but he only saw two people sleeping against the wall.

The soldier gestured downward, meaning that only the two of them were sleeping. Tang Qian waved to him, telling him not to disturb the enemy.

The soldiers hung up the ladder and threw down the rope ladder. There was a reason why Tang Qian chose this corner to break through. The scouts he sent earlier drew a sketch of the city wall. There should be an upper city corridor opposite the city head.

Tang Qian was the first to go to the city, he jumped up the city lightly, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the wall and doze off, and then the second soldier came up and sat on the other side to doze off.

Five soldiers came up in a row and surrounded the two sleeping soldiers.

A soldier guarding the city suddenly woke up, mumbled a few words, got up and was about to take a urinate, when a person suddenly appeared in front of him, frightened him out of his wits, before he could yell out, his mouth was covered with a hand, and he was dragged away Back, another sleeping soldier suddenly woke up and took Song Jun to another for interrogation.

"What is the password tonight, tell me!" A sharp dagger was pressed against the soldier's neck.

"The moon is bright and the stars are rare!"

Tang Qian winked, and his soldiers ran to another to check, and came back after a while: "This is it!"

"Thank you!"

A knife was inserted into the chest, and the soldier was killed immediately, and the other soldier was also killed. Now is a critical moment, and there should be no mercy for women.

(End of this chapter)

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