
Chapter 972

Chapter 972 Broken Luo (Part [-])
Tang Qian pretended that the two soldiers continued to sleep, and he started the next step.

Tang Qian and the thirty soldiers were all wearing the military uniforms and leather armor of signing soldiers. Now that they knew the password, they simply lined up and walked towards the tower.

Along the way, there were sleeping enemy soldiers. They moved quickly, covering their mouths and stabbing their chests to death. The sleeping soldiers could never wake up again.

Stopping and stopping all the way, they actually killed more than a hundred soldiers, and none of them slipped through the net. When the three sentries saw a general coming, they quickly bowed and saluted.

"The moon is bright and the stars are rare!"

Tang Qian said a password, and asked, "Is it just the three of you? Are there others?"

The soldier pointed to the tower, "Everyone sleeps inside, everyone takes turns to be on duty!"

As soon as the words fell, the mouths of the three of them were covered from behind at the same time, and they were stabbed through their vests to death.

Thirty soldiers entered the tower, and in just a moment, they killed all the twenty or so sleeping soldiers. In addition to the more than one hundred people who were killed just now, more than half of the soldiers on the head of the entire west city were killed. Well, the soldiers guarding the west city are more than that. There are a total of [-] soldiers, and most of them are sleeping under the city.

Tang Qian's main purpose was to kill these three sentinels, create opportunities for Liu Qiong's main force, let them come to the city gate, and shorten the time to enter the city as much as possible, so that they can kill the enemy's barracks by surprise. There are [-] enemy troops, and they will suffer heavy casualties in street fighting.

Tang Qian took out the fire pocket and waved it three times in the air. Liu Qiong, who was ambushing two miles away, saw the three fire spots, and immediately led the army to continue to advance towards the city. Now they don't have to worry about the sentries finding themselves.

At this time, the top of the city was completely under the control of Tang Qian's subordinates. Five hundred soldiers went up to the city one after another, and killed all the remaining soldiers in the entire west city. Patrols, some stood guard, and some leaned on the top of the city and pretended to sleep.

The suspension bridge has been lowered slowly, and next is the city gate. Tang Qian waited patiently, and more than [-] people finally arrived outside the west city gate.

Everything is ready, the only thing left is to open the city gate downstairs.

Tang Qian went down to the city with hundreds of soldiers. As expected, both sides of the city gate and inside the city cave were full of sleeping soldiers.

"Get up! Get up!"

Tang Qian ruthlessly kicked the soldiers inside the city gate, "There is an urgent military situation, we need to open the city gate, go outside, and stay out of the way!"

"What emergency military situation?"

Suddenly there was a stern shout from outside, and a general came up, followed by several subordinates, and he angrily said: "Zhang Dutong has already issued repeated orders, and you are not allowed to open the city gate without authorization under any circumstances, don't you know?"

Tang Qian didn't know who it was, he quietly took a short fine steel spear under his hand, and the general approached the city gate, when he saw Tang Qian's face clearly, he couldn't help but be taken aback, "Who are you?"

"Don't the general know me?"

Tang Qian walked forward with a smile, "We were still drinking together last month!"

"Who is it?"

The general took a few steps back and stretched out his hand to draw the knife. Tang Qian waited for this moment, and with a jerk of his hand, the fine steel short spear shot at the opponent like lightning.

The distance is only a dozen steps, the speed is too fast, the general has no time to dodge, 'poof! 'The sharp steel short spear pierced the chest, and the general screamed and was nailed to the ground alive.

Tang Qian shouted, "Do it!"

Hundreds of soldiers drew their swords at the same time to kill the enemy. The enemy soldiers were defenseless, and there were screams around the city gate.

Song Jun took the opportunity to open the city gate, and Liu Qiong yelled, "Rush in!"

The main army of more than [-] marched into the city gate in a mighty manner. They continued to divide into two groups. Tang Qian led [-] soldiers to clean up the enemy soldiers on the four city heads.

And Liu Qiong led an army of [-] into the signing army camp in the northwest.
At dawn, all the [-] signing troops surrendered except Li Ai, the lieutenant general who led more than [-] people to fight to the death, and the remaining [-] soldiers surrendered. I went to Nanyang County early this morning. No wonder the guards of the soldiers were a little loose today. It turned out that the main general was not there.

Liu Qiong quickly reorganized. He separated all the commanders and generals of the enemy army. If he was willing to go home, he would be paid a travel fee. According to the rules of the Western Army, unless special circumstances are approved by the commanders of the capitals, all other generals who surrendered must undergo martial arts training for one year.

Liu Qiong ordered Zhang Le to lead [-] people to train more than [-] surrendered troops. He and Tang Qian led more than [-] troops to kill Nanyang County, [-] miles away to the northeast.

Dozens of five-thousand-stone ships have arrived in Luoyang from Mengjin on the Yellow River. The craftsmen rebuilt five of them overnight. Each ship was equipped with five medium-sized trebuchets and two oil fire cabinets, and they were busy until the next day. In the afternoon, the renovation was completed.

Each large ship is composed of a commander, fifty black armored soldiers and one hundred and fifty ordinary soldiers.

The black-armored soldiers are the armor of Wanyan Zonghan's black-armored cavalry. The Jurchen sentry cavalry that Chen Qing first encountered were also this kind of armor. It can also be shot through by a heavy crossbow within a step, but it is much more flexible than heavy armor. It can run, jump, and operate a catapult. Ordinary crossbows cannot threaten it. As for the explosion of powder barrels and the flying of poisonous nails, It does no harm to it.

Another feature of the black armor is that it can prevent fire oil to a certain extent, mainly because it cannot catch the oil. When you wipe it with a towel, the burning fire oil will be wiped clean immediately.

However, its weakness is also obvious. It is afraid of water. Once it falls into the river, unless someone rescues it, it will undoubtedly die. This is why each black-armored soldier must be equipped with an ordinary soldier. They serve the black-armored soldiers.

There are also a hundred soldiers who are full-time crossbowmen, all of whom are skilled in archery, and are specially responsible for dealing with soldiers manipulating iron chains on both sides of the strait.

As night fell, two hundred small boats full of soldiers followed five big ships sailing from east to west, one mile away was Luoyang City, the big ships pulled up their sails, the wind was very strong at night, and it was the east wind, the sails bulged and speeded up. boat speed.

The key is the first big ship. The general on the first big ship is Hong Wu, the leader who conquered Mengjin Pass. He volunteered, and Yang Zaixing approved him as the leader of the first big ship.

Wearing black armor, Yu Hongwu stood at the bow of the boat with a huge shield in his hand, staring sharply at the front. There was no rubbish on the water in the east, but there were also two iron cables blocking the river. Pile and pontoon.

The city walls on both sides are full of enemy crossbowmen and trebuchets, and there are a hundred bed crossbows. When dozens of crossbows appear on the river in the distance, you can know that the Song army must attack from the east. , He also made full preparations, preparing to use two barrels of weapons to deal with the Song army, a gunpowder barrel and a fire oil barrel.

The speed of the big ship is getting faster and faster, not only with sails, but also with human pull on both sides.

One hundred and fifty steps away from the city wall, Zhe Keqiu shouted: "Rocket shoots the sail!"

Dozens of rockets soared into the sky and shot at the sail, Yu Hongwu ordered: "Remove the sail!"

One of the soldiers cut the rope with a single blow, and the sails came crashing down, and the rockets missed the sails, and went straight into the fire or into the ship.

"The trebuchet fires powder barrels, the crossbowman shoots the trackers on the shore, and the floating bridge throws kerosene!" Zhe Keqiu gave three orders in a row.

Dozens of trebuchets were launched, and burning powder kegs flew towards the big ship, and immediately exploded continuously on the ship and in the water, making deafening explosions, poisonous nails splashed everywhere, thick smoke billowed, and the main mast was blown into pieces. Two breaks, half of the mast fell heavily, smashed a trebuchet, and the mast crashed into the water.

At the same time, the two thousand soldiers on the top of the city fired arrows together, and the dense arrows shot at the Laxian soldiers on both sides of the bank. The Laxian soldiers held up their shields to resist, but the arrows were too dense. Ahead is the moat.

"Withdraw the fiber!" Yu Hongwu yelled, the bell rang, and the pulling fiber gave up the fiber rope and retreated one after another.

There were still more than sixty steps away from the city wall, and the big ship rushed towards the city with the help of strong inertia.

The river was on fire, and the enemy dumped hundreds of barrels of kerosene on the floating bridge, turning the river into a sea of ​​flames, and the big ship rushed directly into the sea of ​​flames.

The defensive tarpaulins were also removed from the trebuchets on the big ship. Except for one that was smashed by the mast, the other four were intact. The black armored soldiers manipulated the four trebuchets and began to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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