
Chapter 980

Chapter 980
Zhe Keqiu suddenly realized something was wrong, and shouted: "Throw all the wheat straw into the city, remove the kerosene and gunpowder, leave only [-] people in the city, and withdraw all the other brothers.

The top of the city fell into chaos, thick smoke billowed, flames raged, bundles of burning straw were thrown down the city, and soldiers fled to both sides with barrels of gunpowder and kerosene.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Huang Dong approached Zhe Keqiu. Zhe Keqiu was surrounded by [-] personal guards, so it was impossible to get close. Huang Dong carried a barrel of kerosene and pretended to retreat. Taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, he dodged and hid in the tower Behind, there was no one here, Huang Dong quickly took out a poisonous crossbow bolt and put it on the crossbow. At this time, he was still thirty steps away from Zhe Keqiu.

At this time, the soldiers surrounded Zhe Keqiu and retreated towards the west city. This was the last chance, Huang Dong raised his crossbow to aim at Zhe Keqiu, and decisively pulled the hanging knife, 'Ka! 'The sound of the crossbow machine sounded, and a crossbow bolt shot out like lightning.

In the confusion, Zhe Keqiu let out a muffled groan, and fell headlong. The soldiers were in chaos, "Commander! Commander!"

Huang Dong had already retreated to the back of the tower, calmly threw the general crossbow down the city, picked up the kerosene barrel and ran to the other side, mixed into a group of soldiers under the cover of thick smoke and fire, and evacuated towards the east city.

The soldiers were startled and angry, and they didn't know where the cold arrow came from. The arrow pierced through the neck, and the strong poison exploded quickly. Zhe Keqiu's face was pitch black, and he couldn't speak. Someone shouted urgently: "The commander-in-chief can't do it anymore, let's go down to the city!"

The soldiers picked up Zhe Keqiu and quickly evacuated down the city. Zhe Keqiu swallowed his last breath as soon as he went down the corridor.

Zhe Keqiu dies, and the consequences are obvious. Lieutenant Wu Jincheng, who has lived under the shadow of Zhe Keqiu's authority for a long time, has almost no sense of existence. He only has [-] troops in his hands and is in charge of logistics. He has neither prestige nor Zhe Keqiu. The ability to demand can't command other controls at all.

Without a unified command that can be sought, several armies began to work independently. Sun Rong, the leader, led his five thousand troops to search from house to house under the pretext of arresting the assassin, taking the opportunity to plunder people's property and rape women. Thousands of troops also joined the queue to loot property, and there was chaos in Luoyang City.

The Song army's trebuchets continuously fired kerosene at the city, and the thousand-step cannon was even more powerful. It could project a fifty-pound kerosene urn to [-] steps away, but the target of the thousand-step cannon was the urn city, and the kerosene urn directly Projected into the Wengcheng, turning the vicinity of the West City into a sea of ​​flames.

Chen Qing stared at the top of the city. When the top of the city was covered with flames, he immediately ordered: "Send two thousand troops to approach the moat and build a pontoon bridge!"

Two thousand soldiers rushed away carrying large wooden boxes. There were iron chains on the big wooden boxes, and the iron chains were locked with iron locks. More than a hundred large wooden boxes were connected as one, fixed at both ends of the moat, and covered with a layer Planks form a pontoon bridge.

Chen Qing watched the two thousand soldiers laying the wooden bridge, and said with a smile, "Zhe Keqiu is dead!"

Everyone was surprised and asked: "How did Your Highness know!"

"It's a long story. The intelligence scouts in our city killed him. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to lay the pontoon bridge calmly. He will definitely leave the army to stop us."

"But the raging fire on the top of the city!" Liu Cui said puzzled.

Chen Qing smiled lightly: "We all came here playing with fire, don't we know that no matter how big the fire is, there is a place to hide?"

Chen Qing guessed right, Zhe Keqiu did leave [-] troops to stop the Song army, but after Zhe Keqiu was assassinated, the [-] soldiers lost their command, fearing to be burned to death, they all withdrew one after another.

At this time, Liu Cui saw the opportunity and immediately asked Chen Qing for instructions: "Please decide, Your Highness, whether we can use iron fire thunder to blow open the city gate?"

"Yes!" Chen Qing approved the use of Iron Fire Thunder.

Liu Cui ordered in a loud voice: "The firearms battalion sends a group of soldiers to blow up the city gate, and the trebuchets stop attacking!"

More than a dozen soldiers rushed away carrying the iron rhino fire mine and two chain mines.

The so-called chain mine is an iron hedgehog, with two iron chains on it, which can be used in many occasions, such as bombing boats, bombing small doors, etc., here it is mainly used to bomb suspension bridges.

The pontoon bridge has been laid, and more than a dozen soldiers from the Firearms Battalion ran across the pontoon bridge and ran towards the city gate against the base of the wall.

At this time, the trebuchets had stopped attacking, and Liu Cui and Li Muqing led [-] cavalry and [-] infantry to the moat, waiting for the moment when the city was broken.

The soldiers of the Firearms Battalion had rushed to the city gate, and stopped when they were about fifty steps away from the city gate. Two soldiers rushed up carrying the chain mine. They climbed to the top of the suspension bridge like monkeys, and wrapped the chain mine At the root of the iron chain of the suspension bridge, the two looked at each other, and at the same time lit the match with a torch, and then turned over and jumped off the moat.

A moment's boom!boom! With two loud bangs, the suspension bridge fell heavily on the stone bridge. The moat in Luoyang was too wide, so that a stone bridge leading to the city gate was built first, and it was about two feet away from the opposite bank. The two feet are connected by a suspension bridge, and when the suspension bridge falls, the whole bridge will be connected.

Two hundred soldiers with large shields guarded a battering ram and walked quickly towards the suspension bridge. Their goal was the gate of the Weng City, and the outer gate was handed over to the Firearms Battalion.

The soldiers pressed a [-]-pound iron rhino fire thunder on the gate, and used two pieces of wood to hold it firmly. One soldier lit the match with a torch. Live the horse and your own ears.

For a moment, there was an earth-shattering muffled sound, "Boom!" The city wall was shaking, the ground was shaking, thick smoke was rising into the sky, dust was flying, and gravel and sawdust were crackling and falling.

Before the dust fell to the ground, Liu Cui swung his saber, "The Giant Shield Army will enter the city!"

Two thousand giant shield troops rushed into the city with large shields and short spears, and behind them was the battering ram army.

Although Luoyang's city gate is very thick, a large hole nine feet high and one foot or two feet wide was blasted out by a large iron fire thunder, and two thousand giant shield troops rushed into the urn directly from the hole.
The huge explosion shocked the entire Luoyang City, and the soldiers began to panic. The looting soldiers stopped their looting and rushed to the street, looking in the direction of the west city in horror.

At this time, many soldiers rushed down from the urn city and shouted: "The Song army has entered the city! The Song army has entered the city!"

Countless soldiers scrambled to escape to the east city. The gate of the east city had been opened, the drawbridge was lowered, and the soldiers rushed out of the city carrying big bags and small bags.

There was a raging fire inside the Wengcheng, but the thousand-step artillery had stopped attacking, and the fire gradually diminished. Two thousand soldiers rushed into the city and put out all the fire. There were still one or two hundred soldiers. When the outer city gate was blown open, countless soldiers of the Song Army rushed into the Wengcheng with large shields in their hands. The last two hundred soldiers also collapsed and fled one after another. There was no more soldier in the Wengcheng.

Hundreds of Song Army soldiers shouted, and sixty soldiers held battering rams and slammed into the last inner city gate, 'Boom! With a muffled sound, the inner city gate burst open, and two thousand soldiers rushed into the city shouting.

Liu Cui also gave an order, and [-] cavalry rushed into the city first, followed by [-] infantry.
All the enemy troops in the city were running towards the east gate, but the [-] soldiers guarding Cangcheng did not escape and remained standing on Cangcheng.

Several generals stepped forward and said to Deputy General Wu Jincheng: "General, they have all escaped, should we also evacuate quickly, or it will be too late."

"What are you afraid of?"

Wu Jincheng said coldly: "We didn't burn, kill or loot, and we didn't rape women. Why did you escape? Do you think that everything will be fine if you escape? It's too simple. Chen Qing's [-] troops besieged the city, and no one could escape. Fall, we are finally on duty, and naturally we will be safe and sound!"

What Wu Jincheng said was not wrong at all. The defeated army who escaped from Dongcheng was surrounded by an army of [-] led by Gao Ding and Li Fuxing. None of them escaped. They all became prisoners of war of the Song army. Chen Qing will be severely punished for the crime of looting the common people.

(End of this chapter)

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