
Chapter 981 Rewards and Punishments

Chapter 981 Rewards and Punishments
An army of [-] troops marched into Luoyang City, and Chen Qing, surrounded by thousands of cavalry, also entered the city. At this time, Liu Cui led his deputy Wu Jincheng to pay a visit. Chen Qing had received the news in advance, and Wu Jincheng led three thousand soldiers to stand firm. Cangcheng did not lead the army to surrender until the main force of the Song army entered the city, ensuring the safety of the entire Cangcheng.

"The humble Wu Jincheng pays homage to His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "General Wu is the deputy general you can ask for?"

Wu Jincheng smiled wryly and said, "Nominally, I'm a lieutenant general, but in fact he's the chief logistics officer, in charge of Cangcheng, and has no military authority."

"Zhe Keqiu doesn't trust you?"

"No, Zhe Keqiu doesn't trust anyone. He holds the entire army firmly in his hands, and all military affairs, large and small, are decided by him."

Chen Qing nodded, "General Wu can be loyal to his duties and ensure that Cangcheng is safe and sound. This is the greatest achievement. From now on, I will appoint you as the commander of the Western Army."

Wu Jincheng was overjoyed, and knelt down on one knee and said, "I am willing to do my best for His Highness!"

Wu Jincheng is the deputy capital commander. It is already very good for Chen Qing to be downgraded to a commander. He is older, in his fifties, and he can be regarded as an old man in the officialdom. He is very familiar with the situation in the Central Plains. Chen Qing needs Such a well informed person.

"I heard that before the Song army entered the city, looting of people's property broke out in the city?"

"Exactly! Zhe Keqiu died unexpectedly, and the generals in the city lost control. They mainly controlled the army of Sun Rong and Wang Youting. About [-] people participated in the looting of people's property. They not only robbed people's property, but also raped women. The humble position can't stop it , you can only restrain your own army and not allow them to participate.”

"What about the other armies? Didn't they participate?" Chen Qing asked again.

"The other two armies were in the defense of the city. After the Song army entered the city, they fled directly to the city and did not participate in the looting."

At this time, the soldiers escorted Sun Rong and Wang Youting up. Both of them were wearing the military uniforms of ordinary soldiers. They tried to get away with it, but they were still identified by the soldiers and arrested.

"Your Highness, spare your life! Forgive your life!"

The two knelt on the ground and begged bitterly. Chen Qing sneered and said, "I didn't want to kill you at first. If you can restrain military discipline, you can at least get a commanding post in the army. It's a pity that you have lost your chance. I came here to save the people, if I let you go, it will ruin my reputation, Chen Qing, come here, drag down and behead!"

The two regretted it and cried, "Your Highness, please forgive me! We knew we were wrong."

The two were framed by the wolf-like soldiers, and their heads were cut off in a moment. The soldiers put the heads on the plate and served them. Chen Qingling said: "The announcement of Anmin has been posted, and the general who signed the army to rob the people's wealth has been killed." Beheaded, hang the head at the city gate for public display!"

After a pause, Chen Qing ordered again: "Go and identify all the prisoners of war. The subordinates of Sun Rong and Wang Youting will all be arrested and interrogated strictly. Anyone who robs people's property will be convicted as an enemy prisoner and sent to the mine for three years of hard labor. Anyone who rapes women Beheaded everywhere!"

In this Luoyang siege battle, there were not many dead soldiers on both sides, especially the [-] defenders basically had no casualties, but the Song army suffered hundreds of casualties during the siege of Luoshui.

Except for Wu Jincheng's [-] soldiers, the rest of the soldiers became prisoners of war. The [-] men who commanded Li Maosheng and the [-] men who commanded Li Hua were more fortunate. They were restrained by the general and did not participate in the looting of the people.

The [-] soldiers of Sun Rong and Wang Youting were more miserable. They were taken to the camp outside the city for interrogation one by one, and the prisoners were encouraged to report meritorious deeds. A soldier who raped a woman was granted amnesty.

All of a sudden, the soldiers reported one after another, and more than [-] soldiers who participated in the murder and rape of women were quickly found out, and they were escorted to the Luoshui River to behead them for public display. executions.

A group of two hundred people knelt by the Luoshui River with their hands tied behind their backs, their heads covered by black bags and their necks exposed, and behind each of them stood a burly man with a machete in his hand.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The drum sounded, and the sharp machete was raised high. Many people covered their eyes and dared not look at it. They only heard an order, and the sharp machete swung down, and two hundred heads were chopped off at the same time. Hundreds of thousands of people rejoiced.

Six times in a row, [-] prisoners of war were beheaded, and all the looted money was returned to the people. The [-] people immediately cheered. The Song army's beheading completely won the hearts of the people, and the news spread to the Central Plains In the end, it also greatly frightened the signatories everywhere. If you want to leave yourself a way out, don't do evil, otherwise you will die.

In the handsome mansion, Chen Qing met Zhang Lu and Yu Shouzhong, and Chen Qing appreciated their performance in Luoyang.

"What is the name of the soldier who assassinated Zhe Keqiu? What is his job?"

Zhang Lu bowed and said, "Reporting to Your Highness, the assassin soldier is called Huang Dong. He used to be a scout soldier and has no position."

Chen Qing nodded, turned his head and said to Zhang Fan, the commander of the army, "Reward Huang Dong with two hundred taels of silver, and he will be promoted to the head of the scout capital."

"The humble job has been written down!"

Chen Qing smiled at Zhang Lu again: "According to the usual practice, after recovering a city, the local intelligence chief will be appointed as the county magistrate. I don't dare to say that Director Zhang has performed really well this time. I will promote you to a level and give you the title of Henan Prefecture." General judge, in charge of the government affairs of the Henan government, there will be a formal appointment from the Ministry of Officials, and now you will take over the post of general judge!"

Zhang Lu was really touched, and quickly bowed to salute, her voice choked with sobs: "Thank you for your kindness, I must work hard in my humble position, and manage the Henan Mansion well for Your Highness!"

"The current Luoyang magistrate Zhou Huang, what do you think of him?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, although Zhou Zhixian was appointed by Wanyan Wushu, he is indeed a good official, very dedicated, and very familiar with the situation in Luoyang. He risked his life to stop the soldiers from doing evil, but was injured by the soldiers. lost his life."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "It is the authority of the Ministry of Officials to appoint the magistrate. I can't do it for me. However, Zhou Huang can temporarily act as the magistrate. After the Department of Officials and the Supervision Department send people to jointly review, if he passes the review, he can continue Serve as magistrate, or be transferred elsewhere."

After a pause, Chen Qing asked Zhang Lu again: "What does Zhang Tong think is the most urgent thing now?"

Zhang Lu immediately interjected: "The most urgent thing for me is to appease the people and find out the family background, so I first need to open a shed to provide porridge, and then take stock of the warehouse. It's just that I need manpower to assist."

"What's the situation in the original government office?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Reporting to Your Highness, if you can ask for it, he will concurrently serve as the magistrate of Henan. Several of his staff are in charge of state affairs. These staff have fled to the people and their whereabouts are unknown. However, I don't want to use them for humble positions. The government officials are all good. , I intend to promote several capable civil servants."

Chen Qing didn't respond to him directly, but turned to Yu Shouzhong, and said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, Manager Yu was transferred from Datong Mansion, or I asked you to come to Luoyang, right?"

"Your Highness is right!"

"What is your current military position?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Humble job in the army as the deputy commander of the scout."

Chen Qing nodded and said, "From now on, I will appoint you as the commander of the Huben Army's scout battalion."

Yu Shouzhong was overjoyed, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee to salute, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness!"

Chen Qing waved his hands and laughed, "Just now Zhang Tongpan said that there is a shortage of manpower. I will allocate [-] soldiers to you. You will assist Zhang Tongpan first. After the situation in Luoyang stabilizes, you will go to Huben Army to report to Lu Tongzhi."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Chen Qing asked again: "I heard that there is Yan Xiaowei in Yanshi who wants to marry King Yong wholeheartedly? He also helped you a lot, is that so?"

Yu Shouzhong scratched his head in embarrassment, "His Royal Highness, Xiaowei Yan is an old woman in her forties, she weighs at least two hundred catties, and she is surprisingly fat. Nonsense, I implore Your Highness not to argue with her!"

Chen Qing laughed, "Although I won't marry her, I like this kind of person. Since she has made meritorious service to the Song Army, I can reward her with a thousand coins and make her a captain of Xiaoqi, so that she can truly become a school lieutenant!"

After explaining these things, Chen Qing said to Zhang Lu: "I want to know now, where is the shell of that iron fire thunder now?"

Zhang Lu hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Highness, it is currently in the hands of the humble staff."

"You send someone to fetch it, and then bring the craftsman Wang Fuyuan to meet me!"

(End of this chapter)

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