
Chapter 982 Xiangyang

Chapter 982 Xiangyang

In the back hall of the Marshal's Mansion, Chen Qing gently pulled out a sword. Just as he showed his sharpness, he felt a gust of cold air rushing towards his face. The sound is melodious and crisp, without the slightest feeling of dullness.

"Good sword!" Chen Qing blurted out praise.

Zhang Lu smiled and said, "This is the last sword Wang Yan forged. It took three years to pass it on to his son and pass it on to his family. Wang Fuyuan is willing to dedicate it to His Highness."

"How can I collect a family heirloom?"

Even though he said that, Chen Qing was reluctant to return the sword. The quality of this sword is too high, but the reputation is not as good as the ancient sword, but the quality is as good as it is.

Zhang Lu said again: "He still has more than a dozen swords left by his father, heirlooms are enough, this superb sword, rather than being unknown, it is better to dedicate it to His Highness, become the sword of King Yong, and it is a kind of commemoration for his father .”

Chen Qing happily said with a smile: "Okay! This sword is named King Yongjian, I accept it, and arrange for the four of them to leave as soon as possible to live in Xianyang County, Jingzhao, and tell them that they will be treated well and will never treat you badly." them."

"Humble job understands!"

Zhang Lu saluted and left.

Chen Qing looked at the Iron Fire Thunder shell on the ground again, and thanks to the efforts of Zhang Lu and the others, this top secret was not passed on to the Jurchens.

Some people may wonder, Hulao Pass and Mengjin Pass are blocked, how can they be sent out?

This is not how things are done. The soldiers who sent the parcels could have buried their things first. He himself hid in the county below. If he could ask for it, he would definitely send local people. It is impossible for Luoyang Mansion to be blocked all the time. It's over, normality is restored, and it's easy to send out then.

So Zhang Lu and the others first cut off the pigeon letter to avoid spreading the key technology, then exchanged the civet cat for the prince, replaced the real one, and then assassinated Zhe Keqiu, so that Zhe Keqiu could not make arrangements in time. Without these efforts, the city would be destroyed. If you can ask for it, you will also send someone to take away the iron fire thunder shell and hide it, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

At this time, Chen Qing came to another table. There were also two Tie Huo Lei shells on this table, which were exactly the same as the shells on the other table. If you didn't mention it in advance, you wouldn't be able to see the difference between the two.

The two casings are of course different, the other table is a real casing, and the Tiehuolei casing in front of him was imitated by Wang Fuyuan. What surprised Chen Qing was that it was cast in one piece due to the high molding technology.

You must know that Jingzhao has repeatedly failed to conquer the one-piece casting, and finally had to cast half of the shell, and then melted lead to put them together.

The one-piece casting that Jingzhao craftsmen have not successfully developed for many years has actually appeared in Luoyang. This is probably a unique technology in the world, and perhaps even the craftsman himself is not aware of its value.

But Chen Qing thought of the barrel.

Wang Fuyuan's family is also packing up their things. They will leave by boat tomorrow morning, but his wife, Jia Shi, does not want to move. She is a local, and her parents and brothers are all in Luoyang. Of course, she does not want to move.

"Can't the officials tell the superiors? Others can stay in Luoyang, why can't we?"

Wang Fuyuan sighed and said: "We are in a special situation, not only me, but also my three apprentices will move together, we know the top secret of the Western Army, we must move, otherwise, if Jin Guo keeps an eye on us, our family will There is a fear of life."

"What is the top secret?"

"Don't ask me, I can't tell, and you don't know how Meng Xiaodong died, you don't know."

"But... my parents are getting old, now that I'm gone, will I be able to see them again?" Jia Shi said sadly.

Wang Fuyuan comforted his wife and said: "I heard that the residence in Xianyang is good. There is an acre of land and more than [-] houses. After we settle down, we can bring your parents to live for a while. I have been designated as a senior master craftsman. With a monthly salary of fifty guan, it is not a problem to support them."

Thinking that her husband can get a salary of [-] guan a month, this is the only good thing that Jia can comfort, they only had [-] guan a month before, Luoyang's prices are soaring, raising two sons, life is really tight, now the salary has increased It is ten times higher than that in Jingzhao, and it is said that the prices in Jingzhao are much lower than in Luoyang. Their family will live a good life from now on.

Mrs. Jia nodded and said, "Thanks to the fact that King Yong thinks highly of us, we have to express that, I think there are more than [-] swords made by your father in your study, keep two for your son, and dedicate the rest to King Yong." I’m always a little on the fence about keeping them.”

Although Wang Fuyuan was a little bit reluctant, he still agreed. In fact, he also figured it out. Putting the sword forged by his father in the hands of a famous general is much more meaningful than putting it in his own hands.

"I'll give it to Zhang Lu in the future, he is my benefactor, and I ask him to dedicate it to His Royal Highness King Yong for me!

In Dengzhou, the news that the Song Army had seized Rang County was leaked, causing Zhang Zhongxiong to lead more than a thousand troops to flee before the Song Army arrived in Nanyang County, and the Song Army was in vain.

In the next few days, Liu Qiong sent Li Changgong, the commander of the upper army, to lead [-] troops into Tangzhou. Tangzhou had no enemy troops stationed and was easily occupied.

After taking Dengzhou and Tangzhou, Liu Qiong was not in a hurry to go north. On the one hand, he was actively training the more than [-] troops who surrendered, and on the other hand, he was also waiting for supplies from Jingzhao.

Seven days later, Jingzhao's supply team arrived in Rang County. In addition to the [-] camels full of food and military supplies, there were also [-] horses. In the Central Plains, cavalry is indispensable. Among the [-] troops he brought, originally There were [-] cavalry. Before, because it was inconvenient to cross the mountains, the horses were stored in Shangzhou. Now that Dengzhou and Tangzhou have been captured, the horses will naturally be sent.

In addition, there are also two thousand soldiers from Longju Village. Longju Village has been handed over to the defenders of Wuguan. Of course, the two thousand defenders will return to the main force.

In a blink of an eye, it has been ten days since the capture of Rang County, but the Song Army in Xiangyang has not moved at all, and has not sent anyone to inquire about the situation, as if it has nothing to do with them.

Liu Qiong also received two warrants from Luoyang sent by Chen Qing. One warrant was to praise him and his army for capturing Dengzhou and Tangzhou, and the other warrant required them to be aware of the movements of the Xiangyang army.

The direct border with Dengzhou is not Xiangyang Prefecture, but the Guanghua Army. The army is also an administrative division, smaller than the state, and manages two or three counties. Generally, the army is set up in important military areas. In addition, if it is a mining area, a prison is set up. Therefore, both the army and the prison are at the same level as the state, but they are smaller and more specialized than the state. The chief is called Zhijun and Zhijian.

The Guanghua Army is the gateway to Xiangyang Prefecture. It is the same as Liu Bei stationed in Xinye to defend Xiangyang. Its military status is very important. The Guanghua Army stationed [-] troops, led by Yue Fei's general Zhang Xian.

After passing the Guanghua Army, it is Dengcheng County, which belongs to the boundary of Xiangyang Prefecture. To the south is the Han River, and on the other side of the Han River is Xiangyang City.

This morning, a caravan consisting of fifty mules came towards the North Ferry of the Han River. Except for the leader Xu Zhifu, who was a businessman from Rang County, the other ten men were dressed as scouts from the Western Army. The leader of the caravan was Tang Qian. They were going to Xiangyang City to inquire about information.

Liu Qiong also got some information about Xiangyang from many businessmen before, but they were incomplete and there were different opinions. There were three opinions about the number of troops stationed in Xiangyang City. At the same time, Liu Qiong received an order from King Yong, asking him to pay attention to the situation in Xiangyang. .

After discussing with Tang Qian, Liu Qiong decided that Tang Qian would personally lead the team to Xiangyang City to find out information.

"Old Brother Fu, I feel that Xiangyang is much more prosperous than Dengzhou!"

Tang Qian saw that the Han River was full of ships, goods piled up like mountains, and crowds of people flowed like streams, so he couldn't help but feel emotional.

Xu Zhifu said with a chuckle, "That's for sure. Although there was a war in Xiangyang, the damage was not great. Unlike Dengzhou, the tug-of-war broke out in Dengzhou in the past few years, and many people ran away from Xiangyang. Yes, but as long as Dengzhou restores stability, the common people will go home, earning a living outside is not as good as at home!"

Xu Zhifu saw that Tang Qian's subordinates were a little nervous, so he smiled slightly and said, "Master Tang, please don't worry, this is the territory of the Song Army. Even if you are discovered, you will not be embarrassed. You will only be sent out as a gift, and even I know it. Yue Dutong and His Royal Highness King Yong have a transit agreement, not all the Sichuan-Shaanxi troops going to Jinghu South Road transit here, so there is no need to worry at all."

Tang Qian turned around and saw that his subordinates were really nervous, so he smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, this is not the Kingdom of Jin, we are also the Song Army!"

Everyone was obviously relieved, they were a little nervous habitually, and it was right to think about it, this is the territory of the imperial court, so there is really no need to worry about the danger of life.

(End of this chapter)

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