
Chapter 983 Xiangyang

Chapter 983 Xiangyang

There was a lot of people on the pier, Xu Zhifu said to Tang Qian: "The proprietor wait a moment, I will go find a boat to cross the river!"

Xu Zhifu left in a hurry. Tang Qian and his men were looking at the situation on the pier. At this moment, a soldier nudged Tang Qian with his elbow, "Look over there, General!"

Tang Qian turned around, only to find that a group of Song troops had come, there were [-] to [-] people, and they seemed to be patrolling the pier. The leader was a black-faced general in his thirties. Looking at the military uniform, he should be named Yuhou.

At this time, Marquis Yu of the Song Army caught sight of Tang Qian and the others, and saw that they were all burly and tall, and Tang Qian was especially tall. According to the standards of later generations, he was already [-] meters tall.

This group of people standing behind was particularly eye-catching, Song Jun Yuhou was a little surprised, and walked over with his men.

"Hey! That man, where are you from?"

A clerk hurriedly cupped his fists and said, "Sir, we are from Dengzhou!"

Except for Tang Qian, the other soldiers are all from Dengzhou. As long as Tang Qian doesn't speak, there will be no problem with his accent.

Yu Hou nodded, "The accent sounds like a native of the country, what about him?"

Yu Hou pointed at Tang Qian, Tang Qian's temperament was so outstanding that he overwhelmed everyone, Yu Hou looked at him and said: "He looks quite handsome, he can't be a buddy too!"

The clerk laughed and said: "He is our young proprietor, it's his first time to go out, please forgive me, Mr. Jun!"

At this time, Xu Zhifu hurried up and said with a smile: "What is Zhang Yuhou doing!

Yu Hou glanced back, very familiar, "Ah! It's old Xu, is this your caravan?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! This is the young proprietor of my family, going out for the first time."

"Don't you own a shop?"

Xu Zhifu hurriedly pulled Yuhou aside and said in a low voice: "My shop was burned by Jin Bing, and all the goods were robbed. I am now working for someone else. That is my young boss. Zhang Yuhou, please take care of me."

After speaking, he stuffed a tael of silver into Yuhou's hand.

But Zhang Yuhou returned the money back, "Taking this little money will kill me. Your young proprietor looks like a man who leads troops to fight. I'm not a fool. I know who they are, anyway. Jin Bing, I will keep my eyes open and close my eyes, because Yue Dutong is not here, and now the deputy king is in charge, so be careful, I will act as if I didn’t see anything!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yuhou waved his hand, "Let's go!"

Yu Hou left with his men, Xu Zhifu wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "We've been spotted, let's go!"

Tang Qian asked in surprise, "Did he see us?"

"They hang out on the pier every day. They have seen a lot, and they can tell who they are at a glance. He knows that you are not Jinbing, so he just turned a blind eye. By the way, he said that Yue Dutong is not here, and now it is Wang Fu It’s all in charge.”

Tang Qian nodded. Wang Gui is Wang Gui, Yue Fei's confidant. He glanced at Yuhou's back and asked, "What's the name of this Yuhou?"

"I really don't know his name. I'll just call him Zhang Yuhou. He's just a little guy. The proprietor doesn't have to worry about it."

They boarded a boat and crossed the Han River, and arrived at Xiangyang City not long after, entered the West City, and directly found an inn near the city gate that Xu Zhifu was familiar with.

Tang Qian was not clueless when he came to Xiangyang this time. Before they set off from Jingzhao, Jiang Yan wrote them a letter. If they need to know the situation, they can go to Cai Kejian, Sicang of Xiangyang Prefecture. Jiang Yanxian used to be the prefect of Xiangyang , this Cai Kejian was Jiang Yanxian who was promoted from a civil servant.

The Cai family has been a famous family in Jingzhou since the Eastern Han Dynasty. After several ups and downs, it is still one of the famous families in Xiangyang Prefecture.

Cai Kejian has no fame and has never been reused. He wanted to join Jiang Yanxian twice, but Jiang Yanxian persuaded him to stay in Xiangyang with peace of mind, learn more about the situation, and make more connections. Sooner or later, he will be reused.

As soon as they settled down, Tang Qian went out to the government office with two of his subordinates, and asked someone to inform him. Not long after, a man in his thirties came out of the government office quickly. He was of medium build, fair-skinned, and looked Quite shrewd, the man stood on the steps and asked, "I am Cai Kejian, who is looking for me?"

Tang Qian came out from behind the stone lion, cupped his fists and said with a smile, "My surname is Tang. I'm coming from Jingzhao. I have a letter to give to Cai Sicang."

Cai Kejian heard that it was a letter from Jingzhao, and seeing Tang Qian's tall stature and extraordinary appearance, he guessed something in his heart, and quickly asked, "But Mr. Jiang's letter?"


Cai Kejian pointed to the west side and said: "Walk one mile to the west, and you can see a restaurant on the right hand side, called Caiwan Restaurant. It is a restaurant owned by my family. You tell the shopkeeper that you have made an appointment with us, and he will Take you to the Baiyu room, drink two glasses of wine first, and I'll be right over."

Tang Qian nodded with a smile, "Okay, Cai Sicang will go to work first, and we'll see you later!"

"I'll be right over."

Tang Qian said goodbye, and soon found Caiwan Restaurant. The shopkeeper heard that he had an appointment with the eldest son, so he quickly invited Tang Qian to Baiyutang. Tang Qian simply ordered a table of banquets, and asked two of his subordinates to take them back to the inn. He will come back by himself later.

Tang Qian drank two glasses of wine, the door creaked open, and the shopkeeper walked in with Cai Kejian, Tang Qian hurriedly got up to greet him.

Cai Kejian said with a smile: "Brother Tang has been waiting for a long time, shopkeeper An, bring a bottle of [-]-year-old wine, and let the kitchen make some good dishes, and put it on my account."

"Young master, sit down and come right away!"

Cai Kejian asked Tang Qian to sit down and said with a smile, "If I'm not wrong, my brother came from Dengzhou!"

Tang Qian gave a thumbs up and praised: "Good eyesight, I'm Tang Qian, who is currently in command of the Western Army and currently the deputy general of Liu Dutong. We captured Dengzhou and Tangzhou."

"Ah! It's been a long time. I know that General Tang is the head of the scout battalion. I didn't expect General Tang to come here in person. I was rude just now."

Knowing the other party's name and accurately telling the other party's official position is the best form of flattery, which is much more effective than saying "I have admired the name for a long time". Tang Qian immediately had a much better impression of Cai Kejian.

"Don't dare to be. Now the scout battalion has been divided among the armies. I am now serving as the deputy general of the Flying Eagle Army. This time, our Flying Eagle Army is responsible for attacking the southwest of the Central Plains."

Speaking of this, Tang Qian took out Jiang Yanxian's letter from his bosom and handed it to Cai Kejian.

Cai Kejian quickly took the letter and read it carefully, and read the channel again: "Counselor Jiang's worries are not wrong. At present, [-] troops have gone south, led by Yue Yun. We are all saying internally that this is going to attack South Jingnan Road. Yuedu Tong went to Lin'an, but there was another news that someone in the imperial court was impeaching Yue Dutong, the details are not clear, and now there are rumors in the officialdom."

"What rumor?"

Cai Kejian closed the door, and said in a low voice, "The rumors that the imperial court attacked South Jingnan Road are not true, and that it is true that Yue Dutong was deprived of military power. This time, Yue Dutong has gone to Lin'an, and whether he can come back is a big question."

Tang Qian nodded. Just as he was about to speak, the door knocked, and then the shopkeeper came in with two bartenders to deliver food and drinks.

Cai Kejian picked up a bottle of wine and said with a smile: "This is the sake we brewed when we first opened the restaurant. It has been cellared for [-] years. General Tang, my brother, have a taste."

Cai Kejian almost slipped the tongue, he asked the shopkeeper and the bartender to go down again, Tang Qian drank a glass of wine, and immediately praised: "It's such a mellow wine, it's really good wine, I'm afraid the tribute wine is not as good as it!"

"The tribute wine is ten years old. This is thirty-year-old wine. It must be different."

After the two drank two glasses of wine, Tang Qian got down to business again, "His Royal Highness wants us to know about the distribution of troops and the storage of grain and grass in Jingzhou. Is there any news from Cai Sicang?"

"Food, grass and supplies are my job. I know them very well. I also know some of the military strength, but it is not complete. But I can inquire about it, but there is one thing. The deployment of troops is changing. For example, there were originally [-] troops in Xiangyang, but Yue Yun led them. The [-] troops went south, and now there are only [-] people. The Anhua Army originally had [-] people, but now it has been reduced to [-] people. It was also taken away by Yue Yun with [-] people. I am afraid that there will be another army after a while Variety."

"It doesn't matter. I will keep two of my men in Xiangyang. If there is any change in the strength of the Xiangyang and Anhua armies, just tell them."

Cai Kejian nodded, "I will give you the specific information in three days."

(End of this chapter)

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