
Chapter 984 Expulsion

Chapter 984 Expulsion

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Tang Qian was in a deep sleep when a series of running footsteps woke him up. He was a scout and was extremely sensitive to footsteps. He turned over and sat up, holding a sword in his hand, and then there was an anxious knock on the door, " General Tang! General Tang!"

The voice sounded familiar. Tang Qian opened the door with a sword in his hand. Outside was a clerk and a short, fat middle-aged man. Tang Qian recognized at a glance that it was the shopkeeper An of Caiwan Restaurant.

"what's up?"

Shopkeeper An stuffed some money into the inn clerk, but the clerk left, and shopkeeper An hurried into the room and said: "You guys hurry up! My parents and sons have been arrested."

Tang Qian was taken aback and asked anxiously, "What happened?"

"My son went to Qiao Canjun to inquire about the news. He may have been reported by Qiao Canjun, and then a soldier came to take him away. Before he left, the son left a message. He may not be able to stand the torture and will confess you. Hurry up and go."

"I see, tell Young Master Ni, I won't blame him, you go first!"

Shopkeeper An left first, Tang Qian thought for a while, the city gate was closed, they couldn't escape at all, so he simply called up his subordinates and told them to throw all the crossbow arrows into the latrine, and only bring a knife.

This is an agreement between Chen Qing and Yue Fei that a small number of western troops can cross the border with light troops.

Not long after, the innkeeper hurried over and said in horror: "Master Tang, what's going on, a lot of troops have come outside and surrounded the inn, call for you to go out."

"I know, don't worry!"

Tang Qian walked out with nine of his men. The outside of the inn was brightly lit. Hundreds of soldiers with torches and sabers, bows and arrows on their backs, surrounded the inn.

Leading a general, riding a white horse, tall and burly, wearing armor, holding a big knife, looking at Tang Qian who came out with cold eyes.

The general pointed his sword at him and asked, "Are you Tang Qian, the scout leader of the Western Army?"


Tang Qian said proudly: "I am the commander of Tang Qian under King Yong's command, and I am here to meet Yue Dutong under the order of King Yong!"

The general's face was a little ugly, and he asked again: "What evidence do you have?"

Tang Qian took out a military order from his bosom, "We got news from the imperial court that the emperor ordered Yue Dutong to attack South Jingnan Road in the south. I don't know if the news is accurate, so King Yong gave us an order asking us to know the situation of Xiangyang's army. Of course, one of the main generals will come to meet Yue Dutong to find out the real situation."

The general took a look at the military order, and it turned out to be Chen Qing's Yong Wangling, asking Liu Qiong and Tang Qian to go to understand the situation of the Xiangyang Army's troops going south.

The key point is that the two sides are not enemies, but both the Song army. Perhaps it is not appropriate for Tang Qian to inquire about the news secretly. The Song army in Xiangyang can also be seriously dissatisfied with his behavior, but he cannot be regarded as an enemy spy, especially a senior man like Tang Qian. General, arresting without authorization will lead to serious consequences, which gave Chen Qing an excuse to attack Xiangyang.

The general looked at the order of King Yong, and his tone softened, "My lord, Wang Gui, the vice capital of the Jingxiang Army, and Yue Dutong have gone to Lin'an, and I will take charge of the Jingxiang military administration on my behalf. I can officially tell you that I have not received the imperial court's request. Order to attack South Jing South Road."

Wang Gui used a trick. He did not receive the order from the court, but Yue Fei did.

Tang Qian looked at the surrounding soldiers and said: "Yue Dutong had an agreement with King Yong the year before last that the Sichuan-Shaanxi Army could cross the border harmlessly. I only have nine men and I didn't bring heavy weapons. I came to Xiangyang completely according to the agreement. General Wang There's no need to treat me like this!"

Wang Gui secretly sighed in his heart. Yue Fei wanted to destroy the border crossing agreement with Chen Qing without authorization, which caused [-] Sichuan-Shanxi cavalry to enter Jing South Road via Xiangyang. This transit agreement must be voided, otherwise Wang Gui would be killed The court held accountable.

Wang Gui shook his head, "I don't know what the agreement is? Yue Dutong didn't tell me either. I only know that you didn't enter the country according to the rules. You didn't formally notify the Anhua Army, and you didn't come to Xiangyang under the protection of the Anhua Army. You entered the country disguised as a businessman, so I have the right not to accept you as an envoy, please pack up and leave Xiangyang immediately, I will give you a quarter of an hour to pack up, don't let my army use force, please!"

This is the best method Wang Gui can use, to expel the other party directly, without tearing his face, but also to draw a clear line and give the court an explanation. At the same time, Chen Qing can't find an excuse to attack Jing Xiang.

Tang Qian went back and explained to Xu Zhifu, leaving him the goods and donkeys, and asked him to hire a few more men to go back.

Tang Qian walked out of the inn with nine of his men, each wearing only a knife, and a commander stepped forward and saluted, "Please! I will escort you back to Dengzhou."

Tang Qian and his party left Xiangyang City under the escort of the commander and [-] cavalry, and went northward by boat overnight. Wang Gui arranged ten horses, and Tang Qian and his men rode northward. Dengzhou boundary.


Not long after Tang Qian and his party were expelled, in a family near the government office, Du Wen, Wang Gui's confidant and aide, squinted his eyes looking at the white two hundred taels of silver on the table.

He said to the housekeeper who gave the gift: "Go back and tell your proprietor that although Cai Sicang's nature is relatively serious, he must be beheaded according to military regulations for inquiring into military secrets, but! I will try my best to intercede for him. After all, the other party is not a golden soldier, but a Song Jun, and the confidential information has not been sent out, so there is still room for maneuver, you must understand that only I can persuade General Wang to release him."

The housekeeper hurriedly said: "My master knew that only the husband can do it, so he came to ask him for help."

Du Wen was very satisfied, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Some things can't be done with money, and I don't care about this little money. I mainly want to form a relationship with the Cai family. Don't worry! I will persuade General Wang let go."

"Thank you so much!"

"Is your master going to give someone else a gift?"

"There is also Jiang Tuanlian from the prison camp, who has already been sent away, for fear that the young master will be beaten in prison."

Du Wen nodded, "Your master is very shrewd. You should give it away. The little devil is difficult to deal with. Otherwise, if you break a leg and come out, you have no place to reason."


Early the next morning, under the persuasion of his staff member Du Wen, Wang Gui ordered the release of Cai Kejian and dismissed Cai Kejian from the post of warehouse manager. Tang Qian and his party.

Cai Kejian's father is Cai Jin, who was the magistrate of Xiangyang County during the Xuanhe period. He has resigned and stayed at home for many years. His son was arrested last night. Send Jiang Xin fifty pennies to the prison camp trainer, so that his son will suffer less in prison.

When Cai Kejian came to his father's study, Cai Jin saw that his son's eyes were still bruised, and asked with a sigh in his heart, "Did you get beaten up last night?"

Cai Kejian stood in front of his father and said respectfully: "I was punched during the interrogation. I can only confess truthfully. Father, did they escape?"

Cai Kejian was very worried about Yang Zaixing's fate, after all he confessed honestly.

"They were expelled from the country by Wang Gui, and the news of Shopkeeper An was also sent. Tang Qian said that you are not to blame."

Cai Kejian breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm worried that they will be arrested, and I won't be able to explain it."

Cai Jin asked his son to sit down, and asked the maid to pour a cup of hot tea for him. Then he said to his son: "Wang Gui is not a fool. He captured the general of the Western Army and gave Chen Qing an excuse to attack Xiangyang. Instead of getting The court's commendation will instead be pursued by the court and dismissed from office. Therefore, Wang Gui will definitely take a softer approach, saying it is deportation to the subordinates, and sending him out of the country as a gift to the court. Anyway, the court can explain it, and the subordinates will also It can be explained that this Wang Gui is more skillful than Yue Fei, and Yue Fei is too straight."

Cai Kejian took a sip of tea, sighed and said, "I'm really stupid to believe Qiao Buqing. He always told everyone that he would support the Western Army to fight against the Jin soldiers, but I actually believed it. betrayed me."

Cai Jin smiled slightly and said: "This kind of person is just a little clever, he wants to take advantage of both sides, he treats others as fools, although he will get some benefits by betraying you now, but in the end he will prove that he is a real fool, once Xi Jun Occupy Xiangyang, not to mention liquidating him, but we will never use him again."

"Father, what should the child do?"

Cai Jin thought for a while and said: "I guess the businessman who came with them is still there, you can go find him later, forget it, you have a good rest, I will send someone to find him, and then you go back to Dengzhou with him, Go find Tang Qian and explain the situation clearly to avoid misunderstanding."

Cai Kejian nodded, "My child understands!"

(End of this chapter)

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