
Chapter 986

Chapter 986

At dawn, Zhang Zhongxiong's [-] troops were exhausted. They were still [-] miles away from Xiangcheng County. caught up.

Lieutenant General Zhao Fei said anxiously: "Dutong, it's definitely not going to work like this. You have to fight or avoid it!"

All the generals were unanimously opposed to the battle, the opponent had [-] cavalry and their fighting power was strong, how could they be opponents, the entire army would definitely be wiped out.

"So what about avoiding the battle?" Zhang Zhongxiong asked.

Zhao Fei hurriedly said: "The humble officer said to avoid the war, it is to let the soldiers who can swim to the north bank of the Ru River, and the rest of the soldiers go to the mountains to hide."

Zhang Zhongxiong was a little hesitant. With this plan, soldiers would take the opportunity to escape. At this time, he had already seen a black spot in the distance, and the cavalry of the Song Army had already killed ten miles away. gone."

Zhang Zhongxiong had no choice but to order: "Order the whole army, those who can swim will go to the other side, and the rest of the soldiers will go to the mountains to hide."

After the order came out, thousands of soldiers took off their leather armor and swam to the opposite bank, while the rest of the soldiers ran to the forest two miles to the south, where the hills were rolling and covered with dense forest.
In a blink of an eye, [-] cavalry arrived, only to see leather armor and weapons thrown all over the place on the bank, black spots densely packed in the Ru River, it was the soldiers who went swimming down the river, and many soldiers climbed ashore and ran away into the distance run.

"General, over there!"

The soldier pointed to the south, and Liu Qiong looked south, only to see a large group of soldiers running towards the mountains and forests two miles to the south.

Liu Qiong said angrily: "Prepare the rocket!"

[-] cavalry turned around and rushed to the south. When they reached the forest, the cavalry of the Song Army fired ten thousand arrows, and ten thousand rockets flew into the forest. The forest was full of pine forests. Soon there were hundreds of fire spots. It burned rapidly.

Liu Qiong divided the cavalry into ten teams, each with [-] cavalry, and distributed them on various main roads around the mountain.

But this mountain stretches for more than [-] miles, it is impossible to burn all the more than [-] miles, and it is impossible to surround it for more than [-] miles in both directions.

Thick smoke was billowing on the mountain, the fire was raging, and the fire was spreading rapidly. The more than [-] people who fled up the mountain no longer cared about the group, but scattered in all directions, fleeing for their own lives. Many soldiers took the opportunity to detour down the mountain and surrender to the Song army. Four thousand people descended the mountain and surrendered.

There are more than [-] people hiding on the mountain, including the leader Zhang Zhongxiong.

Zhang Zhongxiong's fighting skills are relatively poor, but his escape skills are very high. Once he enters the mountain, don't run up the mountain. He led hundreds of people around the mountainside and quickly went to the south of the mountain. The time difference between the military blockade.

When the siege ended at dusk, a night rain came unexpectedly. The rain was so heavy that it drenched the entire mountain forest, and the mountain fire was extinguished. At this time, more than [-] soldiers descended to surrender. The whereabouts of more than [-] people are unknown, either they were burned to death by the mountain fire, or they have fled. Judging from the composition of the surrendered soldiers, the latter is more likely. The top generals are only a few commanders. No, Zhang Zhongxiong has no news.

As night fell and the rain became heavier and heavier, the Song army had to end the siege and begin to evacuate westward.

At midnight, the army arrived in Longxing County, and the soldiers were exhausted. Liu Qiong handed over nearly [-] prisoners of war to the [-] left-behind soldiers in Longxing County. Like the other [-] soldiers, he drank a bowl of ginger. Tea, changed into dry clothes, and fell asleep.

It was not until noon the next day that the soldiers of the Song Army recovered from extreme exhaustion. Longxing County is a middle-level county with a small population. The transportation here is convenient, and the intersection of two official roads here also makes it a must-have for military strategists. In the land where wars continued, half of the people in the county ran away, and there were so many empty houses, which gave the soldiers of the Song Army a place to live.

The [-] prisoners of war were then escorted to Dengzhou by [-] cavalry, where they received reform training or were released home.

At this time, scouts sent news from Xiangcheng County that [-] Jurchen cavalry and [-] signing troops had set off from Xiangcheng County and were rushing towards Longxing County.

Liu Qiong and Tang Qian discussed for a while, and they unanimously decided to fight.

In order not to worry about the future, Liu Qiong ordered a thousand cavalry to send [-] camels back to Dengzhou.

Eighteen thousand cavalry reorganized the army, lined up outside the county seat, and marched to the east in mighty force.

The army coming from the east was the [-] support army led by Li Cheng himself. He made a mistake before and did not take the initiative to join Zhang Zhongxiong's army, but waited for Zhang Zhongxiong's army to come back in Xiangcheng County.

Of course there is an emotion in it, Li Cheng has always looked down on Zhang Zhongxiong, only bragging and flattering, his real ability is just like his name, Xiongyang.

But it was also related to Li Cheng's misjudgment. He didn't expect Song Jun to go north so quickly. It happened to encounter Zhang Zhongxiong's army, so that Zhang Zhongxiong's army ran out, and he only brought more than a thousand people back. The swimming soldiers, restrained by deputy general Zhao Fei, did not take the opportunity to disperse.

Li Cheng knew that he could not explain to Wanyan Wushu, so he simply led his army to Longxing County. Li Cheng had rich experience and made a tactical strategy. He actually sent [-] troops, and another [-] people detoured from the south And go, ambush in the south of Longxing County, and attack at a critical moment.

[-] cavalry and [-] infantry rushed westward on the official road. Although these [-] cavalry carried the banner of Khitan cavalry, they were Khitan people in a broad sense, that is, Donghu people. They were composed of Khitan people, Xi people, Bohai people, and Mohe people It is formed by mixing Donghu people, mainly Khitan people.

Although they were not Jurchens, the Donghu people were also quite powerful in combat. The cavalry was very powerful, and was led by the Khitan ten thousand commander Xiao Jilie.

And Li Cheng's army is also a well-trained elite army, ten times sharper than Zhang Zhongxiong's army. His [-] troops have always been the backbone of the Puppet Qi Army. The Jiedushi of Yingcai led an army of [-] to sit in the three prefectures of Yingchang, Caizhou, Yingzhou and Chenzhou.

So this time Wanyan Wushu sent [-] Donghu cavalry to cooperate with Li Cheng's [-] troops to rescue Ruzhou, and it was logical.

Li Cheng set off in the afternoon, and in the morning of the next day, [-] miles away from Longxing County, the spies sent information. Ten miles ahead, they found the main force of the Song army.

At this time, Li Cheng also saw a black line appearing ten miles away, and he ordered: "Army array!"

Although Xiao Jilie is the Commander-in-Chief, his military rank is lower than that of Li Cheng, and Wanyan Wushu has repeatedly told him that he must obey Li Cheng's orders.

The [-] cavalrymen of the Donghu Army also quickly lined up, raising their spears.

At this time, Liu Qiong and Tang Qian led [-] cavalry to stop slowly three miles away, and they also formed a large formation on the left and right wings, each with [-] soldiers.

Liu Qiong squinted at the enemy formation for a moment, and said to Tang Qian: "I will deal with the enemy cavalry, and you will be responsible for defeating the enemy infantry. Both sides will attack the cavalry!"

Liu Qiong saw it very accurately. The only weakness of the opponent was the infantry. He could defeat the infantry first, and then jointly deal with the cavalry to win the battle.

But Liu Qiong never thought that there were still [-] enemy infantry ambushing ten miles to the south of them.

(End of this chapter)

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