
Chapter 987

Chapter 987

"Attack!" With a wave of Liu Qiong's spear, he led nine thousand cavalry to charge out suddenly. The nine thousand cavalry rushed towards the enemy with an unstoppable momentum like a sea tide breaking a bank.

Xiao Jilie also brandished his knife and shouted, "Kill me!"

The [-] Donghu cavalry also mobilized, and their horses galloped like dark clouds rolled up by a strong wind. Everything was black, with black helmets and armor, horses with black saddles, and even the battle flags were black of death.

Their battlefield was originally a lush and large wheat field, but at this time it has been almost trampled to death by the fierce battle of the [-] army.

At this time, Tang Qian also led an army of [-] troops to launch, but he divided his troops into two groups, [-] cavalrymen held shields and swept towards the infantry positions, while the other [-] cavalrymen attacked the enemy army from the side in an arc. There was only one reason. Li Cheng deployed three thousand crossbow troops in front of the team.

In the cavalry training of the Song Army, there was a strategy of attacking the enemy's bow and crossbow array, that is, the cavalry who took the arc to kill the enemy's large array first, forcing the enemy's two rounds of crossbow to shoot only one round, and the second round Too late to launch, must retreat.

At this time, the two cavalry collided violently while galloping, and the soldiers on both sides uttered screams. Hundreds of soldiers died on the spot in this violent collision, but death was inevitable, and no one took it to heart. The cavalry of both sides staggered together, brandishing spears and fighting fiercely together.

At the same time, Li Cheng ordered: "Fire the arrow!"

Three thousand army crossbows were fired at the same time, and the dense crossbow arrows rose into the air, shooting at the Song army cavalry two hundred steps away.

The cavalry of the Song Army raised their shields to meet them while galloping at high speed, but arrows rained down, and hundreds of soldiers or horses were hit by arrows and fell down.

"Jiedu Envoy, Song Jun is coming from the side!"

Only then did Li Cheng realize that the Song army who came from the side was already a hundred steps away, [-] steps faster than the cavalry who came from the front, but it was these [-] steps that had a fatal impact on the soldiers of the crossbow army. , I am afraid that the crossbow army soldiers will not have time to retreat.

"Damn it, it's too fast!"

Li Cheng cursed and ordered: "The Crossbow Army retreats, the Spear Army goes up!"

Three thousand soldiers of the Crossbow Army retreated quickly, and five thousand soldiers of the Spear Army rushed up. At this time, the cavalry on the side shot random arrows while running. Hundreds of arrows shot at the enemy's spear soldiers, and the outer spear soldiers dodged Too late, more than a hundred people were shot down, causing a slight commotion.

This is also the tactic of the Song army, disrupting the enemy's spear formation, and before the soldiers behind them stepped forward, four thousand cavalry rushed into the spear formation from the side, and the front cavalry also rushed up suddenly, "Boom!" With a sound, it collided violently with the enemy's spear formation, and hundreds of cavalry in the front were stabbed by spears on the spot, but the Song Army cavalry did not stop, and continued to charge forward, entering the formation.

The [-]-strong spear formation was attacked by [-] Song cavalry from both sides, and a big hole was torn open at the outer edge. Li Cheng didn't expect the Song army's cavalry to be so sharp, so he immediately invested another [-] spear troops. The crossbow army just now, they put down their crossbows, picked up their spears, and turned into spear soldiers.

Three thousand spear troops rushed up from behind, roaring and pounced on the Song Army cavalry, cutting the Song Army cavalry who was attacking from the front into two sections.

Li Cheng invested the last [-] soldiers of the Spear Army and did the same to intercept the Song Army cavalry attacking from the side into two sections.

Tang Qian shouted: "Order the army to disperse!"

"Woo--" the horn sounded, causing the flag to wave.

The cavalry suddenly disintegrated into nine cavalry teams from two armies, which made the enemy's cut-off meaningless. The nine thousand cavalry ran like nine dragons interspersed in the enemy's large formation. Gradually dismembered and dispersed.

At the same time, Li Cheng also issued an order to split up the [-] spears into a hundred spear squads, fighting under the command of a capital, more flexible and more tacit cooperation.

Both sides gave full play to their training level, but the Song army was cavalry after all, like a strong man fighting a young man. The disparity in height and strength made the Song army gradually gain the upper hand, and the casualties of both sides increased, but the infantry was obviously casualties were even more severe.

At this time, a cavalryman came rushing to report, "Report to Jiedushi, our cavalry has suffered heavy casualties, and we are about to lose our strength."

The infantry could barely hold on, but the Donghu cavalry was no match for the Song cavalry, with nearly half of the casualties. Although the Song cavalry also suffered heavy casualties, the enemy was retreating steadily, and the Donghu cavalry was almost unable to hold on.

Seeing that the situation was critical, Li Cheng immediately ordered: "Blow the horn and call for an ambush!"

Originally, he wanted to wait until the last moment to fight out, but the situation had forced Li Cheng to send troops ahead of time.


The low-pitched horn sounded, and the [-] infantry who had been lurking several miles to the south suddenly rushed out and rushed towards the battlefield.

The Song army scouts on the periphery immediately found out, and they rushed to report, "General Tang, there are enemy ambushes in the south, more than [-] people have already killed them!"

Tang Qian looked to the south, and saw the enemy soldiers rushing to kill here, and the situation was not good.

He immediately ordered: "Go and inform General Liu, requesting an immediate retreat!"

Some cavalry rushed to report to Liu Qiong. Liu Qiong was also taken aback. Ten thousand fresh troops would surely reverse the situation. He immediately ordered: "Issuing an order to withdraw troops!"

Nine gunpowder arrows were launched into the sky in succession and exploded continuously in the air, notifying each commander to lead the troops to withdraw.

Teams of Song Army cavalry turned around and retreated westward, covering each other, and quickly left the battlefield. This is also an important tactic that Song Army soldiers must train, a retreat tactic.

While running, they shot back at the pursuing enemy army with bows and arrows. More than a hundred Donghu soldiers who were chasing after them were hit by arrows and fell off their horses one after another, scaring the rest of the Donghu cavalry who were about to pursue them to quickly rein in their horses.

Li Cheng ordered: "Pass on my order, don't pursue!"

He has rich experience. The opponent is not defeated but retreats. If he pursues him, the team will be too long, and he will be killed by the opponent instead.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties in this battle. The Song army killed about [-] people and injured more than [-] people, while the Jin soldiers killed nearly [-] people and injured more than [-] people.

Why are there fewer injuries but more deaths? This kind of fierce battle has no way to withdraw the wounded soldiers. Once injured, the combat effectiveness will drop, and they must be the first to die. Only when they retreat at the end can the wounded survive under the protection of their companions.

After removing the casualties of the [-] cavalry of the Song Army, only [-] cavalry were left, while the opponent still had more than [-] soldiers. The strength of the two sides was so disparate that Liu Qiong had to temporarily withdraw his troops to the south and retreat to Ye County, the southernmost part of Ruzhou, is waiting for another chance to attack.

At the same time, scouts were sent to Henan Province to report the battle situation. Not long after the Song army was forced to retreat to the south of Ruzhou, Chen Qing personally led an army of [-] to Yique Pass.

Yiqueguan is located in the remaining veins of Xionger Mountain in the south of Yique Town. Yishui passes through the mountain to form a large canyon. Yiqueguan is located at the dangerous entrance to the north of the canyon. Ten miles away is Ruzhou.

Chen Qing stood on the pass and looked at the Yique Grand Canyon in the distance. He saw strange peaks and cliffs, clear water like belts, and fishing boats on the water. entry.

At this time, Chen Qing saw a caravan driving more than a hundred donkeys coming from the canyon, so he told his left and right: "Bring the caravan leader here, I want to ask him."

The caravan entered the pass, and not long after, an old man was led in front of Chen Qing. He knelt down and saluted, "My nickname is Zhong Ping, and I greet His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing signaled his soldiers to help him up, and asked with a smile, "Where does the old man come from?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the villain came from Yingchang Mansion."

"Since you came from Yingchang Mansion, do you know about the war in Ruzhou?"

The old man nodded, "The villain passed through Longxing County, and he did know that a big battle happened nearby."

"How is the battle going?" Chen Qing asked anxiously.

The old man was a little embarrassed, and said after a while: "I heard that the Song army was no match for the Jin army, and retreated to the south!"

This news was really beyond Chen Qing's expectation. Liu Qiong's army was actually defeated, which also showed that the enemy's reinforcements were very strong.

Chen Qing immediately sent an order, "The army goes south to Liang County, a hundred miles away!"

(End of this chapter)

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