
Chapter 988 Fight Again

Chapter 988 Fight Again
Not long after the [-] army set off, the battle report sent by Liu Qiong also arrived. Chen Qing ordered the soldiers to rest in place and set up a marching tent.

In the big tent, after Chen Qing read the battle report, more than [-] people were killed and [-] people were injured, which added up to [-] people.

"What is the situation of the wounded soldiers now?" Chen Qing asked.

The soldier who reported the letter said: "Report to Your Highness, the treatment in Ye County is mostly minor injuries!"

Chen Qing nodded silently, and he also understood why most of the injuries were minor, and it was difficult to evacuate from the battlefield with serious injuries, so there were more casualties than wounded soldiers, and that was the reason.

Chen Qing then wrote a reply letter and gave it to the messenger soldier, and rewarded another ten taels of silver, and the messenger soldier went to thank him.

"Your Highness thinks that Li Cheng will try his best to protect Ruzhou?"

The person who asked the question was Gao Ding, who was in charge of the capital, and this time he followed Chen Qing to the expedition as a lieutenant general.

Chen Qing nodded, "Taking Ruzhou, the Northwest and Southwest of the Central Plains will be connected together, Henan Mansion and Dengzhou will be able to respond to the battle, which will have a major impact on the entire Central Plains situation, how can Wanyan Wushu not see this a little?
On the contrary, if Ruzhou cannot be taken, the enemy can attack Henan Prefecture in the north and Dengzhou in the south, and our army will be quite passive. We know this, and Li Cheng also knows it well. If Ruzhou is bound to be a tough battle. "

"Then how can we assist General Liu?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "Repay the body with the way of others!"

Liu Qiong went north again after reorganizing the army, with the same force of [-] troops, [-] infantry and [-] cavalry. This time he did not bring supplies. The whole army took six days of dry food and went northward quickly.

At noon the next day, we were still [-] miles away from Longxing County. The scouts from the front came to report that [-] miles away, we found about [-] main enemy troops, including about [-] cavalry.

Tang Qian said to Liu Qiong: "I'm afraid this is another reunion in Zaolu County! They also went south to Ye County."

Liu Qiong sneered, "It's very possible, but what I'm more concerned about is, are there really only [-] of them?"

Tang Qian thought for a while and said, "We can send scouts to investigate, but we'd better find the reinforcements sent by His Highness, tell them the situation, and let them deal with the possible ambushes of the enemy."

Liu Qiong nodded, and immediately sent out two scouts, the first scout was responsible for detecting possible ambushes of the enemy army, and the other scout was looking for their own reinforcements.

The army immediately stopped marching and waited for the arrival of the enemy.

Li Cheng's army on the opposite side also spotted the Song army twenty miles away almost at the same time, which was really beyond Li Cheng's expectation.

Li Cheng's army rested in Longxing County for a few days and added [-] infantry. At the same time, Li Cheng also received an order from Wanyan Wushu, asking him to eradicate the Song Army in Ye County and not give the Song Army a chance to fight back.

So when Li Cheng got the news of the Song Army, he was really a little shocked. He thought that the Song Army was still resting, but he didn't expect to go north to fight back.

"Order the whole army to slow down, reorganize the team, and keep the formation moving forward!"

Li Cheng didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, so he sent spies to look for traces of the enemy's ambush on both sides.
The two armies were getting closer and closer, and the distance was only three miles, and the Jin soldiers also stopped moving forward. The area where they confronted each other was wheat fields and plains, which was very suitable for combat.

The weather was gloomy, the wind was strong, and the battle flags of both sides were flapping. The two armies were about five miles across, with spears like forests, full of murderous intent. Among the Jin soldiers were Donghu cavalry, about [-] people, and they were still Xiao Jilie. lead.

This Eastern Hu cavalry no longer had the incomparable prestige before the last battle. Their strength was no match for the tenacity and sharpness of the Song army. In the last battle, nearly half of the [-] cavalry suffered casualties. Some listless, exceptionally silent.

On both sides are two infantry formations, each with [-] soldiers.

At this time, the horn of the Song Army sounded, and the [-] troops began to advance. The Song Army also formed a formation with two wings, with [-] infantry in the middle and [-] cavalry on the left and right.


The attack horn sounded, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The war drums rang loudly, and the Song army rushed like a sea tide, and the two cavalrymen were like two sharp daggers.

Li Cheng shouted: "The crossbow army is ready to shoot, and the spear army holds their ground!"

Two crossbow armies of [-] men each stood on the left and the other on the right. The soldiers lined up neatly, and the six thousand army crossbow arrows pointed coldly at the rushing Song army.

'Woo——' A clear horn sounded suddenly from the north.

Li Cheng was startled, and turned his head to look to the north. He was scared out of his wits. Several miles away, a huge cavalry appeared in the distance. It was densely packed, ten miles wide, and there were at least [-] cavalry. The battle flag flying in the wind is the red-bottomed black dragon flag of the Western Army.

"Woo! Woo!"

The horn sounded continuously, and the cavalry of the Song army in the north suddenly started, overwhelming the back of the golden army formation, and the golden soldiers were in chaos.

Li Cheng raised his sword and shouted, "Don't mess up, hold your ground, and no one is allowed to retreat without authorization!"

"Jiedushi, the Donghu cavalry has retreated!"

The morale of the five thousand Eastern Hu cavalry broke down first, and they ignored Li Cheng's orders, rushed out of the formation and ran eastward for their lives.

Li Changchang sighed, this is like an avalanche, as long as one army collapses first, the other armies will also collapse soon.

Li Cheng had no choice but to order: "Order the whole army to quickly retreat to the east!"

Before his order could be handed down, the avalanche of morale caused by the escape of the Eastern Hu Army caused the morale of the [-] troops to collapse instantly. The [-] troops in the east retreated first, followed by the [-] troops in the west rushing forward. .

The orderly retreat that Li Cheng expected didn't happen. The whole army was in a state of disarray. Everyone was running in their own way, desperately fleeing. They wished that others would run slower, not to mention throwing away all the heavy objects that hindered their escape.

Leather armor, helmets, spears, knives, crossbows, shields, water bottles, dry food, military blankets, etc., except for the copper coins and silver in his arms, all other items were thrown away cleanly.

Li Cheng was also protected by hundreds of soldiers. He beat his horse and fled eastward. He quickly overtook the soldiers, but he couldn't catch up with the Donghu cavalry.

The [-] enemy soldiers ran wildly, but they couldn't outrun the cavalry of the Song Army. The [-] cavalry led by Tang Qian surrounded from the south, and the [-] cavalry led by Gao Ding surrounded from the north, and soon formed a twenty-mile wide encirclement circle. Shrinking quickly, the Song Army cavalry shouted: "If the Han people don't kill the Han people, those who surrender will not die!"

The desperate soldiers knelt down and surrendered one after another. It was useless for them to resist. They lost all their weapons and armor. What resistance did they have?Even if you are unwilling, you can only surrender temporarily.

Population is the most important thing now, especially the young and strong labor force plays a vital role in restoring social productivity. The Song army no longer chased and killed the deserters of the signing army, but focused on surrendering.

But for Jurchen, Khitan and other alien armies, the Western Army is ruthless and will kill them all, eliminating the opponent's war resources as much as possible. Population is the largest war resource.


Li Cheng fled to Kongqiao Town, fifty miles away, which is also the only way to go to the west. Li Cheng and his soldiers were waiting in the town to pick up the fugitive soldiers, but when night fell, only a thousand or so soldiers escaped. Come on, the other soldiers can't wait any longer.

Li Cheng was terrified, and immediately led more than a thousand defeated soldiers to flee back to Xiangcheng County overnight.

Just after dawn, Li Cheng fled back to Xiangcheng County. There were [-] defenders in Xiangcheng County, led by the commander Li Shunwu. Hearing that the Jiedu envoy had fled back, Li Shunwu quickly ordered the city gate to be opened. The city gate opened slowly, and the drawbridge Putting it down, the anxious Li Cheng led more than a thousand troops into the city like a gust of wind.

"What's the situation in the county?"

Li Cheng gasped and asked, "Has Xiao Jilie's army returned?"

Li Shunwu hurriedly said: "Qi Jiedu envoy, their cavalry came back last night, but they didn't enter the city, they directly bypassed the city and fled towards Kaifeng Mansion, probably shortly after night fell last night."

"These bastards! Cowards! Deserters! This time, you have caused me a lot of trouble, and you still have the face to complain to the fourth prince?"

Li Cheng cursed a few times, then said: "Brothers are starving, hurry up and prepare meals!"

Li Shunwu agreed, and quickly arranged for his men to cook. At this moment, a soldier shouted from the top of the city: "A cavalry is coming from a distance!"

Li Cheng was shocked, and hurried to the city to check. He saw a long black line heading towards the county town more than a dozen miles away. It should be cavalry. Judging by the scale, there are at least [-] to [-] people.

Li Cheng shouted: "Run the alarm bell, and call the whole army to retreat from Dongcheng immediately."

The bell rang quickly, and the [-] soldiers in the city and the more than [-] soldiers he brought back gathered one after another. Li Shunwu stepped forward and asked, "Jiedu envoy, what should we do with the food and supplies we brought? Do you want to burn it?" Lose?"

Li Cheng thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Don't burn it, order the civil servants to seal up the warehouse and put a seal on it!"

A quarter of an hour later, Li Cheng left Xiangcheng County from the east gate with more than [-] soldiers and dozens of civil servants, and quickly retreated to Yingchang Mansion.

【Today is the Ghost Festival. The custom in Suzhou is to sacrifice the fourteenth year. It happens to be the first Ghost Festival after the death of Lao Gao’s father. It is very important. Lao Gao wants to sacrifice to his father, so I only wrote two chapters. Please sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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