
Chapter 990 Information

Chapter 990 Information
In Jingzhao City, Lu Wei hurriedly came to the Baiyu Hall of Juxiang Restaurant, entered the room, but there was no Lu Hang, only Wang Shuang, Zhou Hua and Han Feng, Lu Wei asked with a smile: "Where is Lu Hang?"

Zhou Hua said bitterly: "I guess it's lying on some woman's belly again, and I can't get up."

Wang Shuang also sighed and said: "Lu Sima should persuade him if you have time! If he is so unrestrained, he will miss a big deal. We have been looking for him for three days, but we can't find anyone."

Even the spies of the Kingdom of Jin can't stand Lu Tang anymore, this Lu Tang is really a talent.

Lu Wei shook his head and said: "This is his virtue, and he can't change it until he dies, so everyone in the family hates him, but he is easy to find! Only those few brothels, looking for Mr. Lu San, generally know him. "

Wang Shuang glanced at Han Feng, Han Feng hesitated and said, "I asked the bustard at the door if Lu Tang had been here, and they all said that Master Lu hadn't been here for a long time."

Lu Wei smiled slightly and said: "This is their mantra. If you ask Zhang San, they will also say that Master Zhang hasn't come for a long time. They always say the same thing when you ask anyone. If you ask the third son, they will give him money. They'll tell the truth right away."

Han Feng clasped his fists quickly, "I've been taught!"

Lu Wei asked Wang Shuang again, "What do you want him for?"

"The information he provided was wrong. He said that [-] grains were sent to Dengzhou by camels, but he didn't say that [-] horses were sent at the same time. As a result, Bianliang always thought that Dengzhou's [-] troops were infantry, but it turned out that they were [-] cavalry, the higher-ups were furious, saying that we had missed the military information.”

Lu Wei shook his head, "I can really blame me for this matter. I only care about food. As far as you know, Liu Qiong's [-] people went to Dengzhou. There were originally [-] cavalry and [-] infantry. It was only because they wanted to climb the mountain that they sent their horses. It is stored in Shangzhou, Lu Jiang will definitely know about it, of course, you only knew about it yesterday."

Lu Wei said angrily: "But at that time, the spies got information from Dengzhou that there were [-] infantry soldiers, and they suddenly became cavalry soldiers, so the side of Bianliang is full, and the responsibility is put on your heads."

Wang Qian laughed hotly and said: "In your opinion, the intelligence analysts are stupid! The seven small armies of the Western Army are composed of [-] cavalry and [-] infantry. Everyone knows that Liu Qiongqi returned to Feiying The army, of course, has [-] cavalry and [-] infantry, how can it be taken for granted that it is [-] infantry? It is in place to analyze the information by yourself, and then shift the responsibility to others."

Zhou Hua hurriedly said: "Lu Sima is right, you can reply to Marshal Du just like that."

Lu Wei nodded, and asked again: "There is nothing else. It has been less than a month since your people recruited the boatmen who retreated to the Bian River. Why is there no movement? Is the plan cancelled?"

"Canceled or not, of course, you're here today to tell them about that, and the boat leaves tonight."

Lu Wei was refreshed and asked quickly, "Will there be many troops on board?"

Wang Qian said indifferently: "That should be within the scope of your disclosure!"

Lu Wei understood immediately, took out a box and put it under the table and pushed it to me, "That's one hundred taels of gold, which is equivalent to two thousand and seven hundred guan, it's enough!"

Wang Qian opened the lid of the box, took a look, weighed it again, put it in his arms, and said in a hurry: "There are two hundred thousand-stone cargo ships departing tonight. Is there any army to follow, and there is no food and grass. Well, that was only a part of the ships, which were supposed to be cancelled, but because few ships from Mengzhou went to Luoyang, there were enough ships, so the ships in Guanzhong were redeployed. There were a total of [-] ships, and the army was about [-] The people on the right and left are Niu Gao's army in Taiyuan Prefecture, as long as you spies pay attention to Mengzhou, you can get more detailed information."

Lu Wei is happy, that information is too important.

"Thank you, Lu Sima!"

Wang Qian chuckled, drank a glass of wine, turned and left.

Looking at the back of Han Feng going away, Zhou Hua said in a somewhat complacent voice, "Then it will cost one hundred taels of gold to break through the information?"

Lu Wei smiled slightly and said: "He understands this. The important information is the movement of Niugao's army, and it is also the information that Marshal Du asked you to pay attention to!"

Lu Wei immediately wrote an eagle letter and handed it to Zhang Miao, "Send it today!"

"Follow the order!" Wang Qian also left in a hurry.

Zhang Miao left the restaurant, took an ox cart, and came to the poor area in the southwestern part of the city. The ox cart stopped behind an alley, and Zhang Miao walked slowly back into the alley. The alley was deep, and there was no one family outside.

Zhang Miao knocked on the door, and the door creaked open. Wang Qian was about to leave the yard when he suddenly felt something. He turned his head and looked towards the entrance of the alley, only to see a scar-faced old woman in her [-]s or [-]s looking out of the alley. , Seeing that I found you, the old woman quickly backed away in fright.

Zhang Miao frowned, and asked the hand who opened the door, "There is no old man with a scarred face inside, has he seen it?"

"The humble staff knows that it should be a crazy woman who lives far away and always hates sneaking around."

Zhang Miao was concerned, and handed a roll of pigeon letters to her hand, "Send it away immediately, use the red mailbox!"

"If you are humble, arrange it!"

At the entrance of the alley, an old man with a scarred face walked up to a woman, stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "You can watch the date for him. I'm leaving the house. Give me the money!"

The woman gave you a handful of money, and the old man left triumphantly. The woman remembered the alley. After a long time, I saw a pigeon flying from under the roof, and then I got off an ox cart and left.

In the Yamen of the Neiwei Mansion, Zhong Huan made another mark under the map. Qizhoumen Street, Osmanthus Alley, is a single courtyard. Zhong Huan asked again: "Is he sure this is a new carrier pigeon spot?"

"I'm sure, I saw the carrier pigeon flying up with my own eyes, it's a red letter box!"

Chong Huan nodded, "That's the eighth place where the carrier pigeons are nodding. It's really a tricky rabbit."

"In addition, Wei Tang has been indulging in Baihualou for the past few days, obsessed with a prostitute named Dayuxian, and has already spent hundreds of taels of silver on you. I may be watched by people from the Supervision Department."

Zhong Huan suddenly nodded his head, Wei Xuan is a normal situation, if people from the Supervision Department investigate me, they will make a small fuss and affect the sub-plan of King Yong's Palace, but my subordinate Wang Hao is also in Jingzhao.

Chong Huan pondered for a moment, then got up to deal with that troublesome matter.

Zhong Huan approached Wang Shuang from the Supervision and Intelligence Department. From his position, Zhong Huan is not qualified to directly approach Wang Shuang. It should be my subordinate who came to Wang Shuang. I did that in accordance with the rules, and it is difficult to be criticized.

It's because Wang Shuang is a relatively ordinary person. I heard that the commander of the internal guards made Zhong Huan come to see him if there was no urgent matter.

"Look at Zhang Dujian for a humble job!"

Zhong Huan bowed and saluted, "Thank you Zhang Dujian for the interview!"

Wang Shuang said with a smile: "It's wrong! It's wrong! It's only a few years since the commander of the inner guard. How is their General Wang?"

Wang Qian was actually implying that Zhong Huan should be looking for him by Wang Hao, but it was me who leapfrogged his superiors to report.

Chong Huan blushed, and quickly explained: "Wang Tongzhi went to Fengxiang on business, and he would not be back until the day before yesterday. The humble official knew that he should go directly to the capital prison. The situation is urgent, and the matter is confidential, so he must be troubled later! "

"Let's talk! What's the matter?"

"Officials from the Supervision Department have their eyes on Wei Xian. Do all supervisors know about that?"

Wang Shuang was taken aback, what a coincidence, I was reading the supervision report on Lu Tang just now, I picked up the report under the table and said: "Lu Tang spent seven hundred taels of silver in the brothel within eight days, that incident It caused a commotion, as Lu Jiang is a chief secretary of the military department, where did I get so little money? Should I have a proper trial?"

Zhong Huan wiped the sweat from his forehead. Fortunately, I came in time. I hurriedly said: "The internal guards are very vague about Lu Xuan's matter. The humble official has been watching me. I am involved in collusion with Jin Guo spies. The source of my money It has nothing to do with the spies of the Kingdom of Jin, I implore the capital prison to try to scare the snake away."

"Oh? The dignified Lu family's children actually colluded with Jin Guo's spies?" Wang Shuang was obviously not too skeptical.

"Everything that the humble official said is true. If the supervisor is suspicious, you can ask the king of the inner guard, or even the princess or the palace of the king of Yong. It is absolutely necessary to arrest people."

Wang Shuang nodded, "You understand what he means, you can temporarily suspend the inspector, it's because of me that I can spend a lot of money, but whether I'm trusted or not, isn't it more suspicious?"

"The humble job will arrange it, and once I teach me a lesson, I dare to give up like that."

"You know, you will suspend the supervision temporarily, and ask General Wang to come over and talk to you later."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

When Zhong Huan walked out of the room, I also secretly rejoiced in my heart. If I was firm, maybe it was a good idea, and things would be troublesome later.

Lu Tang squandered and showed off his lack of money. On the way home that night, he was stopped and beaten up by some gangsters who stole a hundred taels of silver, and I became penniless again.

(End of this chapter)

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