
Chapter 991 Disagreement

Chapter 991 Disagreement
At night, several cavalry rushed to the foot of Bianliang City, holding command arrows and shouting: "Hebei urgent report, open the city gate quickly!"

A roped basket was thrown from the top of the city, and the guards shouted loudly: "Put the arrows in the basket!"

The messenger had no choice but to put the command arrow into the basket, and the basket was pulled up for inspection. After a while, the city gate opened, and several messenger cavalry entered the city.

At this time, the night had just fallen, Bianliang City was under curfew, and the sound of horseshoes running on the silent street was extremely ear-piercing, as if the whole city could hear it.

Wanyan Wushu did not rest, he was still in the map room discussing the battle situation with several advisers, Chen Qing's army was coming fiercely, and had already won two rounds in a row, capturing Henan Prefecture, Ruzhou, Dengzhou and Tangzhou, with [-] lottery The army was destroyed.

It is not surprising that the Song Army captured Henan Mansion. The Song Army seized Hulao Pass, so that the [-] reinforcements he sent were blocked outside Hulao Pass, and Dengzhou was attacked. It is acceptable that the [-] army led by Zhang Zhongxiong is indeed relatively weak, and it is reasonable to be no match for the [-] elite Song Army.

However, the defeat in Ruzhou made Wanyan Wushu feel pain in his heart. The situation where he could win was clearly defeated in the end. What is the problem?
Xiao Jilie and Li Cheng disagreed with each other. Xiao Jilie criticized Li Cheng for being dazzled by the victory, advancing rashly, and being unprepared for the Song army's reinforcements.

Li Cheng also accused Xiao Jilie of disobeying orders and leading his subordinates to flee before fighting, which caused the collapse of the entire army and was the chief culprit for the Ruzhou fiasco.

Both of them insisted on their own words, both of them were right, Wanyan Wushu also sent people to investigate among the low-level soldiers, the conclusion was true, both of them were right.

But Wanyan Wushu knew very well that the responsibility probably still rested with himself. He ordered Li Cheng to go south to destroy Ye County's army. He didn't consider the possibility that Henan Province would send troops to support Ruzhou.

So in the end Ruzhou's defeat was nothing, and Wanyan Wushu couldn't hold them accountable.

Advisor Fan Gong saw something deeper.

"My lord, I always feel that there is another reason for this failure."

Fan Gong said cautiously: "I don't know what to say or not to say!"

Wanyan Wushu glanced at him, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Did I blame Mr. for all these years? Is there anything you can't say in front of me? Unless it's attacking the emperor!"

"That's not the case. I actually want to talk about joint operations."

Wanyan Wushu suddenly realized, "You mean the Hu-Han coalition?"

Fan Gong nodded, "The most important thing for two armies to fight is to work in unison. If one part escapes first, the morale of the entire army will collapse. No matter how brave the other part is, it will be useless. This is like a wooden barrel. As long as one board is broken, no matter how hard the other boards are, they will still not be able to hold water, and the barrel will be useless.

Hu and Han jointly fought, if the Hu people were the main generals, it would be okay, but if the Han people were the main generals, there would be a situation where the main general could not command the Hu people's army, which would plant the root of defeat. "

Wanyan Wushu was silent for a moment and said: "What do you mean, sir, the responsibility for the defeat is still on Xiao Jilie's body?"

Fan Gong smiled wryly and said: "If Xiao Jilie hadn't been defeated without a fight, the final result would not have been so tragic. At least ten thousand soldiers would have been defeated. The Song army would have suffered heavy casualties as well. The matter, the humble position refers to future battles, try not to let the Han people command the Hu people's army."

Wanyan Wushu sighed and said: "I understand what you mean, sir. In the past twenty years, the powerful Khitan army and Xi army have long since disappeared. The current Donghu army is basically ordinary herdsmen, with no combat experience, and their combat effectiveness is relatively high." Weak, I sent this East Hu army to support Ruzhou, it was indeed a bit of a mistake!"

At this time, a soldier reported from the hall, "Report to the lord, Hebei sent people to send urgent information!"

Wanyan Wushu hurriedly said: "The sender comes up!"

Not long after, the leader of the messenger went to the hall and knelt down on one knee to report, "By the order of Marshal Zuodu, send the letter to the prince!"

He took out Wanyan Chang's letter and presented it, Wanyan Wushu took the letter and asked: "Is there any other message?"

"There is no message. Marshal Du said that everything to be said is in the letter."

"Come here, give him ten taels of silver and take him down to rest."

"Thank you, my lord, for the reward!"

The soldier who delivered the letter went down, Wanyan Wushu opened it and read it carefully, then handed the letter to Fan Gong, "It's still the same thing as last time!"

Fan Gong took the letter and read it again, and said with a smile: "It's interesting, it's actually Niu Gao's army, Niu Gao led the army to the south, does he care about Taiyuan?"

"Do you think the credibility is high, sir?"

Fan Gong thought for a while and said, "Now that the Song Army has taken Henan Mansion and Ruzhou, and now Chen Qing is in Xiangcheng County, he is posing to attack Yingchang Mansion on a large scale. The northern line will attack Xingzhou and Zhengzhou. The prince must Reinforcements will be sent to Zhengzhou and Yingchang Mansion. If at this time, the Song Army suddenly attacks Kaifeng Mansion from the Yellow River and catches us by surprise, and the prince returns to rescue Kaifeng Mansion, then Yingchang Mansion will be in danger. The government and even Bianliang are in danger, and I feel that this is a very good surprise strategy, and the possibility is very high."

"Wan Yanchang asked us to send people to Mengzhou to investigate, and he also wants to send people to Mengzhou. Does Wanyanchang want to attack Taiyuan?"

"It's possible. If Niu Gao really leads troops south, Taiyuan Mansion is indeed an opportunity."

Wanyan Wushu took two steps with his hands behind his back and said: "What if this is a trap? Niu Gao went south, Taiyuan is empty, it is probably an empty city plan set up by Chen Qing. I have fought with Chen Qing for many years, and I know him well. This person is very cunning, often Set up traps, lay out bait, nominally fighting the Central Plains, but in fact also want to clean up the army of Hebei."

Fan Gong admired Wanyan Wushu's vision very much, it is indeed very possible, he nodded, "I agree with the prince, I want to advise Marshal Zuo, no matter whether there is a chance in Taiyuan Mansion, don't send troops, don't let Chen Qing put on an illusion Temptation, Chen Qing has an army, he can't let Taiyuan's defense empty."

Wanyan Wushu immediately wrote a letter to Wanyanchang, and sent the messenger to take it back, and he sent several scouts to Mengzhou by boat to inquire about the news! "

Wang Shuang sent the information from Jingzhao that Niu Gao was going to lead an army to attack Kaifeng Mansion, which really moved Wan Yanchang. He knew that Mengzhou only had [-] troops, which were used to defend Huaizhou. The army brought by Niu Gao, It must be the Taiyuan garrison,
If the defense of Taiyuan Mansion is empty, it is of course a rare opportunity for him.

Of course, Wan Yanchang also thought that this was a trick of the Song Army to lure troops, but he felt that it was unlikely. The key point is that Chen Qing didn't need to use this trick to lure soldiers. His own army entered Taiyuan Mansion and burned and killed all the way. Looting, would Chen Qing use the price of the destruction of Taiyuan Mansion to annihilate tens of thousands of his own?
Although tens of thousands of people are very important to him, the stability and prosperity of Taiyuan Mansion is more important to Chen Qing.

This afternoon, Wan Yanchang received a letter from Wanyan Wushu, in which Wanyan Wushu tried his best to dissuade him from sending troops to Taiyuan Mansion, which really made Wanyanchang a little disgusted.

He told his staff Cui Jiu: "At least there must be some grounds for persuading me to give up Taiyuan. If he spied in Taiyuan and discovered the hidden army of the Song Army, that would be fine, but he took everything for granted and tried his best to dissuade me. He thought I didn't understand. What's on his mind?"

Cui Jiu is a member of the Cui clan of Qinghe, but he refuses to use his real name, and instead uses a pseudonym Cui Jiu. Wan Yanchang understands his thoughts and does not force him to use his real name. He is one of Wan Yanchang's confidantes.

"Marshal Du thinks that the fourth prince is afraid that we won't help him, so he won't let us send troops to Taiyuan?"

"It's obvious. Why does he think Taiyuan is fraudulent? I have spies in Taiyuan Mansion. I know what's going on in Taiyuan Mansion, but he's just like that. He only wants to use others, and he will never consider other people's interests. I originally put forward the idea of ​​joining forces with the overall situation in mind, but look at him, he only considers his own interests, what does he think of me?"

Cui Jiu quickly persuaded: "It may be that the battle situation in the Central Plains is not good for the fourth prince, so he is a little anxious. Marshal Du still puts the overall situation first."

Wan Yanchang said coldly: "I really want to put the overall situation first, but there is a bottom line for me to help him. It is impossible for him to order me around and use me like a fool."

(End of this chapter)

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