
992 Empty City

992 Empty City
Lu Wei came to Juxiang Restaurant again in a hurry and found Wang Shuang. He sat down and drank a glass of wine, and said to Wang Shuang straight to the point: "There is a very valuable piece of information, do you want to buy it?"

Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle, "How much does Lu Sima think this information is worth?"

Lu Wei stretched out a finger, "This number!"

"One thousand strings?" Wang Shuang asked.

Lu Wei shook his head, "One hundred taels of gold?"

"Is it so important?"

Lu Wei said frankly: "This is my asking price, or according to the old rules, if I say it out, if you think it's not worth it, then don't use it, but once you adopt it, you have to pay me according to my asking price, otherwise you will have to pay me in the future." There is no cooperation."

"Okay, tell me!"

Lu Wei said for a while: "There are only five thousand garrisons in Taiyuan Mansion!"

Wang Shuang was taken aback, "Why are there so few?"

"Niu Gao led an army of [-] troops to the south, so there are only [-] troops left in Taiyuan. The defenses of Jingxing and Fuyangxing have been strengthened to prevent the Hebei army from attacking Taiyuan Mansion."

"Doesn't Jingzhao still have an army of [-]? Why not strengthen the defense of Taiyuan."

"No matter how important Taiyuan is, it is not as important as Jingzhao. Jingzhao's [-] troops will never move. This is the bottom line."

Wang Shuang secretly calculated in his heart that there were [-] troops in the Central Plains, [-] troops in Bashu, and [-] troops in Hedong. Hunan Road, Hexi Corridor, Lingxia Road, Xihe Road and other places stationed troops. The Western Army really sent troops to support Taiyuan.

That information was too important, Niu Gao immediately took out a hundred taels of gold and handed it to Chen Qing, "You deal!"

There is no cloth shop in the south of Taiyuan, it is called Laosong cloth shop, which specializes in low-grade cloth. The cheap cloth sold in the flat store is coarse cloth, especially the bottom-level people buy it, and people with a little better family background will buy it. cloth to make clothes.

But Old Song Buzhuang actually has no other identity, it is Yan Alu's intelligence point in Taiyuan.

Taiyuan Mansion is the foundation of Yan Alu, how could I be willing to lose it like that, Yan Alu has always been obsessed with Taiyuan Mansion, setting up an intelligence point in Taiyuan Mansion to grasp the situation in Taiyuan is a very logical thing.

Moreover, Yan Alu's intelligence station in Taiyuan Mansion is still Zhilao Songbuzhuang's family, and Laosongbuzhuang is the intelligence center.

The shopkeeper of Buzhuang is named Jian, which is more common, but the name is very old, called Jian Fu, a woman in her seventies, Yan Alu is like the intelligence department of the Western Army, who can use middle-aged and elderly people to collect information, Does Yan Alu have that kind of mechanism? My intelligence personnel are basically Han Chinese soldiers, and the leader is my staff.

Jian Fu is Ma Tingrong's staff member, a native of Xiaomingfu, who was appointed as the head of intelligence stationed in Taiyuan last year.

Jian Fu also got the news that Lu Wei went south with Xiaojun. I just received an order from the Xiaoming Mansion, asking me to confirm two key points. First, is Lu Wei really going south?Seventh, how many troops are there in Taiyuan Prefecture?

Jian Fu immediately sent more than a dozen spies to the counties to find out whether there was any news about the garrison, and he also used our inside line in the government to inquire about some internal news.

Of course, we also bought some low-level officials. They are all low-level officials. There is no snake way, and no shrimp way. Although they are big officials, they are outside the government after all, and we have no way to inquire about information.

Early that morning, a woman wearing official official uniform walked out of the cloth shop and asked, "Is the shopkeeper Jian here?"

The guy knows the person, he is an escort from Taiyuan Mansion, surnamed Wang, he is the lowest official we have bought in Taiyuan Mansion, even though he is also a civil servant, he is a low-level civil servant.

"Is Ma Tingrong here to make clothes? Your shopkeeper is in the outhouse, please hurry up!"

"Yes! It's time to make two good clothes."

Wan Yanchang retreated to the inner room, and soon saw the shopkeeper Jian Fu.

"Let me give you a definite news. There are only [-] troops in Taiyuan Mansion, and Hu Yantong will follow them. The rest of our troops followed Lu Wei to the south."

"But are there [-] garrisons? [-] people went south, and [-] people stayed behind. Are there still [-] people?"

"In Queshu Valley, Chitang Pass and Jingxing Pass, the defenses of those dangerous passes have been weakened."

Ma Tingrong took two bolts of cloth and left. At that time, Jian Fu also received reports from the spies sent by the counties to see if there were any troops stationed.

Jian Fu immediately sent an important pigeon letter to Xiaomingfu.
Under the Yellow River, hundreds of small boats are quickly approaching the mouth of the Bianhe River. The mouth of the Bianhe River is located in Heyin County in the north of Zhengzhou. It is actually the entrance of the Tongji Canal in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The small breach of the Yellow River in the seventh year of Jianyan is outside there. , but hundreds of miles to the east in the Baimadu area of ​​Huaxian County. Du Chong, who stayed behind in Tokyo, dug up the Yellow River dam to prevent Jinbing from going south, and the Yellow River swept southward, flooding Huaxian, Puyang, Juye, Zhen City and other places, and then all the way south to seize Surabaya into the Huai River.

Whether the Kaifeng mansion has been too little affected, and whether the Bianhe River has been affected, it is still the same as usual, but there is nothing the same. This is the old and old atmosphere. Two ships arrive.

The [-] small army was led by Marshal Wanyan Wushubu, and the soldiers in ambush were about a hundred steps away from the Bianhe River to ensure that the bows and arrows could be shot under the Bianhe boat.

Lu Wei stared at the narrow river mouth, and ordered: "Order the Jingzhao boat to enter!"

The [-] boats that came from Jingzhao were loaded with fodder. It was the arrangement of the Song army. The forage boats went first, and a long row of fodder sailed into the Bianhe River. The atmosphere on both sides of the Bianhe River became more relaxed. The ambush soldiers held their bows and arrows tightly.

The fleet traveled about [-] miles away, and the [-] forage boats were less than halfway away. Suddenly, the ships behind sounded alarms, "No ambush!" No one shouted.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" The alarm sounded softly, and the ships turned around one after another.

Wanyan Wushu Buxiao shouted: "Attack!"

There was a sound of clappers, and all the arrows on both sides of the strait were fired at Ma Ting's fleet. The boatmen were so frightened that they jumped into the water and ran for their lives.

Hundreds of thousand-stone flat-bottomed ships immediately burst into flames, especially the wet fodder inside the boats, which further accelerated the fire. In just a moment, all the boats were swallowed by raging fire.

At the end, Ma Tingrong suddenly realized that it was true. Outside the ship should be the screaming Wang Shuang soldiers rushing out to flee for their lives, but no one saw or heard any screams.

"What's going on? Is there any Wang Shuang in the fleet?"

At that time, several soldiers escorted two boatmen who jumped into the river, "Marshal, those two boatmen said that we belong to you!"

The two boatmen knelt down and said, "You are spies sent by Marshal Youdu to Jingzhao, pretending to be boatmen!"

Wanyan Wushu is furious now, I'm the one who cares about the spies, he pulls out the knife and places it under the boatman's neck, and asks viciously: "Slow down! What's under the boat, why is there no Wang Shuang?"

"General Qi, the boats carrying Wang Shuang are all in front, and your boats are full of fodder. I don't know why, Lu Wei asked you to retreat first to explore the way!"

Wanyan Wushu let out a small cry, cut off the head of a boatman with a single knife, and said in a small voice: "I'm going to kill you with anger, I've been tricked!"

Our ambush was exposed, of course Wang Shuang would retreat to the Bianhe River again, [-] gold soldiers lay in ambush there for eight full days, but in the end they waited in vain.

The news spread to Bianliang, and Wang Yasi was really full. The information held back our [-] small army for half a month. At the beginning, [-] ships were burned, and there was not even a shadow of a soldier. Delay our deployment.

If so, Wang Yasi would only send [-] Donghu troops to participate in the battle of Ruzhou. I was worried that Wang Shuang would attack Bianliang from the Yellow River.

The more Wang Yasi thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and he immediately wrote a letter to question Yan Alu, and asked me to immediately send [-] troops to support him later. Since it is a joint battle between the two, Yan Alu should show a lie.

Wan Ma Tingrong's letter was delivered to Yan Alu very slowly, but Wan Wang Yasi did not expect it to arrive. The letter angered Yan Alu. At the same time, Yan Alu also found the best excuse for the army to have Fanan .

Lu Wei's fleet blocked the Yellow River. Ma Ting's attack on the Bian River was false, but the Yellow River was blocked.

At the same time, Lu Wei's deputy Shao Long and his son Shao Jichun followed the [-] troops and rushed back to Taiyuan Mansion.

Although Lu Wei's old [-] troops arrived in Mengzhou, this is just acting. How could I follow the [-] troops to disembark and block the Yellow River, [-] troops and [-] ships are enough.

The fundamental purpose of the little play rehearsed by Song Jun was to break up the alliance between Yan Alu and Wan Ma Tingrong.

(End of this chapter)

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