Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 108 Qin Liangyu's Fan

Chapter 108 Qin Liangyu's Fan
However, no matter what, what Zhao Mingxiu said was also very useful and inspired Liu Weichao a lot.

That is to make a brand in the future, so that buyers can recognize the brand, so if others copy or counterfeit, they can have legal weapons to deal with it.

He was thinking about it happily, when he heard Zhao Mingxiu say to him with some regret: "Unfortunately, these pictures of yours only have a front view. If there are more details, I can help you identify more. The higher it is, the better the reputation of your dress will be in the Hanfu circle!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately said with a smile: "Sister Xiu, I can guarantee that these dresses are all the most authentic. If someone likes that one, I can make it for him!"

"Oh?" Zhao Mingxiu obviously didn't believe it when he heard it.

But then she also realized that every merchant actually said so swearingly.

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Zhang Weijiang interjected: "Mingxiu, I actually chose this set of clothes from Xiaochao, and he also provided detailed pictures of each place, so the tailor can order them out." Already!"

"Really?" Zhao Mingxiu was a little surprised when he heard it, and looked down at the clothes on his body and said, "When I tried it on just now, I felt that I noticed some details of this clothes, and it has the characteristics of clothes in the Ming Dynasty. , looks good in clothes, this is really provided by Xiaochao... what? A picture?"

Liu Weichao heard this, and immediately explained: "At present, I can only provide photos, and I haven't started my business yet. Brother Zhang took a fancy to this, so he went to a tailor himself, and ordered the clothes according to the details I provided!"

After a pause, he said to Zhao Mingxiu again: "In the future, I want to find my own way, and it's probably the same. If someone sees a good set of clothes in the mobile app, I can order them for them. This is the way!"

"That's it!" Zhao Mingxiu said, and then seemed to be thinking about something, and then continued to Liu Weichao, "Then it is very difficult for you to start a business. You don't have any fabrics, tailors, etc. But your photo... ...Forget it, I'll give you a suggestion!"

Originally, she wanted to ask, since there is nothing, how did you get this photo?

But then she remembered that Liu Weichao had said just now that it was inconvenient for him to talk about it now, so she skipped asking.

When Liu Weichao heard that Zhao Mingxiu had another suggestion, he couldn't help expecting it, and quickly nodded and said, "Sister Xiu, tell me!"

Zhao Mingxiu felt his expectation, and said with a smile: "Actually, if you can really make Hanfu, I suggest you make those ordinary clothes, which are simple to wear, beautiful and good-looking. In this way, the audience will be wider, although the price It will be much cheaper, but also because of this, as long as you measure it up, you can earn more!"

"That's right, don't forget, we men also have this need!" Zhang Weijiang also interjected, "Otherwise, Mingxiu goes out in Hanfu, and I accompany him in a suit, how incongruous!"

Zhao Mingxiu listened, nodded and continued to say to Liu Weichao: "In fact, the public still has misunderstandings about Hanfu. They always think that Hanfu has long sleeves and is inconvenient. In fact, after thousands of years of evolution, Hanfu is especially It was the Ming Dynasty, and it reached its peak. It can be said that there are all kinds of Hanfu, simple and convenient, heroic and handsome, heroic, all of them. Think about it, there was a Qin Liangyu in the Ming Dynasty who knew it, very A famous female general, could it be that she usually wears long-sleeved Hanfu?"

Speaking of this, Liu Weichao saw for the first time a look of admiration in Zhao Mingxiu's eyes, and heard her continue: "Women don't let their eyebrows go, I think Qin Liangyu led the army to fight in all directions, he was definitely very heroic, I really admire it very much!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao thought, as if Qin Liangyu is still alive!By the way, she is also worthy of Emperor Chongzhen's trust, but she is already old in Chongzhen for fifteen years, but she can also be called to the capital as one of the Zhongxing team. By the way, I also took a few more photos for Qin Liangyu and sent them here.

By the way, Zhou Yuji's wife is also pretty good, she should also be a female general type.

Also, isn't Concubine Tian Gui good at horseback riding and archery?Although there is a high probability of embroidered legs, it doesn't hinder the look, right?

With this thought, Liu Weichao thought a lot.Thinking about it, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

Suddenly, he felt that someone had patted his shoulder, and when he came back to his senses, he realized that it was Zhang Weijiang.

"Xiao Chao, what are you giggling about?"

"Ah?" Liu Weichao said a little embarrassed after listening, "Sister Xiu's words made me suddenly enlightened, and I came up with a lot of good ideas. I couldn't help it for a while, and I was so happy that I was distracted!"

When Zhang Weijiang heard this, he turned serious and said to him seriously: "You have nothing now, only pictures. You still have a long way to go before starting a business. The simplest fact is that you don't even have a tailor. You can’t really learn from me and find that tailor to do it? If that’s the case, your business will be controlled by others! And if you hire a tailor yourself as your employee, it seems that you don’t have much money, right?”

"Ah, Xiaochao's family has no money?" Zhao Mingxiu was a little surprised when he heard that.

After all, she was separated by a layer, so she didn't know more about Liu Weichao.However, Zhang Weijiang is different, living under the same roof, he has a basic understanding of Liu Weichao's situation.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao was not discouraged, but smiled and said to Zhang Weijiang: "I'm going to go home, my mother is a tailor!"

"..." Zhang Weijiang was a little surprised when he heard it.

After hearing this, Zhao Mingxiu reminded Liu Weichao: "Not all tailors can make these Hanfu. I don't mean to be disrespectful, just to remind you."

Hearing this, Liu Weichao said proudly: "My mother was a tailor when she was young, and it was agreed to go to various villages to be a tailor. Although I don't do it now, I believe in my mother, it will definitely be possible."

Zhao Mingxiu listened, nodded, and then suggested: "This dress is not easy, but regular clothes are definitely easier, you can try to start with regular clothes."

Some craftsmanship of dresses have been lost.Even if Liu Weichao is so fucking smart, it is impossible to know.And ordinary clothes, then no problem.Therefore, she said this.

Regarding this, Liu Weichao didn't know the difference, and then he said goodbye to the young couple, not being their light bulb, and went back first.

Zhao Mingxiu's suggestions are very reasonable.Liu Weichao wants to go back and summarize, and feels that his mobile phone software also needs to be optimized, so he starts to improve it from the idea of ​​building a brand.

When he returned to the room, he thought for a while, and then initiated a video contact with Emperor Chongzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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