Chapter 121

In order to deal a heavy blow to Jianlu, Emperor Chongzhen did not hesitate to go to Jinyiwei Prison to interrogate Chen Xinjia himself.

However, in the end, there was no direct gain in going to the prison this time, which made him a little disappointed!

Now, I can only hope for Wang Chengen's interrogation, to see if he can ask something, and see if there is any value in using it!

Feeling a little depressed, Emperor Chongzhen immediately thought of his friend and wanted to talk about it.

So, he took out his phone.

The video was connected quickly. From the background, Liu Weichao should be outside.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Liu Weichao looked at Emperor Chongzhen in the video and asked with a smile.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen asked first, "Is it convenient for you to speak?"

I have experience before, Liu Weichao is in the library, so it is not convenient to speak.

Once this time, he remembered that when he saw that Liu Weichao was not in the room, he would ask if it was convenient for him to talk?

When Liu Weichao heard this, he turned his phone down, then turned back, and said with a smile: "I'm waiting for the bus to go to the airport. It's a working day, and it's not working time. There's no one there!"

"Gong Jiao?" Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen asked curiously, "Is that your friend?"

"..." Liu Weichao was a little speechless when he heard it, so he turned his phone again, let Emperor Chongzhen look at the bus stop sign, and then explained to him, "It's the kind of very fast car you have seen before, but this It is a relatively large car, and everyone can ride it with very little money. The only disadvantage is that it follows a fixed route and stops many times on the road. If there are many people, it will be very crowded!"

After a pause, he said with a little expectation: "In the future, when I have money, I will buy a car by myself, so that I don't need to take this kind of bus. I can go wherever I want, without waiting, crowding, or detours." .”

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately said solemnly and earnestly: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you get rich!"

Liu Weichao smiled and asked Emperor Chongzhen, "By the way, what's the matter with you contacting me?"

As soon as Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he roughly talked about what happened in the morning, and finally said: "I really want to defeat Jianlu once, but I don't know if I have this chance!"

Liu Weichao nodded after listening, and said in agreement: "Jianlu only has that small population, and the perennial wars will lose population to some extent, but they will plunder the population to replenish. If you can defeat them once, cut off their extension to the pass. It must have dealt a heavy blow to them, and it is indeed something worth doing!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "It seems that Huang Taiji will die this year, I can't remember clearly, if he didn't die this year, he will die next year, in short, it is death In front of you. Then, conflicts broke out within Jianlu for the throne. If you can defeat Jianlu once during this period, it will probably aggravate their internal conflicts..."

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy to hear that at the beginning, the slave chief will die, that's really great!
But then, when he heard Liu Weichao said that Nu Chief died before him, he immediately remembered that according to the original historical development, he would not have had a good life for two years, and he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

But fortunately, it should not be possible now, the seventeen years of Chongzhen is definitely not the end of my life!
As soon as he thought of this, Emperor Chongzhen was startled suddenly, and he quickly said to Liu Weichao: "Well... well, according to what you said, I am already changing history, so will the fate of the slave chieftain also be changed? will die?"

If so, his joy was in vain.

Liu Weichao shook his head immediately when he heard it, and said with a smile: "The butterfly effect also needs to be logical. He is a fat man, and he is seriously ill at this time. Even if you change history, you can't change his physical illness. Basically, he No matter when you die in the original history, you won’t drag it anywhere now! If you can defeat Jianlu once, maybe you can directly make him die earlier than in history!”

When he said this, he remembered the time-traveling novel written by an author he had seen before. Anyway, in that book, Huang Taiji was so angry that he vomited blood again and again, and finally died of anger.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being happy again when he heard that the slave chief deserved to die or would die.He even secretly made up his mind that he must defeat the Jianlu once and piss off that slave chief, that would be the best!

Thinking of this, he became even more eager to defeat Jianlu.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen said to Liu Weichao with a little regret: "Now I don't know how to use those profiteers to lure Jianlu into the customs as in the original history. In this way, I can gather elite soldiers to fight an ambush. Ah..."

Seeing that he was worried about gains and losses, Liu Weichao thought about it, and comforted Emperor Chongzhen, saying: "Actually, since what Sun Chuanting said is reasonable, then I think that even if there are no Shanxi merchants to lead the way, Jianlu should enter the customs, and he still has to enter the customs." of!"

"Why?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help asking a little curiously when he heard this.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao explained to him: "Didn't Sun Chuanting say that the battle of Jianlu's Songjin war consumed his family's wealth, and he was counting on the grain transported from the north of the Ming Dynasty? Then this is a fact. Whether there are Shanxi merchants leading the way will not matter." It is a fact that cannot be changed. If Jianlu does not enter the customs, how will they spend the winter?"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but feel happy.He had to admit that this statement made a lot of sense.

"This is actually the general trend!" Liu Weichao said over there, "or it is also called Yangmou. It is something that we know what will happen, but we still have to do it. Besides, Jianlu has entered the customs a few times, which is regarded as Understand the situation in the pass. But their understanding of the situation in the pass is still in the past. I feel that they will definitely enter the pass!"

Emperor Chongzhen was delighted to hear this, and nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I think so too. Hehe, after what you said, I feel a lot better! Haha, I must make good preparations and entertain Yuan Dao well. Here come these Tartars!"

After finishing speaking, he said with a bit of hatred: "Now I don't have any scruples. No matter how Wang Chengen's trial goes, those profiteers will die!"

Of course, Liu Weichao would not have any opinion on this, but nodded and said: "This kind of traitor, who has forgotten his ancestors, should be severely punished to deter others!"

As soon as he said this, he saw the bus he was waiting for coming, so he hurriedly said to Emperor Chongzhen: "The bus I was waiting for is here, let's stop talking, I'll get on the bus first!"

"Okay!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded when he heard that, and then said in a good mood, "Don't worry, I will definitely buy you a bus of your own!"


At the same time, in Huguang Gaoguansha Mansion, one of the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty, a crowd of people dispersed from the mansion, whispering and praising each other.

"My lord is really powerful, as if he can pinch and count, he can solve cases like a god!"

"That's right, more than [-] cases have been closed this year, and no one refuses to accept it!"

"It's really Bao Gong alive, amazing!"


These people just watched the trial of Du Yinxi, the prefect of Changsha, and they all admired them very much.

However, there are still people who have a different point of view.

"Let me tell you, the Elder Master is much more powerful than Duke Bao! Do you think we can beat Duke Bao with our Elder Master?"

"That's true. The Elder Master has the ability of Zhuge Wuhou. As soon as he came to our Changsha, he led the army to quell the surrounding bandits. Also, the Eight Great Kings did a lot of harm in Huguang, and they didn't come to our Changsha. !"

"That's right, the great master's reputation is so great that he will naturally deter those thieves!"


Du Yinxi was the prefect of Changsha in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, and immediately rectified Xiangyong. In May of that year, the bandit Xiao Xiangyu and others stole money, disturbed Anhua and Ningxiang, and defeated officers and soldiers several times.Yinxi led the village to bravely defeat his army and behead him.He also smashed the thieves in Liling Swallow's Nest, beheaded Cao Shangfei, Li Huzi, etc.

Afterwards, under the rule of Changsha, it settled down at once.The same is true, these common people will feel that Du Yinxi is more powerful than Bao Gong.

However, Zhang Xianzhong was mainly active in northern Huguang and the border of Anhui at this time, and did not go south.These people said that Zhang Xianzhong was afraid of Du Yinxi, which is not an objective fact.

But it can be seen from it that after Du Yinxi took office, he cleared up the rebellion, pacified the place, and then tried the accumulated cases and punished the lawbreakers, which was very popular among the people.

If the original historical development is followed, during his tenure as the magistrate of Changsha, he handled more than 300 accumulated cases and compiled the "Changsha Fu Zhi".Two years later, he was transferred away.

But at this time, a group of scattered people suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes, and when they looked up, they saw a group of knights galloping towards them, and they were so frightened that they ran away.

"Who is this person, who is so rampant, isn't he afraid of the old man?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it looks like someone from the imperial court, not a thief! Look, this is for the yamen!"

"Ah, could it be that there is an emergency military situation? Could it be that the Eight Great Kings have gone south?"


These people were worried and stopped to watch.

I saw that this group of knights galloped to the gate of the government office before reining in their horses, and the dust they brought up passed them and rushed towards the servant at the gate.

The two yamen servants at the door were naturally very unhappy, so they blocked the door and asked loudly, "What are you doing?"

Seeing a knight who got off his horse first, he took out a token from his arms, stretched it forward, and immediately shouted: "Jin Yiwei is on business by order, is the prefect of Duyinxi here?"

The yamen servant was taken aback and didn't dare to check the authenticity of the token. In fact, he didn't have the ability to do it.But looking at this posture, it must be the legendary Jin Yiwei, otherwise, it is impossible to have such a big momentum.

So, the yamen servant immediately nodded and bowed, and hurriedly led the way.

The other yamen servant almost scrambled to report first.

Du Yinxi had just finished handling an old case, and was about to go to lunch when he returned, when he was suddenly notified that Jin Yiwei had come, and he was immediately surprised.

Throughout the Chongzhen Dynasty, Jin Yiwei was banned by the current emperor, and almost never went out to the capital.

It is very rare for Jin Yiwei to come to Changsha from such a distance all of a sudden!
"Could it be that someone in the court impeached me, and this Jin Yiwei came to arrest me?" Such an idea immediately popped up in Du Yinxi's mind.

Besides, he couldn't think of any other possibility.

"Master, how can we do this?" His wife was also frightened, but there was nothing she could do, she just asked with a crying sound.

After hearing this, Du Yinxi straightened his clothes and said, "I have never done anything wrong in my life, so there is nothing to be afraid of!"

After speaking, he strode out.

When his wife saw her, she was even more worried.Because she knew her husband well, and by looking at his expression, she knew that the court was coming, and probably nothing good would happen!
However, what can she do about the matter in the court?
It would be great if there was a backer in the court!

Du Yinxi himself didn't care about other things, when he came to the front yamen quickly, a yamen servant hurriedly told him: "Those people are changing clothes in the lobby, please wait a moment, my lord!"

After hearing this, Du Yinxi's face was serious, but he just nodded and waited outside frowning.

All the princes in the court, the party is the same, and they only recognize the word money. Of course, he is aware of the corruption of the state affairs.

All of a sudden, Jin Yiwei came here by order, and based on the fact that he has no backer in the court, he can basically be sure that it must be something bad!
Thinking of this, Du Yinxi couldn't help sighing in his heart.

In this day and age, it is very difficult for people to move forward, whether it is a big state affairs or a small one!
He was thinking about it, when suddenly a man dressed in Jinyiwei came out of the lobby, looked at Du Yinxi and asked, "Is Du Yinxi, the prefect of Changsha, here?"

"I'm the official!" Du Yinxi hurriedly replied after hearing this.

The emperor's personal guard, going out of Beijing for business, represents the will of the emperor. Civil servants can put on airs when facing other military officials, but this is not acceptable.

When the captain of the Jinyiwei saw it, he immediately showed a polite expression, gestured in and said: "Well, please accept the order, my lord!"

After hearing this, Du Yinxi lifted his legs and walked inside.The other officials in the yamen, who came in a hurry, followed them in.

Unexpectedly, the captain of Jinyiwei stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "This is a secret decree, and Du Yinxi, the prefect of Changsha, is the only one who accepts the decree!"

This statement surprised everyone.Although curious, he stopped and watched Du Yinxi disappear into the lobby.

After a while, Du Yinxi was a little stunned after hearing the decree. He couldn't imagine why there would be such an imperial decree all of a sudden?
Although the imperial decree had been received, he still didn't believe it, so he couldn't help asking the servant who announced the decree: "Dare to ask Eunuch, what is going on?"

Xuanzhi's servant is one of Wang Chengen's confidantes. Naturally, Wang Chengen knew what the emperor meant about Du Yinxi, so he quickly said with a smile: "This is my lord, who will be reused by the emperor. As long as this errand is done well, you will be a great success." day!"

After hearing this, Du Yinxi was indifferent, but immediately asked: "Why did His Majesty choose an official who is thousands of miles away, besides, Xiao Yuan Ying is not in Changsha?"

No matter from which point of view, whether someone in the court said good things about him or bad things about him, he couldn't connect, how could there be such a decree?
This is a recommendation from another world, it's strange for him to think of it!

(End of this chapter)

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