Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 122 The Pie That Falls from the Sky

Chapter 122 The Pie That Falls from the Sky

His question was not answered by Xuanzhi's servant, so he took out another sealed imperial decree, handed it to Du Yinxi with both hands, and replied at the same time: "This is the decree from the Lord Long Live to the Lord, and I would like to ask you Keep it!"

After hearing this, Du Yinxi quickly took it with both hands, pondered for a moment, then opened it to read.

He was the one who announced the decree to call for safety, and of course he had the right to pass the purpose of this call for safety.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, Du Yinxi is startled.

After closing the imperial decree, he quickly asked: "Who among you knows this little Yuanying?"

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads in unison.

In fact, many people heard for the first time that one of the bandits was called Xiao Yuan Ying.

Seeing that they were not clear, Du Yinxi was puzzled.

According to the meaning of the imperial decree, after this little Yuan Ying was recruited, he was to be taken to the capital, and it seemed that he was going to be reused.

Aren't they afraid that Xiao Yuanying will repeat himself and poison the capital and other places instead?
To be honest, he didn't believe that Xiao Yuan Ying would not harm the common people in the decree.

He was thinking about it when he heard the edict said by the servant: "Master Du, please leave as soon as possible! I will wait around with the attendants, and finally return to Beijing with Master Du."

"Okay, I will arrange the matter at hand immediately, and we will leave tomorrow!" Du Yinxi replied without hesitation after hearing this.

After the internal servant passed the decree, the envoy to Zhao'an became Du Yinxi, so he no longer needed to call himself a subordinate official.

Hearing this, the servant couldn't help but looked Du Yinxi up and down, admiringly, and then said: "This kind of recruiting is extremely dangerous, but Mr. Du didn't hesitate, and even the slightest hint of evasion No. Our family really admires Mr. Du!"

After finishing speaking, he cupped his fists and saluted Du Yinxi.

When the Jinyiwei school captains who were with him saw him, they all had expressions of admiration, and they clasped their fists to salute.

When Du Yinxi saw it, he just said with a serious face: "If it is true according to the will, this little Yuan Ying can be recruited for the imperial court. Then the imperial court will be stronger, and the bandits will be weaker. How can I shirk the affairs of the people!"

"Isn't Mr. Du afraid that Xiao Yuanying will be like the Eight Great Kings?" Seeing this, the servant asked in surprise, "Once Xiao Yuanying rebels, Mr. Du will probably be punished by the court if he goes to recruit for peace. , ended up in the same end as Xiong Wencan!"

Xiong Wencan recruited Zheng Zhilong before, and the pirates were cleared, at least on the surface.

Later, he was in charge of suppressing thieves, so he went to recruit the Eight Great Kings. As a result, Zhang Xianzhong rebelled against Gucheng, so he dragged Xiong Wencan to ask the crime and was beheaded.

There are such examples, ordinary officials will rarely mention the matter of recruiting Anliu thieves again.

In the original history, Xiao Yuanying always wanted to be recruited, and even contacted the governor of the bandit suppression, but in the end, things went wrong, because of the risk of recruiting, it was too risky for court officials!

At this time, Du Yinxi said seriously after hearing this: "If you are afraid, you will not be an official!"

If he was afraid, in the original history, he would not have single-handedly met a tiger Li Guo and recruited the remnants of the Dashun Army.

The servant and the captain of Jin Yiwei couldn't help being startled when they heard this, and then, almost in unison, they clasped their fists again to salute.

This kind of officials who dare to take responsibility, especially civil servants, are really rare!
This kind of person is the real Confucian child!
The next day, the affairs of Changsha Prefecture were hastily arranged, and other officials will temporarily share the duties, waiting for the arrival of the new Changsha prefect.Afterwards, Du Yinxi took the captain of Jinyiwei and went out of the city in casual clothes to complete the tasks assigned by the imperial decree.

But who knows, the news that he was going to leave still spread in the city, and all of a sudden, the streets were full of people rushing to see him off.

The magistrate, who is courageous and resourceful, capable of suppressing rebellion with martial arts, and able to settle cases with Wen, wants to leave like this, and no one is willing to change it.

However, everyone also knows that the emperor's order is hard to break, so they can only send Du Yinxi off.

The servant and Captain Jin Yiwei saw this scene in their eyes and remembered it in their hearts.


Almost at the same time, in Huantai New City in the north-central part of Ludi, in a pavilion of a manor covering an area of ​​tens of acres, a white beard was admiring several potted plants on the coffee table.

Beside him, a maid was holding a tray with a teapot and teacups on it, and the fragrance of tea was overflowing.

There is also a book boy who is also carrying a tray.But the above is not something to drink, but the four treasures of the study.

"Hehe, the growth is good, not bad!" White Beard said to himself with a satisfied smile, then stretched out his hand and said, "I will serve you with pen and ink!"

As soon as the book boy heard it, he immediately agreed, and was about to send the pen and ink up.

But before Baibeard went to get the brush, he suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps.

As soon as he heard the voice, the white beard's smile disappeared immediately, his face turned cold, and he looked towards the source of the voice.

This yard is full of his beloved things, he has already explained that, running around and damaging the flowers and plants here will never be taken lightly!
He didn't expect that someone would not take his words to heart, and would be so eager, which really worried him.

But when he saw the person who came in a hurry, he was taken aback.

This person is the steward he arranged for this yard, and he knows his rules best, so how could he run around without incident!
"Master, it's not good, there is a brigade of officers and soldiers coming here!" The steward also saw the white beard at the same time, and shouted quickly.

With a "bang", the maid beside the white beard shook her hands in fright, and the teacup fell to the ground.

White Beard lost his composure, and suddenly became nervous, and asked quickly, "Where are the officers and soldiers from?"

This person is not a guilty conscience, but Wang Xiangjin, the former Zhejiang right chief envoy who resigned and returned to his hometown.

His family was once sent to Liaodong by the imperial army, that is, the former Denglai governor Sun Yuanhua. Kong Youde's troops slaughtered the village, and a large number of people died.Therefore, the Wang family was almost frightened by the officers and soldiers.

"I don't know, they are all cavalry, and they will arrive at the gate soon, and they are coming towards our Wang family!" The steward replied in panic, and then asked in a crying voice, "Master, we can't even escape!"

After Wang Xiangjin heard this, he said angrily, "Run away? Why run away? Let's go, I want to see where the gods are looking for trouble?"

Speaking of which, he is also a retired provincial official, so his rank is not low.

Others are afraid, but he is not very afraid!Even if the comer is not kind, with his experience, if you deal with it well, there is always a way!

But even though Wang Xiangjin thought so, he was still a little worried.

Because when a scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain.

Sometimes, those soldiers are really unreasonable!
With that in mind, he strode towards the gate.

The courtyard occupies a huge area, even if Wang Xiangjin wants to walk to the gate, it will take a while.

He was still far from the gate when he heard movement from outside.

The sound of many horseshoes seemed to knock on the bottom of his heart.

It was hard for Wang Xiangjin to imagine that with the current soldiers, if they rode in, all the hard work in his yard would be wasted.

Immediately, Wang Xiangjin was burning with anxiety.Even if he himself made a rule that no one can run in a hurry in this yard, he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

Be sure to stop those big guns before they enter the yard.

However, from the sound, it seemed that it was too late.

Wang Xiangjin could hear that the brigade seemed to have entered the gate of the courtyard.

Sure enough, after turning around a round courtyard gate, he saw a group of soldiers rushing in at the gate of the courtyard, surrounded by an official in scarlet robes, no, it was an eunuch.

Seeing this, he couldn't help being taken aback.

It was eunuchs who came, which means that these people came from the palace.

However, I have resigned from office and returned to my hometown for so long, so it is impossible for the emperor to find me?
Could it be that some Xiaoxiao in the court slandered him, the emperor was furious, and then sent someone to arrest him?
Those people in the court, didn't they even let go of themselves who had resigned and returned to their hometown?Has the battle in the court reached such a point?
For a while, Wang Xiangjin couldn't help thinking a lot, and most of them were negative thoughts.

This cannot be blamed on him, who would have thought that the emperor would get help from another world?

At this time, no matter what he thought, Wang Xiangjin felt sorry for the things in his yard, and shouted loudly: "Stop, don't step on it!"

However, he was old, and there was so much noise outside that his shouts were covered by the noise outside.

In a hurry, Wang Xiangjin was about to run regardless of his image.But suddenly, seeing the scene in front of him, he was stunned again.

I saw that the thick and big men at the door all became very cautious after entering the yard, like a big girl, looking around, walking carefully, and spreading out to both sides of the yard.

The meaning of caring for the flowers and plants in the yard is absolutely obvious!

"This is Lord Wang Xiangjin?" The eunuch obviously saw Wang Xiangjin walking quickly surrounded by the steward and others, so he greeted him first.

When Wang Xiangjin was called out like this, he immediately came back to his senses, and immediately replied: "This is the old man!"

At first instinct, he felt that it was not a bad thing for the big soldier to come to the door this time, otherwise it would be impossible to be so polite!

When the eunuch heard this, he smiled immediately, and said quickly, "Congratulations, my lord, Long Live Lord will use my lord again, so hurry up and accept the order!"

Wang Xiangjin was taken aback when he heard that, why did the pie fall from the sky?

Anyone who has experience does not believe that there will be pies in the sky, and only some young people will believe it!

Therefore, after Wang Xiangjin came to his senses, he was a little worried, afraid that there would be some pitfalls waiting for him to step on. After hesitating for a while, he asked, "The old man has already returned to his hometown. I don't know which adult recommended the old man? What is it?" reason?"

"Our family doesn't know about this!" That was too much to monitor, and immediately replied, "But the Lord Long Live still has an order, you must take a copy of everything in your yard to the capital. Also keep a copy in the Here, people are well taken care of.”

Speaking of this, he paused and added: "It seems that your flowers and plants are of great use. After the Lord Long Live is identified, he will vigorously promote them. Therefore, the boss returned to Beijing to serve as the Ministry of Household Affairs. The position of the left servant is full-time farming!"

When Wang Xiangjin heard this, his jaw dropped in surprise.

No matter how much he thought about it, he never thought that it was a hobby of his that would make the current emperor attach so much importance to it!He even has to go to the capital to serve as the left servant of the household department!
Although in terms of rank, he used to be the second rank when he was the right minister of Zhejiang Province, and the left servant of the household department is the third rank, which is one level lower in rank, but this is a Beijing official, and he is still the second in command of the household department. The weight is far heavier than that of the local chief envoy.

Not to mention anything else, there are so many chief envoys in the two capitals and thirteen provinces in the country, but there is only one left servant of the household department!

In addition, continuing to engage in his flowers and plants is equivalent to the emperor giving an official to do what he likes to do.

Is this really a pie that fell from the sky?

Then, he suddenly realized a very important question, and asked a little puzzled: "Who in the capital can recognize the old man's flowers and plants? Since he is so capable, why doesn't the emperor let him be the left servant of the household department?" Woolen cloth?"

To be honest, some of the flowers and plants he collected, some of which he didn't even recognize, as long as they are rare and have never been seen, he has collected them.

"Our family doesn't know about this. It may be related to Emperor Taizu. You will know it when you go to the capital!" The eunuch thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Look, Lord Long Live is afraid of what will happen on the road." It missed, but the cavalry from the Guards Battalion were sent to escort it!"

Since it is said that the emperor received the treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu, he behaved differently from before.

Conversely, as long as things are different now than before, it is probably related to the treasure bestowed by Emperor Taizu!
Of course, it is impossible for a eunuch like this kind of slick to say anything, so he revealed a little in a guessing tone.

When Wang Xiangjin heard this, he was even more dumbfounded. How could this matter have something to do with Emperor Taizu again?
He asked again, but the eunuch refused to say any more. He had no choice but to accept the order first, and then, under the urging of the eunuch, he personally directed Jia Ding and the cavalry soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion to carry his flowers and plants, and then rushed to the door. To the capital.

To be honest, Wang Xiangjin was very curious, wondering what happened in the capital, and what happened to Emperor Taizu?
In short, he felt that great changes must have taken place in the capital!
Going out of the mountain this time, misfortune and fortune are unpredictable, but it is related to my favorite thing, so it is okay to go and see.

In fact, even if the cavalry from the Yongwei Battalion came, even if Wang Xiangjin refused to agree, he would have no choice but to take him to the capital together with his flowers and plants.


Besides, on the capital side, after the Emperor Chongzhen finished contacting Liu Weichao, he went back to review the memorials, and at the same time sent an order to the prince Zhu Cihong to go over to him and continue copying homework.

In the end, before Zhu Cihong could start writing, Fang Zhenghua, the eunuch of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, hurried over and told, "Long Live Lord, the military battle bureau is ready, and we will wait for Long Live Lord!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being overjoyed, quickly put away his cell phone, and rushed to the Military War Bureau with Zhu Cihong.

He was very much looking forward to what he was about to see.

(End of this chapter)

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