Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 123 This is Science

Chapter 123 This is Science

Of course, he didn't go to see this matter by himself, he also summoned Sun Chuanting and Zhou Yuji.

Zhou Yuji was still a little confused, because Emperor Chongzhen only took him to see the glass factory.

However, Sun Chuanting had visited it before, and when he heard that he was going to the Military Bureau, he immediately knew what it was.Immediately, he immediately put down what he was doing and rushed over immediately.

Just at the gate of the Bingzhan Bureau, he unexpectedly caught up with the imperial driver of Emperor Chongzhen.

"Your Majesty, is it possible to produce refined steel?" No matter what, Sun Chuanting still had some disbelief.

Because in his cognition, there has never been such a thing, and he can get good steel so easily.

How can it be so easy to refine refined steel!

Zhou Yuji, who happened to rush over, was still a little far away, and heard Sun Chuanting talking over there.

Although he couldn't hear clearly, but as a general leading the army, he could distinguish the words "Hundred Refined Steel".

So, he was also excited for a while, thinking in his heart: Could it be that after he remonstrated with the emperor, the emperor really had to rectify the military bureau and strictly control the quality of the military bureau's output?

If so, that would be great!

Emperor Chongzhen looked at Sun Chuanting, who looked expectant, then turned his head to look at Zhou Yuji, who had the same bright eyes, and finally turned his hands away, and said lightly: "You have to believe in science! Come on, let's go in and have a look together!"

The phrase "believe in science" was actually said by Liu Weichao, because Emperor Chongzhen also doubted it.

But now, he was used to pretend to be coercive.

Fortunately, he is the emperor, shameless?
Of course, Sun Chuanting, Zhou Yuji and others didn't know, so they felt that Emperor Chongzhen was very confident and sure.

As a result, both of them followed in very excitedly.

On the side of the military battle bureau, it has been prepared a long time ago, waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to come over.

Seeing that everything was ready and pretending to be Emperor Chongzhen, he was a little bit uncertain.After all, he is really unfamiliar with science!

So, he glanced at Fang Zhenghua who was waiting at the side, and asked indifferently: "All the links are in accordance with my requirements, is there any jerry-building?"

Hearing this, Fang Zhenghua was startled.He hastened to assure Emperor Chongzhen that he never cut corners!All links, he has personally checked.

The emperor paid so much attention to it, even if he had the courage, he wouldn't dare to make trouble!
Not to mention, Emperor Chongzhen is rich now, and the money allocated here is all ten, without any discount!

Regarding Fang Zhenghua, Emperor Chongzhen still believed in it, so he waved his hand and said, "Let's start!"

Hearing this, Fang Zhenghua wiped the sweat from his brow, and quickly shouted in a high-pitched voice.

As a result, the craftsmen on the Bingzhan Bureau began to get busy.Under the watchful eyes of Emperor Chongzhen and others, the fire started from the first step.

It will take a lot of time for the entire assembly line to be put into operation.

But Emperor Chongzhen wanted to watch the so-called streamlined operations with his own eyes, so he didn't go inside the Yamen of the Bingzhan Bureau, but sat in the pergola built outside.At the same time, Sun Chuanting was given a seat to wait for the whole steelmaking process together.

As for Zhou Yuji, a general, he was naturally ignored, no seat!

This is not to look down on him, no, the crown prince Zhu Cihong has no seat, he is standing behind Emperor Chongzhen!

Just waiting is not a problem, Emperor Chongzhen moved Liu Weichao's point of view again, and talked to Sun Chuanting about building captives and invading bandits.

"...That's why!" Emperor Chongzhen said lightly, "I thought this matter should be planned early, no matter whether there are profiteers leading the way, Jianlu will basically enter the customs!"

Sun Chuanting was very relieved to hear that he understood the general situation so well, and he said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty is wise, I will definitely plan this matter as soon as possible! It's just..."

"Just what?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help frowning slightly when he heard this.

To be honest, he really didn't like the tone of this turn of events.

When Sun Chuanting saw it, he immediately said: "I don't know what the Central Plains thieves will do? I'm afraid that the rogues will make too much noise and disrupt my plan to build a prisoner!"

Ever since Jianlu broke through, there has always been such a problem, caring about the head but not the tail, and caring about the tail and not the head.

It's not that they don't want to take care of it, but that the imperial court doesn't have enough strength to deal with the two major forces of rogues and Jianlu at the same time.

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen also had a headache.

After thinking about the information he had learned from Liu Weichao, he frowned and said, "Li Thief's army will most likely attack Kaifeng this year. If there is no accident, the city of Kaifeng will last until 9 About a month. The only thing to worry about is that there may not be enough food and grass, otherwise, it will last longer."

Speaking of this, Emperor Chongzhen instructed: "How about taking some grain from various places and transporting it to Kaifeng while the thief Li is not besieging the city?"

"Your Majesty, the last general is willing to lead the troops to rescue Kaifeng!" Zhou Yuji, who was nearby, heard this and hurriedly clasped his fists and said.

As a military commander, it is natural to express your opinion on such a topic!

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he didn't even think about it, and immediately said: "You want to guard the capital, you can't go!"

The only thing he can trust now is the headquarters of the Yongwei Battalion.

Now the Yongwei Battalion controls the Wucheng Bingma Division, and has taken over the Beijing Battalion.No matter what, it is impossible for Zhou Yuji to send the capital.

Therefore, after he finished speaking, he looked at Sun Chuanting and said, "Reorganize the Beijing camp, you must do it as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, I have already visited the Beijing camp, and after a general inspection, the available soldiers will not exceed one thousand. If we really want to be more strict, the entire Beijing camp will It’s useless, so it’s better not to use them all! However, if you don’t use them all, how to arrange these old, weak and remnant soldiers and their families is another problem, and it will require a lot of expenses!”

Today's Emperor Chongzhen is rich. When he heard this, he didn't even think about it, so he just waved his hand and said: "Then don't use any of them, and recruit soldiers who can fight. As for money, Qing will give me a list later. Yes!"

Money is money, but where the money is spent, he still wants to know.

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy. He knew that the emperor had confiscated so many houses, so he must have money on hand.If you bring this up at this time, you will definitely get money!

Therefore, he quickly responded, saying that he would advance the reorganization of the Beijing camp as soon as possible.

While they were talking, Fang Zhenghua on one side suddenly cried out in surprise: "Long Live Lord, the water is out, the water is out!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately stopped talking, and he didn't finish discussing the matter of Kaifeng. They all turned their heads and watched the craftsmen busy there.

Even the young Zhu Cihong watched without blinking.

science?Is this science?
The most important weapon in ancient times was not a knife, a gun, or a bow and arrow, but armor!

Any dynasty expressly forbids private possession of armor by the people!
Isn't the wild boar skin the claim that thirteen sets of armor were used to raise troops?
This all shows that the importance of armor!
The armor in ancient times was used to save lives. It is definitely not made of paper in the TV dramas of later generations. Just a knife, a gun, or an arrow can kill someone!

Why is it said that there was a general in ancient times who was covered with arrows, but he was still able to kill the enemy bravely?
It wasn't that this man was too fierce, he was a berserker, but that the arrows didn't penetrate the flesh at all, they just hung on the armor.

A good pair of armor is really important for people on the battlefield!

It is also for this reason that the final product of the assembly line built at the beginning of this military battle is the armor. To be precise, it is the steel plate breastplate provided by Liu Weichao.

The liquid pig iron smelted in the iron-making furnace flows into the iron-frying furnace, which is what craftsmen in the late Ming Dynasty, especially those in the Bingzhan Bureau of the Yumajian, would do.

Liu Weichao's improvement measures are actually to increase the temperature so that molten steel can be smelted, and then use hydraulic-powered mechanical devices to carry out steps such as forging and forging of steel forming.

Frying iron furnace, no, now that the temperature is increased, molten steel can already be smelted, so it is called a frying steel furnace.

The medium carbon steel out of the steel frying furnace is first hot rolled into thin steel plates, and then stamped with a heavy-duty punching machine when it is red hot, and finally undergoes a series of heat treatment procedures such as tempering, quenching, and annealing.

Moreover, the heat treatment furnace uses the hot exhaust gas from the tail end of the steelmaking furnace. This scientific design mode can also save fuel costs.

The whole process is like flowing water.When it came to the next step, the craftsmen who were waiting there immediately got busy.

Although they have not actually operated this new process.However, this is actually their old line.Even if you don't do it, you know what to do.

Of course, if it wasn't for the emperor's decree, he would have watched the ignition with his own eyes, and maybe he would have rehearsed it in advance.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen and others watched the whole process with great interest and patiently waited for the final product to appear.

As for the commander-in-chief Fang Zhenghua, he went to inspect the scene long ago, and slowly reached the final step, feeling a little uneasy, but also excitedly waiting for the result.

It is said that waiting is a very long thing, but at this time, Emperor Chongzhen and others did not realize the passage of time at all.

It wasn't until the craftsmen cheered and Fang Zhenghua happily brought a pair of breastplates in front of Emperor Chongzhen that everyone came back to their senses.

"Long live, long live, it's made, it's made..."

Fang Zhenghua's joy is beyond words.

I don't know if it's true, or it was played for Emperor Chongzhen.

In short, he was very happy, and the atmosphere on Emperor Chongzhen's side immediately became lively.

However, Zhou Yuji, who was a general, was not very happy.Or rather, he was actually a little disappointed.

As far as he understands, the whole process is as simple as that, and in such a short time, how good armor can be made?
Hundreds of refined steel, that's how it came about?

How can it be!

Unlike him, Sun Chuanting was brought here by Emperor Chongzhen, and every step was explained, so he was looking forward to it.If such a simple process could produce fine steel, he would have full confidence to bring the elite of Ming Dynasty on the battlefield to defeat the bandits, even Jianlu, and it shouldn't be a problem!
At this time, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't bear it anymore, and forgot the indifferent style he had maintained before, stood up and went to pick up the breastplate, weighed it for a while, and then smiled at Sun Chuanting who was staring at him. Said: "Much lighter than my armor!"

Although Emperor Chongzhen did not go to the battlefield, he also had armor.It is the best armor in the Ming Dynasty, that is, the Shanwen Armor.

After finishing speaking, he flicked the armor with his hands again, making a crisp metallic sound, and then said with great interest, "Try how strong it is!"

It's the first time it's built, and it's not easy to grasp the carbon content ratio. Although I can be sure that the one in my hand is steel, the degree of firmness still needs to be measured.

Sun Chuanting heard it, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, can you show me?"

In fact, there were more than a dozen breastplates in the first batch, but Fang Zhenghua just brought one.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen passed it to Sun Chuanting and said, "Take it!"

At the same time, he was also a little curious, wondering what would happen to Sun Chuanting's evaluation?
At this time, Zhou Yuji also became serious. He heard the sound of Emperor Chongzhen flicking his breastplate just now, and felt that he seemed to be thinking about it.

After Sun Chuanting took the breastplate and looked it over, his normally expressionless face showed surprise, and he said flatly, "Your Majesty, this armor is absolutely strong!"

"Hehe, I think so too!" Emperor Chongzhen replied happily after hearing this, and then saw Zhou Yuji who was looking forward to it, so he asked Sun Chuanting to give him the breastplate and asked him to look at it too, "Zhou Qing also looked at it." Look, how about the armor on your body?"

When Zhou Yuji heard this, he couldn't wait to take the breastplate, but as soon as he got it, he felt more than others.

After a while, he was also pleasantly surprised, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, this armor is not only light, but also strong. I think it will definitely not be inferior, and it is even... even better than the armor on my body. Some!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was very confident, and immediately said with a smile: "Okay, let's try it, how strong this pair of armor is!"

After Fang Zhenghua heard this, he quickly agreed, and arranged for personnel to start testing the strength of the armor.

It's okay if you don't try it. After a try, the effect is so good that it far exceeds their expectations.

At least it was beyond Sun Chuanting's and Zhou Yuji's expectations. As for Emperor Chongzhen, he was not surprised because of Liu Weichao's prior explanation.

The strength of this breastplate is equivalent to the protection of one and a half layers of mountain armor, or two or more layers of scale armor, or about four layers of cotton armor.

The result of this experiment, it can be said that Zhou Yuji, who felt the deepest, dropped his jaw in shock.

He had thought beforehand that this breastplate would be very strong, but he never expected that it would be so strong!

Whether it was Sun Chuanting or Zhou Yuji, they immediately congratulated Emperor Chongzhen. The imperial army could have such a strong new armor, and it would be a little more sure to calm down the traitors and Jian captives as soon as possible, and restore the world to peace.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Chongzhen had already recovered his indifferent attitude at this time, and said to the two of them: "No, it needs to be adjusted carefully. The quality of the steel is not enough, and the carbon content ratio needs to be adjusted!"

At this moment, he became an expert again!
(End of this chapter)

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