Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 130 I have a girlfriend

Chapter 130 I have a girlfriend

Liu Weichao listened, smiled slightly, and then replied under the gaze of his parents: "2400 yuan!"

"How much?" His mother thought she had heard it wrong, so she couldn't help but immediately confirmed.

His father was also full of disbelief, staring at his son, but didn't speak.

Knowing his parents' doubts, Liu Weichao replied clearly again: "2400 yuan, the money has already been collected!"

"Why are the clothes so expensive?" Hearing this, his mother said in surprise, "Could it be that those bosses wore these clothes?"

For people in rural areas, the annual cash income is only ten thousand yuan, and this piece of clothing costs 2400 yuan, which is really unbelievable!

This is thanks to the current age. When Liu Weichao was a child, he used to call the rich people in the village "ten thousand yuan households".It can be seen that there is really not much money!
After hearing this, Liu Weichao shook his head and said, "Mom, these clothes are ordinary clothes, but they were worn by people in the Ming Dynasty. I'll show you the pictures and you'll know!"

After he finished speaking, he went over to look at the charging phone, and found that it had been half charged in about ten minutes, so he unplugged it first, found the picture of the suit, and showed it to his mother: "Here, this is it , look!"

His father involuntarily leaned his head over, and followed suit.

After Yu Genhua looked at the detailed pictures of the clothes, she felt a little unbelievable and said: "This dress is not troublesome. It will definitely be made in three days. If it was changed before, it would be easy in two days."

Hearing this, Liu Weichao laughed, and immediately said to his mother: "So, Mom, don't do other things, start a business with your son, and just make clothes!"

Before his mother had time to answer, his father slapped the table and said with a smile: "I think this matter can be done, so let's do it!"

It is unimaginable to earn 2400 yuan in three days, of course I will do it!

On the contrary, his mother knew better about his previous industry, so he didn't answer right away. He went to look at the fabrics first, and then said: "How much are these fabrics? They look good. I want three hundred yuan, right?"

"It's about the same price. After we grow bigger, we will go to the fabric wholesale market to buy goods, and the price can be lowered!" Liu Weichao replied immediately after hearing this.

After he finished speaking, he thought of something, so he took out the photos of those dresses, showed them to his mother, and asked, "Mom, can you take a look at these dresses?"

His mother saw it, looked at it carefully, and then said with a little hesitation: "It's just looking at it this way, it's hard to say, you can't see the details on the inner and outer clothes."

Speaking of this, she suddenly said to her son with a little pride: "But as long as other tailors can do it, your mother can definitely do it!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately smiled, and immediately echoed: "I knew it, mom is the best!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the dresses and said, "Mom, I checked, and the price of ordinary dresses usually costs tens of thousands."

"Ah?" When his parents heard this, they couldn't help exclaiming, tens of thousands?It's a bit unbelievable!
When Liu Weichao saw it, he said with a smile: "Mom and Dad, for rich people, tens of thousands of dollars is the same as one dollar in our eyes. As long as the things are good, people don't care about money!"

After a pause, he pointed to the photos on the phone and said, "And if these dresses are made, they should be more expensive. Not only is the fabric a problem, but some production techniques are also lost!"

Hearing this, his father couldn't help worrying: "It's all lost, so your mother won't either!"

"For others, those fabrics and production techniques are lost!" Liu Weichao said confidently, "but for me, there is no such thing as lost. Mom, I have a friend who knows and will teach you how to do it! "

Hearing this, his father became worried, and quickly asked: "You are such a good friend, can you teach these things?"

He is a carpenter, so he naturally knows that since ancient times, those crafts have been handed down from generation to generation, and there was even a saying in the past that it was passed on from son to daughter.The more precious the craftsmanship, the more confidential it is.

Liu Weichao said that the craft has been lost, and others will teach it, so he was a little puzzled.

When Liu Weichao heard his father's question and saw that his mother was also worried, he smiled and said: "It's okay, I started a business, and my friend also started a company. The two of us help each other and benefit each other. Don't worry, it's okay." !"

Hearing this, his mother breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately asked her son, "Since you are such a good friend, when will you come to our house as a guest and let parents see you as a friend too!"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard that, he wanted Emperor Chongzhen to come over, but would Emperor Chongzhen be able to?

So, he replied: "His company has a lot of things to do and is very busy. I'm afraid he won't have time to come over."

He was talking when suddenly the phone rang.

Liu Weichao looked down and found that it was a video communication request from Emperor Chongzhen.

So, he said to his parents: "Look, my friend contacted me, I'll pick it up first. I'm full, eat slowly!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Weichao hurried upstairs and went back to his room.

Seeing him disappear in a blink of an eye, his mother suddenly had a smile on her face, turned her head, and said to his father: "Tell me, is this friend Chao'er a girl?"

His father also showed a smile when he heard this, and said knowingly: "It's possible! Ah, my son is grown up!"

Fortunately, Liu Weichao didn't hear his parents talking, otherwise he would probably vomit blood.

At this time, before he reached his room, he connected to the video communication first.

In order to avoid disturbing the Canadians with his speech, he wore a headset, so that only he could hear what Emperor Chongzhen said.

"I was taken aback again. My phone didn't respond before, but thanks to it, it's recovered now!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao came back to his senses immediately, and said with a smile: "Mobile phones need electricity to work, your phone shares power with mine, and my phone is out of battery, so naturally your phone will be dead too." The electricity went off. In the future, I will try not to let this happen."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he thought that it was really just a trivial matter.

Thinking of Liu Weichao saying that such things will not happen in the future, he couldn't help being very happy, so he asked Liu Weichao, "Are you home?"

"Yeah, I'm back to the place where I was born and raised!" Liu Weichao said with emotion after hearing this, "I haven't been home for two years, I didn't expect a big change, even the transportation out of the mountain is much more convenient, there are tunnels to go directly through the mountain And pass..."

"What? Passing through the mountains?" Emperor Chongzhen was quite surprised when he heard it, and couldn't help asking.

For him, passing through the mountains was really unimaginable.

When Liu Weichao saw it, he immediately laughed and said, "Hehe, let me tell you, our country has a nickname called infrastructure madman. Of course, this is a compliment. When you look back, let you see how much our infrastructure is. sharp!"

Speaking of this, he thought of something, and asked again: "Is there something you want to do with me? I just talk to myself!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he quickly asked, "How did you discuss with your family about starting a business? Can you do it?"

The matter of Liu Weichao is indeed something he is very concerned about.

Because only when Liu Weichao's side stabilized, he could get more help from Liu Weichao's side.

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao replied with a smile: "I told my mother that my mother is definitely fine with making clothes."

Speaking of this, he thought of something funny, so he said with a smile: "My mother even told you to come to my house as a guest!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then said with regret, "I really want to go, but unfortunately I can't!"

Liu Weichao nodded and said: "I think so, if you have a chance, you will definitely be willing to come. Well, let's not talk about this matter..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly felt something moving, so he stopped talking, but immediately turned around and opened the door of his room.

In the end, as expected, I saw his mother standing at the door, saw him open the door, and forcefully explained: "Where is that sewing machine? Why can't I find it? Oh, Chaoer, do you know where it is? "

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless. Do you need to look for something as big as a sewing machine at your door?
So, he said helplessly: "Mom, your acting skills are terrible!"

As soon as his mother heard it, she put her hands on her hips and said confidently, "I just want to hear it, what's the matter? I peeked at all your diaries when you were young!"

After she finished speaking, she went downstairs on her own, with the aura of a general returning victorious.

Arriving downstairs in one breath, his mother looked up at the upstairs, and was obviously relieved when she heard the door closed, and then went to Liu Weichao's father and said: "My son really has a girlfriend! Listen, it seems that he is still a foreigner. Where's the girl!"

His father smiled when he heard it, but he still said: "I heard it all, don't eavesdrop on it anymore. My son is already grown up, not a child!"

"I'm not worried about Chao'er's marriage!" His mother forcefully explained, and then said, "Now I can rest assured, I hope that he will bring his partner back soon!"

Fortunately, Liu Weichao didn't hear it, otherwise he would vomit blood again.

At this time, helplessly, he lowered his voice to prevent his mother from eavesdropping again, and asked Emperor Chongzhen, "Have you discussed with Sun Chuanting?"

Emperor Chongzhen cared about his affairs, so he naturally also cared about Emperor Chongzhen's affairs.

As soon as Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately talked about what he had discussed with Sun Chuanting, and then said with worry: "I am a little worried, because I am afraid that Kaifeng will be breached by thieves. I don't know if you can help him a little bit more." ?”

After hearing this, Liu Weichao frowned and remembered.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he stopped talking, not daring to disturb Liu Weichao's thinking, and watched with expectant eyes.

He contacted Liu Weichao, besides asking about Liu Weichao's situation, this matter is the most important thing.

After Sun Chuanting's analysis, he already knew how important Kaifeng was.

Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about it, when he suddenly saw Liu Weichao's brows relaxed, with a happy expression on his face, he realized that Liu Weichao might have thought of something, so he looked forward to it even more.

(End of this chapter)

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