Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 131 There is no silver here 32

Chapter 131 There is no silver here three hundred taels

I only heard Liu Weichao ask him: "Did your black powder at that time be granulated?"

Emperor Chongzhen was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Granularization? What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao probably knew it, but he still explained: "The meaning of granulation is to wet the gunpowder powder first, and then squeeze it into granules with a small mesh to dry in the shade. This is called gunpowder granules." change."

"I don't know!" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen replied first, and then asked curiously, "If the gunpowder is wet, even if it dries in the shade, will the power be much worse?"

Liu Weichao laughed as soon as he heard it, and immediately asked, "Then do you know what the principle of gunpowder combustion and explosion is?"

"..." Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was stunned for a while, instinctively, he knew that he didn't know why, and then he answered the wrong question.

As a result, he quickly said to Liu Weichao: "I'm asking about the situation."

After finishing speaking, Emperor Chongzhen immediately delivered an order to find Fang Zhenghua, the eunuch in charge of the imperial horse supervisor, to have an audience.

Although it was night, after he rectified the inner palace, no eunuch dared to stay outside the palace overnight.Even if you are not on duty, you dare not.Otherwise, if you suspect collusion with the foreign court, you will die!
On Liu Weichao's side, he reckoned that Emperor Chongzhen didn't know much about it, so after hanging up the communication, he first checked the information about the granulation of black powder.Otherwise, it would not be easy for Emperor Chongzhen to act as an expert.

Without much effort, Emperor Chongzhen contacted him again. Without Liu Weichao opening his mouth, he said directly: "Saltpeter is yin, sulfur is yang, and when yin and yang meet where there is no gap, there will be an explosion!"

Speaking of this, he paused, and then added: "Nitre is the most direct, so the direct hit is nine and the sulfur is one; the sulfur is the main horizontal, and the critical hit is seven and the sulfur is three! All gunpowder must be ground into fine powder , the finer the better, it is so powerful! The theory of granulation is inappropriate!"

Liu Weichao was taken aback when he heard this, it was a bit difficult to understand what he said, and after a while, he roughly understood the meaning.

He knew that Emperor Chongzhen must have asked Fang Zhenghua, and he didn't understand it very well, so he relayed the words.

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao laughed.

Emperor Chongzhen was waiting for him to comment on his statement, and when he saw his smile, he knew he was wrong again.

In addition to being a little embarrassed, he was already a little immune, so he asked directly: "Is my statement wrong?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao nodded and said, "Gunpowder explosion has nothing to do with yin and yang. Let's explain this phenomenon from a scientific point of view. Let me tell you, it's actually related to the oxygen in the air..."

Later, he popularized science for Emperor Chongzhen.

Thanks to Emperor Chongzhen who often listened to his popular science, he already has a certain ability to accept it.If it is someone else, there is absolutely no way to communicate.What oxygen, carbon dioxide, expansion, pressure, etc., have to be explained one by one.

After explaining these principles, Liu Weichao returned to the topic and said: "The granulation of black powder can retain the gaps between the particles, even if there is only a little bit, it is far better than the powder-like one without gaps. The combustion is complete. Under this condition, the power will naturally be much greater. In addition, the gunpowder is granulated, and there is another advantage..."

Emperor Chongzhen listened to the principle, and then listened to the explanation, and he was naturally convinced.

At this time, when Liu Weichao said that there was another benefit, he immediately asked joyfully, "What's the benefit?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao didn't want to whet his appetite, and immediately replied: "When the powdered gunpowder is transported, the carbosulfur nitrate will be layered out due to the difference. Among them, the saltpeter powder with the highest density will live in the bottom of the gunpowder barrel. The lightest charcoal powder will be on the surface of the gunpowder barrel, which will inevitably reduce the power of the gunpowder, or even make it impossible to ignite at all! Before use, unless all the gunpowder is poured out and re-mixed, but if encounters and the like For unplanned wars, it is very likely that there will be no time to mix them evenly."

With this comparison, it is needless to say the benefits of granulation, and naturally there is no such situation.

Emperor Chongzhen nodded repeatedly when he heard this, and immediately said: "Okay, okay, the gunpowder needs to be granulated!"

When Liu Weichao heard this, he smiled and said: "It is said that the power of gunpowder can be tripled after granulation. I guess this statement is exaggerated, but granulation is much stronger than powder. This is definitely a fact. You can tell this method to Sun Chuanting, this way he can be more confident against the high-ranking thieves during the Battle of Kaifeng!"

Asking Liu Weichao was indeed fruitful, and Emperor Chongzhen nodded happily.

"By the way!" Liu Weichao thought of something, and said to Emperor Chongzhen again, "There are also paper bullets, I don't know if you will use them, but just wrap the lead bullets and the required amount of gunpowder, and tear them open when you use them." Paper is enough, eliminating the possibility of loading too much gunpowder during war, and the loading speed can be accelerated a lot. Including artillery, in fact, there can be similar ideas!"

"Good, good, good, good!" Emperor Chongzhen smiled happily. He can do these two proposals at this time. A simple improvement can greatly increase the power without spending any extra money. I am not happy That's weird!

Naturally, he didn't think too much about similar things, and he still had something in mind, so he asked again: "Is there anything else?"

Liu Weichao laughed as soon as he heard it. Emperor Chongzhen looked like a child who had eaten a candy, with it still in his mouth, and he stretched out his hand to ask for it again.

He thought for a while, and then replied to Emperor Chongzhen: "There is also the purification of gunpowder, which should also be paid attention to. The higher the purification, the greater the power!"

Seeing Liu Weichao's smile, Emperor Chongzhen came back to his senses, a little embarrassed, and quickly asked: "What do you mean, you helped me, and I haven't asked you yet, what do I need to do next, okay?" I can help you!"

To cover it up, there is no silver three hundred taels here!

Although Liu Weichao thought so in his heart, he didn't reveal it. He thought for a while and said: "I'm going to drain now, can you record some songs, which are similar to the songs I sent you, if they are good, please send them to me. "

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately replied: "No problem, I will pick some tomorrow and send them to you!"

Liu Weichao nodded when he listened, and suddenly remembered what Sister Mingxiu said. With an idea, he asked again: "So, in the middle of the song, come up with a commercial line, um...that means tomorrow's APP, you deserve it! "

"???" Emperor Chongzhen heard a question mark on his forehead, what does this mean?
Looking at his expression, Liu Weichao knew that he was confused, so he explained to him: "The mobile phone software I developed is called tomorrow, which means the sky of the Ming Dynasty, or it can be a beautiful tomorrow, etc. Good songs are very easy. Spread the word, if I add this paragraph in the middle, people will come to use my software. As long as there are more people, the possibility of making money will be higher!"

This time, Emperor Chongzhen probably understood, nodded immediately and said: "Okay, I understand!"

Then, the two hung up the communication.

On Emperor Chongzhen's side, Fang Zhenghua, who was waiting outside the palace, was called in, and he explained the gunpowder matter, and asked the Bingzhan Bureau to granulate the black gunpowder according to the new method. It is best to try a small amount tomorrow. Let's see. How's the effect!

After hearing this, Fang Zhenghua didn't dare to be negligent, and went to work on this matter overnight.

And Emperor Chongzhen himself, also thinking about Liu Weichao's explanation, turned to find Concubine Tian Gui.

The cause of his son's death was found out, at least the ostensible enemy was also punished by Emperor Chongzhen. Concubine Tian Gui was very grateful to Liu Weichao.

As soon as she heard that the singing song was helping Liu Weichao, without further ado, she immediately sang a trial song on the spot, and then asked Emperor Chongzhen with a little excitement: "Your Majesty, how about this one?"

"And that sentence...that advertisement slogan!" Emperor Chongzhen was naturally very satisfied with the voice of this beloved concubine, so he nodded immediately and said.

So Concubine Tian Gui sang it again, adding that commercial line in the middle.

Emperor Chongzhen recorded it with his mobile phone enthusiastically, and then played it back first.As a result, Concubine Tian Gui was not satisfied, so she sang it again.

Both of them were satisfied, and Concubine Tian Gui asked Emperor Chongzhen to send Liu Weichao a message.

According to her words, the one for Liu Weichao must be the best, otherwise it would be bad to lose face to the Ming royal family!

She even said to Emperor Chongzhen: "I heard that my father bought a maid from Jiangnan with a lot of money. The piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are all good. I will see you tomorrow. If possible, I can also give more to Liu Weichao. How about a little more choice?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, of course he would have no objection, and let Concubine Tian Gui worry about this matter.After preparing a few more songs later, he will record again.

Besides, on Liu Weichao's side, after hanging up the communication, he heard movement downstairs, so he went downstairs to have a look, and prepared to protest to his mother again by the way.

Unexpectedly, after going down to the first floor, I was a little dumbfounded.

I saw his parents busy in the main room, the sewing machine has been put out, and the sanitation and other things are almost done.

When he came back to his senses, Liu Weichao said a little speechlessly: "Dad, Mom, you... are you too active?"

When Liu Weichao heard this, he immediately looked up at his son and said, "If you are not active in making money, what is active? My two sons are still waiting to marry a wife, and I don't even have a house yet!"

"Okay, okay!" Liu Weichao immediately raised his hands in surrender.

To be honest, he is also very happy that his parents support his entrepreneurship so much.

At this moment, the notification sound of the mobile phone rang.

Liu Weichao looked down at his phone and found that it was an audio file. He couldn't help being a little curious, so he clicked it.

Singing a cappella without accompaniment, Tian Guifei's sweet voice rang out immediately.

When Liu Weichao's parents heard this, their eyes lit up immediately.

 In the Ming Dynasty, gunpowder was granulated, and there are reports on the Internet that it already existed.But I read "Heavenly Creation", at least when it introduced gunpowder, it didn't mention granulation.What Emperor Chongzhen said in the article is actually the discussion in this book.

  I feel that if the gunpowder of the Ming Dynasty was really granulated, it should not be unrecorded in "Tiangong Kaiwu".

  I am a novel, not an archaeologist, so I will focus on "Heavenly Craftsmanship".

(End of this chapter)

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