Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 132 Preparing for Kaifeng

Chapter 132 Preparing for Kaifeng

As soon as Liu Weichao heard it, he immediately cut it off, looked up, and sure enough, he found that his parents were not working anymore, and they were all staring at him.

So, he turned around immediately, ready to go back to his room to listen again.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the main room, he heard his mother say from behind: "Son, I don't worry, I won't take care of your business anymore!"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless, turned around, and really wanted to explain, the truth is not what you think, it's a thousand miles away!
But he suddenly found that there was no way to explain it.

So Liu Weichao turned around, ignored his mother, and went back to his room.

A misunderstanding is a misunderstanding, and it would be best not to eavesdrop!

Seeing him leave, Liu Benyue confessed to Yu Genhua: "Don't mention it in the future, when he wants to tell us, he will naturally say it. Let's make money first, it will cost a lot of money to marry a wife later!"

Besides, Liu Weichao returned to his room, used the headset, and then turned on the audio to listen.

There's really nothing to say about this voice!And because it is a cappella, it seems that the voice is even better!

And this song, I have never heard it before, it makes people feel refreshed!
In the middle of the song, there really must be a commercial line.

After listening to it, Liu Weichao thought about it, and couldn't help but send it to Zhang Weijiang, asking him to comment.

As a result, after sending it over, I waited and waited, but there was no reply.

After half a day, Liu Weichao came to his senses, Zhang Weijiang was definitely talking on the phone.

Thinking about it this way, he ignored it for now, and started planning what to do tomorrow.


This time, Liu Weichao actually guessed wrong. At this time, Zhang Weijiang was watching a movie with Zhao Mingxiu.

After the movie ended and walked out of the cinema, Zhang Weijiang looked at his phone, and then said in surprise: "Xiaochao's information, the way to attract people?"

When he saw the message, he was very interested, so he clicked on it, and used the speaker to let Zhao Mingxiu, who came over, listen to it.

After a while, the two finished listening.

Afterwards, the two looked at each other with astonishment on their faces.

Obviously, this song was a bit beyond their expectations.

Thinking about it, how could the song that Concubine Tian Gui took seriously, be bad!

After a while, Zhang Weijiang shook his head with a smile and said: "This Xiaochao is really capable, and he came up with such a method! It sounds really good, very nice, but the point is, this Mandarin is not standard!"

Having said that, he looked at Zhao Mingxiu and asked, "Could it be the dialect of his hometown?"

Zhao Mingxiu listened, but shook his head, and said with surprise: "How do I feel, this is a bit like the official language of the Ming Dynasty!"

She knew before that Liu Weichao was engaged in Hanfu of the Ming Dynasty, so he was the first to think of something related to the Ming Dynasty when he was in the Hanfu circle.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Weijiang immediately agreed: "Yes, I also think it is the official language of the Ming Dynasty!"

After hearing this, Zhao Mingxiu couldn't help giving him a blank look, so unprincipled!
Afterwards, she asked Zhang Weijiang very curiously, "Ask Xiaochao, is it really sung in the official Mandarin of Ming Dynasty? I."

Speaking of this, seeing Zhang Weijiang seemed a little confused, she reminded: "Have you never heard of Qin opera? That is also a kind. If Xiaochao has similar ones and more, there must be many people who like it." !"

Having said that, she showed a little doubt again.

There are so many things from the Ming Dynasty, including clothing, and music. This strength is far beyond that of ordinary people or ordinary companies, right?Then Liu Weichao, how did he do it?
Thinking of this, she asked Zhang Weijiang again: "Xiao Chao is really different from you?"

"What's the difference?" Zhang Weijiang felt confused after hearing this.

Zhao Mingxiu saw it, and quickly added: "Didn't you say that his family background is average? But look, where did those pictures of him come from? And this song, just this voice, could it be that his hometown just happens to be so good?" You have a good voice, right? And you also understand Ming Dynasty official dialect, so can you sing songs in Ming Dynasty official dialect?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Weijiang was really uncertain, and he said hesitantly: "He told me so himself, but what you said is also reasonable, otherwise, where did he get the resources?"

Speaking of this, he said directly: "Then, I'll just ask him directly!"

"No!" Zhao Mingxiu immediately vetoed it upon hearing this, "Everyone has their own secrets, didn't you tell others about your family situation?"

Zhang Weijiang heard it, and immediately said with a smile: "I'm different..."

Zhao Mingxiu didn't let him continue, but interrupted him and said, "Just tell him, this drainage method is good. This song is also nice. If there are more, we can call it Mingqiang. The speed of diffusion is about It will be fast, and those who are interested in ancient times will be attracted to it."

After she finished speaking, she thought for a while and then added: "By the way, if possible, it's best to use famous ones, so that the spread will be faster. For example, the top ten classic ancient songs that are currently popular, In fact, they are all lost, and he can use this to make a name for himself.”

"Tsk tsk, my daughter-in-law's intelligence is high, and one bite is a good idea!" Zhang Weijiang said, and was about to answer Liu Weichao.

Zhao Mingxiu's heart was sweet, and he added: "By the way, he'd better register the company and trademark first, and then promote after finishing these. Otherwise, in case someone else registers or is preempted by others, It's not good!"

"Received!" Zhang Weijiang listened, quickly agreed, and then transmitted Zhao Mingxiu's words by voice.

Liu Weichao was about to go to bed when he received Zhang Weijiang's voice.After hearing it, I was very happy and felt very reasonable, so I decided to adjust the plan and follow Zhang Weijiang's suggestion.

Tomorrow will be another busy day!
He is like this, so is Emperor Chongzhen!
After getting up early in the morning, I was busy with the things in Kaifeng.

An important issue is the issue of food and grass.

The closer to the place where the Central Plains fought, the more food and grass will be lacking.

After deliberation, Emperor Chongzhen decided to allocate grain from Shandong.However, if the grain is transferred directly from Shandong, the loss on the road will be too serious.

Therefore, they came to the conclusion that food and grass were transported from city to city.

That is, the food from city A is sent to the neighboring city B, and the food from city B is transported to the neighboring city C...

If it goes on like this, food is the least lost on the road.

However, this method involves the allocation of food and grass in multiple towns, and it may be difficult to achieve it with only one order.

And this matter is related to the Battle of Kaifeng, and it cannot be sloppy at all.Emperor Chongzhen decided to send people from Xichang to every town to supervise the execution on the spot.

As for Sun Chuanting, he only needs to go to the Daming Mansion closest to Kaifeng Mansion to allocate food.

There are also some binoculars manufactured by the glass factory. The best few pairs were selected and given to Sun Chuanting to take them there.

Regarding hot air balloons, Emperor Chongzhen also told Sun Chuanting. As for whether to use hot air balloons, it was up to Sun Chuanting to decide.

On Zhou Yuji's side, he has also selected a hundred elite cavalrymen, and went to the military battle bureau to receive new armor, weapons, etc., all made of fine steel, and the whole army is ready to go.

As for Kaifeng City, if the old and weak in the city can be transferred, food consumption can be effectively reduced.

However, transferring the old and weak in the city is easy to say, but it is not easy to do.

Just how to arrange it took a long time to discuss in a meeting before arriving at a final plan.

In the afternoon, Fang Zhenghua hurried over and told Emperor Chongzhen, "Long Live Lord, the gunpowder is ready!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help being very happy, and quickly said to Sun Chuanting: "Sun Qing, let's go and see our gunpowder and see how powerful it is?"

After finishing speaking, he stood up, left the throne, and walked.

Sun Chuanting felt a little strange, what's so good about gunpowder?

But when he came back to his senses, he remembered the surprises brought by the emperor these days, and asked quickly, "Your Majesty, this gunpowder is different? Is there... a new formula?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he smiled and said, "That's not true, it's just that the gunpowder was wet and granulated!"

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting couldn't help but be speechless. What's the trick?
Other people present at the meeting, including Chief Assistant He Fengsheng and general Zhou Yuji, were also speechless.

Seeing their expressions, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but feel very proud, and immediately said to them: "I said before, know what it is, and then know why it is, so that you can make progress in everything. Let me ask you why the gunpowder exploded. ?”

"..." Upon hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded.

Because they immediately understood that it might have something to do with that kind of science, rather than the most popular theory of yin and yang.

"Please enlighten me, Your Majesty!" He Fengsheng came back to his senses and immediately said respectfully.

This made Emperor Chongzhen feel very comfortable, but he didn't explain it, he just said lightly: "Go, let Zhuqing see it first, and I will talk about the reason later!"

The reason for this is that he was afraid that it would be bad if he said too much.

After all, Liu Weichao said that after the gunpowder is granulated, its power will increase a lot, and it may even triple.However, Liu Weichao has no conditions to confirm. His guess is less than three times.

Therefore, the final amount should be seen after the test, which is safer.

Not long after, the monarchs and ministers went to the military battle bureau again and went to the testing ground.

It has already been prepared here, with granulated gunpowder and powdered gunpowder.

As soon as Emperor Chongzhen arrived, he ordered to start various experiments, including explosions and shooting.

Sun Chuanting and others were very curious, so they went to check the granulated gunpowder beforehand, and heard the explanation from the craftsman next to them, saying that this is actually made of powdered gunpowder to granulate.

To be honest, they still had no idea about the results they were about to see.

According to their own cognition, since the ingredients of the gunpowder are the same, there will be no difference in effect.Even because the gunpowder is granulated, it may not be as powerful as powdered gunpowder.

After all, in their cognition, gunpowder is to be ground into powder for use, so there is no reason to re-granulate it!

However, based on the experience of these days, Emperor Chongzhen must be sure that he will do this.And that so-called "science" seems to be very useful.

Among other things, they couldn't help admiring the fine steel smelting process alone!
With this fine steel smelted pearl and jade in front of them, even if the gunpowder granulation is different from their usual cognition, they are still looking forward to it.

With such thoughts in mind, they opened their eyes wide one by one, and started a comparative experiment with the people from the Military Bureau.

 It can be seen from the saltpeter chapter of "Tiangong Kaiwu" that the granulation of gunpowder was really not mastered in the late Ming Dynasty, which I will mention in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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