Chapter 133

"'s really, it's so much better, what's going on?"

"This is really weird, the effect is so good after granulation, it's almost doubled?"

"This powdered gunpowder is already the best. It is the same as the temporary configuration when it is used in the army. I didn't expect it to be even more powerful after being granulated!"


Faced with the test results, several courtiers, whether they were civil servants or generals, or whether they had experience in leading troops or not, were all surprised.

Faced with their surprises, although Emperor Chongzhen remained indifferent on the surface, he was very happy in his heart!
Originally, he was still a little worried, because he was afraid that the power was not much different.Unexpectedly, after the gunpowder was granulated, the power could be doubled faster.

The Ming Dynasty actually did a lot of research on gunpowder.

For example, the proportion of gunpowder used for explosion and the proportion of gunpowder used for launching have different formulas.

However, these conclusions are mostly based on the test results, but they cannot be discovered. Why is this happening?

That is to say, due to the lack of physical and chemical knowledge, it is impossible to systematically study the essential causes.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was already an expert in gunpowder explosion.

He saw that several confidant ministers were all surprised, and they all turned to look at him. Wanting to know the reason, he said lightly: "Actually, the reason is very simple. I can tell Qing and others a little bit. I can understand!"

After finishing speaking, under the watchful eyes of Sun Chuanting, Zhou Yuji and others, Emperor Chongzhen told him the principle of gunpowder explosion that Liu Weichao told him, in his own words.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yuji suddenly realized: "So, the general has always been a little puzzled, why some gunpowder is more powerful, and some gunpowder is not powerful enough? Before, the general always thought that some gunpowder was shoddy. , or because it will get wet after a long time. But I didn't expect that there is a reason why it will be separated because of the long time of carrying!"

The gunpowder for cannons used in the military is mostly prepared for temporary use.The reason for this is to prevent moisture.This point is also recorded in the saltpeter chapter of Song Yingxing's "Tiangong Kaiwu".

Sun Chuanting was not as exaggerated as Zhou Yuji, but on his usually expressionless face, he couldn't help but said with joy, "With His Majesty's tricks, I'm a little more sure about going to Kaifeng!"

This one is no different than the others. It doesn't require him to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to carry it, but he can go there and deal with it later.The power of gunpowder can be almost doubled, which means that gunpowder can be saved a lot, and the same amount can be used for a longer time!
Not to mention, the increase in power is not a simple calculation of benefits!
After hearing his words, Emperor Chongzhen immediately smiled and said, "It's a pity that the firecrackers made of fine steel are too late. Otherwise, the firearms have a longer range, and it will be more beneficial for the defense of the city!"

Witnessing the results of the experiment, the chief assistant He Fengsheng, who was equally excited, always wanted to say something. When Emperor Chongzhen finished speaking, he immediately played: "With your Majesty's methods, I think that the court officers and soldiers can do their best in the future." It is an army of firearms, so Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong's subordinates can recruit more people to Beijing to enrich the Beijing camp!"

"My ministers seconded the proposal!" Sun Chuanting heard it, and immediately followed up, "If you are a firearms soldier, it is the easiest to form an army!"

Emperor Chongzhen nodded after hearing this, and immediately waved his hand and said with a bit of arrogance and arrogance: "Okay, then give them an order to call more!"

At this time, with money and more sophisticated weapons, he has the confidence.

Sun Chuanting, who was already a little more confident in his heart, suddenly became serious, and then he said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, the battle of Kaifeng is imminent, and there are still many things to do. I will rush to Kaifeng today!"

He wanted to bring it up after the discussion was over.

Now that he had Emperor Chongzhen's method of improving gunpowder, he was more confident in his heart, so he thought about leaving early.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, his expression became serious immediately, he strode close to Sun Chuanting, looked into Sun Chuanting's eyes from a close distance, and was a little excited for a while.

No matter what, the danger of the Battle of Kaifeng is there!
If there is a little chance, it is very likely that the monarch and his ministers will never see each other again after they say goodbye this time.

Sun Chuanting knew that it was dangerous, and that the result of the deduction was that Kaifeng fell, but he still chose to go to Kaifeng without hesitation!
At this time and this scene, there is really a saying: the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone!
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately felt a little unlucky, so he opened his mouth and said solemnly: "If something can't be done, then break out and come back in time. I can't live without Qing, you know?"

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he didn't expect that his weight in the emperor's heart would become so heavy. He was suddenly excited, and the feeling of dying for his confidant immediately surged in his heart. He immediately bowed solemnly to Emperor Chongzhen: "I will never let your majesty down!" Entrusted, Kaifeng, with the presence of humble ministers, will definitely not fall!"

The others watched this scene without speaking, and their expressions became solemn unconsciously.

"As long as I can straighten things out and free up troops, I will try my best to send reinforcements in time!" Emperor Chongzhen immediately made a promise after hearing this!

After finishing speaking, he said to Sun Chuanting: "By the way, Sun Shining, Qing's youngest son, is six years old this year, right?"

Sun Chuanting was taken aback for a moment, wondering what the emperor meant when he mentioned his son.

When he came back to his senses, he quickly replied: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately said to him: "Let him go to the East Palace to study with the prince!"

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he couldn't help being very surprised, and then immediately became very excited, and hurriedly paid homage to Xie En.

His youngest son can go to study with the prince, that is, he belongs to the prince. After the prince ascends the throne, his son will be the prince's confidant, the future is boundless!
How could he not be excited about this arrangement of Emperor Chongzhen!
When the others heard it, they were also very envious, and each of them realized once again that Sun Chuanting's status in the emperor's heart was unexpectedly so high.None of the emperor's favored ministers in the past had this kind of treatment!
Among them, He Fengsheng was even more emotional. After the treasure given by Emperor Taizu, the current emperor's ability has become more and more powerful!
With just this move in front of him, Sun Chuanting will definitely die for the emperor!


Later, the imperial court issued a decree that Sun Chuanting, Minister of the Ministry of War, commanded the soldiers and horses of the world, controlled the imperial court soldiers and horses in the provinces of the Central Plains to suppress bandits, and ranked above the governors and governors.

As a result of the discussion at the previous imperial meeting, actions were taken immediately, and the troops of the brigade left the capital one after another and rushed to various places to cooperate with the Kaifeng battle.

As for Sun Chuanting himself, he was also in military uniform, and under the escort of a hundred elite brave cavalry, he left the capital and went directly to Kaifeng.

"Drive by..."

Accompanied by the knight's voice, the horse's hooves rumbled and disappeared in the distance of the official road.

The passers-by who hid on both sides returned to the official road after the cavalry, and continued to travel north and south.

But one of them, with a look of curiosity, kept watching the cavalry go away, and finally disappeared from sight.

One of his companions was a little impatient, and immediately urged: "Yan Dianshi, I can't see it anymore, it's time to enter the city!"

Even so, the tone was still respectful.

This Yan Dianshi, obviously, is Yan Yingyuan, the Jiangyin Dianshi who was summoned from Jiangyin, a low-level official.

Even though he had already arrived in the capital, Yan Yingyuan was still in a daze.

The emperor rushed eight hundred miles and summoned him to Beijing for an audience.

Who is he, just a Jiangyin classic history, how could it be possible?

At the first moment, he wondered if there was something wrong?

However, Jiangyin Dianshi is still called Yan Yingyuan, and he is indeed the only one!

So, he bid farewell to his mother in a bewildered expression, and hurriedly rushed to the capital following the edict.

During this journey, Yan Yingyuan had been thinking about it all the time. What was the reason why the current emperor summoned him for an audience with [-] miles?

However, he suffered from insomnia for several days and just couldn't figure out why.

Ask the waiter directly, but can't get an answer.

So, in the end, he gave up.Anyway, the reason why the current emperor summoned him in an urgent way of eight hundred miles, he himself felt impossible to guess.

That being the case, then let it be as it comes!

All the way north, he was a little surprised by what he saw and heard.

First, the elite brave guard battalion affiliated to the imperial court did not go to suppress the thieves, but instead provided disaster relief on both sides of the canal, and expanded the recruitment of good families among the water workers.

This kind of thing is a bit unimaginable before!

Where did the court get the money from?

Also, the north and south of the canal are now spreading rumors that smallpox can be cured and pimple disease can also be prevented.

This news, the farther to the north, the more people say it.Even when he went ashore in Tongzhou, Yan Yingyuan saw with his own eyes that sanitation was being carried out everywhere, rats were exterminated, and there were other things like vaccinia vaccination.

Also after going ashore, there was more news.

There was a big change in the court, the original Shoufu, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and even the level of the Duke of the State were all punished, and those who ransacked their homes were killed to death. For a time, officials in all yamen in the capital did not dare to be officials!

All these things made Yan Yingyuan dumbfounded.This is really different from the imperial court in his impression!
When did the current emperor become so powerful?

At the same time, he naturally heard it too, saying that the emperor Taizu appeared and bestowed treasures on the current emperor, which is why the government changed so drastically!
Based on all kinds of news, there is a feeling of urgency for him, and he wants to go to the capital to see it with his own eyes.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived in the capital, before entering the city, they encountered a group of knights leaving the city.

Judging from the banner he is flying, this is the new Minister of the Ministry of War, and he is controlling the imperial envoys of the provinces in the Central Plains. Where is he going?
Unlike others, what he focused on was the hundred cavalrymen!Not only elite, but also excellent armor!
Is it the servant of the Minister of the Ministry of War?Not like it!

Yan Yingyuan was in a daze, because he had a feeling that the changes he saw in front of him were really too great!

(End of this chapter)

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