Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 136 The majestic emperor of Ming Dynasty, as for?

Chapter 136 The majestic emperor of Ming Dynasty, as for?

When asked later, Emperor Chongzhen asked pleasantly: "In your world, don't you get a lot of business taxes?"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao didn't check, and said based on his own impression: "Of course there are too many. Most of the country's income should be collected from commercial taxes!"

"Ah?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being very surprised when he heard it, and quickly asked, "What about the income from the land tax?"

"Field tax? Oh, you mean the agricultural tax?" Liu Weichao smiled and said, "It was canceled a few years ago, so there is no need to pay it!"

Emperor Chongzhen was stunned when he heard it, and then he was dumbfounded: "..."

For him, the abolition of land tax income is simply unimaginable!
Because since ancient times, most of the imperial treasury income has been land tax income!

When he came back to his senses, he still couldn't believe it, so he immediately confirmed again: "Is it the cancellation of the dues or something else? It can't be said that all the fields have been cancelled, right?"

If it was just the cancellation of dues, Emperor Chongzhen could still understand.

Because he himself has issued several imperial edicts to exempt those who owed taxes.

However, after hearing this, Liu Weichao shook his head with a smile and said, "It's not that I owe taxes, but that I don't have to pay all the land taxes!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was speechless after being confirmed.

After a while, he quickly asked: "Where does the imperial treasury's income mainly come from? It can't be all commercial taxes, right?"

Just now Liu Weichao said that most of the treasury revenue is commercial taxes, but he didn't take it seriously at first.When asked again at this time, it is a very serious attitude.

Liu Weichao saw that he was asking such a serious question, so he thought for a while, and replied seriously: "That should not be the case, but if it is related to commercial activities, it can be counted. If you want to subdivide it, there will be more , business taxes, and state-owned enterprises, that is, the profits of enterprises controlled by the imperial court, these should be the big ones..."

Listening to his explanation, Emperor Chongzhen's eyes lit up immediately, like a wolf that was extremely hungry, emitting a green light and seeing the prey.

The simple reason for this is his desire for money!Scared of poverty!

In his time, the income from business tax was really very little.

The commercial tax set by Emperor Taizu when he founded the country was one for thirty. This tax rate was very low, and it has remained unchanged since then.

In addition, the local banknote customs are the institutions set up in various places to collect commercial taxes, and the amount to be collected is stipulated in advance.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, the population was small and the business was small, so the tax amount set was actually very low.

With hundreds of years of peace, commerce has developed greatly, but the amount of tax has remained almost unchanged.

Just to give an example, Jinhua County, Zhejiang Province, where prosperity is located, has set a tax amount of 7 taels!
Because of the low commercial tax collection, there were more than 400 tax bureaus established across the country at the beginning of the founding of the country, but by the end of Wanli, there were only 112.The ones that have disappeared cannot be opened, and the tax money received is not enough to pay the tax bureau, so they closed down.

The reason for this is also related to the officials of the Ming Dynasty.

In the Ming Dynasty, no official tried to raise business taxes.The vast majority of officials who were allocated to the banknotes only met the completion quota.

There was even such a thing that the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs of the Ming Dynasty, Zhou Jing, gave lower examinations to those who had a large number of courses when evaluating officials.

In this way, who dares to charge more business taxes?

In some places, a money basket is set up directly at the gate of the yamen, and those who have to pay taxes throw money into it without supervision.

This kind of thing can often earn a good reputation!
Under such a background, it is strange how much money the commercial tax can receive!

According to records, in 1578, the commercial tax revenue was 15 taels of silver, and the average county was slightly more than 100 taels.

That's a year's worth of taxes!

Of course, less business tax does not mean that businessmen will make a lot of money.

In fact, the average businessman pays a lot of money, and often even goes bankrupt!
It's just that the money will not be turned over to the national treasury, but will fall into the private pockets of officials!

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen said excitedly after hearing this: "In this way, I should also reform the commercial tax, so that the revenue of the treasury can be greatly increased!"

"Yeah!" Liu Weichao nodded after hearing this, but he still reminded, "You probably can't do it now, this matter has to be moved to a later stage, and your survival crisis must be resolved first!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he became a little more sober, nodded and replied, "You are right, I just keep this in my heart. When the thieves are wiped out and Liaodong is recovered, I will reform the business tax. All businessmen, all Pay taxes!"

Hearing this, an idea suddenly popped up in Liu Weichao's mind, and he asked him, "How do you want them to pay taxes?"

He felt that Emperor Chongzhen might mess around.

Sure enough, upon hearing his words, Emperor Chongzhen immediately replied excitedly: "How else can I pay taxes? Of course, those businessmen who make money have to pay more taxes, and those who don't make money have to pay less taxes. In short, every Businessmen have to pay taxes!"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard it.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw his expression, his heart suddenly "thumped", as if he had made a mistake, but he couldn't think of what he said was wrong, so he asked: "Why, what I said is wrong? It has always been like this! "

Liu Weichao answered him a little helplessly: "Taxation is a means, not for the purpose of taking other people's money into your own hands, but for mediation. If you can't make money, you have to pay more taxes... "

Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen looked a little puzzled, he further explained: "For example, aren't you in short supply of food now? Then you should minimize the taxation of those merchants who transport food, so that they can see enough regional differences in profits , so as to spontaneously transport food to places where there is a shortage of food, instead of you participating in it and plucking the hair. In that way, food prices will eventually be more expensive in places where there is a shortage of food!"

Hearing this example, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly realized something.

While thinking, he replied to Liu Weichao: "That is to say, what do I need? Just lower this kind of tax, so that businessmen can make more money by doing this, and they will actively do it?"

"That's right, that's what it means!" Liu Weichao nodded approvingly, "If you don't need any goods, for example, in your troubled world, you can tax those luxury goods more heavily, reduce the circulation of goods on luxury goods, but not Affect people's livelihood!"

Emperor Chongzhen finally understood, but he still said unwillingly: "I always feel a little bit unwilling to let those businessmen make more money!"

"..." Liu Weichao couldn't help being speechless when he heard this, and persuaded, "You can't make the horse run without letting the horse eat grass, can you?"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen blushed a little when he remembered what had happened before.

Fortunately, Liu Weichao did not stare at these words, but continued: "Only when the profit is high enough, can the enthusiasm of the merchants be high enough. Your goal can also be achieved at the same time! And not all merchants can make money. With the flow of materials, commodity prices will naturally fluctuate, which will eventually wipe out the high profits of merchants!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded and said, "I know!"

"If this matter is discussed, there is still a lot to talk about!" Liu Weichao continued, "But you don't need it now, I will talk to you in detail later!"

Let me just say this first, it is actually necessary for Emperor Chongzhen to open his eyes and gain insights.

After finishing speaking, he said to Emperor Chongzhen: "It's getting late today, and there are still many things to do tomorrow, so how about we have a good night?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he opened his mouth to speak, but he seemed a little embarrassed and hesitant.

As soon as Liu Weichao saw him, he knew he had something to do, so he asked him, "Why, if you have something to do, just talk about it!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen did not hesitate, and quickly said to him: "This...that, didn't you say there is another bed? I wonder if it is convenient for the firecracker?"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao remembered that he seemed to have told Emperor Chongzhen that he had given it later, but he had forgotten it.

So, he said a little embarrassedly: "Wait a minute, I'll give it to you in a while!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was very happy, and quickly agreed, and then took the initiative to cut off the communication without any hesitation.

Looking at the screen of the phone, Liu Weichao couldn't help but shook his head and said, " an honest person!"

With a sigh, he began to search for information on his mobile phone.

The broadband has just been reported, and it may take a few days to come and install it.

After searching, Liu Weichao finally selected the boring machine invented by John Wilkinson.This is the world's first real barrel boring machine. At the same time, this barrel boring machine can also be used to process steam engines to solve the airtightness of steam engines. It can be built in the late Ming Dynasty, and it is very cost-effective. mechanical.

In order to get this boring machine, he had to pay to obtain the drawings and the process of the production steps, and sent them to Emperor Chongzhen.

Afterwards, he sent a voice message to Emperor Chongzhen.

"Look at these materials first, and ask me if you don't understand anything."

"According to the original history, this boring machine will not be invented until more than a hundred years later. It can be used to make cannons, and of course flintlock barrels can also be used! Most importantly, it can also be used to make another kind of An epoch-making machine that can greatly change your world!"

"Of course, you don't need it yet, let's build your army first!"


While Liu Weichao was talking, Emperor Chongzhen directly initiated a video communication.

As soon as the connection was made, Emperor Chongzhen said obviously excitedly: "I'll watch it right away, I'll watch it right away, can you wait and go to bed a little later?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless, because he was afraid that he would fall asleep and not be able to answer his question?

The dignified emperor of the Ming Dynasty is so impatient when encountering things, what's the matter?
 Anti-theft chapter, update the text in ten minutes, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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