Chapter 137
But when I think about it, I can understand it.

Emperor Chongzhen already knew that in less than two years, he would hang himself, kill himself, his family, relatives, and ruin his foundation!
It is estimated that this matter is like a huge mountain, pressing on the chest of Emperor Chongzhen, and there are many nightmares, right?

Under such circumstances, he heard that this boring machine can not only make guns and cannons, but also be used to make another epoch-making machine, the one that can change Daming. If he didn't ask, it would be strange if he fell asleep!

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao also understood, so he smiled and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Don't worry, I won't sleep until you understand. Just ask!"

"Thank you so much, my good friend!" Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed when he heard that, and said hastily, "Then I'll go read the information first!"

Liu Weichao heard it funny, did he change from a friend to a good friend?
In this world, I guess I am the only one who is called a "good friend" by an emperor!

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Go and see, I'm sure I'll be waiting!"

After receiving this reply, Emperor Chongzhen cut off the video communication with peace of mind, and hurried to read the materials passed by Liu Weichao.

Things that don't involve chemical reactions are actually relatively easy to understand.

Not to mention, Emperor Chongzhen is already a little familiar with physics and the like after many previous communications, and he is not the kind who knows nothing.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were actually boring machines, but they were very primitive and artificial.

Of course, as an emperor, Emperor Chongzhen had no contact with him at all, so he naturally didn't know.

When he finished reading the materials, he also recorded a question, and then contacted Liu Weichao again to answer the questions one by one.

That's it, they were busy until late at night before the two of them said goodnight to each other.

However, Emperor Chongzhen was still very excited and couldn't fall asleep.

With fine steel and this boring machine, at least in terms of ordnance, it is possible to create the most sophisticated of this era.

And because it is a firearm, the training time of the army does not need to be too long.

These are really crucial to him!

With a strong army, we can wipe out the bandits, recover Liaodong, and suppress all dissatisfaction.

Then in Liu Weichao's world, there are so many good things, all of which can be realized in Daming.

Imagining this wonderful future, how could Emperor Chongzhen be able to sleep!
Like him, he didn't go to sleep until late at night, but there was another person who didn't sleep well, and there was Yan Yingyuan who had just arrived in the capital.

He was the new commander of the military and horse command department in Zhongcheng. On the first day, he was busy handing over the generals of the Yongwei Battalion, and the second day was the day when he really took over the military and horse command department.

What to do, how to do well in this position of the sixth rank, is the problem that he urgently needs to solve.

And the first impression when you take office is a very important thing.It would be strange for Yan Yingyuan to be able to sleep peacefully!

Of course, he wasn't apprehensive, afraid or anything like that.

He believes that he can do well.The reason why I didn't go to bed early, but to understand what happened in the capital, to understand what happened before the commander of the army and horses, etc., is to know yourself and the enemy, and you will win every battle!
At dawn the next day, the chief officer of the Zhongcheng Military and Horse Command Department arrived, and all the officials in the yamen were due.

Yan Yingyuan's appearance gave these officials a sense of oppression.

There is no way, Yan Yingyuan's appearance is indeed very impressive, and he has the impression of Guan Yunchang!
Yan Yingyuan, who was on the main seat, watched the two rows of subordinates at the bottom finish their salutes, and said in a loud voice: "This official is from Tongzhou, so you can be regarded as a local! You are all from the village. What's the matter? You can tell the official clearly, there is no need to be taboo!"

Upon hearing this, the officials below all agreed one by one, and two of them were even from Tongzhou. The atmosphere in the lobby was not at all as serious as the new officials had imagined when they took office three times.

Yan Yingyuan looked at them, and after asking them to talk for a while, he still said as if he was talking to friends: "I used to be the official historian of Jiangyin, but I didn't expect that your majesty would use [-] miles to summon you urgently. So, I became your friend." Commander. I am in a hurry to take up this post, if there is something that you feel is inappropriate, I hope you can remind me in time!"

There have been rumors before, saying that the new conductor was just a bad history.

But many people don't believe that a not-so-famous canon can directly become their commander, rank six!

But at this moment, Yan Yingyuan said it himself, which immediately surprised these people in the lobby.

Let them envy, but also very surprised.

In their minds, there was naturally a question: Why did the current emperor spend eight hundred miles to summon him urgently for a mere classic history, and let him be the commander?
Could it be that this former classic historian and current conductor has a scary background?

He is from Tongzhou, maybe he has the means to reach the sky, otherwise, how could it be possible for the current emperor to use [-] li to rush to summon him, and even leapfrog the promotion?
This new Shangguan must be a person with ability and background!
After reaching such a conclusion, virtually, all of them respected Yan Yingyuan.This kind of respect is not only the kind of respect for the superior!
Yan Yingyuan took their reactions into his eyes, and what he wanted was this kind of effect.

He had been thinking about this opening remark for a long time last night.

Now it seems that the effect is good, so he continued: "I have already known what happened in the capital before. I don't care about other yamen. As for our Zhongcheng Military and Horse Command, I will keep an eye on it." If there is a real problem, I believe that we do not need the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Factory Guards in the Commanding Division of the Army and Horses in Zhongcheng. I will deal with it seriously and will never let it go! Only in this way will I live up to Your Majesty's kindness! You guys ...Did you hear clearly?"

In the past, corruption was rampant among officials, and it was inevitable for people in the five cities to take advantage of their power.The same is true, the Yongwei Battalion will suddenly take over the rotten Wucheng Bingmasi.

At this time, Yan Yingyuan pointed out his attitude, which was actually what a new official should have meant, but he said this in a stern tone, combined with his Guan Yun's long appearance, the sense of oppression was still very strong , Far from being comparable to ordinary officials.

The officials below, whether they are willing or not, all agree in unison and dare not violate it.

After staring at them for a while, Yan Yingyuan suddenly changed a gentle tone, and said to them: "Everyone must look up, I can tell you that I will not be satisfied with this command position. Alright, since your Majesty has been promoted to the position of this official, before I leave, it is also necessary to recommend someone who is available to your Majesty, this official can tell you in advance, so I am not afraid of breaking my promise!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the officials below could not help but light up.

This new chief officer has a big background, he must just come here for a transition, if he can catch his eyes, maybe he will hug his thigh, and it is possible for him to be successful in the future!

Thinking of this, invisibly, morale was lifted up.

These officials, one by one, quickly agreed with Yan Yingyuan and flattered Yan Yingyuan.

They naturally didn't know, in fact Yan Yingyuan himself didn't know why the emperor appreciated him, and who recommended him?

Under Yan Yingyuan's "fake tiger prestige", the officials below had an illusion that he was very powerful, and they naturally became more obedient.

Afterwards, Yan Yingyuan reiterated the responsibilities of the commanding department of soldiers and horses, and inspected the subordinate soldiers.

Different from the performance in the lobby, in the lobby, he is one officer at a time; however, when he went down, when he was inspecting the soldiers of his subordinates, he was one brother at a time, asking their relatives, without any air of being a superior officer at all. Get acquainted with ordinary soldiers.

During this process, Yan Yingyuan used his power to solve many practical problems for his subordinates.In just half a day, the atmosphere of the Zhongcheng Military and Horse Command has taken on a new look.

Of course, if you say that there are people who are still dissatisfied with Yan Yingyuan, there must be some.

No, in the afternoon, someone posed a problem for Yan Yingyuan!

"My lord, there is a problem with the Hudou in the Fanji Grain Store on the East Street. It is much smaller. Some people went to argue and were injured!"

One of the responsibilities of the Wucheng Bingma Commander is to collate the dendrobium buckets and scales in the market every three days, and check the names and prices of dental clerks.Beating people is actually manageable.

As soon as Yan Yingyuan heard it, he didn't even think about it, so he immediately ordered: "This kind of thing needs to be reported, just follow the rules!"

Hearing this, his subordinates reported mysteriously: "My lord, the Fanji grain store was opened by a Shanxi merchant, and behind it is the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, who is in charge of the commanding department of our five cities. !"

The soldiers and horses of the five cities are under the jurisdiction of Xuncheng Yushi, and Yushi is assigned from the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

This is a difficult problem, and it is also Yan Yingyuan's first test. These subordinates just watch him how to do it?
Some of his subordinates even reminded him: "My lord, there are too many high-ranking officials and dignitaries under the jurisdiction of our Zhongcheng Army and Horse Command. It's even more difficult to mess with, it's really hard to serve!"

"What are you serving?" Yan Yingyuan immediately shouted angrily when he heard this, "You are eating the emperor's rations and doing things for the emperor, so just follow the rules set by the emperor! Who dares to retaliate, unless the official falls first Otherwise, there would be nothing for you!"

In other words, when the sky is falling, he will bear it!

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were really too few people who were responsible!

Although Yan Yingyuan's words were to reprimand his subordinates, they were all refreshed after hearing this.

With Yan Yingyuan's words, their backs were naturally hardened.

So, without saying anything, just follow Yan Yingyuan's instructions!
Of course, they were also watching whether Yan Yingyuan would be at the front.

 Strongly recommend Neng Wen Neng Wu Li Yannian, the best drama to resist US aggression and aid Korea, none of them!


(End of this chapter)

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