Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 142 Don't kill orphans

Chapter 142 Don't kill orphans

Liu Weichao saw that Emperor Chongzhen was not convinced, so he asked him directly: "Will you not sell it abroad when the Ming Dynasty runs out of salt?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Selling abroad, this is something he has never thought about!
So, he couldn't help but ask, "Is this also okay?"

"Why not?" Liu Weichao asked immediately after hearing this, "Don't people in foreign countries use salt? As long as they are humans or animals, they must consume salt. Well, let's not talk about animals, just Speaking of people, they also need salt!"

Emperor Chongzhen always felt that something was wrong when he heard it. He had never done such a thing before. After thinking for a while, he said to Liu Weichao: "But he must have salt, right?"

"Didn't I just say that!" Liu Weichao guided Emperor Chongzhen to say, "The salt you produce must not only pay attention to the quality, but also produce refined salt and lower the price. In this way, your quantity will be large. , and cheap, better than table salt from other countries, people will definitely be willing to buy yours!"

"No, that's not right!" Emperor Chongzhen shook his head after hearing this, "Salt and iron should be monopolized in other countries, right? If so, they wouldn't agree with us selling them in the past!"

Liu Weichao couldn't help laughing. After a while, he stopped laughing and asked, "What do your troops do for food? If they don't agree, just beat them until they agree!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard this, and was speechless.

Liu Weichao didn't care, and continued to say to him: "It's the same as salt, you listen to me in the future, after Da Ming lights up the technology tree, the productivity will be greatly improved. All the output may be rich. In this way Come on, you have to sell these extra things abroad. If they don’t agree, you have to be responsible for your people and use the army to knock on their country’s door!”

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen's eyes gradually became brighter and brighter. He would never have too much money.

However, he still hesitated in the end, and said to Liu Weichao: "But...but Daming is a country of etiquette!"

"That's right, we are a nation of etiquette!" Liu Weichao immediately nodded in agreement after hearing this, "So we should be polite first, sell them cheaper and better things, and improve their lives. If they can't even accept this, Then there is no other way but to send troops to teach them!"

In fact, Emperor Chongzhen had already agreed to Liu Weichao's proposal in his heart. After all, in that case, he could make a lot of money, so that the treasury would not be empty and the government would be in a mess, but he couldn't get rid of his face.

But when he heard Liu Weichao's words at this time, he had a reason, and said with a smile: "This method is good, I think it can be done!"

As soon as he said this, he suddenly said "Ah!" and said to Liu Weichao with a little disappointment: "I suddenly remembered that I don't even have a strong army in my hands yet!"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless, and couldn't help but shook his head and asked, "Then do you think your salt production will increase tomorrow? Can the quality of salt be improved tomorrow? You can meet the national demand for salt tomorrow." Is it?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was immediately speechless: "..."

After a while, he said in embarrassment: "I'm just impatient!"

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen like this, Liu Weichao said with a smile: "Aren't you raiding the eight major Shanxi merchants now? You have a lot of money in your hands. You can slowly figure out the matter of the salt merchants. Everything should be done step by step. Anyway, the money from those salt merchants can’t escape!”

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he laughed, very happy.

Afterwards, he felt a little embarrassed to just talk about him, so he asked Liu Weichao, "How is the situation on your side? These days, I've been busy with myself, so I didn't ask about your side."

After hearing this, Liu Weichao said to him: "The procedures that need to be done for starting a business are already being done, but some audits take a long time. I am mainly busy with mobile phone software for the past two days. I need to optimize it and rent The server or something. But it will be done soon, and then you need to send more content. I will contact you later!"

"Okay, just tell me if you need it!" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen quickly expressed his opinion, "I also asked them to prepare more songs, and when you want them, I will give you all!"

Liu Weichao listened, thought for a while and said: "Well, I may need videos later, when I'm ready, you can also take some pictures for me!"

"No matter what, as long as I can help, I will do it!" Emperor Chongzhen replied without hesitation.

Both parties had a satisfactory result, and they both went to sleep contentedly.


"Help, don't kill the orphan, don't kill the orphan..."

"My lord, my lord..."

In the mansion of King Zhou in Kaifeng, in the early morning, King Zhu Gongyun of Zhou had a nightmare and woke up profusely sweating.

Opening his eyes, he saw that there were no thieves in front of him. Only then did he realize that it was a dream. After heaving a sigh of relief, he quickly asked, "How is Kaifeng's defense?"

Naturally, his concubine couldn't answer, so she just reassured: "With Gao Xunkan and Chen Zongbing watching, everything will be fine!"

Gao Xunyan, that is, Gao Mingheng, was the Henan Xunyan at that time.

Chen Zongbing, that is, Chen Yongfu, the general soldier of Kaifeng, shot Li Zicheng blind in the second battle of Kaifeng and forced him to retreat.

After hearing this, Zhu Gongyun remembered the tragic scene in his dream, but finally he was still worried, got up in a hurry, and summoned Gao Mingheng and Chen Yongfu.

Hearing his worry, Gao Mingheng and Chen Yongfu looked at each other, and then Gao Mingheng answered him: "Under the generosity of the prince, the official Zengyun Tower, the storage of gunpowder, the erection of forts, the addition of flying stones, and the careful distribution, I dare not say that Kaifeng is impenetrable, but if the bandits come again, it will definitely not be so easy to take down!"

Hearing this, no matter how Zhu Gongyun listened, he was still worried.

In the dream this morning, he ended up just like King Fu!
Thinking of this, he shuddered!

So, he asked again worriedly: "The key is to ensure that Kaifeng is safe! To achieve this, what else needs to be done, just say it!"

The fact that Kaifeng was able to hold on before had a lot to do with King Zhou spending a lot of money.In this regard, Kaifeng Mansion is much luckier than Luoyang!

At this time, Gao Mingheng listened to Zhu Gongzhang's words, and replied respectfully: "There is a saying in the art of war, to defend the city alone, without reinforcements outside, is really a big taboo for military strategists, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose! I respectfully invite the prince, and then ask the court for help!" "

Hearing this, Zhu Gongyou couldn't help but said worriedly: "If the thieves besiege the city, Gu will naturally ask for help from the court. But the problem is, now that the thieves have not besieged the city, how can Gu ask for help from the court? If so, other vassals will also ask the court Ask for help, why?"

Hearing this, Gao Mingheng and Chen Yongfu looked at each other, feeling a little helpless.

In these days of war and chaos, the vassal kings everywhere are worried.As the king of Zhou said, if Kaifeng is not attacked by thieves and is eager to ask for help, then other vassal kings will inevitably ask for help, so what should the court do?It's impossible to send reinforcements everywhere, right?
But they also knew very well in their hearts that Li Zicheng's thieves had suffered a lot in the first two times, and even lost one eye.

If we really had to wait until that time, the bandits would definitely be bigger, otherwise we wouldn't attack Kaifeng again.

In this way, they really have no idea whether Kaifeng can hold on.

Just like Gao Mingheng's answer, if there are reinforcements from outside, coupled with the generosity of King Zhou, Kaifeng will be able to worry-free!
However, with reinforcements from outside, how could it be possible?

It's not that they haven't received outside news. According to the fact that Li Zicheng's thieves have captured several towns around Kaifeng, the situation is already a bit obvious, and they may come to attack Kaifeng again.

Moreover, Ding Qirui, the supervisor who led the troops around, was terrified when he heard the news and did not dare to be an enemy of the bandits!
In addition, there are rumors that the current emperor has summoned all the Yongwei camps from all over the country to the capital. Judging by this posture, even the emperor has signs of being in danger. Otherwise, he would not have recalled all the Yongwei camps to the capital!

The current situation is really not optimistic!
At this time, after listening to King Zhou's words, Gao Mingheng had nothing to do.

But Zhu Gongyou kept staring at him, asking him to make up his mind, he had no choice but to comfort King Zhou and said, "Maybe the thieves see that I am heavily guarded in Kaifeng, and maybe they don't want to lose too much, and it's not necessarily if they don't come to attack!"

After hearing this, Zhu Gongyou couldn't help but wryly smiled. Indeed, there was no other way but to hope that the bandit would not come to attack the heavily defended Kaifeng again!

For a moment, the hall fell silent.

Presumably, this summoning can only be done in this way.

At this moment, there were hurried footsteps outside.In the quiet condition of the hall, the hurried footsteps were very clear.

At the same time, there was an urgent voice: "My lord, my lord..."

Hearing this movement, Zhu Gongyan was shocked, stood up immediately, and asked in shock: "Could it be... Could it be that the bandits came to attack Kaifeng?"

While speaking, they all trembled slightly.

Gao Mingheng was also a little panicked, but he was much better than Zhu Gongyun.

The one who was least alarmed was the general soldier Chen Yongfu.

Hearing King Zhou's words, he shook his head and said, "It doesn't seem like a thief, so it must be something good?"

Zhou Wang and Gao Mingheng were both very worried about the thief, so they panicked when they heard the movement.

But Chen Yongfu did not. After listening carefully, he could hear that the shouts outside did not have the tone of panic when encountering thieves attacking the city, but seemed to have a tone of surprise.

Therefore, he said this.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw at the entrance of the main hall, a general of the royal family hurried in without even caring about the etiquette. His face was filled with surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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