Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 143 Playing a Big Game of Chess

Chapter 143 The next big game of chess

"My lord, the supervisor... the supervisor is here!"

Hearing this, Zhu Gongyan was immediately refreshed, and quickly asked, "Which supervisor?"

Since the thieves became more and more troublesome, the imperial court sent many supervisors.

When Chen Yongfu and Gao Mingheng heard this, they also lifted their spirits, and immediately stared at the visitor waiting for an answer.

"It's the new minister of the Ministry of War, Sun Dushi who controls the provinces of the Central Plains!"

"Ah, Sun Chuanting?" Zhu Gongyun couldn't help but said happily when he heard it, "He's here, so Gu can rest assured, haha!"

Sun Chuanting's record in suppressing thieves is real. Li Zicheng, who is currently the most threatening to Kaifeng, was beaten to the ground by Sun Chuanting.

This supervisor is not the other supervisors who are not well-known and only talk about it!

When Gao Mingheng was happy, he quickly asked: "How many troops did Sun Dushi bring?"

"one hundred!"

"What?" Zhu Gongyan suspected that he had heard it wrong when he heard it, and quickly confirmed, "How much?"

"one hundred!"

After several people in the hall heard it clearly, they couldn't help but looked at each other.

Sun Chuanting only brought a hundred people here, does that mean the court has no soldiers to send?

Came back to his senses, Gao Mingheng didn't dare to be negligent, he hurriedly bid farewell to Zhu Gongyun: "As soon as the supervisor arrives, we must discuss matters, and the subordinates will leave first!"

After hearing this, Chen Yongfu hurriedly left.

No one dared to neglect Sun Chuanting in person.

Zhu Gongyun looked at their backs as they disappeared at the door, and was just so stupid.

Looking forward to the reinforcements, but the reinforcements really came, but it was only Sun Chuanting, so what's the use?

He really wanted to go over to see the situation, and ask if the reinforcements were still on the way, and Sun Chuanting just rushed over first?
However, under the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty, vassal princes from all over the country were not allowed to intervene in local affairs.

For the familiar Gao Mingheng and Chen Yongfu, that's okay, if you pass it on, pass it on.

However, Sun Chuanting was not familiar with him, and he was still the Minister of the Ministry of War of the imperial court, and the governor of the provinces in the central plains. Once he violated the legal system of his ancestors, if he was reported to the imperial court and said that he was plotting wrongdoing, it would be unreasonable.

Thinking of this, he had no choice but to send someone to inquire, or wait for Sun Chuanting to come to see him.


The lobby of the Kaifeng yamen, from the inside to the outside, was completely occupied by Sun Chuanting.

The cavalry soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion who came as escorts have already taken over the defense of the yamen.

Chen Yongfu rushed over, and when he saw the soldiers at the gate, he was immediately envious, and couldn't help but said to Gao Mingheng: "Look, Mr. Gao, their armor is so good, it seems that Governor Sun has spent a lot of money!"

He thought that these people were all Sun Chuanting's servants, and it was Sun Chuanting who bought them these armors, which were better than him, so he couldn't help being envious.

"It's not time to talk about this, let's go see the supervisor first!" Gao Mingheng didn't have much cold about the armor, and hurriedly said at the same time.

Besides them, other officials also came one after another.

In the face of Sun Chuanting's prestige, no one dared to neglect.

Not long after, all the officials and generals in Kaifeng arrived, and Sun Chuanting was transferred out from the back office.

"Your Majesty calculated that Li Thief's troops will join forces with Luo Rucai's gangsters to plan Kaifeng again. Therefore, I have ordered to come to Kaifeng to sit in town. You should work together to defend Kaifeng!" Sun Chuanting was expressionless and cold He shouted loudly, "Whoever does not defend the city effectively, and violates the law, I will never forgive him lightly!"

When he finished speaking, the Shangfang sword flashed out from the banner of Wang Ming bestowed by Emperor Chongzhen.

The right to kill first and play later must be given to Sun Chuanting.But whether to use it or not, no one knows!Showing these can be seen as a deterrent.

Everyone below naturally did not dare to be negligent, and quickly agreed to promise.

Gao Mingheng is an inspector in Henan. Although his rank is very low, he represents the emperor, and he is also an imperial envoy.Therefore, among all the people below, the status is the highest.

Therefore, he came out and asked, "I don't know how many soldiers and horses my lord has brought, so I can make people prepare food and supplies!"

Maybe it was Sun Chuanting who came first, and the army arrived later!

The others listened and waited for a reply with anticipation.

No matter what, the dignified Minister of the Ministry of War and the governors of the provinces in the Central Plains must have thousands of elites, right?
But who knows, they heard Sun Chuanting say to them: "The imperial court is now reorganizing the army, and it will take a few months for the Yongwei Battalion and the Jingying Battalion. Therefore, His Majesty bestowed a hundred Yongwei Battalion Cavalry to rush to Kaifeng to sit in the city first." .”

Upon hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded.Sun Chuanting only brought 100 people to Kaifeng, so how useful is that?
Didn't it mean that Li Zicheng and Luo Ru would join forces?That thief is very powerful, no matter how capable you are, Sun Chuanting, you are probably a clever woman who can't cook without rice, right?

Regardless of what they thought, Sun Chuanting directly issued an order to prepare the army for war, and first inspected the Kaifeng city defense accompanied by Gao Mingheng and Chen Yongfu.

He inspected very carefully, and it took a long time, but he was satisfied with the result. It can be seen that Kaifeng is really preparing for the battle seriously.

Therefore, he said to Gao Mingheng and Chen Yongfu: "The emperor knows that the two of you are dedicated to your duties, and now I have seen it with my own eyes. After this battle, I will definitely report the truth."

Gao Mingheng and Chen Yongfu were naturally happy when they heard this.

Unexpectedly, Sun Chuanting immediately continued: "You immediately arrange to move all the old and weak people in the city to the north of the Yellow River, and resettle them in Yanjin and Weihui."

"..." Gao Mingheng was stunned for a moment when he heard it, and he came back to his senses and quickly replied, "My lord, it's probably inappropriate to mobilize people like this?"

This kind of thing belongs to family separation and leaving home. If it is not done properly, the family will say goodbye forever.

Therefore, no one wants this, especially when they haven't seen the thief coming, so naturally they don't want to say goodbye.

After hearing this, Chen Yongfu persuaded: "My lord, the last two times when the thieves attacked Kaifeng, they didn't do this. Now that your lord is here in person, but you want the people to leave their homes, I'm afraid it will damage your prestige!"

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting said without thinking: "This time the bandits will attack Kaifeng again, and it is inevitable. The key to the battle of Kaifeng is the food and grass in the city. Once the siege lasts for a long time and the food is scarce, what can we do?"

Although he had already said before that the thieves were joining forces and the Yongwei Battalion was being reorganized, Gao Mingheng and the others still couldn't realize how serious the matter was.

After all, they have done enough work to prepare the army for war!They think that as long as they work hard to defend Kaifeng, as long as Kaifeng is not breached by thieves in the early stage, the thieves will naturally retreat.

But when he heard Sun Chuanting's words at this time, Gao Mingheng was a little surprised, and immediately asked Sun Chuanting: "My lord, the thieves are besieging the city, and they also need food and grass. They are really determined to die in Kaifeng. Is it possible that they will not be afraid of the imperial army in other places?"

The besieging army also had to eat and drink every day, and consumed food.If the food in Kaifeng city is exhausted, how will the thieves outside the city be better?

In addition, the Yongwei Battalion will not come, but the governor of Baoding, Yang Wenyue, and Ding Qirui, the successor of Yang Sichang, are around. They have soldiers under their command.

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting sneered and said, "Nowadays the world is so big, apart from the Yongwei Battalion who dare to fight tough battles, who else would dare to fight to the death with the bandits? Let the bandits encircle and wipe out, and give away their soldiers and food and supplies for nothing!"

According to the deduction that Emperor Chongzhen told him, there will be a battle in Zhuxian Town after that, and the imperial army will be defeated.

At this time, Gao Mingheng and Chen Yongfu couldn't help feeling a little sad when they heard Sun Chuanting's words.

That's right, today's thieves are getting stronger and stronger, and the imperial army has been defeated repeatedly, as evidenced by the successive losses of the towns around Kaifeng.

It was even rumored that Ding Qirui's subordinates were like wolves and tigers who harmed the people, but when facing the thieves, they ran away after hearing the news.People everywhere heard that Ding Qirui was leading troops across the border, and they were more afraid than hearing that the bandits were coming!
On the top of the city, Sun Chuanting pointed to the stretching wheat fields outside the city, and continued: "Another dispatcher will not harvest at night, watching the movement of the bandit's troops, and if there is any movement, regardless of whether it can be harvested or not, it will be harvested immediately, and what can be harvested is a little! "

Before they could speak, he went on to say: "The old and the weak go north, and they should be carried out quietly in batches to prevent thieves from being detected."

"My lord, Kaifeng is old and weak, at least [-]. I'm afraid the two prefectures north of the Yellow River can't accommodate it?" Gao Mingheng listened, and persuaded, "Instead of leaving the city and leaving their families and dying, they would rather die than leave. Once forced , I am afraid that life and the people will change!"

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting immediately replied: "The emperor has already made preparations and sent imperial envoys to make preparations to ensure that they will not starve to death. For example, in Kaifeng, once the food and grass are exhausted, the whole city will die!"

"Also!" Seeing the surprised expressions of the two people in front of him, he continued, "The grain and grass in the city are centrally dispatched by the government and distributed according to wartime. After the war, the imperial court will automatically compensate those who pay the grain. If it is converted according to the grain price, it will be tripled!"

"..." Gao Mingheng and Chen Yongfu were very surprised.

However, Sun Chuanting still had something to say: "Your Majesty explained that the king of Zhou should be rich, so let him pay more money to appease the old and weak. Each person should not be less than one tael of silver. This matter is up to you two." People give Zhou Wangxiao benefits and ask him to pay, don't wait for the official to go, it will tear your face!"

Listening to his repeated words, Gao Mingheng finally couldn't help but confirm: "My lord, do the thieves really have to take down Kaifeng?"

This posture is really like a decisive battle in Kaifeng.

Otherwise, it is impossible to have so many measures come out.Moreover, the current emperor personally made the decision, and the Minister of the Ministry of War came to sit in the town in person.

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting nodded and said, "It's best if the bandits don't come, but this is unrealistic. As long as the Yongwei Battalion is reorganized, the situation will be reversed. There is absolutely no room for loss here in Kaifeng!"

The implication is that the imperial court is playing a big game of chess, and Kaifeng is a key part of it.

What Sun Chuanting said is also what the current emperor means.

After Gao Mingheng confirmed this point, he naturally had nothing to say and could only follow orders.

(End of this chapter)

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