Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 148 Humanoid Printer

Chapter 148 Humanoid Printer

Not long after, Wang Xiangjin arrived at the Imperial Garden.

But I saw that Emperor Chongzhen was already here, and he was standing beside his flowers and plants.

As soon as Wang Xiangjin heard it, he knew that he had guessed correctly.

So, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, and prepared to introduce his treasures to the emperor, and by the way, presented his "Quanfangpu".

As a result, before Wang Xiangjin opened his mouth, he heard Emperor Chongzhen say to him: "Farming is the top priority of all things. I let you be the left servant of the household department. I hope that you can give full play to your strengths and ensure that the people of Ming Dynasty will never go hungry again." That day!"

When Wang Xiangjin heard this, he immediately raised his chest, and when he was about to speak, he saw Emperor Chongzhen pointing to a potted plant and said to him: "This is a potato. It should have just been introduced to Ming Dynasty, and it is a good thing that Qing collected it. Tell Qing about the advantages of this potato, how to plant it and pay attention to things, please listen carefully..."

"..." Wang Xiangjin was dumbfounded when he heard this.

This potted plant was indeed something he had acquired not long ago. For the identification of this plant, he temporarily classified it as a type of sweet potato.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Chongzhen actually talked eloquently. Looking at it like this, you can tell that the emperor is very familiar with this plant!
But Wang Xiangjin came back to his senses after being surprised, it is very likely that this kind of plant already exists in the palace!

That's right, that's the reason!
With such thoughts in his heart, he didn't dare to desert, and quickly listened attentively to Emperor Chongzhen's explanation.

After hearing what happened later, Wang Xiangjin was a little confused again.

Because Emperor Chongzhen explained many angles that he had never thought of, and even some words that he had never heard of.

Faintly, a thought came to him from the bottom of his heart, maybe he seemed to be wrong before!
After the Emperor Chongzhen finished talking about potatoes, he solemnly confessed to Wang Xiangjin: "This potato is one of the most effective crops for the court to solve the famine, and it is especially suitable for planting in the north. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is to focus on To promote potatoes, do not take up the existing farmland, in the field, on the dry land on the mountain, even in everyone's yard, as well as my imperial garden, you must also grow potatoes, you know?"

"..." Wang Xiangjin was dumbfounded when he heard this.

This posture gave him a feeling that a huge wave was rushing towards him.

Just at the beginning, so violently.Is it true that the emperor is very familiar with this potato, so he believes that this potato is worth promoting and planting in this way?
While he was still thinking about it, Emperor Chongzhen pointed to another plant and said, "It's a miracle that Qing also has this plant!"

"Your Majesty, this is the Xiyi purchased by my minister. The flowers are very beautiful! My minister..."

Before Wang Xiangjin finished speaking, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and shook his head, and then said to him: "Wang Qing, this is rapeseed, but it is only available in Xiyi, especially this variety, which has only become popular in recent years. That's why I said that it is a miracle that Qing has this rapeseed!"

According to Liu Weichao's information, this is called European rape. This variety has only been bred in these years, and it is the rapeseed with the shortest growth cycle.

At this time, in the astonishment of Wang Xiangjin, Emperor Chongzhen was explaining: "The biggest advantage of this rapeseed is not to watch it, but its seeds can be used to extract oil. With this, in addition to lard, daily There is more rapeseed oil! This is of great benefit to improving the lives of the people of Ming Dynasty..."

"..." Even if Wang Xiangjin was killed, he didn't expect that this was not used for viewing, but to use its seeds to extract oil!
He was in a daze, but Emperor Chongzhen pointed to another plant and introduced it: "This one is called peanut..."

Wang Xiangjin was completely dumbfounded when he heard Emperor Chongzhen talking there.

If there is one thing, the two plants already existed in the palace, and it happened that Emperor Chongzhen was very familiar with them. Now that he has said so much, it is still unheard of. The emperor is very familiar with the plants that he does not know the use of. It just doesn't make sense.

The only thing that can be explained is that Emperor Chongzhen is Shennong!That's why he knows so many plants like the back of his hand!

Thinking of this, Wang Xiangjin recalled the rumors he had heard during his rest last night, saying that the current emperor had received a treasure from Emperor Taizu.

If according to this statement, he got the help of Emperor Taizu, then it can be justified!

It is actually impossible for the Shennong clan, the most likely reason is the reason that sounds the least likely, that is, the emperor Taizu appeared and gave advice to the current emperor.

Now that the world is in chaos, Emperor Taizu has a spirit in the sky, and he will definitely not stand by and watch!

That is to say, it is reasonable for Emperor Taizu to appear!

Having reached this conclusion, Wang Xiangjin was suddenly full of confidence in the future.

No matter how chaotic this world is, if the Emperor Taizu appears, how can the chaos go?
One day, the imperial army sent troops to Liaodong, wiped out Jianlu, and captured Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming, two traitors who came to cut the corpses up and cut them into pieces!

Wang Xiangjin thought about it, and then he thought of Kong Youde and others who exterminated other clans.

But fortunately, he came back to his senses immediately, and quickly listened attentively to the emperor's continued explanation.


Speaking of later, Emperor Chongzhen stopped and stopped moving forward, and said to Wang Xiangjin: "The important things are very useful to the court. I have already told you about them, and I will focus on cultivating and promoting these. Among them, potatoes and sweet potatoes , is the top priority!"

"My minister complies with the decree!" Wang Xiangjin immediately agreed upon hearing this.

Thinking in my heart, when I turned around, I burned my "Quanfangpu" and wrote a new one based on the emperor's words.

Thinking of this, he hesitated for a moment, and then played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, I wonder if there is a written record, and I can give a copy to my minister?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Liu Weichao's document, of course he wanted to show it.But the key point is that the speed of copying from the mobile phone is too slow.

Or he was in a hurry, of course, he couldn't say he was in a hurry, but Wang Xiangjin's request gave him a quick idea, and he immediately thought of an idea.

So, he said to Wang Xiangjin: "Yes, there is, but it will take a few days before I can give it to Qing."

Speaking of this, before Wang Xiangjin could speak again, Emperor Chongzhen confessed again: "I will explain about potatoes and sweet potatoes inside the palace, and I will start to move immediately; outside the palace, you start with each yamen, and all yards are planted. , start promotion from here, don't delay!"

It is now April, and the potato and sweet potato should be able to catch up with the wave.

"The humble minister receives the decree!" Wang Xiangjin immediately received the decree when he heard it, and then saw Emperor Chongzhen leave, so he had no choice but to leave first.

But I still look forward to it very much. This is his job and his hobby. I just don't know when I can get such detailed plant records?
Besides, when Emperor Chongzhen walked out of the imperial garden, he summoned Empress Zhou, Concubine Tian Gui, Concubine Yuan Gui, Prince Zhu Cihong and Princess Kunxing Zhu Yuxi.

After receiving the will, his wife and children naturally did not dare to neglect, and passed immediately.

It wasn't until the past that they discovered that the emperor didn't just want to see them alone, but a group of them.

So they were very curious.

When they met Emperor Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen was reviewing memorials.

Seeing that they were all here, Emperor Chongzhen said to them, "I need you to be my helpers!"

When Queen Zhou heard this, she was very curious, what can a group of women and children help?
When she was about to ask questions, she heard Emperor Chongzhen say to the crown prince Zhu Cihong: "I put the phone aside, you are most familiar with simplified characters, read it..."

Speaking of which, he explained to several women: "You record them in order, one sentence for each person, and take turns. Don't care about simplified or traditional characters, just write according to what you know, and finally summarize and organize them into a book !"

Theoretically speaking, if one person reads and countless people record it, it means that after one person reads it, all the content can be copied out.

However, Emperor Chongzhen attached the most importance to this mobile phone.Ordinary people, it is impossible to touch the mobile phone.

Only these few women are the ones he can trust the most.The other children are too young to do this.

Therefore, for the time being, it can only be read by Zhu Cihong, Queen Zhou, Concubine Tian Gui, Concubine Yuan Gui and Aunt Zhu to record.

No matter what, this is definitely much faster than Zhu Cihong's copying alone!
In a way, this is also a humanoid printer!

Empress Zhou and the others understood what Emperor Chongzhen meant and couldn't help nodding.Among them, Zhu Cihong was the most excited, because he was finally liberated.

Otherwise, I don't know how many materials, if he is required to copy them, he will die!

I heard that private teachers would punish students for copying books, this is the most severe punishment!


On the fifteenth floor of a high-rise building in Shenzhen City, there was a woman who sat in front of the computer and listened to music with headphones on during working hours.

However, the colleagues walking around turned a blind eye to this.

"None of these works!" The girl suddenly became a little irritable, and after taking off the headset, she started searching on the computer again.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted to her: "Lichi, how is your songwriting?"

"Not yet satisfied!" The girl named Lizhi answered quickly after hearing this, and then continued to search.

After a while, Li Zhi said to himself: "Huh? It seems that someone has uploaded a new collection of ancient songs!"

Mumbling like this, she didn't have much hope, and with the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, she clicked on and listened.

She had searched too many similar ancient tunes, but she couldn't find them.Even many of the songs in the collection are me in you and you in me, wasting her time for nothing.

This time, she was just doing it a little easier, but she didn't expect that this song didn't have a soundtrack, but was sung a cappella.

Not only did the voice have nothing to say, but she had never heard the song before, so she was stunned for a moment.

 Anti-theft chapter, update the text after 10 minutes, thank you!

  In addition, thanks to the book friend Doudoubao for the idea!
(End of this chapter)

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