Chapter 149
"Lichi, if you really can't find a suitable one, then order one from someone more famous!"

Hearing the shout, Li Zhi casually replied, "Wait a minute!"

After she finished speaking, she immediately picked up the headset and listened carefully.

Her job task is to find a suitable musician, preferably one who is not well-known, and order a song for the company's song.In this way, the price can be much cheaper.

Otherwise, not to mention very famous singers, for ordinary singers who are somewhat famous, it costs about [-] to buy a song.

Only those singers who are not well-known or have just debuted, a song is about [-] yuan, which can be doubled; if the singer becomes popular in the future, he can earn more.

At this time, after Li Zhi finished listening to one song, he immediately clicked on to listen to the next one.

So much so that the colleague who shouted to her didn't hear her when she talked to her later.

After a while, suddenly, she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. When she looked up, she saw that the colleague who had called out had already walked up to her, and said to her, "The leader is urging you, or you can contact me from the existing list." For those singers, order one and forget it?"

After hearing this, Li Zhi said to him with excitement: "Come on, come and listen to the songs I found just now. How do you feel about your singing skills?"

After she finished speaking, she handed over a headset.

Hearing this tone, Li Zhi seemed to have found a better song. Thinking of this, the man immediately picked up the headset and listened.

That's it, the two of them each had a headset, and just listened like this, and unconsciously, they finished listening to all the songs in this collection of ancient songs in one breath.

Putting down the headset, the man shook his head first and said, "No, this seems to belong to a company, not an individual, and the price is definitely not cheap!"

Li Zhi heard this, but said excitedly: "No, let me ask you first, how is your singing skills?"

"There's nothing to say about your singing skills!" The man listened, nodded and admitted, "It seems that there are two people's songs in total, and the latter one sings the best. If you want me to say, just this voice, it is definitely comparable to the first-line ones." Those singers!"

At this point, he paused, and said with some regret: "The better the singing skills, the more expensive the fee must be. It's not a solo singer who just debuted!"

Hearing his confession, Lizhi still said excitedly, "Didn't you find out? These songs are all sung a cappella, and the recordings are so-so. It seems that they were not recorded in a recording studio, at least not with professional recording equipment. It shows that this is a start-up company, and it should be short of money, so the price will definitely not be high."

Seeing that her colleague didn't speak, she continued to explain her reasons: "Also, the melody of these songs is very suitable for our current project. In addition, have you noticed that this is sung in dialect! Ever since Qin Opera was on the Spring Festival Gala Afterwards, songs with dialects became more popular, and many people felt fresh after listening to them! Let me tell you, even if it is a bit more expensive to buy this kind of music, it is still worth it.”

"Well, anyway, you are in charge of this one, so you can watch it yourself!" After hearing this, the colleague must have been persuaded by her. After nodding and answering, he went back to his seat.

Li Zhi was still a little excited, and said to himself: "Want to make an app tomorrow? Let's see the next one!"

After she finished speaking, she took her mobile phone and went to the app store to search.

As a result, I really found this app.Careful, she found that this app belongs to Tomorrow Culture Co., Ltd., and the most important thing is that this app has not had many downloads.

After discovering this, she was even more excited, which showed that her judgment was correct, this is a start-up company!
While thinking this way, the app has already been downloaded tomorrow.

So, she couldn't wait to open it and read it.

"Huh?" Lizhi clicked on it and browsed for a while, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

I didn't expect that tomorrow meant the sky of the Ming Dynasty. This company specializes in the Ming Dynasty, and has divided into many sections, all of which are related to the Ming Dynasty.However, for the time being, only the Ming Dynasty Hanfu and Ming Dynasty tunes have content.

Among them, in the Ming Dynasty tunes section, there are the tunes she heard just now.

Out of curiosity, she also clicked on the Ming Dynasty Hanfu section.Unexpectedly, there are a lot of content in this forum, but non-registered users can only see thumbnails of Ming Dynasty Hanfu.

As a woman, I have a natural love for clothes.Therefore, she immediately registered an account, and after the mobile phone verification passed, she went to click on the photos of the clothes.Sure enough, it is no longer a thumbnail, and these Hanfu can be enlarged for appreciation.

"Hey, there are instructions for these clothes!" Li Zhi was a little surprised, and then looked at the introduction of the clothes while admiring the photos of the clothes.

"Lychee, is it?"

When Li Zhi heard this, she quickly said: "Don't rush, I will go to the leader to explain the situation by myself in a while!"

Afterwards, she regretted not looking at the Hanfu any more. After thinking for a while, she went to the leader's office to report the situation to her leader.

"Manager Wang, listen to these songs, I think they are very suitable for our project!"

"There is also this Tomorrow app. Take a look. As far as I am concerned, although this company is a start-up, it is very promising. It is very professional about the content of Ming Dynasty! This can be seen from these clothes... "


After a bunch of introductions, Lizhi officially made her request: "I want to get in touch with this company. If possible, I think we can cooperate, and even establish a long-term cooperative relationship!"

Manager Wang listened carefully to her introduction, and after looking at the APP, he nodded and said, "You never take kickbacks. I trust you. Just follow the scope of authority stipulated by the company. Go talk!"

When Lizhi heard this, she was very happy, and immediately agreed, and then went back to her seat.

Besides, Liu Weichao was adding various Hanfu QQ groups. Suddenly, the phone rang, and when he looked down, it was an unfamiliar landline.

This kind of phone call is presumably to sell something.He ignored it and continued to join the qq group.

Apart from Zhang Weijiang giving him an order for a Hanfu, he has nothing else to gain.Although he seemed to be full of confidence when he answered his parents yesterday, in fact, he was a little uncertain after all.

If you can add more Hanfu groups, sell Hanfu, and get orders, you will feel more at ease.

What he didn't expect was that the phone kept ringing.

In this regard, Liu Weichao frowned, and finally answered the phone: "Hello, who is it?"

A sweet female voice rang out, very sweet: "Hello, this is Shenzhen xxxx company, may I ask if the copyright of the ancient songs in your app belongs to your company?"

Liu Weichao didn't know what company the other party was. He subconsciously thought that if the other party was selling something, he would casually say that he didn't need it, and he didn't need to find out what company the other party was even if he hung up and had no contact.

But I didn't expect that when I heard the back, it was those ancient songs that asked him.

Immediately, after a moment of surprise in his heart, he was pleasantly surprised, and quickly said: "Yes, that's right, it belongs to my company."

Liu Weichao didn't expect that there was no progress on the Hanfu side, and someone came to the Quzi side.

But after being pleasantly surprised, he suddenly discovered another problem.


How to prove this copyright?Is it registered with the Copyright Office or something?What information is needed?I may not be able to provide it myself!

Thinking of this, he was a little dumbfounded again!
But fortunately, the other party did not continue to entangle with the matter of copyright, but asked Liu Weichao: "I wonder if your company provides music creation business?"

Obviously, the other party had no doubts.

This is actually easy to understand. In the middle of those songs, the singers will say a commercial line, so they must have left!
When Liu Weichao heard it, he quickly replied: "Yes, you can customize Ming Dynasty-style music, clothes, etc., it's all possible, there is no problem!"

For him, these are the most trouble-free.You only need to tell Emperor Chongzhen the request, and he doesn't have to do anything himself.

"What's the number of your fax machine? I need to create an ancient song in a specific direction. I'll send the request to your company to see if it's possible. By the way, give me a price so that our company can evaluate whether it's suitable. If you can, I will give you a deposit!"

"..." Liu Weichao was dumbfounded when he heard it.

He never thought about the fax machine at all, where would it be!
It seems that the preparation for starting a business is still insufficient!
At this moment, he could only tell the truth: "I don't have a fax machine here yet!"

When Lizhi heard it, he knew it even more. This must be a start-up company.In this way, the price will definitely be lower.

Thinking of this, she asked Liu Weichao again: "Why don't we add WeChat to each other, and I will send it to you through WeChat!"

Liu Weichao listened, of course there was no problem, and quickly added WeChat to each other.

Soon afterwards, he received a photo of an ancient song creation request.

It came from a document with a company seal, which looked very formal.

He was still watching, and the message was sent again.

"If your company's songs can meet the requirements, there are still many customized songs for scenes in the future, and you can place orders directly with your company. Maybe there will be opportunities for continued cooperation in the future."

"I wonder how long it takes your company to create a song?"

Looking at this answer, Liu Weichao felt a little uncertain.

He wanted to talk better and be taller, but he didn't know anything about it.In the end, he decided to tell the truth: "Thanks for your patronage, you are the first customer, so I will try my best to perfect this first song, it may take a long time!"

When Lizhi heard it, she became more confident, so she said to Liu Weichao: "Why don't we give you a deposit of [-] first, and then look at the quality of the song and the time required for creation. We will evaluate the final result at that time. The price, do you think this is okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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