Chapter 150
1000 yuan?

When Liu Weichao heard this, he was overjoyed, and the deposit was only one thousand!

So, he quickly agreed: "Okay, let's do this!"

"Then please give me the company account number and the deposit receipt. You can take a photo and send it over!"

"..." Liu Weichao nodded when he heard it.

At this time, he understood that starting a business is not just a matter of touching the upper and lower lips.

After thinking for a while, Liu Weichao had no choice but to answer: "I'm sorry, the company has just been established, and many of them are not ready yet, and the company account is not yet available!"

"That's it, why don't you take a photo of the business license and come over here. After I verify it, I will give you the money through WeChat first. Do you think this is okay?"

Liu Weichao, who thought the deal was going to be fake, saw it now, and couldn't help but be delighted, and quickly replied: "Okay, just wait a moment!"

Unknowingly, he used the honorific title.

Afterwards, Liu Weichao immediately found out the company license he had set up before, took a picture, and when he was about to write the receipt by hand, he suddenly realized that he didn't know the company's name.

So, instead of rushing to send a photo of the company license, he asked, "Sorry, I didn't catch the name of your company just now, can you send it again?"

"Shenzhen Lechuang Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd!"

Following this message, and the company's introduction, it almost followed the company name.

Liu Weichao looked at it, but did not reply immediately, but searched online first, and found that it was similar to the message he received in WeChat.

In this way, it can be regarded as a preliminary check.

So, he sent the photo of the company license first.

Then the receipt is written, stamped with the company seal that has already been engraved, and photographed, but it is not issued, so I just wait.

After a while, a pleasing red color appeared in WeChat.

A transfer came over, the amount was 1000 yuan, and there was a note, it was a deposit for the creation of an ancient song.

When Liu Weichao saw it, he was very happy, so he clicked to collect the money, and then sent a photo of the receipt.

After a while, Liu Weichao received six words: "I wish you a happy cooperation!"

Seeing this, he also replied four words: "Happy cooperation!"

Later, Liu Weichao was not in a hurry to find Emperor Chongzhen, but first browsed the circle of friends of this girl named Lizhi, and found that it was all about some companies.

It can be seen from it that this company is serving those film and television companies.For example, the ancient song this time is needed for the plot of a costume TV series.

After getting the idea, Liu Weichao forwarded the ancient song request to Emperor Chongzhen, and at the same time left a message: "I just received a new order, and I need to compose a song according to this request. The other party gave a deposit of [-] yuan. If the creation is good and the time required is short, it will be more beneficial to negotiate the final price with the other party. Take a look, when will you be able to present this song?"

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was discussing affairs in the Wenhua Palace, and the cabinet and six ministers were present to discuss Wang Xiangjin's memorial to promote potatoes and sweet potatoes.

All of a sudden, the phone made a sound, and Emperor Chongzhen didn't say anything else, just looked at the contents of the phone first.

After seeing this, I found out that Liu Weichao's entrepreneurship-related content needed his cooperation.So, without further ado, he said to his subordinates: "Your Majesty, please discuss the matter first, I have something to leave for a while!"

After finishing speaking, these courtiers reluctantly sent him off, turned to the apse, and hurried to find Concubine Tian Gui.

Because Liu Weichao told him that the shorter the time to create a song, the higher the price may be.

Emperor Chongzhen very much hoped that Liu Weichao would be rich. It would be best if he had enough money without doing anything, so he could devote all his energy to helping him rejuvenate Daming!
Soon, Concubine Tian Gui got the request for the ancient song, upon seeing it, she immediately smiled and said: "Your Majesty, this is easy, isn't it just singing on the pipa, I have ready-made ones here!"

After finishing speaking, she asked the maid to bring her pipa, and played and sang a song on the spot.

Afterwards, Concubine Tian Gui smiled and asked, "How is it, Your Majesty?"

Emperor Chongzhen recalled the request sent by Liu Weichao, nodded with a smile and said, "I think it's very good!"

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone and signaled Concubine Tian Gui to come again, and after the recording was finished, he passed it along with the music score to Liu Weichao.

Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen drove to the Wenhua Palace, ready to continue the discussion.

Liu Weichao's request is trivial, no, it will be settled in one go.

Unexpectedly, before he arrived at the Wenhua Palace, there was a movement on the phone again. When he opened it, Liu Weichao said to him: "This is a song sold to others, there can't be that advertisement in it!"

He didn't say it before, and Emperor Chongzhen didn't think too much about it. Concubine Tian Guifei sang the same song as before. Halfway through the song, she added commercials.

Emperor Chongzhen was speechless after watching it, so he had to go back, recorded it again, and sent it to Liu Weichao.

This time, instead of going to the Wenhua Palace first, he directly voiced to Liu Weichao: "Take a look first, if there is no problem with the song, I will go to the Wenhua Palace to discuss matters!"

Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard his voice.

Suddenly, he felt that when he was discussing business with that lychee, he was too low-handed!
You know, this is a song that was obtained by ordering the majestic Emperor Ming, and from the sound, it should be Tian Guifei's song!

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao felt that he had to review himself.

So, he listened to it quickly, this time, he didn't feel that he had to rework, so he quickly called Emperor Chongzhen and asked him to go to the meeting as soon as possible.

Really, if this song is sold at a low price, it will be too sorry for Emperor Chongzhen.

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao went to search the Internet for similar prices.As a result, he was dumbfounded.

In his impression, this kind of customized songs are counted according to working days.If one song can be created in three working days, then the daily salary is a little higher, [-] is fine, and three working days is [-].

Unexpectedly, this kind of customized song actually starts with a unit of ten thousand.

Of course, there are also prices mentioned in individual posts, only a few hundred.

This post was directly ignored by him.

The price is directly proportional to the quality. Can the quality of products produced by Tian Guifei be worse?

After getting the idea in his mind, Liu Weichao was about to contact that Lizhi, but suddenly, he felt that it was too fast.

It was done in an hour, which is exaggerated!
Thinking about it this way, Liu Weichao decided not to send it yet, and had to complete all the company procedures.


Besides, on Emperor Chongzhen's side, after returning to the Wenhua Palace, the discussion continued.

The main issue is that there are not enough seedlings for the two key crops, potatoes and sweet potatoes.According to Wang Xiangjin's suggestion, the existing potato seedlings should be intensively cultivated for the time being, and then gradually promoted after harvest and when there are more potatoes.

On the contrary, sweet potatoes have been widely planted in Fujian, Guangdong, and even Zhejiang, so they can be planted on a large scale relying on the southern provinces.

Anyway, sweet potatoes don't necessarily need sweet potato pieces to germinate, but the method of cutting stems.

In this way, there are conditions for large-scale promotion.

It can be promoted along the canal first, all the way to the north.As for the provinces where banditry is very serious, such as Henan and Huguang, they are temporarily exempted.

Otherwise, it is to send food to the thieves!
Emperor Chongzhen basically agreed with the results of this meeting.

However, apart from this, he also told Wang Xiangjin: "As for the selection of the best of these crop varieties, you should also pay attention from the moment. It is best to have a higher yield and a better taste every year!"

The responsibility of Wang Xiangjin, Emperor Chongzhen has already made it clear, is to be in charge of farming.In addition to promoting high-yielding crops, he also explained that he wanted to cultivate fine varieties.

At this moment, upon hearing Emperor Chongzhen's words, Wang Xiangjin hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, can you grant the Emperor Taizu Gao..."

When he said this, he suddenly felt that his words were a bit inappropriate, but he had already said it, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to say: "...that treasure book given?"

Hearing his words, many other courtiers couldn't help being surprised.

It has always been a rumor before, but now that Wang Xiangjin said so, he must have seen it before, is it true?

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen knew what Wang Xiangjin wanted. Seeing the faces of his courtiers, he deliberately said, "It's such a light thing to reveal the secrets of heaven? It will take a few more days, and I will give it to you when I turn around!"

He didn't think it was wrong to say this.

Liu Weichao's documents are a secret to this world!

It is not an easy task to transcribe it from a mobile phone and then convert it into the text and writing format used in this era!

This time, the discussion in the Wenhua Palace is over.

When Emperor Chongzhen went back to review the memorials, the mobile phone was naturally read by the prince Zhu Cihong, and other female recorders recorded.

This has nothing to do with Wang Xiangjin, but that there are too many materials in the phone, and they must be copied out as soon as possible, so that it is convenient to continue to ask Liu Weichao for materials.


After finally waiting until the evening, Liu Weichao saw that the company was about to leave work, so he contacted Lizhi on WeChat: "Hello, Guqu is ready."

"Ah, so fast?" Lizhi couldn't help being very surprised when she received the news, and then she became a little worried about the quality of the ancient music.

In the past, the reason why she directly gave a deposit of [-] yuan was because she felt very good after listening to those ancient songs, so she had a sense of trust.

However, no matter how capable a person is, if he wants to compose a song with high quality, then it can be said that it can be created after it is created?
It’s good so soon, so there should be only one reason: it’s for money, not for quality!
Thinking of it this way, Lizhi felt a little regretful. It seems that start-up companies are a little short-sighted in order to make money.I don't know that the work is not good, and if the word of mouth is not good, it will lose future cooperation opportunities!

Thinking of this, she clicked on the audio file sent by Liu Weichao and listened.

 Going to the hospital for a physical examination today may affect the update, but the two are guaranteed
(End of this chapter)

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